It Is Now 'Official': Joe Biden Is WORSE Than Jimmy Carter

Historians later were to remark that with that post, he totally blew any credibility he might have once had.

* Totally fictitious quote from a future history book entitled, "The Decline and Fall of an Internet Keyboard Jockey, or, How to Avoid Sounding Like an Idiot".

Read Frank Jungers.. He was there with the King.. and he was my neighbor in Arabia.
We never thought that a President could be worse than Jimmy Carter and then along came The Worthless Negro.

We never thought that a President could be worse than The Worthless Negro and then along came Joe Potatohead.
We never thought that a President could be worse than Jimmy Carter and then along came The Worthless Negro.

We never thought that a President could be worse than The Worthless Negro and then along came Joe Potatohead.

Being stupid and being a racist go hand in hand. You win.
Read Frank Jungers.. He was there with the King.. and he was my neighbor in Arabia.
Okay, so the guy who helped create the oil embargo did so because the king of Arabia told him he has to do hurt the western nations because he thinks the Palestinians were getting a raw deal, and that's enough for you to say that Israel caused the embargo? Not good reasoning. You might as well blame the media because they didn't openly call for the total destruction of Israel and that made him mad.
Gee no shit? What a surprise.

I like Carter. While he isn't a strong leader, at least he's his own man and has a good conscious.

Compare and contrast Carter to what has never been more than a disposition of a used car salesman, now with dementia.
I believe Carter is a very decent man, and would have made an excellent president if he had stronger leadership skills.
Easily the worst in my lifetime. Not a historian so I dunno about all time worst.

Neither am, but I was born in the 70s and far as i can remember I haven't seen a president take as big of a shit on the country as Biden has. And it's not just him solely, his entire administration and party are to blame also.
Neither am, but I was born in the 70s and far as i can remember I haven't seen a president take as big of a shit on the country as Biden has. And it's not just him solely, his entire administration and party are to blame also.

Xiden is really just a bystander at this point. He has his handlers, they run the entire shit-show.

Say leftists, what else would you have imagined Xiden would have been as POTUS?
Uhhh hate to break the news to you but you need to stop listening to the corporate controlled media that carter was the worst president ever bs they been saying fir decades,Carter did not go and start wwl,well,the Vietnam war or Korean War or the Mideast wars.warmonger presidents are the worst abd every president from Reagan all the way up to Obama were warmongers.they call carter the worst president ever mainly cause of long gas lines which was the result of Nixon’s policys that led to it. Every president after carter except for trump was much worse than him by leaps and bounds and there are too many before him that were easily far worse than him as well.
What war did Reagan start? I seem to recall he ended the Cold War.
The OP fails to factor in trump, who actually was the worst president in my lifetime, and even tried to engineer a coup to keep himself in power. Biden is in the unenviable position of picking up the huge pile of shit left by trump, after trump refused him in the procedural niceties customary to the transition of administrations. Carter actually was an okay president. He demonstrated excellent leadership during the Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown (being a trained nuclear engineer) and his mission to free the hostages in Iran ended in disaster due to the malfunction of helicopters and a ground collision. In this historically complicated situation, Carter must have been doing something right, since they were freed on the day that Carter left office and Reagan was inaugurated.

Your boy is reopening Gitmo to stash the black folks coming across the border. You must be proud.

You're the bloody idiot. Israel had nothing to do with the price of oil.

That was caused by the Saudi's and anyone else who had oil to sell. When I was a kid gas was 19 Cents a gallon. Yes 19 cents a gallon.

They wanted the price of oil higher so they pulled the no oil BS. From then on the price of oil has gone up and up.

Trump got it down because he made us oil independent by opening up ANWAR for drilling along with other Fed lands.

Now its going back up cause Bidung won't let us drill on Fed lands and he wants to do away with fracking. He wants the Saudi's to sell us more oil. So you can blame Bidung.

LOL.. TRump didn't open up ANWR.. The US still imports 7.5-8 million bpd and most of it comes from Canada, Venezuela, Mexico and Russia since Trump put sanctions against VZ. Not much from KSA or OPEC. You're really ignorant. We have NEVER been oil independent, but you know, Trump is real stupid too.
LOL.. TRump didn't open up ANWR.. The US still imports 7.5-8 million bpd and most of it comes from Canada, Venezuela, Mexico and Russia since Trump put sanctions against VZ. Not much from KSA or OPEC. You're really ignorant. We have NEVER been oil independent, but you know, Trump is real stupid too.
You obviously do not know what the term "net" means for you to make such an ignorant statement.
You obviously do not know what the term "net" means for you to make such an ignorant statement.

LOLOL.. We still import 7.5 to 8 million bpd which means we are NOT oil independent.

Syria will be a NET importer within the decade.


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