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It is so nice to have an adult in charge once again

Hey, IDIOT, you can't cite RIGHT-WING BLOGGERS as your source of objectivity....(what an asshole...LOL)

See, that's what pisses off the brainwashed fools.

The rejection of their garbage for someone else's stuff.

It's all about the left trying to PREVENT freedom of speech, and of the press. It isn't about them defending it. They want it shut down.
Hey, IDIOT, you can't cite RIGHT-WING BLOGGERS as your source of objectivity....(what an asshole...LOL)
Like what, he has kept his campaign promises, unlike Obama.

How damn "true".......Voters overwhelmingly wanted for Trump to allow coal mine owners to dump their crap into rivers and streams, AND to have mentally impaired people to be allowed to buy guns....for therapy, I assume.
The so-called "Stream Protection Rule" was nothing more than another Obama attempt to kill the coal industry.

Protecting Coal Mining From the Stream Protection Rule

The Stream Protection Rule: A Regulatory Solution in Search of a Problem

Hey, IDIOT, you can't cite RIGHT-WING BLOGGERS as your source of objectivity....(what an asshole...LOL)

See, that's what pisses off the brainwashed fools.

The rejection of their garbage for someone else's stuff.

It's all about the left trying to PREVENT freedom of speech, and of the press. It isn't about them defending it. They want it shut down.
You know they're desperate when they resort to profanity. *sigh*

Hey, IDIOT, you can't cite RIGHT-WING BLOGGERS as your source of objectivity....(what an asshole...LOL)

See, that's what pisses off the brainwashed fools.

The rejection of their garbage for someone else's stuff.

It's all about the left trying to PREVENT freedom of speech, and of the press. It isn't about them defending it. They want it shut down.
You know they're desperate when they resort to profanity. *sigh*
becki!!!! Good to hear from you.
:huddle:Good to be back after weeks of trying to get back in here. I kept forgetting my password! Seems the rhetoric about Donald Trump is a little bad hair day. :happy-1:
It's all about the left trying to PREVENT freedom of speech, and of the press. It isn't about them defending it. They want it shut down.

No, no.......no one is saying that your don't have a right to be an idiot......Go right ahead cite right wing fascist bloggers all you want. LOL
It's better than citing sources with .co and .uk domains!

Of course you're correct.....I forgot that the only U.S. ally under Trumpsters is the Kremlin...LOL
The sad part? That is one more ally than the U.S. had under Barack Obama. You have to be a serious a-hole to cause England and Israel to hate us. And yet that's exactly what Obama managed to achieve!
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The sad part? The is one more ally than the U.S. had under Barack Obama. You have to be a serious a-hole to cause England and Israel to hate us. And yet that's exactly what Obama managed to achieve!

Do you want me to post what Obama's LAST polling was throughout the world??? (what a lying asshole...LOL)
The sad part? The is one more ally than the U.S. had under Barack Obama. You have to be a serious a-hole to cause England and Israel to hate us. And yet that's exactly what Obama managed to achieve!
Do you want me to post what Obama's LAST polling was throughout the world??? (what a lying asshole...LOL)
Oh snowflake...it doesn't matter if some like-minded hatriot minions in other nations think like you. The fact is, the leaders around the globe hated Barack Obama. He destroyed relations with England and Israel, he obliterated what was left of relations with Russia, and he was laughed at by Cuba and Iran when he sucked up to them and tried to get in their good graces.
Obama certainly got things done:
  • He destroyed the U.S. economy - earning the distinction of having among the highest unemployment averages of any president in U.S. history.
Considering the mess he inherited from Bush, the Obama administration seemingly worked miracles to get the unemployment rate back down to normal.
The economy also ha rebounded nicely. Trump ought to have an easy task of maintaining the economy that Obama gave him.

He set the record for most people on food stamps during his administration

With an unemployment rate hovering below 5%, I would expect the use of food stamps to be minimal now.

He set the record for most people out of the labor force

Because many baby boomers are/were retiring. And Obama doesn't hire people, businesses do

He set the record for most debt accumulated by a president

Trump will surpass that record in less than 2 years.

He destroyed U.S. - Israeli relations

Netanyahu didn't do much help to resolve that breech.
He obliterated U.S - Russian relations

And Putin's hacking cartel had nothing to do with that, right???

He caused millions to lose their health insurance and their doctors

The Insurance companies are private entities, Obama ha no part int heir decision making processes/ The point being that despite selfish decisions by some insurers, you were left with alternatives.

He caused healthcare costs to skyrocket

Healthcare costs skyrocketed yearly before Obama was old enough to shave.

He caused energy prices to skyrocket

What are you going to say when energy costs continue to skyrocket under Trump?
My electric company just reduced rates across the board by 5%.....huh......
Mine didn't!
While the Obama's saw the White House has nothing more than their personal playground - a way to have tax payers foot the bill for them to travel around the world, host Beyoncé & JayZ, golf, and make appearances on everything from The View to ESPN - Donald Trump is politely telling them "thanks....but no thanks - I've got work to do".

Trump is asked to predict NCAA winner like Obama. His reply?
44 was the most opaque POTUS ever.....Trump and his transparency is so refreshing....
Yep Trump is so transparent we can see right through him. He isn't fooling anyone except his loyal trump bots. Don
t talk to me a bout Trumps transparency until he releases his damn tax returns!
Obama and other Leftist Globalists like him, hate America. He did everything in his power to destroy (transform) our country. He was a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. Trump's clearly upsetting their 'Order.' He's looking out for American Citizens. The Globalists can't have that. They're doing whatever possible to sabotage him.

Hopefully he'll hang in there. But remember, they control the international banking system, UN, and MIC. They have an unbelievable amount of power. And they desperately want Trump out. God bless him, i hope he stays safe.
He set the record for most people out of the labor force
Because many baby boomers are/were retiring.
So you just explained one of the two reasons why the unemployment rate went down under Obama. It wasn't because of his failed policies (which devastated the U.S. economy). It was because the Baby Boomers started to leave the work force (which lowered unemployment) and because the American people got fed up with the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrat Party after two years and turned the entire nation over to Republicans. They worked wonders in their states to create jobs despite Obama's anti-jobs policies.
It is clear you don't know the difference between the Labor Force Participation Rate and the Unemployment rate.
He caused energy prices to skyrocket
What are you going to say when energy costs continue to skyrocket under Trump?
They won't. Because Trump has already approved the Keystone Pipeline and is relaxing the regulations Obama and the Dumbocrats set in place to collapse the fossil fuels industry.

It's basic supply and demand. An abundance of cheap energy causes low energy prices. Preventing cheap energy and forcing highly expensive, low output "green energy" causes energy prices to skyrocket.
Well ten years from now we will hear people talking about how much fresher the air was when Obama was president! They will yearn for the days when citizens didn't have to wear gas masks at work, while commuting and to bed!
Folks...you can't make this stuff up. I'm not sure I've ever seen a post where a left-wing hatriot didn't contradict themselves in the same breath. Here is JQPublic1 in post #16:
Considering the mess he inherited from Bush, the Obama administration seemingly worked miracles to get the unemployment rate back down to normal.

Because many baby boomers are/were retiring. And Obama doesn't hire people, businesses do

If the unemployment rate is high - the left-wing hatriot here wants to blame businesses. If the unemployment rate is low, he wants to credit Obama.
We all know what caused the spate of high unemployment in the 21st century and it didn't start on Obama's watch. I saw whole families of white people living under bridges and underpasses because they couldn't pay their rent or they had ben evicted way back in 2006-2007. Then came this speech in 2008:

" In November 2008, W Bush attended the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy. W Bush gave a speech at the summit where he openly admitted the possibility that after 8 years of his policies, American could face a Depression in the U.S. that could be far worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s."

So, Obama can't be blamed for inheriting something created by Bush but as I said he does get credit for gradually brining the unemployment rate down. There is no contradiction at all when I cited the reality of retiring baby boomers in response to a question about labor force participation. People who are no longer looking for work aren't counted among the unemployed.

BTW here is the part of that exchange you edited out in your response. You must learn the difference between the LFPR and unemployment:
Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 2.11.23 PM.png

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