It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'was part of a Rotherham-style child sex gang | Daily Mail Online

Here is another one. They wont have heard of Milly Dowler or this monster. If he was a Paki they may get outraged.

There also in the British football sex grooming rings for many many decades, some also of the footballers sexually abused when in their 30s and 40s then committed suicide, some also think that Gary Speed was a victim of the notorious sex abuser and rapist Barry Bennell and this he not mention in public but it psychologically scar him and this result in his suicide decades later after the sex abuse.

The football clubs in many situations knew that young football players were being groomed and sexually abused and also raped by coaches and scouts who then went to other football clubs and continue to do the same at those football clubs, this from the 1970s to the 1990s:

United Kingdom football sexual abuse scandal - Wikipedia
They were described as easy meat because they were. Vulnerable young girls without any friends. This is not a new phenomena, it has been going on for over a century.
The fact that you want to pin it all on one group shows that you have zero interest in the issue ,or indeed anything of value to add.

and because they had millions of those like you facilitating the rapists by verbally abusing any who wanted to stop the rapes.
The rapes went on undetected for years.The victims were not believed because they lacked credibility. Its better now. I am not sure how it is my fault. I am as guilty as you are.
Less so in that I condemn shite like yaxley who would see these people go free.
You are lying

People knew about the rapes, but those like you made life hell for anybody who wanted to do something about them
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Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'was part of a Rotherham-style child sex gang | Daily Mail Online

Here is another one. They wont have heard of Milly Dowler or this monster. If he was a Paki they may get outraged.

Unlike you we get outraged over any child being abused....think hard, Tubby

Sassy my responses in this thread, I think that paedophilia and sex abuse being so heinous it is important in my opinion not to single one group of POS out because doing so I think puts the cover over ALL the other POS who are doing the same thing.
Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'was part of a Rotherham-style child sex gang | Daily Mail Online

Here is another one. They wont have heard of Milly Dowler or this monster. If he was a Paki they may get outraged.

Unlike you we get outraged over any child being abused....think hard, Tubby

Sassy my responses in this thread, I think that paedophilia and sex abuse being so heinous it is important in my opinion not to single one group of POS out because doing so I think puts the cover over ALL the other POS who are doing the same thing.

I know the damage it causes a child, it's life long and I'll tolerate nobody abusing children like that. I also will not tolerate anyone giving anyone a pass on it. Nope not happening
Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'was part of a Rotherham-style child sex gang | Daily Mail Online

Here is another one. They wont have heard of Milly Dowler or this monster. If he was a Paki they may get outraged.

Unlike you we get outraged over any child being abused....think hard, Tubby

Sassy my responses in this thread, I think that paedophilia and sex abuse being so heinous it is important in my opinion not to single one group of POS out because doing so I think puts the cover over ALL the other POS who are doing the same thing.

I know the damage it causes a child, it's life long and I'll tolerate nobody abusing children like that. I also will not tolerate anyone giving anyone a pass on it. Nope not happening

You know I agree with you, many children who are sexually abused when adults their lives are ruined on every level the percentage is very high for drug and alcohol abuse and also for suicides. This is also why I think paedophiles should be executed, that they should be taken out and shot.
Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'was part of a Rotherham-style child sex gang | Daily Mail Online

Here is another one. They wont have heard of Milly Dowler or this monster. If he was a Paki they may get outraged.

Unlike you we get outraged over any child being abused....think hard, Tubby

Sassy my responses in this thread, I think that paedophilia and sex abuse being so heinous it is important in my opinion not to single one group of POS out because doing so I think puts the cover over ALL the other POS who are doing the same thing.

I know the damage it causes a child, it's life long and I'll tolerate nobody abusing children like that. I also will not tolerate anyone giving anyone a pass on it. Nope not happening

You know I agree with you, many children who are sexually abused when adults their lives are ruined on every level the percentage is very high for drug and alcohol abuse and also for suicides. This is also why I think paedophiles should be executed, that they should be taken out and shot.

I've said many times, the victim receives a life sentence, the perp should as well...but shooting them works as well
Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'was part of a Rotherham-style child sex gang | Daily Mail Online

Here is another one. They wont have heard of Milly Dowler or this monster. If he was a Paki they may get outraged.

There also in the British football sex grooming rings for many many decades, some also of the footballers sexually abused when in their 30s and 40s then committed suicide, some also think that Gary Speed was a victim of the notorious sex abuser and rapist Barry Bennell and this he not mention in public but it psychologically scar him and this result in his suicide decades later after the sex abuse.

The football clubs in many situations knew that young football players were being groomed and sexually abused and also raped by coaches and scouts who then went to other football clubs and continue to do the same at those football clubs, this from the 1970s to the 1990s:

United Kingdom football sexual abuse scandal - Wikipedia
Gary Speed had everything and yet he killed himself. Nobody knows why. Bennell, and others, were allowed to operate for years. The sport was not equipped and slow to react.I suspect that every organisation that dealt with kids will have a story to tell. These pervs are everywhere.
Oh, going to get some breakfast now, if that's alright with you, oh great "Superior Thinker"

I'm glad you acknowledge that Progressivism has warped your thinking. Now do something about it and start thinking clearly.

On the contrary, it was thinking clearly that made me left-wing and "progressive" as you put it. If "conservatives" had had their way, we'd all still be sitting in caves wondering where our next meal was coming from. "Progressive," the clue is in the name. "Progressives" got down from the trees, left the caves, learned to farm and build; created more equal societies and developed technologies that benefited humanity, "progressives" landed a human being on the moon. Hey, no need to thank us, you just carry on with your "superior thinking".
"Progressive" is a label brought on by liberals out of their humiliation in the Reagan/Thatcher years. It's meaning in practical terms is very much like that of "Democratic Socialsim", because we just know it's new and improved and won't bring us the "progressive" Stalins, Pol Pots and Maos of yesteryear.

You're pretty simple, even for a chav.
Odd that you mention thatcher on a child abuse thread.

I do not know if Margaret Thatcher knew about Jimmy Savile, what I do know is that Jimmy Savile for example with ZERO Psychology Degree and ZERO experience of working with Psychologically disturbed peoples was given a TOP office and a KEY to Broadmoor Hospital and with that again access to very vulnerable and disturbed individuals and that some staff who DID complain about his sinister behaviour were then removed from their positions and the man who give Jimmy Savile this TOP position and a KEY to Broadmoor Hospital was the British Home Secretary Leon Brittain who himself is suspected of being a paedophile like Jimmy Savile:

Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal - Wikipedia

Operation Yewtree - Wikipedia

Broadmoor Hospital - Wikipedia

The Paedophile Ring Dossier compile by Geoffrey Dickens MP was given to the British Home Office and was disappeared Geoffrey Dickens MP personally hand his Paedophile Ring Dossier to British Home Secretary Leon Brittain and it was not seen again:

Westminster paedophile dossier - Wikipedia

Geoffrey Dickens - Wikipedia
Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'was part of a Rotherham-style child sex gang | Daily Mail Online

Here is another one. They wont have heard of Milly Dowler or this monster. If he was a Paki they may get outraged.

There also in the British football sex grooming rings for many many decades, some also of the footballers sexually abused when in their 30s and 40s then committed suicide, some also think that Gary Speed was a victim of the notorious sex abuser and rapist Barry Bennell and this he not mention in public but it psychologically scar him and this result in his suicide decades later after the sex abuse.

The football clubs in many situations knew that young football players were being groomed and sexually abused and also raped by coaches and scouts who then went to other football clubs and continue to do the same at those football clubs, this from the 1970s to the 1990s:

United Kingdom football sexual abuse scandal - Wikipedia
Gary Speed had everything and yet he killed himself. Nobody knows why. Bennell, and others, were allowed to operate for years. The sport was not equipped and slow to react.I suspect that every organisation that dealt with kids will have a story to tell. These pervs are everywhere.

Gary Speed a great footballer and a GREAT football manager and he destroyed himself when he was at the very top, there were very dark hidden demons in his mind, he remain silent about what occur, two other footballers who were abused by Barry Bennell also committed suicide. I think many organisations do not want the scandal of that sexual abuse was and/or is happening and so they put their head in the sand and hope it will go away and doing this make them the Enablers and as guilty as the sexual abusers.
I despise thatcher but I doubt that she knew all of it. Saville,Rolf and Stuart Hall benefited from an environment where folk didnt believe this sort of thing happened.
Not too sure about the Brittain thing either. There were a lot of allegations about him.Ted Heath and others. None actually stood up. Not saying they were innocent but they havent been proven guilty. Yet.
I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
Actually...the OP title is "lets discuss the rape of Britains children". Then someone made it about Muslims. As if they are the only responsible group.

Actually if you read the link in the OP it's about the Muslim problem.

Interesting thread and about what I figured would happen. Deflect to the Catholic church, scream you're racist, etc etc

Every faction of people have their pedos and rapists and nobody seems to be disagreeing that harming a child is a horrible wrong but the fact remains Britain/UK has a Muslim rape problem, as do other European countries where they are immigrating to. That's not being Islamaphobic it's being honest.
Do they really? Has anyone done an unbiased research on it?
All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
Actually...the OP title is "lets discuss the rape of Britains children". Then someone made it about Muslims. As if they are the only responsible group.

Actually if you read the link in the OP it's about the Muslim problem.

Interesting thread and about what I figured would happen. Deflect to the Catholic church, scream you're racist, etc etc

Every faction of people have their pedos and rapists and nobody seems to be disagreeing that harming a child is a horrible wrong but the fact remains Britain/UK has a Muslim rape problem, as do other European countries where they are immigrating to. That's not being Islamaphobic it's being honest.
Do they really? Has anyone done an unbiased research on it?

I know it's an issue in Germany, I converse with a couple of Army wives from there, that's about as unbiased as I can get. Tilly and Lucy would know
Actually if you read the link in the OP it's about the Muslim problem.


Rape had been integral to Islam since its rapist in chief invented it.

Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Rape - WikiIslam

The head rapist, himself, instructed his warriors to rape the women in the lands they invaded. The Muslim rapists responsible for the enormous spike in rapes throughout Europe are acting in accordance.
Actually if you read the link in the OP it's about the Muslim problem.


Rape had been integral to Islam since its rapist in chief invented it.

Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Rape - WikiIslam

The head rapist, himself, instructed his warriors to rape the women in the lands they invaded. The Muslim rapists responsible for the enormous spike in rapes throughout Europe are acting in accordance.

I think we all would agree that Prophet Muhammad was a paedophile, who decide that he was not if they could elaborate how a man who is married to and has sex with an 8 year old in age is NOT a paedophile then this would be good to read an elaboration.

Also IF they would NOT please deflect and do the but but but WHAT about Mormons or but but but WHAT about Aretha Franklin who had her first baby Clarence when aged 12 years in age and so would remain on the topic in this situation of Islam, Prophet Muhammad and Aisha he marry her when he was in age 51 years in age and she was 6 years in age and he had sex with her first when he was 53 years in age and she was 8 years in age.
Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
Actually...the OP title is "lets discuss the rape of Britains children". Then someone made it about Muslims. As if they are the only responsible group.

Actually if you read the link in the OP it's about the Muslim problem.

Interesting thread and about what I figured would happen. Deflect to the Catholic church, scream you're racist, etc etc

Every faction of people have their pedos and rapists and nobody seems to be disagreeing that harming a child is a horrible wrong but the fact remains Britain/UK has a Muslim rape problem, as do other European countries where they are immigrating to. That's not being Islamaphobic it's being honest.
Do they really? Has anyone done an unbiased research on it?

I know it's an issue in Germany, I converse with a couple of Army wives from there, that's about as unbiased as I can get. Tilly and Lucy would know

Tilly has not posted for some time, getting worried that she is okay I hope she is just busy with whatever.
All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
Actually...the OP title is "lets discuss the rape of Britains children". Then someone made it about Muslims. As if they are the only responsible group.

Actually if you read the link in the OP it's about the Muslim problem.

Interesting thread and about what I figured would happen. Deflect to the Catholic church, scream you're racist, etc etc

Every faction of people have their pedos and rapists and nobody seems to be disagreeing that harming a child is a horrible wrong but the fact remains Britain/UK has a Muslim rape problem, as do other European countries where they are immigrating to. That's not being Islamaphobic it's being honest.
Do they really? Has anyone done an unbiased research on it?

The situation is that in Orthodox Islam there is a culture of it not being a problem to have sex with girls under 10 years in age, I add also to have sex with boys under 10 years in age, this because of how the Prophet Muhammad conducted his own personal life and the wish to emulate that to please the Prophet Muhammad and so with this then occur the Importing of that type of culture into Western nations where that type of thing in general is NOT acceptable, it's the same with the whole Honour Killing culture and the heinous situation of Female Genital Mutilation which also is getting Imported and to deny this Coyote is I think ignorant and not helping the situation of girls who are in that horrific and abusive viscious circle.

We CANNOT say that ZERO of this is a problem and/or who cares because X also do that type of thing because in many situations NO other group of people do THAT type of thing, it is in general NOT acceptable to Non-Muslims to have sex with girls and boys under the age of 10 years in age, it is NOT acceptable to do Honour Killings, it is NOT acceptable to do Female Genital Mutilation and I add it is NOT acceptable in the majority of Western Civilisation to tell women they have to cover the head and body with tent like clothing and be subservient to ALL men and Coyote do NOT mention Nuns please I comment this because the previous time we had this discussion and I mention in Islam the women having to cover the head and body with tent like clothing you said oh well but but but WHAT ABOUT NUNS AND THEIR CLOTHING? :rolleyes-41:
It is exacty disgusting attitudes like yours that allowed this scourge to fester for 11 years:

Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness

A story of rampant child abuse—ignored and abetted by the police—is emerging out of the British town of Rotherham. Until now, its scale and scope would have been inconceivable in a civilized country. Its origins, however, lie in something quite ordinary: what one Labour MP called "not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat."

Impossible, you will say, that such a thing could happen in Britain. In fact it is only one of over 1,400 cases, all arising during the course of the last fifteen years in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham, all involving vulnerable girls either in Council care or inadequately protected by their families from gangs of sexual predators. Almost no arrests have been made, no social workers or police officers have been reprimanded, and until recently the matter was dismissed by all those responsible as a matter of no real significance. Increasing public awareness of the problem, however, led to complaints, triggering a series of official reports. The latest report, from Professor Alexis Jay, former chief inspector of social work in Scotland, gives the truth for the first time, in 153 disturbing pages. One fact stands out above all the horrors detailed in the document, which is that the girl victims were white, and their abusers Pakistani.

So what do you expect the British authorities to do now? The Rotherham Scandal already blew up with repercussions.
I want people to stop making excuses for child rapists in the name of multi-culturalism.

I would like to call a thug a thug without some self-righteous slag telling me that not all thugs rape and kill.

I don't want peoples lives ruined because of somebody's perception of what is politically incorrect.

You know, that kinda thing.

But nobody does make an excuse for child rapists in the name or multi-culturalism or anything else.
I don't understand your statement that someone is telling you "that not all thugs rape and kill." It's true that not all thugs rape and kill. Some deal drugs, rob people on the street; all kinds of crime. Most of us do refer to these people as "thugs," both in the U.S. and probably in Britain.
Nobody on either side of the Pond wants anyone's life ruined because of "what is politically incorrect," whatever this actually means.
Seriously, what are the Brits not doing that they should be doing, in your opinion?
There has been plenty of news that the U.S. law enforcement and judicial systems are not dealing well with sex crimes against children, teenagers, or adults. I don't think that the British system is any worse off than the U.S. one.

The truth of the matter is that if it weren't for the fact it is Muslims raping all these thousands of children, you would not be defending it like you have.

These Muslims called the children "easy meat", safe in the knowledge that they could rape the children with impunity since there were legions of those just like you ready to protect them.
They were described as easy meat because they were. Vulnerable young girls without any friends. This is not a new phenomena, it has been going on for over a century.
The fact that you want to pin it all on one group shows that you have zero interest in the issue ,or indeed anything of value to add.
And no one...not a single one of those pretending to champion these children will ask - how can we prevent this? How can we identify vulnerable kids and help them before they become "easy meat" for some pervert?

It goes back to the question. What is more important...the kids or the ethnicity of the criminal?

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