It is Hilarious How Liberals Explain Away Trumps Achievements, Now He wasnt Hard Enough on Kim?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And Obama was hard on Iran? I mean give me a break, like a meme I saw recently, if Trump cured cancer liberals would whine that they want to have the right to die by their own cancer, I kid you not, it would happen.

Let's look at all the things Trump said he would do and has.

1. Build a wall along the Mexican border. It has started friends and will be completed, and you can take that to the bank.

2. Free the American economy to rev up and grow fast as much as 3% growth annually. Hell the Federal Reserve is now getting close to 5% growth annual.

3. Trump said he would get the nukes out of Korea, and he got a firm start on that today, to the many tears of the neocons and warhawks.

4. He said he would give priority to getting captive Americans home, and h e has.

5. Trump said he would destroy ISIS, and with only a year and a half atr it, ISIS is a figment of its old self and has lost most of its territory, somewhere around 90% of it.

6. During the 2016 election Trump said he would win and he would do it by busting the Big Blue Wall of Democratic midwestern states, and he did, winning in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Iowa.

7. Trump said he would drain the Swamp in DC and it is happening as we speak as corrupt corporate cronymen are retiring and the Deep State is destroying itself in a conspiracy to reverse the result of 2016 election.

8. Trump said we would pull out of the TPP and renegotiate NAFTA and other agreements with the G7, and he is doing exactly that.

9. Despite failing at repealing Obamacare (for which I thank God), Trump has effectively emasculated it by not prosecuting people for not having insurance and working on a replacement system.

10 Trump promised to reduce illegal entry into our country and he has.

Trump is schooling the political Establishment with an old hickory switch behind the woodpile!

It must be real comfortable for liberals to live in a parallel world where it's good to pay somebody to be your friend and to increase the amount of conflicts and coups.

Here comes Trump and stops paying European and Canadian prostitutes for their "loyalty" and tries to decrease the tension on Korean peninsula and they call him a traitor.

I swear Deep State and its Media has done a tremendous job brainwashing the population and making them easy to manipulate biological material.
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
Oh, you mean LIKE Shit Stain and Cuba?
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.

He did more than Ears ever did
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
Oh, you mean LIKE Shit Stain and Cuba?

Actually, the embargo on Cuba is old and outdated. It's time to start trading with Cuba.

Did you know that before we embargoed Cuba, it was considered one of the hottest tourist spots in the Caribbean?
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.

He did more than Ears ever did

One of the main reasons that no US president has done formal relations with N. Korea is because they knew that the N. Korean leaders would use a summit as a propaganda tool to sell N. Korea as a viable country to the world.

Trump helped him out nicely with that. Even after Richardson had warned him that is what would happen.

But, we still don't know what is and isn't going to happen in N. Korea yet, and we don't even have a good agreement that Un is going to get rid of his nukes. He played Trump like a fiddle. Even N. Koreans who defected and made it here said as much. Saw a bunch of them being interviewed on VICE News last night.
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
Oh, you mean LIKE Shit Stain and Cuba?

Actually, the embargo on Cuba is old and outdated. It's time to start trading with Cuba.

Did you know that before we embargoed Cuba, it was considered one of the hottest tourist spots in the Caribbean?
Yes I was. So you see one dictator different than another based on vacations? What a fuckin tard.
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
LOL! You don't know shit about what happened, your just another butt hurt America hating troll.
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
Oh, you mean LIKE Shit Stain and Cuba?

Actually, the embargo on Cuba is old and outdated. It's time to start trading with Cuba.

Did you know that before we embargoed Cuba, it was considered one of the hottest tourist spots in the Caribbean?
Yes I was. So you see one dictator different than another based on vacations? What a fuckin tard.

Fidel Castro is no longer in power, so since there has been a change in leadership, maybe it wouldn't hurt to normalize relations with them. Especially considering their proximity to the US. And no, the vacation comment wasn't a reflection on who was in power, I was just telling you that before Fidel, we had normal relations with Cuba, and it was a vacation destination for the rich.
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.

He did more than Ears ever did

One of the main reasons that no US president has done formal relations with N. Korea is because they knew that the N. Korean leaders would use a summit as a propaganda tool to sell N. Korea as a viable country to the world.

Trump helped him out nicely with that. Even after Richardson had warned him that is what would happen.

But, we still don't know what is and isn't going to happen in N. Korea yet, and we don't even have a good agreement that Un is going to get rid of his nukes. He played Trump like a fiddle. Even N. Koreans who defected and made it here said as much. Saw a bunch of them being interviewed on VICE News last night.

Good grief...Vice News? Lol
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
LOL! You don't know shit about what happened, your just another butt hurt America hating troll.

Hey...........even Trump himself said that he could be wrong about the whole situation and could be standing before the American people in 6 months saying how it didn't work out.

And, Trump gave up a lot, but didn't get anything in return. He even called off the drills with S. Korea, saying that they cost too much.

Trump just struck a shockingly weak deal with North Korea
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
LOL! You don't know shit about what happened, your just another butt hurt America hating troll.

Hey...........even Trump himself said that he could be wrong about the whole situation and could be standing before the American people in 6 months saying how it didn't work out.

And, Trump gave up a lot, but didn't get anything in return. He even called off the drills with S. Korea, saying that they cost too much.

Trump just struck a shockingly weak deal with North Korea
Ending a viable nuke threat is getting nothing? Damn you trolls are pathetic.
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
LOL! You don't know shit about what happened, your just another butt hurt America hating troll.

Hey...........even Trump himself said that he could be wrong about the whole situation and could be standing before the American people in 6 months saying how it didn't work out.

And, Trump gave up a lot, but didn't get anything in return. He even called off the drills with S. Korea, saying that they cost too much.

Trump just struck a shockingly weak deal with North Korea
Can you give us an example of obama doing anything to mitigate the North Korean problem? Something other than telling President Trump it was now his problem?
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Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
Oh, you mean LIKE Shit Stain and Cuba?

Actually, the embargo on Cuba is old and outdated. It's time to start trading with Cuba.

Did you know that before we embargoed Cuba, it was considered one of the hottest tourist spots in the Caribbean?
That was before the Castro communist revolution, creating a Western Hemisphere outpost for the soviets.
The current regime is an extension
of the Castro regime but since the USSR dissolved there is no existential threat.
The onus to improve is on Cuba.
Trump didn't actually do anything on this trip. He made a video (at government expense) that told Un how great his country would be if he allowed developers and businesses into his country. He also spent a great deal of time telling us how great Un was and how much he loves his country and his people.

If Un actually loved his people, then why does he continually starve the population of the country? If his country was so great, then why are people risking life and limb to escape it?

Hate to tell you people, but there is gonna be about as much done denuclearizing N. Korea as there has been on the border wall. In short, it looked like a good start, but that is all that's gonna happen.
LOL! You don't know shit about what happened, your just another butt hurt America hating troll.

Hey...........even Trump himself said that he could be wrong about the whole situation and could be standing before the American people in 6 months saying how it didn't work out.

And, Trump gave up a lot, but didn't get anything in return. He even called off the drills with S. Korea, saying that they cost too much.

Trump just struck a shockingly weak deal with North Korea
Can you give us an example of obama doing anything to mitigate the North Korean problem? Something other than telling President Trump it was now his problem?

Trump hasn't really done anything yet to mitigate the N. Korean problem. He met with him, he said lots of really nice things about him, and he got an agreement signed by Un that is the SAME FREAKING DEAL he just signed with the S. Koreans. In short, there has been nothing done on N. Korea's side.

On our side? Trump agreed to cease military drills with S. Korea, and is looking at pulling all our troops out of S. Korea.

Today, N. Korea news pulled their "pink lady" (one of the grand reporters of N. Korea) out of retirement to deliver the news that Un had scored a remarkable deal with Trump, and that sanctions were soon to be removed. Trump's meeting with Un has already been made into propaganda for their news agencies.

Nope, Trump didn't really do much on this trip except give standing to Un as a viable world leader while pissing off all of our allies.

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