It is inexcusable that we are not bombing the terrorists in Iraq

I was undecided as to what I thought we should do until todays news reports came in. I am now FIRMLY in the "blow them to hell" camp.

who is going to pay for it? And what will you do/say if a pilot gets shot down?

Missles from our ships don't have pilots. Drones don't have pilots. B2 stealth bombers can't be shot down with shoulder fired rockets.

You know they have Stinger missiles don't you?
They are literally stealing all the heavy military equipment we left behind. Weapons, vehicle's, all of it. And loading it onto huge flatbed rigs to haul back to Syria. On top of that they are holding MASS public executions of innocent people. Beheadings, burning alive in gasoline, etc...

What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

Any "military equipment" that was left there wasn't worth taking home, let alone going back for.

It was and is still fully functional equipment WE left in the hands of terrorists! Can you not see that? For example, those Stinger missiles? Those are potentially 100+ 9/11's waiting to happen all over again. We basically armed our enemy with OUR weapons.

To claim "what was left there wasn't worth taking home, let alone going back for" is a statement made in sheer ignorance. Our tax dollars paid for that equipment, now it is being used to kill innocent people. I don't think so. It all needs to be destroyed, taken out of the hands of our enemies.

We didn't leave anything in the hands of "terrorists". We sold equipment to the Iraqi Army (you remember, the one we spent billions of dollars training), and then they ran away and left it for ISIS.

Why is that our problem, exactly?
We should kill everyone! Hooray for mass murder! It's what Jesus would do if he was born in Texas!
What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

The Constitution doesn't allow it. Congress has not authorized action.

Furthermore - it is likely that there are American citizens in ISIS! This means we can't fire on them without a trial, because American citizens can't just be killed by the President without a trial. If you say otherwise, you favor totalitarianism and hate America.

This is all what the Constitution says, the Tea Party told me so.
They are literally stealing all the heavy military equipment we left behind. Weapons, vehicle's, all of it. And loading it onto huge flatbed rigs to haul back to Syria. On top of that they are holding MASS public executions of innocent people. Beheadings, burning alive in gasoline, etc...

What the fuck is Obama waiting for? Our military equipment does not belong in the hands of the terrorists. Bomb those damn convoys.

Actually, Obama is right this time, we shouldn't unconditionally support a government that disenfranchises more than half the population of the country.

This isn't about defending anyone or picking sides. It's about common sense.

Common sense tells me that the government in Iraq is the reason that Sunnis are joining ISIS. Bombing the fuck out of people that are tired of being treated like crap is the wrong way to solve this problem.
It's not as simple as "BOMB". It never is.

Sure it is. It's a damn flat desert. Find the convoy and blow it the fuck up. If the damn media can find, film & report on the convoy then they are obviously not hard to find.

It's a sovereign country.

We don't own the whole world, it isn't there for us to do as we wish with it.

That has asked for us to help. So that argument doesn't fly.
Missles from our ships don't have pilots. Drones don't have pilots. B2 stealth bombers can't be shot down with shoulder fired rockets.

Yet they all cost a lot of money...

Everything costs lots of money. Moot point

Money is never an issue to Republicans when it comes to war. But ask them to spend some money on unemployment benefits, food stamps or infrastructure and suddenly it's all about the deficit.
It will be interesting to see the left wring their hands if Obama does in fact decide to utilize air power. Can't wait to see the excuses if it happens

In this, at least, I agree with you.

We are not in agreement re: a possible re-engagement in Iraq; even if it's only and merely air-strikes.

But we ARE in agreement, in our bemused and curious anticipation of Liberal reaction, should Obumble actually pull the trigger and authorize airstrikes for anything other than the support of evacuation efforts.

When you contemplate the mix of rational, sincere Liberals, and the handful of fanatic, myopic Orgasmic ObamaBots still left over from 2008/2012, it should prove to be a fascinating and enjoyable observation sortie. :lol:
Sorry, Gramps... can't buy into this one.

I don't think there's enough to grab-onto, with respect to targeting, to make it worth our while, or to be decisive, without boots on the ground.

I don't have a problem with poking a bear with a stick, if we plan on killing the goddamned thing.

But if all we're gonna do is poke the thing with a stick, well, I really don't see the point.

Rightly or wrongly - I vote "Walk away".

I agree.

We've spent enough blood and treasure in Iraq. Hell we practically rebuilt the damned place from the electric grid to everything else. We should have just kicked Saddams ass and left the place like we found it. No more rebuilding a country.

I knew once our soldiers were gone that Iraq would be taken over by someone. I knew those assholes couldn't hold onto their own country. Hell. They hate Americans. Wonder how much they are gonna hate the killers they've let invade em?

Nope. I agree. Walk away. Let em fend for themselves and I doubt we left much of anything behind for someone else to use and I find I could give shit one about Iraq or any other Muslim country.
It's a sovereign country.

We don't own the whole world, it isn't there for us to do as we wish with it.

I don't give a shit if Buddha himself lives there. We CAN NOT ALLOW OUR MILITARY ASSETS to fall into the hands of terrorists. Period

Imagine that instead of a lone suicide bomber blowing up a few people they now will have the capability to drive TANKS directly through any location, blowing it to hell as they go. OUR tanks could be used against our allies in the region.

Blow them up

Old tanks and Humvees that we've discarded are not "military assets".

Your imagination notwithstanding, they already had the "capability" to drive tanks directly through any location.

We and other countries gave the Iraqi army equipment that was not old tanks and humvees. They are operational equipment. Dont talk about shit you know nothing about. ISIS are capturing any abandoned equipment left behind. It is not all useless trash you seem to think it is.

List of current equipment of the Iraqi Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is not about terrorists vs. non-terrorists.

If we take the Shia side, we align ourselves with Iran and Assad's Syria. Is that your plan?
I just heard a very interesting discussion on NPR. They said this happened because of the way Al Malaki was treating the Sunni's. Who put that guy in power? Oh yea, Bush.

It is possible that Obama wants Al Malaki out. Maybe we want a 3 state solution too.

Also this might bring us closer to Iran. They can't solve Iraq by themselves and neither can we but together we might be able to. I want to be friends with Iran. I know a lot of Iranians and they say half the stuff we think about them is exaggerated because the GOP wants to go to war with Iran and steal their oil. Sure Makmood Amadinajad the last puppet president said some crazy stuff but so did Bush and so has Putin. They're just appealing to their radical right wing supporters just like Bush did. Most Iranians just want a comfortable prosperous life just like Americans. Maybe this should tell us something about religious extremists or all kinds and the importance of separation of church and state.


That blury the mans head. These are the people we want to ignore?
No one wants to ignore that. We do not have the leadership to deal adequately with it. We cannot continue sacrificing people just so obama can feel important at the next party. Not only is obama incompetent but he has systematically decapitated our military leadership by firing anyone but complete syncophants.

Going into conflict with what we have isn't a fight. It's human sacrifice to obama's glory.

Yeah, blame Obama for all the wars he's gotten us into.

Oh wait ...

You just described President Bush and his dick veep.
Well here's

• Containerized housing units, air conditioners and gym equipment.

• Generators, water and fuel tanks, cars and stoves.

• Tables, washers and dryers, portable chemical toilets; and large, portable concrete walls and barriers.

“They take a crane and move around on flatbeds as they need it,” Gen. Buchanan said. “It’s certainly not worth the cost to us to to get all these pieces of concrete anywhere back to the U.S.”

With the sprawling Camp Victory complex that surrounds the country’s international airport, the Iraqis also are receiving prison cells, including the ones that held Saddam Hussein.

Iraq also gets a waste-treatment facility near Tikrit that takes care of contaminated earth and fuel oil.

The U.S. military is keeping its frontline weapons systems. Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, spy and strike drones, jet fighters and artillery pieces are going to the United States or to U.S. bases in Europe or Afghanistan.

“Starting with the question of what we need: Obviously, if this is a current piece of military gear — something like vehicles, tanks, artillery pieces, weapons, etc. — that all goes back with our forces,” Gen. Buchanan said.

Iraq is buying some of these sophisticated weapons through the Foreign Military Sales program that arms other allies, such as Israel and Egypt.

Iraq is buying 140 of the front-line M1 Abrams tanks. It also is acquiring as many as three dozen F-16 Fighting Falcon jet fighters.

The United States has given Iraq rifles, pistols and Humvee multipurpose vehicles.

Read more: Gear galore left in Iraq as last troops pull out - Washington Times
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