It Is Now 'Official': Joe Biden Is WORSE Than Jimmy Carter

Uhhh hate to break the news to you but you need to stop listening to the corporate controlled media that carter was the worst president ever bs they been saying fir decades,Carter did not go and start wwl,well,the Vietnam war or Korean War or the Mideast wars.warmonger presidents are the worst abd every president from Reagan all the way up to Obama were warmongers.they call carter the worst president ever mainly cause of long gas lines which was the result of Nixon’s policys that led to it. Every president after carter except for trump was much worse than him by leaps and bounds and there are too many before him that were easily far worse than him as well.

Just a pile of shit. Large pile of shit.

The DOE policies in reaction to the Iranian revolution in 1979 led to the Crisis.. Nixon had JACK SHITT to do with it, you lying sack of turd.

Iranian oil production from 5.8 million barrels a day in July 1978 to 445,000 barrels a day in January 1979.

DOE requested the inventory buildup and ordered crude oil to be redistributed in a way that reduced the supply of gasoline and altered regional distribution. Also, DOE's gasoline price and allocation regulations made it profitable to withhold supplies from the market.

Fucking NIXON??!!

Jesus, you left wing commies have a VERY tough time with the TRUTH.

Nixon left office in 1974....and lefty cucks blame the 1979 gas crisis on Nixon.

Presidential Historians have a better grip on these things than you do ... Had :)
Presidential historians are human too and can get caught up in things like the Orange Man Bad fad. Normally it is nearly impossible to accurately rate a president's term until some time after he has left office and the full effects of his policies become known. Quid Pro Joe, however, is on pace to eliminate that.
Presidential historians are human too and can get caught up in things like the Orange Man Bad fad. Normally it is nearly impossible to accurately rate a president's term until some time after he has left office and the full effects of his policies become known. Quid Pro Joe, however, is on pace to eliminate that.
Make ya a bet HAD ... If Quid Pro winds up below Rumpster Dumpster 2 years from now in a poll of over 100 highly respected presidential historians, then I leave the forum forever and vise versa. Deal?
Super decent guy, probably has the strongest moral character for a president of the modern era. Just not a great president.
Hey I don't think Jimmay was a "great" president either. Only 20 or so spots above the Trumpy Bear. :cool-45:
Make ya a bet HAD ... If Quid Pro winds up below Rumpster Dumpster 2 years from now in a poll of over 100 highly respected presidential historians, then I leave the forum forever and vise versa. Deal?
2 years is far too short. While W was president, the usual suspects were running around squawking that he was the worst ever. 25 years later, he doesn't look so bad. 2 years from now (assuming he hasn't died or been pushed aside by Cackles), Quid Pro will still be president. Check back in about 25 years.
Presidential historians are human too and can get caught up in things like the Orange Man Bad fad. Normally it is nearly impossible to accurately rate a president's term until some time after he has left office and the full effects of his policies become known. Quid Pro Joe, however, is on pace to eliminate that.

Exactly. Some of these "historians" ranked Trump as the worst president before he even started his term. Kind of like the retards who gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize right before he started three wars.
I believe Carter was a man put in charge at the wrong time. But was elected because of stupidity from some years before it. Biden is deranged. And gets away with what is happening because of it.

You're the only one who's deranged. Carter was elected because he was an honest, decent man, after the sleaze and slime of the Nixon Administration, just as Biden was elected in response to the sleaze and slime of the Trump Administration.

It was sheer stupidity that elected Donald Trump. Anyone who has ever looked closely at the man can see that he's a lying conman who has no management or business skills whatsoever. 7 bankruptcies. He paid $122 million dollars in FRAUD CLAIMS, from his own voters.

Just the fact that you come here and talk lovingly about everything he did, makes me question your sanity.
Neither am, but I was born in the 70s and far as i can remember I haven't seen a president take as big of a shit on the country as Biden has. And it's not just him solely, his entire administration and party are to blame also.
I'd say the dems are more to blame than he is. They're the ones pushing the agenda and who knows how mentally functioning he actually is
You're the only one who's deranged. Carter was elected because he was an honest, decent man, after the sleaze and slime of the Nixon Administration, just as Biden was elected in response to the sleaze and slime of the Trump Administration.

It was sheer stupidity that elected Donald Trump. Anyone who has ever looked closely at the man can see that he's a lying conman who has no management or business skills whatsoever. 7 bankruptcies. He paid $122 million dollars in FRAUD CLAIMS, from his own voters.

Just the fact that you come here and talk lovingly about everything he did, makes me question your sanity.
And now we can't even talk about Carter without someone racing in with "But TRUMP!". Truly, it's sad.

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