It is not collusion - it is a Russian nesting doll - (A Putin Matryoshka) - Trump Voters are inside

Yes, and Putin’s preference for POTUS in 2020 was Trump just as it was in 2016. Why do you think that is?
Morons still fail to realize Putin did not give a damn who won the Presidency but cared more about causing chaos and mistrust among Americans over our election process / election.

Xi and Putin also OWN Biden, as all evidence proves the Bidens are criminal traitors who sold this country out for personal wealth / gain...

...and, again, all evidence proved / proves Hillary started the BS Russia Collusuon garbage.

BTW, remember back...

Hillary's campaign was the original source suggesting Barry was born in Africa. Her team quietly brought up the idea then quickly distanced themselves from it. Many will try to claim it was Trump who 1st did this, but it was NOT.

HILLARY'S 'Russian Collusuon' BS story was just another political trick / ploy version of the 'Barry born in Africa' story to discredit / destroy a politicL threat ....Democrat or Republican does / did not matter.

Wake up, tools.
Morons still fail too realize Putin did not give a damn who won the Presidency but cared more about causing chaos and mistrust among Americans over our election process / election.
Trump’s BIG LIE, after losing, caused chaos and mistrust among Americans over our election process / election which led to the first and only ever self coup attempt by a one term loser PRESIDENT exactly as Putin wanted his puppet US President to do.
Morons still fail to realize Putin did not give a damn who won the Presidency
Putin wanted Trump.

cared more about causing chaos and mistrust among Americans over our election process / election.

HRC conceded the election when she lost with more popular votes. Even in victory Trump cast doubt on the election basically bold outright lying that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton because between three million and five million "illegals" cast ballots in California. Putin had his liar in position after that.
Putin wanted Trump.

HRC conceded the election when she lost with more popular votes. Even in victory Trump cast doubt on the election basically bold outright lying that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton because between three million and five million "illegals" cast ballots in California. Putin had his liar in position after that.
Putin wanted exactly what we got, an ever more divided US. If he thought electing Snoopy would have the same effect he would have supported Snoopy.

A more divided US is a weaker US and the more we have to deal with internal turmoil the fewer resources and less time we have to interfere with Putin's quest for Empire.
Trump’s BIG LIE, after losing, caused chaos and mistrust among Americans over our election process / election which led to the first and only ever self coup attempt by a one term loser PRESIDENT exactly as Putin wanted his puppet US President to do.
You really think Biden got more votes than Obama and Trump? Seriously? You can't smell the shit that you are swimming in here?
They were wrong, to mock folks in the GOP who correctly called Putin a geopolitical threat.

There was no Democrat and no Republican except Trump who wanted Putin back into the G8.

Trump did not consider Putin a geo-political threat - For years, miss-directed US Intel on the Putin threat to China and Iran.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Russia should “absolutely not” be allowed back into the Group of Seven leading industrial nations, an idea floated by Trump. Moscow was booted after its invasion of Crimea six years ago.​
It is easily observable reality that most congressional Republicans back Biden’s tough line against Moscow

As the United States seeks to rally its allies and impose tough penalties for Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine, a vocal group of Republicans and right-leaning commentators is expressing praise and admiration for the president’s strength and shrewdness. President Vladimir Putin, that is.​

While most congressional Republicans back Biden’s tough line against Moscow — or argue it should be even tougher — a faction made up of conservative Republicans, supporters of former president Donald Trump and conservative media figures says Putin should be left alone, or even congratulated, by Americans.​

Trump complimented Putin on Tuesday, saying it was a “smart move” by the Russian president to send “the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen” to the Ukraine border.​
There was no Democrat and no Republican except Trump who wanted Putin back into the G8.

Trump did not consider Putin a geo-political threat - For years, miss-directed US Intel on the Putin threat to China and Iran.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Russia should “absolutely not” be allowed back into the Group of Seven leading industrial nations, an idea floated by Trump. Moscow was booted after its invasion of Crimea six years ago.​
It is easily observable reality that most congressional Republicans back Biden’s tough line against Moscow

As the United States seeks to rally its allies and impose tough penalties for Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine, a vocal group of Republicans and right-leaning commentators is expressing praise and admiration for the president’s strength and shrewdness. President Vladimir Putin, that is.​
While most congressional Republicans back Biden’s tough line against Moscow — or argue it should be even tougher — a faction made up of conservative Republicans, supporters of former president Donald Trump and conservative media figures says Putin should be left alone, or even congratulated, by Americans.​
Trump complimented Putin on Tuesday, saying it was a “smart move” by the Russian president to send “the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen” to the Ukraine border.​
and the majority of members of the G8…including italy, germany, japan
and the majority of members of the G8…including italy, germany, japan
Say what?

Trump holds Obama responsible for Putin’s nonviolent annexation of 2014,. Trump couldn’t blame Putin for anything in 2019.

However, Trump said Russia was ejected from the exclusive club of nations because former President Barack Obama had been “outsmarted” by Putin.​

Trump has in the past blamed Obama for “letting” Russia take over Crimea.​
How tghe hell was Obama outsmarted on the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. Ukrainians had just tossed out one of Trump’s campaign managers clients (Putin backed president of Ukraine -Yanakovich) in a coup and Ukraine’s chaos led to Putin being able to seize Crimea with no shots being fired. And fir that Putin was kicked out of the G8.

Ehy did only Trump want Putin back in?
Say what?

Trump holds Obama responsible for Putin’s nonviolent annexation of 2014,. Trump couldn’t blame Putin for anything in 2019.

However, Trump said Russia was ejected from the exclusive club of nations because former President Barack Obama had been “outsmarted” by Putin.​

Trump has in the past blamed Obama for “letting” Russia take over Crimea.​
How tghe hell was Obama outsmarted on the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. Ukrainians had just tossed out one of Trump’s campaign managers clients (Putin backed president of Ukraine -Yanakovich) in a coup and Ukraine’s chaos led to Putin being able to seize Crimea with no shots being fired. And fir that Putin was kicked out of the G8.

Ehy did only Trump want Putin back in?
nonviolent? are you insane? Yes obama has a lot of responsibly for that violent invasion. It was part of his more flexible policies. no shots being fired?

It appears you just want to ignore reality and repeat putin disinformation if you believe any of that crap

"I like Putin, he likes me." TRUMP

THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT Putin Preferred Trump and interfered for a Trump win in both elections. Trump was a white Christian nationalist like PUTIN’s dream come true for increasing tension along racial lines within American society.

Washington (CNN)Despite repeated warnings from intelligence officials and his own FBI director that Russia is carrying out a blatant attack on American democracy, President Donald Trump summed up his views at a rally on Monday in very simple terms, "I like Putin, he likes me."​

Trump has consistently expressed a personal affinity for his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, since taking office nearly four years ago. US But the fact that his latest comments come as US intelligence agencies are sounding the alarm about Moscow's ongoing interference in the 2020 election offers a stark reminder that Trump has no problem with foreign meddling if it appears to help him politically.​
Yes, thanks to TRUMP and the BIG LIE, we got turtle shit soup.

That is your fellow Trump voter there Desert Texan . Why do you, Putin and Trump cuddle with that anti-truth, anti-democracy bullshit?
Oh the insults--

Again, do you really think that Biden is more popular than Obama? EVER?

And fyi honey, remember I was the one saying that the dems would be cheating AGAIN months before the election even took place. I've seen the dems do it before---and I had no doubt that Biden was telling the truth about his largest coalition of cheaters ever. Trump had nothing to do with it.
"I like Putin, he likes me." TRUMP

THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT Putin Preferred Trump and interfered for a Trump win in both elections. Trump was a white Christian nationalist like PUTIN’s dream come true for increasing tension along racial lines within American society.

Washington (CNN)Despite repeated warnings from intelligence officials and his own FBI director that Russia is carrying out a blatant attack on American democracy, President Donald Trump summed up his views at a rally on Monday in very simple terms, "I like Putin, he likes me."​
Trump has consistently expressed a personal affinity for his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, since taking office nearly four years ago. US But the fact that his latest comments come as US intelligence agencies are sounding the alarm about Moscow's ongoing interference in the 2020 election offers a stark reminder that Trump has no problem with foreign meddling if it appears to help him politically.​
the mueller report highlighted that putin’s main goal was to spread misinformation, distrust and chaos. Working both parties against one another. He didn’t show favor towards trump until we’ll after the primaries..ans trumps win, couldn’t of worked out better because the left raN with their lies of conspiracy undermining the new admin.

Heck you are here still spreading. clear russian disinformation about some sort of peaceful invasion in 2014 and trump being a white national

It amazes me how easy you dembots are putin’s useful idiots
nonviolent? are you insane?

The entire Ukrainian military surrendered or defected in Crimea as Putin’s ‘Green Men” moved in and took over to protect a vote by the 90 percent Russian speaking population that wanted them there. Ukrainians fled into Ukraine. One Ukrainian officer did something and he ended up killed - the lone casualty on the Ukrainian side. Two Russians were killed. DONT RECALL IF IT WAS THE SAME INCIDENT.

SO YIU ARE WRONG or a liar /take your pick this time.

1 Crimean SDF trooper killed[30]
  • 2 soldiers killed[31]
  • 60–80 soldiers detained[32]
  • 9,268 military servicemen and 7,050 civilian employees defected[33][34]
Again, do you really think that Biden is more popular than Obama? EVER?
Don’t care about popularity. ELECTIONS ARE NOT decided by anything other than counting ballots not matter how they arrive..

Biden’s winning margin came from the boost of black and other minority voters who were justifiably annoyed and fed up with Trump’s racist dogwhistling and his alignment with white nationalists hate groups and militias seeking a return to the glory of the Confederacy.
the mueller report highlighted that putin’s main goal was to spread misinformation, distrust and chaos.
Yes and he needed Trump’s white Christian nationalism, versus the Dems being supported by the vast majority of black Hispanic and Asian Americans.

Trump’s disinformation claim in 2017 that he won the popular vote if and only if, 3 million illegal immigrant votes were not counted, pleased Putin. HRC could not provide that race tinged anti/immigrant disinformation for Putin’s ends. Only Trump’s populist, racist anti/news-media rampage through democratic norms could help Putin’s quest to undermine demicracies around the world.
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A more divided US is a weaker US and the more we have to deal with internal turmoil the fewer resources and less time we have to interfere with Putin's quest for Empire.
So why have you written in the past that Trump’s presidency was a disaster. Did you vote for him.

Well since they have yet to prove an actual case of insurrection I'd say it's a good idea to move on. :D

He's a weak, feeble, walking disaster which of course directly reflects on the US as a whole

agreed with Trump on probably 85-90% of his policies but he was a disaster for both the party and the country.

The biggest “American disaster” to aid and abet world war criminal Putin’s quest to destroy viable democracy in the world was TRUMP’s self coup attempt commonly referred to as the Jan6 insurrection to remain in office for a second term despite losing the election to Joe Biden. But you don’t see an insurrection. What do you see happened NOVEMBER 3 through Jan6?
"I like Putin, he likes me." TRUMP

THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT Putin Preferred Trump and interfered for a Trump win in both elections. Trump was a white Christian nationalist like PUTIN’s dream come true for increasing tension along racial lines within American society.

Washington (CNN)Despite repeated warnings from intelligence officials and his own FBI director that Russia is carrying out a blatant attack on American democracy, President Donald Trump summed up his views at a rally on Monday in very simple terms, "I like Putin, he likes me."​
Trump has consistently expressed a personal affinity for his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, since taking office nearly four years ago. US But the fact that his latest comments come as US intelligence agencies are sounding the alarm about Moscow's ongoing interference in the 2020 election offers a stark reminder that Trump has no problem with foreign meddling if it appears to help him politically.​
Trump was able to keep Putin in line with just words---------Trump was a great businessman and president. You don't insult dictators that you want to behave
NOTFOOL----how do you not know basics?

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