It is inexcusable that we are not bombing the terrorists in Iraq

It is inexcusable that we are not bombing the terrorists in Iraq


It would be inexcusable if we were.

And given the fact that this disaster is the consequence of failed neo-con/republican foreign policy, you and others on the right are in no position to demand a given course of action.
It is inexcusable that we are not bombing the terrorists in Iraq

It would be inexcusable if we were.

And given the fact that this disaster is the consequence of failed neo-con/republican foreign policy, you and others on the right are in no position to demand a given course of action.

You do know that the country has officially asked for air support, don't you?


That blury the mans head. These are the people we want to ignore?
No one wants to ignore that. We do not have the leadership to deal adequately with it. We cannot continue sacrificing people just so obama can feel important at the next party. Not only is obama incompetent but he has systematically decapitated our military leadership by firing anyone but complete syncophants.

Going into conflict with what we have isn't a fight. It's human sacrifice to obama's glory.
I was undecided as to what I thought we should do until todays news reports came in. I am now FIRMLY in the "blow them to hell" camp.

who is going to pay for it? And what will you do/say if a pilot gets shot down?

Missles from our ships don't have pilots. Drones don't have pilots. B2 stealth bombers can't be shot down with shoulder fired rockets.
I was undecided as to what I thought we should do until todays news reports came in. I am now FIRMLY in the "blow them to hell" camp.

who is going to pay for it? And what will you do/say if a pilot gets shot down?

Missles from our ships don't have pilots. Drones don't have pilots. B2 stealth bombers can't be shot down with shoulder fired rockets.

Yet they all cost a lot of money...
who is going to pay for it? And what will you do/say if a pilot gets shot down?

Missles from our ships don't have pilots. Drones don't have pilots. B2 stealth bombers can't be shot down with shoulder fired rockets.

Yet they all cost a lot of money...

This is true. I used to be on one of those ships he's talking about.

War isn't a video game. Collateral damage IS going to happen OP. It isn't going to be a sterile action. Then what will the Right do? Wail & knash their teeth about the President like they've been doing for the last 5+ years. There is no end game by bombing & Malaki is not the guy to be leading that country. He's marginalized a large segment of his population based on religious affiliation. Many knew this was going to be the case. Too bad the last Repub admin didn't.
It will be interesting to see the left wring their hands if Obama does in fact decide to utilize air power. Can't wait to see the excuses if it happens
Missles from our ships don't have pilots. Drones don't have pilots. B2 stealth bombers can't be shot down with shoulder fired rockets.

Yet they all cost a lot of money...

This is true. I used to be on one of those ships he's talking about.

War isn't a video game. Collateral damage IS going to happen OP. It isn't going to be a sterile action. Then what will the Right do? Wail & knash their teeth about the President like they've been doing for the last 5+ years. There is no end game by bombing & Malaki is not the guy to be leading that country. He's marginalized a large segment of his population based on religious affiliation. Many knew this was going to be the case. Too bad the last Repub admin didn't.

Collateral damage you say? To what? Some stray camels? The convoys are traversing deserted deserts.
They are literally stealing all the heavy military equipment we left behind. Weapons, vehicle's, all of it. And loading it onto huge flatbed rigs to haul back to Syria. On top of that they are holding MASS public executions of innocent people. Beheadings, burning alive in gasoline, etc...

What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

LOL! How little you know about foreign policy. We have been giving enemies weapons for decades....We even openly sell our outdated weapons to possible future enemies when we buy new ones.

But this is part of the reason I hate certain people in the Right Wing. All they want is "WAR" every time a situation breaks out. They have no understanding of the cost(monetary and civil) and don't care to know. I'm not sure how many times they cried for new war during Obama's administration.

If you had any idea of what our Country can do without war, then you would stop pushing for useless mass bloodshed. But when Lockheed Martin and others buy the Republican Party, the Republican party jumps into war when they are told to jump.

Small minded Republicans need to start thinking for themselves and stop letting the Military Industrial Complex think for them on Foreign Policy Issues...
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Yet they all cost a lot of money...

This is true. I used to be on one of those ships he's talking about.

War isn't a video game. Collateral damage IS going to happen OP. It isn't going to be a sterile action. Then what will the Right do? Wail & knash their teeth about the President like they've been doing for the last 5+ years. There is no end game by bombing & Malaki is not the guy to be leading that country. He's marginalized a large segment of his population based on religious affiliation. Many knew this was going to be the case. Too bad the last Repub admin didn't.

Collateral damage you say? To what? Some stray camels? The convoys are traversing deserted deserts.

Are you really that dense? What?

Let's reverse the rolls here. What would Americans do in their shoes?

[ame=]Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube[/ame]
They are literally stealing all the heavy military equipment we left behind. Weapons, vehicle's, all of it. And loading it onto huge flatbed rigs to haul back to Syria. On top of that they are holding MASS public executions of innocent people. Beheadings, burning alive in gasoline, etc...

What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

Any "military equipment" that was left there wasn't worth taking home, let alone going back for.

It was and is still fully functional equipment WE left in the hands of terrorists! Can you not see that? For example, those Stinger missiles? Those are potentially 100+ 9/11's waiting to happen all over again. We basically armed our enemy with OUR weapons.

To claim "what was left there wasn't worth taking home, let alone going back for" is a statement made in sheer ignorance. Our tax dollars paid for that equipment, now it is being used to kill innocent people. I don't think so. It all needs to be destroyed, taken out of the hands of our enemies.

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