It is not collusion - it is a Russian nesting doll - (A Putin Matryoshka) - Trump Voters are inside

HOW LONG AFTER THE PRIMARIES WAS IT THAT Putin showed favor to Trump and helped him defeat HRC.
Not sure, he was helping clinton for awhile too

Clinton was gonna lose, nothing putin did helped. The corruption in hiding emails, keeping classified material in the hands of a third party, her personality, the fact the dems had left the world in chaos after 8 years…facebook post by russian trolls wasnt the deal breaker for clinton
Putin committed war crimes when Trump was flushing documents down White House toilets. You are a liar.
what war crimes?

putin is certainly committing them now, while xiden is flushing is dirty underwear down the white house toilets…and the economy
what war crimes?

Will you admit you are a liar now?

Russia committed war crimes in Syria, finds UN report

The country was also blamed for indiscriminate attacks in civilian areas without ‘a specific military objective’ Julian Borger in Washington Mon 2 Mar 2020 18.30 EST

A UN investigation into atrocities committed in Syria has for the first time accused Russia of direct involvement in war crimes for indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas.

Russia committed war crimes in Syria, finds UN report

The latest report from the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria focuses on events of July 2019 to January this year, and in particular attacks by “pro-government forces” on civilian targets like medical facilities, driving 700,000 civilians from their homes.

Idlib province bombing kills 21 in single day Read more

The commission focused on two incidents in which it found substantial evidence that Russian aircraft were directly involved in the bombing of civilian areas. The panel has in the past suggested possible Russian responsibility for war crimes, but this is the first time it has found proof of Moscow’s culpability
It is not collusion - it is a Russian nesting doll - (A Putin Matryoshka) - Trump Voters are willfully inside and they are unwittingly helping the murderous dictator and war criminal destroy western multicultural democratic institutions world wide. I’m beginning to believe the abandonment of multicultural liberal western democracy to have the false sense of security of white run authoritarianism is taking place in the world before our very eyes. It is sad to see.
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The Mueller Report did not find a crime of TRUMP/PUTIN collusion in Trump’s rise to the presidency in 2016 or thereafter. It is not a crime to be sympathetic or appreciative of one very special and white, right wing conservative authoritarian, Christian nationalist, strong father type leader, like Vladimir Putin.
The Matryoshkas usually have eight dolls.
THE Putin doll has, in terms of usefulness to Putin, ,a Trump Doll at about five dolls in. It has American politicians like Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky of the Ayn Rand libertarian, anti-democracy breed, and religious leaders such as Franklin Graham at little doll seven.
The Putin doll has USMB writers like Mashmont and Correll in the tiniest doll number eight, but the ingrained problem is there are fifty million of them in America and there does not appear to be a way to get them out or ever get them to realize they are stuck inside Putin and do not want out. They feel safe in there everlastingly afraid of BLM and ANTIFA atheists and minorities and liberals who believe in democracy and vote.

Should we be pessimistic about the future of sustained liberal multicultural democracy and the freedom we’ve had here in America for nearly two and a half centuries or will Trumpism’s white American First political movement die a miserable death if Ukrainians push Putin’s army back into Russia, and Putin is dethroned and convicted of his war crimes and sins against humanity?

Talk me down from my pessimism, please. I have never lost optimism for America like thus before.

Putin is driving global recession, inflation and food shortages and major disruption to advanced multicultural democratic nations Disorder and economic chaos and massive population resettlements provide favor to right wing authoritarian leaning politicians whereever free and fair elections are held. Yes Putin still hold the best hands for disruption and chaos in the world. Trump

TRUMP VOTERS ARE WAY TOO EMBEDDED IN PUTIN’s Matryoshka for confidence and comfort. American continued complacency by a large segment of the un-Trumped population couid spell the end of our democracy as we know it.
I have posted nothing untrue about the annexation of Crimea by Putin in 2014. You are a liar.

Why did you lie about what you chain to know? PUTIN LOVES liars like you.
haha you claimed it was a peaceful process…hahaha

either you lied , or are willfully blind…either way you are putin’s useful idiot
Will you admit you are a liar now?

Russia committed war crimes in Syria, finds UN report

The country was also blamed for indiscriminate attacks in civilian areas without ‘a specific military objective’ Julian Borger in Washington Mon 2 Mar 2020 18.30 EST

A UN investigation into atrocities committed in Syria has for the first time accused Russia of direct involvement in war crimes for indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas.

Russia committed war crimes in Syria, finds UN report

The latest report from the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria focuses on events of July 2019 to January this year, and in particular attacks by “pro-government forces” on civilian targets like medical facilities, driving 700,000 civilians from their homes.

Idlib province bombing kills 21 in single day Read more

The commission focused on two incidents in which it found substantial evidence that Russian aircraft were directly involved in the bombing of civilian areas. The panel has in the past suggested possible Russian responsibility for war crimes, but this is the first time it has found proof of Moscow’s culpability
Ah yeah, in Syria....Russia was only there because of your "more flexible" Policies of Xiden and Obama who invited Russia there, after Assad (Nancy P's tea party partner) committed War Crimes by using WMDs

Don't worry, Trump actually responded to Obama's redline: Donald Trump's textbook surgical strike sent the right message to Syria, Bashar Assad
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haha you claimed it was a peaceful process…hahaha
It was an absolutely peaceful process unlike the war crimes committed by Russia against Syrians in Idlib Syria. Putin learned THE US would abandon its allies in the fight against ISIS with an isolationist America First anti-immigrant white Christian nationalists sitting in the OVAL OFFICE when not golfing at one of his resorts charging $20 grand a day to board the SECRET SERVICE..

Idlib province bombing kills 21 in single dayRead more

Oct. 23, 2019, 10:28 AM EDT
By Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and David Adesnik, director of research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Donald Trump has been telling us since the first day of his presidency that the American president should no longer be the leader of the free world and that he personally has no interest in the job. This month, he made good on his words by unleashing chaos in northern Syria.

Trump’s actions empowered American adversaries ranging from the Islamic State militant group to Iran, Russia, Turkey and the regime of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad and abandoned the local Syrian forces, especially Kurdish ones, who fought side by side with U.S. troops against ISIS. In defending his decision, Trump insisted America has nothing at stake in Syria and can let others handle an Islamic State insurgency
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It was an absolutely peaceful process unlike the war crimes committed by Russia against Syrians in Idlib Syria. Putin learned THE US would abandon its allies in the fight against ISIS with an isolationist America First anti-immigrant white Christian nationalists sitting in the OVAL OFFICE when not golfing at one of his resorts charging $20 grand a day to board the SECRET SERVICE..

Idlib province bombing kills 21 in single dayRead more

Oct. 23, 2019, 10:28 AM EDT
By Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and David Adesnik, director of research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Donald Trump has been telling us since the first day of his presidency that the American president should no longer be the leader of the free world and that he personally has no interest in the job. This month, he made good on his words by unleashing chaos in northern Syria.
Trump’s actions empowered American adversaries ranging from the Islamic State militant group to Iran, Russia, Turkey and the regime of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad and abandoned the local Syrian forces, especially Kurdish ones, who fought side by side with U.S. troops against ISIS. In defending his decision, Trump insisted America has nothing at stake in Syria and can let others handle an Islamic State insurgency
Obviously you never heard of Putin's little Green Men Little green men (Russo-Ukrainian War) - Wikipedia that stormed the legislature, blocked the airport, and seized the region. Putin Comes Clean On Crimea's Little Green Men

Try again, Putin's little puppet
I literally posted a link with Putin admitting they were his troops....just was anything but peaceful

Once again, you have ignored reality, and continued to push Putin's misinformation.

Thanks for highlighting you are Putin's puppet.
I literally posted a link with Putin admitting they were his troops....just was anything but peaceful
I said it was peaceful because there was no bombings or attacks on Ukrainian soldiers who fled. I am not sayin Russian troops were not involved in the peaceful takeover of Crimea.- They were - the Green Men. YOU are a liar. And a Dumbass - Putin Doll.
I said it was peaceful because there was no bombings or attacks on Ukrainian soldiers who fled. I am not sayin Russian troops were not involved in the peaceful takeover of Crimea.- They were - the Green Men. YOU are a liar. And a Dumbass - Putin Doll.
Nobody takes you seriously anymore after your Putin puppetry and pushing his disinformation.

I am willing to be you are on a internet troll farm in St. Petersrburg...and not the one in FL
Nobody takes you seriously
You lied, Yoo fucked up. You run away from truth and facts with that utter bull shit. You don’t take facts seriously and that is of great benefit to Trump and Putin.
storming the legislature and holding the airports hostage with machine guns...perfectly peaceful in the mind of a russian bot like yourself.
No one was killed or wounded by those machine guns at the airport

Does that look like what Putin did to the city of Idlib when Trump did nothing but tweet a few words against the man he likes before abandoning our Kurdish allies that helped us defeat ISIS and watched them die with their women and children under Putin’s bombs.
No one was killed or wounded by those machine guns at the airport

Does that look like what Putin did to the city of Idlib when Trump did nothing but tweet a few words against the man he likes before abandoning our Kurdish allies that helped us defeat ISIS and watched them die with their women and children under Putin’s bombs.
haha keep deflecting…

obama and xiden have done nothing

and you are here calling putin’s invasion peaceful

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