It is not legitimate to use the courts to force same-sex marriage on the people


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
In every state where same-sex marriage was on the ballot, even liberal states like Oregon and California, it was defeated.

And yet, the courts are now imposing same-sex marriage on the states, despite what the people voted for.

Same-sex marriage will therefore never be legitimate in this country, since it was imposed contrary to the wishes of the American people.

The issue will cause further polarization of this country into two warring camps, in the same way Roe v. Wade polarized this country over abortion.

The liberals have given up trying to push their agenda through legitimate democratic means.

They mean to turn this country into a tyranny, with them calling the shots.

This is only the beginning for them, they have many more items on their radical agenda to change this country.

The next issue is allowing men to use women's restrooms. This is already happening in Houston, and it will spread from there.
The mood gets ugly when people feel their vote doesn't matter.
In every state where same-sex marriage was on the ballot, even liberal states like Oregon and California, it was defeated.

And that is of course a lie.

The last three states to put the issue on the ballot, the voters have voted for marriage equality.

Maine, Maryland, Washington
In every state where same-sex marriage was on the ballot, even liberal states like Oregon and California, it was defeated.

And yet, the courts are now imposing same-sex marriage on the states, despite what the people voted for.

Same-sex marriage will therefore never be legitimate in this country, since it was imposed contrary to the wishes of the American people.

Voters were against mixed race marriage, but the courts 'imposed' mixed race marraige on the states.

It wasn't until about 1995 that more Americans approved of mixed race marriage than disapproved of mixed race marriage.

More Americans now approve of same gender marriage than approved of mixed race marriage in 1985.

Maybe mixed race marriage is not legitimate in your mind.....but it is in mind- and so is same gender marriage.
"It is not legitimate to use the courts to force same-sex marriage on the people"

You don't understand.

The residents of a given state or jurisdiction do not have the authority to deny American citizens their civil rights, in this case gay Americans' right to equal protection of the law.

And when the residents of a given state err and enact measures that deny same-sex couples access to marriage law same-sex couples are in fact eligible to participate in, gay Americans so injured have no other recourse than to seek relief in the Federal courts, as is their First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Consequently, when the courts rule in accordance with settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is repugnant to the Constitution, invalidating those measures is in no way 'forcing' anything on the people.

Indeed, the states have only themselves to blame when an un-Constitutional measure is invalidated by the courts, as it is the responsibility of state officials to understand the Constitution and its case law, and not enact measures that violate the Constitution, or otherwise authorize referenda that likewise seek to do so.

It's a trick the left uses to bypass the constitution...If they federalize everything by taking it to court and shopping for a liberal judge to rule in their favor, it allows unelected judges to bypass the vote of the people....
So now in order to UNDO the mess there has to be a constitutional convention...
it's a clever trick and further illustrates how all three branches of government have become irredeemably corrupt.
The mood gets ugly when people feel their vote doesn't matter.

Why should we have a vote on whether somebody wants to marry? Did I get to vote on your marriage?
If some guys want to marry, or some girls want to marry, let em, doesn't affect your marriage or mine does it?
Just because some book of fairytales says certain things are forbidden you all get your pants in a twist!
The bible also says you cannot divorce, get tattoos, wear gold, go to church if you have no gonads, have your fortune told, use contraception or eat certain meats amongst other things. I bet everybody has at least one of those vices.
Let em marry, what is the worse that god can do? Bury you under six foot of snow!
Why should anyone have to ask permission from some bureaucrat to get married in the first place? Anytime you have to ask for permission you risk being told no. Why should I have to pay for a license to the government to get married? The entire reason we got government involved with the marriage process in the first place was to keep blacks from marrying whites. Do we really want to keep that mentality as the basis for the hill the anti-gay marriage people want to die on? I agree that churches shouldn't be forced to perform gay marriages if it goes against the tenets of said church, but beyond that I don't care. Gay marriage, straight marriage, plural marriage, it's all good provided everyone involved is a consenting adult.

We talk a big game about liberty, but both sides are equally happy to restrict other peoples' liberty when it comes to something they don't like on some personal level.
The mood gets ugly when people feel their vote doesn't matter.

Why should we have a vote on whether somebody wants to marry? Did I get to vote on your marriage?
If some guys want to marry, or some girls want to marry, let em, doesn't affect your marriage or mine does it?
Just because some book of fairytales says certain things are forbidden you all get your pants in a twist!
The bible also says you cannot divorce, get tattoos, wear gold, go to church if you have no gonads, have your fortune told, use contraception or eat certain meats amongst other things. I bet everybody has at least one of those vices.
Let em marry, what is the worse that god can do? Bury you under six foot of snow!

So you support legal polygamous marriage as well?
In every state where same-sex marriage was on the ballot, even liberal states like Oregon and California, it was defeated.

And yet, the courts are now imposing same-sex marriage on the states, despite what the people voted for.

Same-sex marriage will therefore never be legitimate in this country, since it was imposed contrary to the wishes of the American people.

The issue will cause further polarization of this country into two warring camps, in the same way Roe v. Wade polarized this country over abortion.

The liberals have given up trying to push their agenda through legitimate democratic means.

They mean to turn this country into a tyranny, with them calling the shots.

This is only the beginning for them, they have many more items on their radical agenda to change this country.

The next issue is allowing men to use women's restrooms. This is already happening in Houston, and it will spread from there.
You will have to let us know when the courts force gay marriage on people. Hasn't happened yet....but let us know when it does.
In every state where same-sex marriage was on the ballot, even liberal states like Oregon and California, it was defeated.

And yet, the courts are now imposing same-sex marriage on the states, despite what the people voted for.

Same-sex marriage will therefore never be legitimate in this country, since it was imposed contrary to the wishes of the American people.

The issue will cause further polarization of this country into two warring camps, in the same way Roe v. Wade polarized this country over abortion.

The liberals have given up trying to push their agenda through legitimate democratic means.

They mean to turn this country into a tyranny, with them calling the shots.

This is only the beginning for them, they have many more items on their radical agenda to change this country.

The next issue is allowing men to use women's restrooms. This is already happening in Houston, and it will spread from there.

Some things aren't up for a vote. Right is right and what the people may want doesn't enter into it. As with segregation, gays in the military, and gay marriage. The people can suck it.
In every state where same-sex marriage was on the ballot, even liberal states like Oregon and California, it was defeated.

And yet, the courts are now imposing same-sex marriage on the states, despite what the people voted for.

Same-sex marriage will therefore never be legitimate in this country, since it was imposed contrary to the wishes of the American people.

The issue will cause further polarization of this country into two warring camps, in the same way Roe v. Wade polarized this country over abortion.

The liberals have given up trying to push their agenda through legitimate democratic means.

They mean to turn this country into a tyranny, with them calling the shots.

This is only the beginning for them, they have many more items on their radical agenda to change this country.

The next issue is allowing men to use women's restrooms. This is already happening in Houston, and it will spread from there.
First of all, the civil and human rights of minority groups is not an issue that is appropriate to leave up to "popular" and, in many cases, ignorant, emotional and prejudiced decision. The Constitution provides for the individual's protection from the correctly named tyranny of the majority.

Secondly, this is Not "liberal" issue, but a Human issue.

Next, no one is "forcing" gay rights, or same sex marriage on anyone. That is just ridiculous.
If you don't want to marry someone of the same gender, don't. Pretty simple. You don't have to like it, or even approve. The truth is, everyone has the same rights that you do to life, love and family whether your small, closed mind and heart can accept that, or not.
Peace and happiness to you!
The mood gets ugly when people feel their vote doesn't matter.

Why should we have a vote on whether somebody wants to marry? Did I get to vote on your marriage?
If some guys want to marry, or some girls want to marry, let em, doesn't affect your marriage or mine does it?
Just because some book of fairytales says certain things are forbidden you all get your pants in a twist!
The bible also says you cannot divorce, get tattoos, wear gold, go to church if you have no gonads, have your fortune told, use contraception or eat certain meats amongst other things. I bet everybody has at least one of those vices.
Let em marry, what is the worse that god can do? Bury you under six foot of snow!

So you support legal polygamous marriage as well?
That ancient, straw argument again?
Try to stay on topic.
It's a trick the left uses to bypass the constitution...If they federalize everything by taking it to court and shopping for a liberal judge to rule in their favor, it allows unelected judges to bypass the vote of the people....
So now in order to UNDO the mess there has to be a constitutional convention...
it's a clever trick and further illustrates how all three branches of government have become irredeemably corrupt.
you got it. we bypass the constitution by relying on constitutional guarantees.

you are so smart.
The end game is to abolish marriage and raise all children in state-run nurseries.

The Jews did that in Israel, and parents were allowed very limited time to be with their children. They believed that the love of a parent was a corrupting influence, that should not be tolerated against the will of the community, or the all-powerful state.

This is what Hillary Clinton means when she says, "It takes a village to raise a child."

What she means to do is abolish the family and if she is elected President, she will take action to do that.

Same-sex marriage decreases respect for the institution of marriage by turning it into a farce. That is the goal.
blackrook, you are nothing but a stupid goy.

That is not the plan for the master race.

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