It is over; it has to be a mistrial.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If you are asking yourself why Kyle Rittenhouse was even charged with murder for his actions after being pursued by an angry mob out for blood, you are not alone. Rittenhouse was kicked in the head, bashed with a skateboard, and finally chased by a crazed rioter trying to take his gun. Video evidence including drone footage clearly shows that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense as a last resort. Why would Rittenhouse even be charged by Kenosha officials for defending his life? The answer is that Rittenhouse is white, and he is the poster child for the white America that elected Donald Trump.

The rioting in Kenosha Wisconsin left a bad taste in the country’s mouth as a concocted Black Lives Matter movement was manufactured by Congress to spread chaos and discord among the population. It was done to ensure that fearful people would bend to the corporate will of Washington and blame white America for the ills of society. Kenosha was destroyed and will likely never be rebuilt. The burned-out shells of businesses and plywood facades resemble the fire-bombed cities of Germany and Japan after the Second World War. Kenosha is a casualty of “building back better” in a phantom war on “white supremacy”.

Rittenhouse naively believed he could make a difference in defending the property and livelihoods of his friends and neighbors victimized by the Black Lives Matter movement. Now he is the face of white supremacy even though there is no connection to that associated with him. The judge in the case now has no choice but to declare a mistrial because the president of the United States smeared him with the label of a white supremacist. The jury was not sequestered; they heard the president say that. The prosecution is guilty of misconduct on several levels, not the least of which is withholding evidence. Media agencies have been following and filming jurors to intimidate them.

It is over; it must be a mistrial. The only reason the judge has not already declared it is that he is waiting to see if there is an acquittal. It is over. The judge has no choice.

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If he is innocent the jury of his own selection will notify us. You were not selected to be in the jury pool.
Another good reason why minors shouldn't have guns.
Why? It didn’t use to be a problem. The guns haven’t changed much.
Here’s a high school yearbook photo from the 1960’s…
But why? What has changed in humans to make us more lower educated and more prone to being violent?
Look at the picture you posted again, then look at a picture of that crybaby Rittenhouse running around like a fool with a loaded assault weapon. They don't look the same, do they?
I believe that even if the jury had come back with guilty on just one charge, the judge would have set it aside. The prosecution was so far out of line along with the media coverage that any judge, even a democratic judge, had no choice but to declare a mistrial. Now it is unnecessary.
Stop living in the past. Minors today shouldn't be allowed to have guns.
why not? they have every right to defend themselves from leftist brownshirts as adults

The first demafascist that attacked him was…well a sexual predator…with convictions for crimes against minors…he’s the sort of demafascist that we should want minors have weapons to protect themselves against
What has changed? What has made things more dangerous today? Shouldn’t that be the focus instead of guns?
You must be a democrat.
Rittenhouse was just another example of what happens when crybaby minors run around with loaded assault weapons.

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