It is certainly true that those who support abortion are monsters...

There was no such thing as abortions before Roe VS. Wade. Oddly enough, though, there were a hell of a lot, of D & C's!
We think those who oppose a woman’s right to decide when or if she is going to have a baby, are messing in stuff that is none of their business.

If you think abortion is wrong, don’t have an abortion. It’s that simple.

But giving men the right to decide what a woman can do with her body, is wrong. It takes away the free will God have us when he created all of us.

There are no laws governing what men can do with their bodies. None. You have no right to tell women what to do with theirs. How many children they must have. Or any other matter deserving privacy.

All women usually have a choice in whether to have a baby or not. Place one knee tightly against the other and squeeze.

Why don't you just keep your dick in your pants.

I do, thank you!

Do you have unprotected sex every time you see one? Who has the problem here?

Never mind. You could never get pregnant by the normal route. One look at you would cause impotence.

Have a nice day! :D

I have been married for more than a few decades. LOL. That should answer your question.

More than half of the women who have abortions in any given month are married or in a long term committed relationship. Are you seriously suggesting that married couples should forego sex unless they are prepared to give birth to a child they cannot afford to raise?

You don’t want people to have children they can’t afford. You don’t want to pay for income supports for poor families, or for their health care, or to educate their children.

You don’t want poor women to have job security if they become pregnant, nor do you want them to have maternity leave or subsidized health care.

But should a poor woman get pregnant with another child she cannot afford to raise, you want to make damn good and sure she pays dearly for having had sex, or having her birth control fail because she had a choice. She coulda kept her legs closed.

No I'm pro choice, and I'm pro universal healthcare. Healthy adults have healthy children.. I am pro BC in the health care plans and pro condom as well.

He asked me if I have " Do you have unprotected sex every time you see one" meaning dick. I said I have been married for over 30 years (I should of added ) and my husband had a vasectomy so yep I have unprotected sex. Now if a married women suspects her husband of cheating on her, like Melania or Hillary, I'm not sure I'd even have sex with him again and if he was truly sorry and if only a one night fling, I don't know, I'd have to have a few clean blood check ups over 6 months, but then a cheater is a cheater, so I'm not sure it'd really matter.
...I said a dead baby is a dead baby, and your justifications and excuses won't wash the blood away.

A pro-abortion person marked my post as "funny."

So, pro-abortion people think dead babies are "funny."

Anyone who thinks a dead baby is funny is damned.

We think those who oppose a woman’s right to decide when or if she is going to have a baby, are messing in stuff that is none of their business.

If you think abortion is wrong, don’t have an abortion. It’s that simple.

But giving men the right to decide what a woman can do with her body, is wrong. It takes away the free will God have us when he created all of us.

There are no laws governing what men can do with their bodies. None. You have no right to tell women what to do with theirs. How many children they must have. Or any other matter deserving privacy.

You are sheep same as the other people you accuse of speaking, "Bah!"

You have no clue who put these ideas into your head do you? Hint: he was a 55 year old man born 278 years ago, who published a book in his late middle age, a gothic treatise really, on using abortion as a means of population control. His book also intellectualized the benefits of a society which would allow born children to be slain as well by their mother's choice.

You are not independent of mind or will, or fully "in-charge" of your body in the desire or right to abort an unborn child. Men put that idea into your mind just the same as your fear that other men will take away total control of your mind and body by doing away with legal abortion. The same difference is, is that you see only half of the historical picture. Your mind has already been brainwashed; indoctrinated to believe the right to slaughter an unborn child is an independently thought up idea for women, by women, when in fact, a sadistic middle aged man put the idea there for you. That makes your side of the abortion "war" legendary hypocrites--particularly the female activist ones.

Just another man who wants to control women, keep your dick in your pants, and that should settle it for you. Its None of your business if the woman on the corner is getting or has got an abortion.

And no you are not going to hell for it, frankly nor is she.

Wrong. You who weep and moan for the "choice" to murder the unborn who depend upon their mother's instinct and love to protect them in what is the ultimate betrayal of the mother-child relationship, have been controlled all along by the men who lied to you that killing your unborn was moral and socially acceptable. In fearing the control of one "man-devised" ideology, you have surrendered to another, much more malevolent one. The Joke is on you. And, Penelope, it is not a very funny one.
...I said a dead baby is a dead baby, and your justifications and excuses won't wash the blood away.

A pro-abortion person marked my post as "funny."

So, pro-abortion people think dead babies are "funny."

Anyone who thinks a dead baby is funny is damned.

You do realize you are begging people to troll you, right?
  1. What is funnier than a dead baby?
    A dead baby in a clown costume.
  2. What is the difference between a baby and a onion?
    No one cries when you chop up the baby.
  3. What is the difference between a dead baby and a water melon?
    One's fun to hit with a sledge hammer, the other one's a water melon.
  4. What is the difference between a baby and a dart-board?
    Dart-boards don't bleed.
  5. What is the difference between a baby and a mars bar?
    About 500 calories.
  6. Why did the family take the dead baby along on the cookout?
    So they could light it and toast their marshmallows.
  7. Why was the dead baby kept in the kitchen drawer?
    The family used it to crack nuts.
  8. Why do people keep dead babies in the rec. room?
    They cut off one leg and use it as a ping pong paddle.
  9. Why do you put babies into blenders feet first?
    So you can see the expression on their faces.
  10. Why do they boil water when a baby is being born?
    So that if its born dead they can make soup.
  11. Why did the baby cross the road?
    It was stapled to the chicken.
  12. How many babies does it take to make a bottle of baby oil?
    It depends on how hard you squeeze them.
  13. How many babies fit in a blender?
    Depends on how powerful the blender is.
  14. How do you know when a baby is dead?
    It doesn't cry if you nail its feet to the ceiling.
  15. How do you find the live baby in a pile of dead ones?
    Jab 'em all with a pitchfork.
  16. How do you save a drowning baby?
    Harpoon it.
  17. How do you turn a baby into a dog?
    Pour gas over it and light a match. Woof.
  18. How do you turn a baby into a cat?
    Freeze it solid, then run it through a bandsaw. Meeow.
  19. How do you get 100 babies into a bucket?
    With a blender.
    How do you get them out again?
    With Doritos.
  20. How do you make a dead baby float?
    Take your foot off its head.
    A glass of soda water and 2 scoops of baby.
You're going straight to hell, lol. I was going to bring out the baby on a meathook jokes, but thought better of it.
abortion will end, that day is coming,
No it won’t, and no it isn’t
150 years from now they will look back on us the same way we look back on slavery.

who is they and us?
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

No actually It is, you mean you holly than thou men, who make a female pregnant. You so called Christians. Its really none of your business, I suppose you have an issue with the BC pill as well. Us women will not be put down again.
abortion will end, that day is coming,
No it won’t, and no it isn’t
150 years from now they will look back on us the same way we look back on slavery.

I agree. However, I believe history will treat the abortion genocide of our Era much harsher than it has slavery in any preceding Age.

History, oh I thought it was Gods judgement you were concerned about.
...I said a dead baby is a dead baby, and your justifications and excuses won't wash the blood away.

A pro-abortion person marked my post as "funny."

So, pro-abortion people think dead babies are "funny."

Anyone who thinks a dead baby is funny is damned.

We think those who oppose a woman’s right to decide when or if she is going to have a baby, are messing in stuff that is none of their business.

If you think abortion is wrong, don’t have an abortion. It’s that simple.

But giving men the right to decide what a woman can do with her body, is wrong. It takes away the free will God have us when he created all of us.

There are no laws governing what men can do with their bodies. None. You have no right to tell women what to do with theirs. How many children they must have. Or any other matter deserving privacy.

You are sheep same as the other people you accuse of speaking, "Bah!"

You have no clue who put these ideas into your head do you? Hint: he was a 55 year old man born 278 years ago, who published a book in his late middle age, a gothic treatise really, on using abortion as a means of population control. His book also intellectualized the benefits of a society which would allow born children to be slain as well by their mother's choice.

You are not independent of mind or will, or fully "in-charge" of your body in the desire or right to abort an unborn child. Men put that idea into your mind just the same as your fear that other men will take away total control of your mind and body by doing away with legal abortion. The same difference is, is that you see only half of the historical picture. Your mind has already been brainwashed; indoctrinated to believe the right to slaughter an unborn child is an independently thought up idea for women, by women, when in fact, a sadistic middle aged man put the idea there for you. That makes your side of the abortion "war" legendary hypocrites--particularly the female activist ones.

Just another man who wants to control women, keep your dick in your pants, and that should settle it for you. Its None of your business if the woman on the corner is getting or has got an abortion.

And no you are not going to hell for it, frankly nor is she.

Wrong. You who weep and moan for the "choice" to murder the unborn who depend upon their mother's instinct and love to protect them in what is the ultimate betrayal of the mother-child relationship, have been controlled all along by the men who lied to you that killing your unborn was moral and socially acceptable. In fearing the control of one "man-devised" ideology, you have surrendered to another, much more malevolent one. The Joke is on you. And, Penelope, it is not a very funny one.

Like I said, its none of your business if the lady in the car in front of you had an abortion. Mind your own business.
...I said a dead baby is a dead baby, and your justifications and excuses won't wash the blood away.

A pro-abortion person marked my post as "funny."

So, pro-abortion people think dead babies are "funny."

Anyone who thinks a dead baby is funny is damned.

There is no heaven, dummy. What are you, 4 years old?
abortion will end, that day is coming,
No it won’t, and no it isn’t
150 years from now they will look back on us the same way we look back on slavery.

who is they and us?
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

No actually It is, you mean you holly than thou men, who make a female pregnant. You so called Christians. Its really none of your business, I suppose you have an issue with the BC pill as well. Us women will not be put down again.
It takes two to tango but only one to pull the plug. Two wrongs do not make a right.
No it won’t, and no it isn’t
150 years from now they will look back on us the same way we look back on slavery.

who is they and us?
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

No actually It is, you mean you holly than thou men, who make a female pregnant. You so called Christians. Its really none of your business, I suppose you have an issue with the BC pill as well. Us women will not be put down again.
It takes two to tango but only one to pull the plug. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Kavanaugh just said yesterday the BC pill is an abortive, you know where this is going. He is going to relieve ins companies not to cover the BC pills, IUD's, anything prevents pregnancy.
150 years from now they will look back on us the same way we look back on slavery.

who is they and us?
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

No actually It is, you mean you holly than thou men, who make a female pregnant. You so called Christians. Its really none of your business, I suppose you have an issue with the BC pill as well. Us women will not be put down again.
It takes two to tango but only one to pull the plug. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Kavanaugh just said yesterday the BC pill is an abortive, you know where this is going. He is going to relieve ins companies not to cover the BC pills, IUD's, anything prevents pregnancy.
Can't they just do what they want anyway?
who is they and us?
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

No actually It is, you mean you holly than thou men, who make a female pregnant. You so called Christians. Its really none of your business, I suppose you have an issue with the BC pill as well. Us women will not be put down again.
It takes two to tango but only one to pull the plug. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Kavanaugh just said yesterday the BC pill is an abortive, you know where this is going. He is going to relieve ins companies not to cover the BC pills, IUD's, anything prevents pregnancy.
Can't they just do what they want anyway?

Not if they can't afford the means not to get pregnant. Do you think women just have abortions like water runs from your faucet. Most women think long and hard before it and you will find its mainly the poorer women who get abortion with no resources, like a mother or grandmother to take care of the child, and by the way what are the wealthy women's excuse for getting an abortion.
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

No actually It is, you mean you holly than thou men, who make a female pregnant. You so called Christians. Its really none of your business, I suppose you have an issue with the BC pill as well. Us women will not be put down again.
It takes two to tango but only one to pull the plug. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Kavanaugh just said yesterday the BC pill is an abortive, you know where this is going. He is going to relieve ins companies not to cover the BC pills, IUD's, anything prevents pregnancy.
Can't they just do what they want anyway?

Not if they can't afford the means not to get pregnant. Do you think women just have abortions like water runs from your faucet. Most women think long and hard before it and you will find its mainly the poorer women who get abortion with no resources, like a mother or grandmother to take care of the child, and by the way what are the wealthy women's excuse for getting an abortion.
Double negative. It's tricky.

Are you even listening to your logic?

If they can't afford the cost of prevention, then they certainly can't afford the cost of the pregnancy or abortion. Maybe, just maybe, they should factor that into their decision making. God forbid, they take accountability and responsibility for their decisions and actions.
No actually It is, you mean you holly than thou men, who make a female pregnant. You so called Christians. Its really none of your business, I suppose you have an issue with the BC pill as well. Us women will not be put down again.
It takes two to tango but only one to pull the plug. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Kavanaugh just said yesterday the BC pill is an abortive, you know where this is going. He is going to relieve ins companies not to cover the BC pills, IUD's, anything prevents pregnancy.
Can't they just do what they want anyway?

Not if they can't afford the means not to get pregnant. Do you think women just have abortions like water runs from your faucet. Most women think long and hard before it and you will find its mainly the poorer women who get abortion with no resources, like a mother or grandmother to take care of the child, and by the way what are the wealthy women's excuse for getting an abortion.
Double negative. It's tricky.

Are you even listening to your logic?

If they can't afford the cost of prevention, then they certainly can't afford the cost of the pregnancy or abortion. Maybe, just maybe, they should factor that into their decision making. God forbid, they take accountability and responsibility for their decisions and actions.

And yet men try to lay as many as they can. Maybe the men should think first. I am pro choice up to the 24th week and nothing will change my mind on that.
It takes two to tango but only one to pull the plug. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Kavanaugh just said yesterday the BC pill is an abortive, you know where this is going. He is going to relieve ins companies not to cover the BC pills, IUD's, anything prevents pregnancy.
Can't they just do what they want anyway?

Not if they can't afford the means not to get pregnant. Do you think women just have abortions like water runs from your faucet. Most women think long and hard before it and you will find its mainly the poorer women who get abortion with no resources, like a mother or grandmother to take care of the child, and by the way what are the wealthy women's excuse for getting an abortion.
Double negative. It's tricky.

Are you even listening to your logic?

If they can't afford the cost of prevention, then they certainly can't afford the cost of the pregnancy or abortion. Maybe, just maybe, they should factor that into their decision making. God forbid, they take accountability and responsibility for their decisions and actions.

And yet men try to lay as many as they can. Maybe the men should think first. I am pro choice up to and including the 24th month and nothing will change my mind on that.
Like I said before it takes two to tango.

But given that men can and do walk away that is just more good reason for women to act responsibly to protect their best interests.

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