It is inexcusable that we are not bombing the terrorists in Iraq

Add Vietnam to the long list of topics you are abysmally ignorant about.

LMAO Your the ignorant one there idiot and there's quite a long list of topic YOU THINK your so smart about.

Again. LMAO at your ignorance.

Your a legend in your own mind and a funny one to boot. LOL
Go ahead...tell us more about how we were "winning " in Viet Nam....I'm listening.

Your funny as well.

We didn't lose that one on the battlefield. We lost that war at the negotiatiing table and with a Nixon who wanted peace, because of all the protesters, with honor. He needed to get out and we did. The war was to unpopular

If they had let the military fight that war instead the politicians it would have been over in nothing flat. Instead politics played a big part in every aspect of the Viet Nam war.

It was another war we had no business fighting but we were in the middle of the Cold War and Communism was the boogy man behind every bush so we ended up in Viet nam. Us against those Commie bastards.
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Yeah. I do. My brother and my cousin fought there. We never lost a major battle to either the VC or the Army of the North. We lost engagement and of course patrols were ambushed but major battles? I think not.

Walter Cronkite went to Viet Nam to see for himself what the situation was. The Tet Offensive was a smashing success. It was one of the most brilliantly fought battles of the entire war with an astounding American victory. Cronkite lied about it. He came back and said that we were losing and more than that, there was no way to win. The left pounced on that lie repeating it over and over.

General Giap had already made the decision to surrender. After Cronkite's lie, there were more anti war demonstrations. Giap changed his mind. If he could just hold out, the American left would win the war for him. That's exactly what happened.

Ken 'N' Viet Nam: General Vo Nguyen Giap

Bull pucky

The far left should see Vietnam as a success as the escalation of American involvement in Vietnam started with Kennedy and LBJ.
Tet was a huge military victory for the United States. Viet-Cong were wiped out as a cohesive fighting force. But, Vietnam was a television war and LBJ and Westmoreland had been telling American people since 1966 that we had "turned a corner in Vietnam" and "there is light at the end of the tunnel." public did not turn away from war effort because of peace, love, and human kindness. They turned away from the war because they felt if LBJ wasn't in-it-to-win-it then we should just get out. Look at public opinion polls. Majority of American's did not feel the U.S. was doing ENOUGH to blast the North Vietnamese. now can we compare Iraq to Vietnam...absolutely not. Iraq is a nation building exercise, Vietnam was about containment of communist expansion.
Tet was a huge military victory for the United States. Viet-Cong were wiped out as a cohesive fighting force. But, Vietnam was a television war and LBJ and Westmoreland had been telling American people since 1966 that we had "turned a corner in Vietnam" and "there is light at the end of the tunnel." public did not turn away from war effort because of peace, love, and human kindness. They turned away from the war because they felt if LBJ wasn't in-it-to-win-it then we should just get out. Look at public opinion polls. Majority of American's did not feel the U.S. was doing ENOUGH to blast the North Vietnamese. now can we compare Iraq to Vietnam...absolutely not. Iraq is a nation building exercise, Vietnam was about containment of communist expansion.

I agree. Iraq and Viet nam are nothing alike except for the blood and treasure sacrificed on both alters.
LMAO Your the ignorant one there idiot and there's quite a long list of topic YOU THINK your so smart about.

Again. LMAO at your ignorance.

Your a legend in your own mind and a funny one to boot. LOL
Go ahead...tell us more about how we were "winning " in Viet Nam....I'm listening.

Your funny as well.

We didn't lose that one on the battlefield. We lost that war at the negotiatiing table and with a Nixon who wanted peace, because of all the protesters, with honor. He needed to get out and we did. The war was to unpopular

If they had let the military fight that war instead the politicians it would have been over in nothing flat. Instead politics played a big part in every aspect of the Viet Nam war.

It was another war we had no business fighting but we were in the middle of the Cold War and Communism was the boogy man behind every bush so we ended up in Viet nam. Us against those Commie bastards.

Nope....we lost because we fought a conventional war against an enemy that we couldn't even tell whether they were the enemy or not. We'd own the land by day, they had it by night. How do you kill the enemy if you do not even know who he is?'s a question I never get answered. Where were OUR POW camps for the captured NVA and Viet Cong we had?
Walter Cronkite went to Viet Nam to see for himself what the situation was. The Tet Offensive was a smashing success. It was one of the most brilliantly fought battles of the entire war with an astounding American victory. Cronkite lied about it. He came back and said that we were losing and more than that, there was no way to win. The left pounced on that lie repeating it over and over.

General Giap had already made the decision to surrender. After Cronkite's lie, there were more anti war demonstrations. Giap changed his mind. If he could just hold out, the American left would win the war for him. That's exactly what happened.

Ken 'N' Viet Nam: General Vo Nguyen Giap

Bull pucky

The far left should see Vietnam as a success as the escalation of American involvement in Vietnam started with Kennedy and LBJ.

True that they got us into that quagmire....we never should have gotten involved in the first place. It was a no-win for us....just like Iraq has been.
Go ahead...tell us more about how we were "winning " in Viet Nam....I'm listening.

Your funny as well.

We didn't lose that one on the battlefield. We lost that war at the negotiatiing table and with a Nixon who wanted peace, because of all the protesters, with honor. He needed to get out and we did. The war was to unpopular

If they had let the military fight that war instead the politicians it would have been over in nothing flat. Instead politics played a big part in every aspect of the Viet Nam war.

It was another war we had no business fighting but we were in the middle of the Cold War and Communism was the boogy man behind every bush so we ended up in Viet nam. Us against those Commie bastards.

Nope....we lost because we fought a conventional war against an enemy that we couldn't even tell whether they were the enemy or not. We'd own the land by day, they had it by night. How do you kill the enemy if you do not even know who he is?'s a question I never get answered. Where were OUR POW camps for the captured NVA and Viet Cong we had?

Your right there. It was a guerilla war but we didn't lose it on the battlefield. We lost it at the negotiating table aided by all the pressure of the anti war demonstrators and very real unreast about that war.

As for the POW camps? Just go to Google and put in POW camps in South Vietnam. Loads of info. Most of em look like hell holes run by the SV. Not sure if we had any of we just let the South hold prisoners.
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They are literally stealing all the heavy military equipment we left behind. Weapons, vehicle's, all of it. And loading it onto huge flatbed rigs to haul back to Syria. On top of that they are holding MASS public executions of innocent people. Beheadings, burning alive in gasoline, etc...

What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

Any "military equipment" that was left there wasn't worth taking home, let alone going back for.

It was and is still fully functional equipment WE left in the hands of terrorists! Can you not see that? For example, those Stinger missiles? Those are potentially 100+ 9/11's waiting to happen all over again. We basically armed our enemy with OUR weapons.

To claim "what was left there wasn't worth taking home, let alone going back for" is a statement made in sheer ignorance. Our tax dollars paid for that equipment, now it is being used to kill innocent people. I don't think so. It all needs to be destroyed, taken out of the hands of our enemies.

So get off your fat ass and go fight them...oh no wait you have a vacation coming
They are literally stealing all the heavy military equipment we left behind. Weapons, vehicle's, all of it. And loading it onto huge flatbed rigs to haul back to Syria. On top of that they are holding MASS public executions of innocent people. Beheadings, burning alive in gasoline, etc...

What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

I heard this happened because of the way Al Malaki was treating the Sunni's and that it's possible Obama wants him out. Why defend him? We'll negotiate with the new regime(s). Hopefully its a 3 state solution. And we can use this to align with Iran. They can't fix Iraq alone and neither can we but maybe together. This is our opportunity. Will make it that much harder to go to war with them if a Romney or Jeb or any republican becomes president and we are allies with Iran but we know how fast the GOP can end a partnership. Look at how many partners we lost when he invaded Iraq.

The original list released in March 2003 included 46 members.[3] In April 2003, the list was updated to include 49 countries, though it was reduced to 48 after Costa Rica objected to its inclusion. Of the 48 countries on the list, three contributed troops to the invasion force (the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland). An additional 37 countries provided some number of troops to support military operations after the invasion was complete.

The list of coalition members provided by the White House included several nations that did not intend to participate in actual military operations. Some of them, such as Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau and Solomon Islands, do not have standing armies. :lol:
I didn't say go back. I said BOMB.

It's not as simple as "BOMB". It never is.

the first plane w/ its pilot to get shot down and Repub-voters (like the OP for instance) would cream their jeans/their ODS would go into overdrive. Why doesn't OP think these things through. :dunno:

I guess Obama didn't think this through either huh? Like claytonjones said "bombing them would be inexcusable"

They are literally stealing all the heavy military equipment we left behind. Weapons, vehicle's, all of it. And loading it onto huge flatbed rigs to haul back to Syria. On top of that they are holding MASS public executions of innocent people. Beheadings, burning alive in gasoline, etc...

What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

Any "military equipment" that was left there wasn't worth taking home, let alone going back for.

Looks like a typical loser left statement now. Ship of fools
They are literally stealing all the heavy military equipment we left behind. Weapons, vehicle's, all of it. And loading it onto huge flatbed rigs to haul back to Syria. On top of that they are holding MASS public executions of innocent people. Beheadings, burning alive in gasoline, etc...

What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

Any "military equipment" that was left there wasn't worth taking home, let alone going back for.

Looks like a typical loser left statement now. Ship of fools

The military equipment that ISIS got a hold of is stuff we left for the Iraqi army. They abandoned it (and soiled their diapers) when the big bad Isis dudes said boo.
Old tanks and Humvees that we've discarded are not "military assets".

Your imagination notwithstanding, they already had the "capability" to drive tanks directly through any location.

Much of the equipment they've stolen wasn't discarded, it was left for the iraqi military to defend itself with. And no matter why it was left behind if it's functional it needs to be destroyed.

I think you overestimate the strength of those discarded, or left behind for the Iraqi Army, tanks and humvees.

More idiotic crap from the left.

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