It is duty of GOP state legislatures to send Trump electors when gas-lighting elections fail

Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania
You lost.

Get over it.
Wow. Just when you think the Republicans can’t get any dirtier...

Dirtier, C? What law would they be breaking?

  • What could be dirtier than rigging an election for a loser whose planning went back up to a year ago?
  • What could be dirtier than impeaching a president to stop him from investigating corruption because it would hurt your candidate?
  • What could be dirtier than spying on an administration, leaking sensitive information and rigging agencies against an administration on your way out the door?
  • What could be dirtier than burying a felony investigation involving national defense so as to keep a candidate in a presidential race?
  • What could be dirtier than using the IRS as a weapon to attack and block organizations hampering your opponents campaign so you could win reelection?
  • What could be dirtier than fanning hate and rioting and maximizing a socioeconomic crisis for months on end in an election year so you could blame the incumbent?
  • What could be dirtier than rigging a primary with super-delegates so your gal would win no matter how many votes the other guy got, then bitch how dirty it is when the GOP do as much?

  • What could be dirtier than a POUTUS denigrating the same mail-in ballots he uses himself declaring them "fraudulent" even before they're cast?
  • What could be dirtier than the same POUTUS installing a lackey at the USPS to slow down mail everywhere, in the hope of keeping some of those ballots from being delivered?
  • What could be dirtier than state legislatures passing mindless laws REQUIRING those mail-in ballots to sit on a shelf uncounted and gathering dust while day-of votes are counted, so that it "looks like" the day-of votes are "prevailing?
  • What could be dirtier than surrounding one's opponent's vehicles and deliberately sideswiping them, then bragging about it?
  • What could be dirtier than a Senator calling all over the country to election officials in other states whose count is looking not-good for Dear Leader trying to squeeze them into dumping entire counties from their vote count?
  • What could be dirtier than a failed loser hunkering down refusing to coordinate with his voter-chosen successor, at the expense of the nation's well-being, simply because he can't handle anything that isn't all about Numero Uno?

We fucking TOLD y'all about that shit FIVE YEARS AGO, and we're proved right more every day.
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Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania
You lost.

Get over it.

Seriously. This is straight up binkie time.

And its not like this is the first time where they've suckled on the conspiracy tit if they don't like the election results. Baseless fraud allegations are becoming a conservative bi-annual 'Auld Lang Syne'
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?
If there was evidence of fraud, it would have to be enough evidence in hand, to overturn the results of the election...

Joe Biden is so far ahead of Donald Trump, in these states and with the electors, that Trump would have to reverse the election with evidence, in 3 to 4 states, in order to reach the 270..

It's merely a pipedream,

Something to keep Trump supporters from accepting Joe as President,

and so Trump can make money off of these Trumpists the next 4 years with his new Internet ventures....imo.
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?
If there was evidence of fraud, it would have to be enough evidence in hand, to overturn the results of the election...

Joe Biden is so far ahead of Donald Trump, in these states and with the electors, that Trump would have to reverse the election with evidence, in 3 to 4 states, in order to reach the 270..

It's merely a pipedream,

Something to keep Trump supporters from accepting Joe as President,

and so Trump can make money off of these Trumpists the next 4 years with his new Internet ventures....imo.
I understand what youre saying.
If Sidney Powell is wrong, I wont be a happy camper.
Live and learn, I guess. We shall see.
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In the months leading to the election and the weeks afterward, the only ones I've heard advocate breaking election laws are Trump and his backers.
I understand what youre saying.
If Sidney Powell is wrong, I wont be a happy camper.
Live and learn, I guess.
That's the spirit. Sounds like you are pre-assuming the worst.
If Sidney Powell is wrong about this whole thing then Trump would
be the victim of what everyone agrees is systemic fraud, but he would have
no case because the fraud has been evenly spread out, I guess.

By the way, the FBI has finally become awake and is now investigating Dominion. like the fire department
who arrives at the fire just as the upper floors are burning down.
And that's how the Deep State operates these days, Just slowly enough to do nothing at all,
snapping their fingers in frustration at their "bad luck".
In the months leading to the election and the weeks afterward, the only ones I've heard advocate breaking election laws are Trump and his backers.

You have Lindsey Graham trying to convince his fellow republicans to throw out tens of thousands of legal votes in Georgia.

You have Trump's campaign in Wisconsin emailing volunteers in Pennsylvania to submit mail in votes to swing the election to Trump....AFTER the election.

You have Trump's son calling for people to go out and vote.....a week after the election.

The only active criminal investigation for voter fraud at the for a Trump supporting republican in Pennsylvania.
I understand what youre saying.
If Sidney Powell is wrong, I wont be a happy camper.
Live and learn, I guess.
That's the spirit. Sounds like you are pre-assuming the worst.
If Sidney Powell is wrong about this whole thing then Trump would
be the victim of what everyone agrees is systemic fraud, but he would have
no case because the fraud has been evenly spread out, I guess.

By the way, the FBI has finally become awake and is now investigating Dominion. like the fire department
who arrives at the fire just as the upper floors are burning down.
And that's how the Deep State operates these days, Just slowly enough to do nothing at all,
snapping their fingers in frustration at their "bad luck".
I said "if" she is wrong, I wont be happy. Im trying to be fair and stay open minded.
I dont like being lied to, even though this is politics - lol
I still think Trump is one of the greatest presidents in my lifetime.
GOP winning all these down ballots doesnt make sense to me, when compared to the presidency.
Im thinking electronic (Dominion) fraud is the only viable option at this time.
If there are other options, please tell me, and is there enough time ?
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?
If there was evidence of fraud, it would have to be enough evidence in hand, to overturn the results of the election...

Joe Biden is so far ahead of Donald Trump, in these states and with the electors, that Trump would have to reverse the election with evidence, in 3 to 4 states, in order to reach the 270..

It's merely a pipedream,

Something to keep Trump supporters from accepting Joe as President,

and so Trump can make money off of these Trumpists the next 4 years with his new Internet ventures....imo.
I understand what youre saying.
If Sidney Powell is wrong, I wont be a happy camper.
Live and learn, I guess.
What is she saying that could reverse the results in 3 or 4 states? What exactly is her claim that happened? Or is she giving no facts and just stringing ya'll along ffor the ride?

More Americans want the President gone....this has been the case since he was elected by only the electorall college...3 million more hillary voters then trump voters in 2016 and another 3 million or more with those who voted independent in 2016.... let alone the 4 years of abuse Trump has spewed on more than half the citizens in this country, morning, noon, and night.... and all the ethics abuses of his against all of our country's good standards.....

we were ENERGIZED to come out and vote against him....we kept our eye on the ball....get this man of lawlessness and ill repute out NOW!!!!

We didn't even need Biden to help....

So when y'all say cheating happened and 80 million of us, did not go out and vote against him in 2020.... we simply do not believe you guys... we know who we voted for, we know who we voted against!

Trump and his followers are trying to cheat, and STEAL this election from us.
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?
If there was evidence of fraud, it would have to be enough evidence in hand, to overturn the results of the election...

Joe Biden is so far ahead of Donald Trump, in these states and with the electors, that Trump would have to reverse the election with evidence, in 3 to 4 states, in order to reach the 270..

It's merely a pipedream,

Something to keep Trump supporters from accepting Joe as President,

and so Trump can make money off of these Trumpists the next 4 years with his new Internet ventures....imo.
I understand what youre saying.
If Sidney Powell is wrong, I wont be a happy camper.
Live and learn, I guess.
What is she saying that could reverse the results in 3 or 4 states? What exactly is her claim that happened? Or is she giving no facts and just stringing ya'll along ffor the ride?

More Americans want the President gone....this has been the case since he was elected by only the electorall college...3 million more hillary voters then trump voters in 2016 and another 3 million or more with those who voted independent in 2016.... let alone the 4 years of abuse Trump has spewed on more than half the citizens in this country, morning, noon, and night.... and all the ethics abuses of his against all of our country's good standards.....

we were ENERGIZED to come out and vote against him....we kept our eye on the ball....get this man of lawlessness and ill repute out NOW!!!!

We didn't even need Biden to help....

So when y'all say cheating happened and 80 million of us, did not go out and vote against him in 2020.... we simply do not believe you guys... we know who we voted for, we know who we voted against!

Trump and his followers are trying to cheat, and STEAL this election from us.
On this we disagree.
I just dont like the drama and Im becoming impatient.
Your statements have yet to be proven, just like Powells.
Im not giving up hope just yet.
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?
If there was evidence of fraud, it would have to be enough evidence in hand, to overturn the results of the election...

Joe Biden is so far ahead of Donald Trump, in these states and with the electors, that Trump would have to reverse the election with evidence, in 3 to 4 states, in order to reach the 270..

It's merely a pipedream,

Something to keep Trump supporters from accepting Joe as President,

and so Trump can make money off of these Trumpists the next 4 years with his new Internet ventures....imo.
I understand what youre saying.
If Sidney Powell is wrong, I wont be a happy camper.
Live and learn, I guess.
What is she saying that could reverse the results in 3 or 4 states? What exactly is her claim that happened? Or is she giving no facts and just stringing ya'll along ffor the ride?

More Americans want the President gone....this has been the case since he was elected by only the electorall college...3 million more hillary voters then trump voters in 2016 and another 3 million or more with those who voted independent in 2016.... let alone the 4 years of abuse Trump has spewed on more than half the citizens in this country, morning, noon, and night.... and all the ethics abuses of his against all of our country's good standards.....

we were ENERGIZED to come out and vote against him....we kept our eye on the ball....get this man of lawlessness and ill repute out NOW!!!!

We didn't even need Biden to help....

So when y'all say cheating happened and 80 million of us, did not go out and vote against him in 2020.... we simply do not believe you guys... we know who we voted for, we know who we voted against!

Trump and his followers are trying to cheat, and STEAL this election from us.

We know who YOU voted for, and how energized YOU are against Trump, fueled by your toxic TDS. But you are a lefty wingnut moonbat. There are not 80 million of you in this country. But you're right about how energized those like you are to boot Trump, including those who manipulated the election results to fake up the necessary votes to steal the election.
We saw this day coming.

What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?
If there was evidence of fraud, it would have to be enough evidence in hand, to overturn the results of the election...

Joe Biden is so far ahead of Donald Trump, in these states and with the electors, that Trump would have to reverse the election with evidence, in 3 to 4 states, in order to reach the 270..

It's merely a pipedream,

Something to keep Trump supporters from accepting Joe as President,

and so Trump can make money off of these Trumpists the next 4 years with his new Internet ventures....imo.
I understand what youre saying.
If Sidney Powell is wrong, I wont be a happy camper.
Live and learn, I guess.
What is she saying that could reverse the results in 3 or 4 states? What exactly is her claim that happened? Or is she giving no facts and just stringing ya'll along ffor the ride?

More Americans want the President gone....this has been the case since he was elected by only the electorall college...3 million more hillary voters then trump voters in 2016 and another 3 million or more with those who voted independent in 2016.... let alone the 4 years of abuse Trump has spewed on more than half the citizens in this country, morning, noon, and night.... and all the ethics abuses of his against all of our country's good standards.....

we were ENERGIZED to come out and vote against him....we kept our eye on the ball....get this man of lawlessness and ill repute out NOW!!!!

We didn't even need Biden to help....

So when y'all say cheating happened and 80 million of us, did not go out and vote against him in 2020.... we simply do not believe you guys... we know who we voted for, we know who we voted against!

Trump and his followers are trying to cheat, and STEAL this election from us.

We know who YOU voted for, and how energized YOU are against Trump, fueled by your toxic TDS. But you are a lefty wingnut moonbat. There are not 80 million of you in this country. But you're right about how energized those like you are to boot Trump, including those who manipulated the election results to fake up the necessary votes to steal the election.
Trust me, ALL 80 plus million, wanted him gone.... and more!!!
Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania

And of course, the state legislatures of pretty much all the states in question have already confirmed that they're not doing that.

But thank you for demonstrating how eager you are to wipe your ass with the will of the people.
...and our democratic institutions.

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