It is not collusion - it is a Russian nesting doll - (A Putin Matryoshka) - Trump Voters are inside

Theyre gonna starve you to death
I doubt I will ever starve even if Putin takes or demolishes ODESSA which in effect prevents Ukraine from exporting grain by ship to countries that rely on it. The US is not one of those countries. The point is Putin is forcing starvation on the world and /or inflation by seizing control of a major food supply. It’s meant to destroy or weaken democratic institutions by using food as a weapon of war. Are you good with that?
It is not collusion - it is a Russian nesting doll - (A Putin Matryoshka) - Trump Voters are willfully inside and they are unwittingly helping the murderous dictator and war criminal destroy western multicultural democratic institutions world wide. I’m beginning to believe the abandonment of multicultural liberal western democracy to have the false sense of security of white run authoritarianism is taking place in the world before our very eyes. It is sad to see.
View attachment 638861
The Mueller Report did not find a crime of TRUMP/PUTIN collusion in Trump’s rise to the presidency in 2016 or thereafter. It is not a crime to be sympathetic or appreciative of one very special and white, right wing conservative authoritarian, Christian nationalist, strong father type leader, like Vladimir Putin.
The Matryoshkas usually have eight dolls.
THE Putin doll has, in terms of usefulness to Putin, ,a Trump Doll at about five dolls in. It has American politicians like Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky of the Ayn Rand libertarian, anti-democracy breed, and religious leaders such as Franklin Graham at little doll seven.
The Putin doll has USMB writers like Mashmont and Correll in the tiniest doll number eight, but the ingrained problem is there are fifty million of them in America and there does not appear to be a way to get them out or ever get them to realize they are stuck inside Putin and do not want out. They feel safe in there everlastingly afraid of BLM and ANTIFA atheists and minorities and liberals who believe in democracy and vote.

Should we be pessimistic about the future of sustained liberal multicultural democracy and the freedom we’ve had here in America for nearly two and a half centuries or will Trumpism’s white American First political movement die a miserable death if Ukrainians push Putin’s army back into Russia, and Putin is dethroned and convicted of his war crimes and sins against humanity?

Talk me down from my pessimism, please. I have never lost optimism for America like thus before.

Putin is driving global recession, inflation and food shortages and major disruption to advanced multicultural democratic nations Disorder and economic chaos and massive population resettlements provide favor to right wing authoritarian leaning politicians whereever free and fair elections are held. Yes Putin still hold the best hands for disruption and chaos in the world. Trump

TRUMP VOTERS ARE WAY TOO EMBEDDED IN PUTIN’s Matryoshka for confidence and comfort. American continued complacency by a large segment of the un-Trumped population couid spell the end of our democracy as we know it.
Drama queen. Get a life.
Lol....nobody cares about January 6th
Anybody who believes the biggest of Trump lies that he won the 2020 election is not entitled to an opinion on January 6. You people do not want western liberal multicultural democracy to exist in America. You wanted to hang my Pence because he didn’t go along with the attempted insider Trump self coup.
Anybody who believes the biggest of Trump lies that he won the 2020 election is not entitled to an opinion on January 6. You people do not want western liberal multicultural democracy to exist in America. You wanted to hang my Pence because he didn’t go along with the attempted insider Trump self coup.
I want 100% AMERICAN culture. Not a Heinz 57 of diversity. And if it means a WASP culture.? Then so be it.
It is not collusion - it is a Russian nesting doll - (A Putin Matryoshka) - Trump Voters are willfully inside and they are unwittingly helping the murderous dictator and war criminal destroy western multicultural democratic institutions world wide. I’m beginning to believe the abandonment of multicultural liberal western democracy to have the false sense of security of white run authoritarianism is taking place in the world before our very eyes. It is sad to see.
View attachment 638861
The Mueller Report did not find a crime of TRUMP/PUTIN collusion in Trump’s rise to the presidency in 2016 or thereafter. It is not a crime to be sympathetic or appreciative of one very special and white, right wing conservative authoritarian, Christian nationalist, strong father type leader, like Vladimir Putin.
The Matryoshkas usually have eight dolls.
THE Putin doll has, in terms of usefulness to Putin, ,a Trump Doll at about five dolls in. It has American politicians like Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky of the Ayn Rand libertarian, anti-democracy breed, and religious leaders such as Franklin Graham at little doll seven.
The Putin doll has USMB writers like Mashmont and Correll in the tiniest doll number eight, but the ingrained problem is there are fifty million of them in America and there does not appear to be a way to get them out or ever get them to realize they are stuck inside Putin and do not want out. They feel safe in there everlastingly afraid of BLM and ANTIFA atheists and minorities and liberals who believe in democracy and vote.

Should we be pessimistic about the future of sustained liberal multicultural democracy and the freedom we’ve had here in America for nearly two and a half centuries or will Trumpism’s white American First political movement die a miserable death if Ukrainians push Putin’s army back into Russia, and Putin is dethroned and convicted of his war crimes and sins against humanity?

Talk me down from my pessimism, please. I have never lost optimism for America like thus before.

Putin is driving global recession, inflation and food shortages and major disruption to advanced multicultural democratic nations Disorder and economic chaos and massive population resettlements provide favor to right wing authoritarian leaning politicians whereever free and fair elections are held. Yes Putin still hold the best hands for disruption and chaos in the world. Trump

TRUMP VOTERS ARE WAY TOO EMBEDDED IN PUTIN’s Matryoshka for confidence and comfort. American continued complacency by a large segment of the un-Trumped population couid spell the end of our democracy as we know it.
Damn that's one steaming pile of gobbledygook.

I think the republicans and democrats who oppose aiding Ukraine are both wrong but if one of your core beliefs is to oppose war at all or to oppose getting involved with foreign wars it's certainly not indicative of support for Putin.

Very few republicans support Putin at all, we've been warning the rest of you that Russia was a creeping cancer hell bent on dominating Europe for decades while you all pretended otherwise.

We can just turn the clock back to 2008, 2012, and 2016 when it was the democratic party line that Russia was our friend and we had nothing to fear from them, they were a "tiny country" that posed no threat to the US.

My how times change and memories go blank.
Very few republicans support Putin at all,
Your support of Trump and his white Christian nationalist Republicans anti-democracy base, and the big lie that Biden stole the 2020 election, is the support of Putin that does not bode well for multicultural democratic governments survival.
Your support of Trump and his white Christian nationalist Republicans anti-democracy base, and the big lie that Biden stole the 2020 election, is the support of Putin that does not bode well for multicultural democratic governments survival.
I'm not a supporter of Trump you idiot and I'd roast Putin on a spit give the opportunity.

Stop making baseless assumptions and making a fool of yourself in doing so.
Democrats want to create a permanent dependent underclass of people
I'm not a supporter of Trump
YOU support/use Trump and Putin’s disinformation and lies about AMERICAN liberalism/Democrats - “permanent underclass” is white Christian nationalists code for “lazy crime-ridden Negroes and foreign looking people who vote for free stuff” Is Rand Paul a favorite of yours?
What has Biden done, more or the same for more than a year until he was forced to act due to overwhelming demand from the citizens of this nation to get off the crapper and start providing aid to Ukraine.

Biden's gaffes over the last 48 hours have been horrendous and caused a serious issue with our own national security

I agreed with Trump on probably 85-90% of his policies but he was a disaster for both the party and the country.

I'm not a supporter of Trump

You are not a supporter of our current President who put NATO back together to take the strongest stand against Putin aggression - even though you know we have one Commander-in-Chief at a time. You lie about Biden and exaggerate the si-called gaffes exactly like the typical right wing Trump minion and Putin serf do.
Theyre gonna starve you to death .......and I will rejoice

View attachment 638879
Yes, for those fortunate enough to actually (have [italics]) bacon grease, it is an exquisite addition to freshly foraged (away from the highway, of course) dandelion greens. For those unfortunates, a photo of bacon placed near the (aluminum foil formed into a bowl [it.]) must suffice.
I agreed with Trump on probably 85-90% of his policies but he was a disaster for both the party and the country.

Do you consider the 50 to 60 million who voted for Trump in 2020 to be a disaster for the country? Most of them are still here and according to a poll a third of the support fascist means to a political end.

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