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It is so nice to have an adult in charge once again

Quote: "costing far beyond what has been typical for past presidents. " So easy to prove that this nonpatriot is full of shit.
So easy to own the hatriot here in every post. Crying about Secret Service protection when every president and their family were afforded the exact same protections.
Trump gets in the lefts face and calls them out on their BS and the left are shitting themselves. They thought they could attack the guy without consequence like they did to Bush. They brutalized Bush and he just sat there like a punching bag and took the hits. Trump hits back and the liberals are having a hissy fit. :laugh:
Trump is being exorciated for the mountain of lies he produces each day.
And you freaking hillbillies talked about Hillary's lies?
This is why he's playing you like a stratavarius doing his dirty work denouncing the press.
This nation can't survive without a free and active press.
Fortunately the press is now emboldened instead of what the whiny little bitch expected ha ha
The difference? The Obama's were vacationing. The Trump's are working. It's not the Trump's fault that all of them are successful global businessmen while the Obama's were "community organizers" who never held a job.

They wasted tax payer money partying and abusing the office. The Trump's are working (believe me - I know working is a foreign concept to you unreasonable).

Speaks volumes though that the only thing you can come up with to whine about the Trump's is that they are successful workaholics.
Defending a pathological liar and someone who has no respect for our environment is a challenge you will ALWAYS lose.
Exactly...and that is why I am kicking your ass up and down this thread. Because you attempt to defend one of the worst pathological liars ever (Barack Obama) and you attempt to lie about the environment. That's why you've had to move the goalposts several times already snowflake.
Putting Obama in the same category as your pathological liar is hilarious and worthy of something only a meathead like you would say.
And I'm lying about that environment? Lol
You really don't know one of the idiot's EO that he held up was a wet kiss to the coal industry and indeed permitted them to pollute without any restrictions?
Of course you don't.
Oh wait. Fox News or Infowars probably didn't cover it so how would you know?
Here are three antienvironment bills Trump is trying to push thru including gutting the endangered species act.
HR 424
HJ. Res 69
If anyone cares about our environment and keeping protection for endangered species these must be defeated.
It's already too late to stop the coal industry from polluting our rivers and streams because as I said it was viaEO.
The difference? The Obama's were vacationing. The Trump's are working. It's not the Trump's fault that all of them are successful global businessmen while the Obama's were "community organizers" who never held a job.

They wasted tax payer money partying and abusing the office. The Trump's are working (believe me - I know working is a foreign concept to you unreasonable).

Speaks volumes though that the only thing you can come up with to whine about the Trump's is that they are successful workaholics.
Qusay and Uday Trump are working to enrich their father which is a violation to the constitution. but you're not honest enough to admit THAT.
So stick that up your fat ass.

Flag that was hoisted within a block of the White House so the whiny little bitch could see it.
Service jobs... shit pay. Service jobs are for those starting out in adult life... you know beginners jobs not careers.

No, not true either. There are 5 million jobs in the US going begging because idiots like you don't have enough education to do them. What you need is re-training, not jobs. The jobs are there - the workers, not so much.

Duh, how many of those great new jobs are being taken by illegal aliens who send most of the money back to mexico and central America?

You don't need a lot of training to pick tomatoes and cabbage. Americans have just become too lazy to do real work. why work for $350/week when you can get $300/week for sitting on your ass? The system is broken.
How many?

And don't make shit up -- prove your numbers.
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Service jobs... shit pay. Service jobs are for those starting out in adult life... you know beginners jobs not careers.

No, not true either. There are 5 million jobs in the US going begging because idiots like you don't have enough education to do them. What you need is re-training, not jobs. The jobs are there - the workers, not so much.
I have been self-employed for over 20 years, its the American way… Or at least should be. Not so much anymore since Socialism has been strengthened over the last couple decades.

Being self-employed is NOT the American way and never has been. Most people work for Corporations - large ones, small ones. That's why Republicans give business owners tax breaks - they're "job creators".

But the "creators" need workers, and consumers to buy their goods. Republicans are dumbing down education, and flat-lined wages are killing consumerism. The Middle Class has exhausted its savings and its equity, because Republicans continue to support a tax code which uses middle class taxes to subsidize the large corporate profits since the Guilded Age.

Wages have to keep pace with the money going to the top. They have not. The tax code has always been a delicate balancing act - giving the investing class sufficient insentive to keep striving, and the working class enough money to give them a chance at the American Dream.

The American Dream is now out of reach of most Americans, and the chances of achieving it slimmer than ever. You rail against programs which get poor kids into Ivy League Colleges, but say nothing about "legacies" - the automatic admission of the sons and daughters of alumnai which unfairly favours the rich and powerful.

You think party boy George W. Bush got into Harvard and Yale with his C-student grades, on his merits? Or did he get in because his Daddy was a wealthy Yale graduate and the Speaker of the House?

responding only to your comment about republicans dumbing down education. What party does the teachers union support? what party do most left wing college profs support?

the "dumbing down" is being done by you on the left. Schools no longer teach American and world history because the truth of history might offend some little snowflake. They no longer teach geography because knowing where countries are might offend some illegal going to a US school.

Liberalism is doing a terrible disservice to our young people by indoctrinating rather than teaching.
Well there's your delusions -- and then there's the stark reality that Trump's biggest support comes from those who are least educated...

Have you seen Darling Donald's taxpayer entertainment bill?
He doesn't have one. Unfortunately, Barack Obama ate up the "taxpayer entertainment" tab for the next 72 presidents. I think he exceeded several trillion dollars or something like that. Constantly flying to Hawaii, buying rare wines at Martha's Vineyard, and playing golf every single day at Augusta will really drive up a tab.

But hey - those community organizers sure had a good time! They got to do a ton of stuff that they wouldn't have otherwise been able to. And really, at the end of the day, that's all that matters. :doubt:
Trump has already racked up more in travel expenses in his first month than Obama did in his first year.
Funny the Nonpatriot is so appalled over Trump's antienvironment agenda that he thinks I'm lying about it when I schooled his dumb ass what he's doing.
But that's the republican way. Bush got rid of most of Clinton's protections of the environment to favor the oil and coal industries.
Obama had to reinstate the protections..
Now Trump is going even a step further than Bush did..
This is just one of the many reasons why it's so harmful to have republicans in power.
The difference? The Obama's were vacationing. The Trump's are working. It's not the Trump's fault that all of them are successful global businessmen while the Obama's were "community organizers" who never held a job.

They wasted tax payer money partying and abusing the office. The Trump's are working (believe me - I know working is a foreign concept to you unreasonable).

Speaks volumes though that the only thing you can come up with to whine about the Trump's is that they are successful workaholics.
Trump has already spent 6 out of his first 30 days golfing.
You were saying about " working?"
Hey everyone ... watch ButtPlug call himself an idiot and a liar....

Unfortunately, Barack Obama ate up the "taxpayer entertainment" tab for the next 72 presidents. I think he exceeded several trillion dollars or something like that. Constantly flying to Hawaii, buying rare wines at Martha's Vineyard, and playing golf every single day at Augusta will really drive up a tab.

President Barack Obama's vacation travel costs during his eight-year presidency have totaled more than $96 million, according to a report by Judicial Watch.

Because $96 million is "something like" "several trillion."


Oh, and get this ... Trump has already cost taxpayers about $10 million in his first month alone. At this rate, he'll pass all 8 years of Obama before the end of his first. By the time he leaves office, don't be surprised to see it costs more money for Trump to take his many vacations than all other presidents combined.

Report: Trump on track to cost more in security than Obama

Now the fun begins as you know the right will defend Trump for costing more than Obama even though they bashed Obama for most of his presidency for costing us too much.

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Putting Obama in the same category as your pathological liar is hilarious and worthy of something only a meathead like you would say.
That's why the left-wing media went on record stating that the Bush Administration was more transparent than the Obama Administration - because Obama was so "honest"?!?

The man who went around the nation adamantly stating "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" and "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" despite the fact that White House emails show he knew that was a blatant lie.

If you were to compile a list of the worst pathological liars in history it would look like this:

1. Hitlery Clinton
2. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
3. Bill Clinton
4. Harry Ried
5. Nancy Pelosi
6. Cas Sunstein
7. Barack Obama
8. Anthony Weiner
9. Richard Nixon
10. Dianne Feinstein

Trump wouldn't even make the top 25 you moron.
Putting Obama in the same category as your pathological liar is hilarious and worthy of something only a meathead like you would say.
That's why the left-wing media went on record stating that the Bush Administration was more transparent than the Obama Administration - because Obama was so "honest"?!?

The man who went around the nation adamantly stating "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" and "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" despite the fact that White House emails show he knew that was a blatant lie.

If you were to compile a list of the worst pathological liars in history it would look like this:

1. Hitlery Clinton
2. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
3. Bill Clinton
4. Harry Ried
5. Nancy Pelosi
6. Cas Sunstein
7. Barack Obama
8. Anthony Weiner
9. Richard Nixon
10. Dianne Feinstein

Trump wouldn't even make the top 25 you moron.
How odd -- if that list were accurate, your name would be at the top.
That's not his job. Suppressing or in any way interfering with the press is a violation of the 1st Amendment, whether you are POTUS or a non-gov't citizen.

So since all of you Trump slobs think the press is so bad, turn off everything except Trump's Twitter feed. No radio, television or internet news...NONE. Just Trump's tweets. And see how you like the Kim Jong Un form of "truth".

This site has become disgusting with these "From the Web" ads always taking up half the screen. Gross. Trashy.
It's his job. The ass kissing is history. It left with Obama and his minions. Get over it.

No, his job is to lead this country, not fight with reporters. Your tiny brain is Trump-saturated beyond repair.
Did you say that when Obama criticized FOX? If not that makes you a hypocrite. I don't remember the right peeing their pants over it. You babies cry about everything. Grow up!

President Obama didn't call Fox an "enemy of the state" or accuse them of promulgating fake news. He didn't hand the press "dressing downs" at White House news conferences. He didn't take questions from fake news outlets like Breitbart or Info-Wars, or berate reporters.

Obama said he didn't like their slant or their focus. He didn't try to undermine them or lecture them. And he answered their questions respectfully as press conferences.,
TRUMP IS NOT OBAMA DRAGONBREATH! How difficult is that to understand?

If you want tto make some kind of point, at least invoke the actions of a successful president, not a failed one. (hint-Reagan)
Flag that was hoisted within a block of the White House so the whiny little bitch could see it.
And what did that flag achieve? The same as you - absolutely nothing. How ironic that the whiny little bitch who hasn't stopped complaining since President Trump was elected is calling someone else a "whiny little bitch".
And your illegitimate president
WTF? LOL, you're insane!
Not only that - but she's a whiny little bitch. President Trump hasn't done one single thing that has been detrimental (he's only been in office for 4 weeks and everything he's done has created more liberty) but because uneasonable can't have her way, she's in full snowflake meltdown mode.

Clearly someone wasn't raised properly. Received way too many participation trophy and was told she was always a "winner" even when she failed and sucked.
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