It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
No. Ive taken the trouble to outline some of the issues involved, put it in a historical context and even suggested a few remedies.
But you just want to "discuss" it in a very narrow way by focusing on one set of perps. You dont seem to have any curiosity about perps who arent brown. That is because you are a racist.

That's just a filthy lie, and you only accuse because you have no arguments. We know this.
Point out to me please where I have ever supported Muslim pedophiles and or child rapists.
This thread. You've been apologising for them; same thing.
:bsflag:I merely pointed out that this was not just a "Muslim" issue; that's not "apologising" for anyone or anything, so if you want to discuss child rape in the UK, discuss it in all it's unsavoury aspects including white "Christian" gangs. The problem is not with religion or ethnicity, the problem lies with ignorance and lack of adequate funding and training.
Part of the problem is vulnerable kids who are easily preyed upon...they are usually already in fragile family circumstances. In addition to going after the abusers, there needs to be some way to address the factors that make those kids vulnerable.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

Good afternoon, Tommy! Great post! Mayhew's report about the Victorian era is really interesting. My father loved who-done-it's, and brought home many library books, including the Jack the Ripper ongoing mystery. One of the things that I was most taken with is that London is those days was mostly white, but the divide was so great between rich and poor whites, with the (mostly protestant) clergy advising that prosperity basically meant that the individual met with God's approval, and the poor were poor because of God's displeasure. Send them all to the workhouse where they can earn their porridge!

Things don't change much. There are still dysfunctional families, as well as tragedies, that produce uncared-for kids who are the most vulnerable to predators, and you are right, the higher up the food chain, the less likely the perps will be punished.

It's funny, though, that this thread suddenly jumped from "all of those nasty Muslim child-rapers" to "let's dump on Britain," in general.
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.
ROFL, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about yourself. The rest of us "inferior thinkers" will realise I was taking the piss out of you by demonstrating that your "superior" comment could be very easily turned round against you.

You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded by the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.

Pure comedy gold. Point out to me please where I've defended "the most un-progressive, backward religion the world", although as far as such religions go, which one are you talking about when you refer to "brown people" eating cool food,wearing interesting clothing and sounding different when they talk; what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?

Well let's start right here, your very first post in the thread. "Othering", of course. And let's get this straight: I'm a superior thinker COMPARED TO YOU because I'm not a brainwashed Prog.

Yet more UKIP/Far Right wet dream fantasies based on no real evidence, just media hype. The Muslims are coming! Lock up your daughters, etc. Blame the "other" for your woes, blah blah, next?

...merely a brainwashed Islamophobe, got it.

Hey it's your problem, not ours. Yours has the cops so afraid to prosecute the "Asians" that the rape rings went on for years and years and years.

Because of "othering", of course. Don't you dare OTHER the child rapists. Yep. Progressives. What an "evolved" ideology.
Actually the "othering" is your making this about Muslims not child sex trafficking.

I think you will find the police got stung badly over this and will no longer let ethnicity prevent them from policing. I think we can all agree that is a good thing, unless you are hoping for violent retribution on Britain's Muslim population?
Part of the problem is vulnerable kids who are easily preyed upon...they are usually already in fragile family circumstances. In addition to going after the abusers, there needs to be some way to address the factors that make those kids vulnerable.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
Actually...the OP title is "lets discuss the rape of Britains children". Then someone made it about Muslims. As if they are the only responsible group.
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?
That's just a filthy lie, and you only accuse because you have no arguments. We know this.

All of the child rape defenders are liars. It's what they do.

They have been trained to defend all things Islamic and so launch into defense regarding the epidemic of Muslim men raping thousands of children. They then immediately turn around and lie in denial that this is what they have just done.

It's a game all of the Islamic child rape defenders play.
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
Actually...the OP title is "lets discuss the rape of Britains children". Then someone made it about Muslims. As if they are the only responsible group.

Actually if you read the link in the OP it's about the Muslim problem.

Interesting thread and about what I figured would happen. Deflect to the Catholic church, scream you're racist, etc etc

Every faction of people have their pedos and rapists and nobody seems to be disagreeing that harming a child is a horrible wrong but the fact remains Britain/UK has a Muslim rape problem, as do other European countries where they are immigrating to. That's not being Islamaphobic it's being honest.
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
It is exacty disgusting attitudes like yours that allowed this scourge to fester for 11 years:

Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness

A story of rampant child abuse—ignored and abetted by the police—is emerging out of the British town of Rotherham. Until now, its scale and scope would have been inconceivable in a civilized country. Its origins, however, lie in something quite ordinary: what one Labour MP called "not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat."

Impossible, you will say, that such a thing could happen in Britain. In fact it is only one of over 1,400 cases, all arising during the course of the last fifteen years in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham, all involving vulnerable girls either in Council care or inadequately protected by their families from gangs of sexual predators. Almost no arrests have been made, no social workers or police officers have been reprimanded, and until recently the matter was dismissed by all those responsible as a matter of no real significance. Increasing public awareness of the problem, however, led to complaints, triggering a series of official reports. The latest report, from Professor Alexis Jay, former chief inspector of social work in Scotland, gives the truth for the first time, in 153 disturbing pages. One fact stands out above all the horrors detailed in the document, which is that the girl victims were white, and their abusers Pakistani.
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
Of course you did .You did so through the use of the "funny" response.

You are DEFINETLY defending the Islamic rape gangs. You and several others here.
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
Of course you did .You did so through the use of the "funny" response.

You are DEFINETLY defending the Islamic rape gangs. You and several others here.
They, like the Rotherham police, are more concerned with being politically correct than the lives of those girls. They don't give a rat's ass about them.

Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
It is exacty disgusting attitudes like yours that allowed this scourge to fester for 11 years:

Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness

A story of rampant child abuse—ignored and abetted by the police—is emerging out of the British town of Rotherham. Until now, its scale and scope would have been inconceivable in a civilized country. Its origins, however, lie in something quite ordinary: what one Labour MP called "not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat."

Impossible, you will say, that such a thing could happen in Britain. In fact it is only one of over 1,400 cases, all arising during the course of the last fifteen years in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham, all involving vulnerable girls either in Council care or inadequately protected by their families from gangs of sexual predators. Almost no arrests have been made, no social workers or police officers have been reprimanded, and until recently the matter was dismissed by all those responsible as a matter of no real significance. Increasing public awareness of the problem, however, led to complaints, triggering a series of official reports. The latest report, from Professor Alexis Jay, former chief inspector of social work in Scotland, gives the truth for the first time, in 153 disturbing pages. One fact stands out above all the horrors detailed in the document, which is that the girl victims were white, and their abusers Pakistani.
Yep. They are actively facilitating the rape of children and doing so quite intentionally.

If They can cause enough fuss in response to those who object, they hope to intimidate good people into silence so the rapes can continue without objection .
Last edited:
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
Of course you did .You did so through the use of the "funny" response.

You are DEFINETLY defending the Islamic rape gangs. You and several others here.

You are an outright liar, and a sick one. Dumbass. You are just putting words in someone else's mouth that they never said in the first place. Try thinking for a change.
The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
Of course you did .You did so through the use of the "funny" response.

You are DEFINETLY defending the Islamic rape gangs. You and several others here.

You are an outright liar, and a sick one. Dumbass. You are just putting words in someone else's mouth that they never said in the first place. Try thinking for a change.
You may be even more of a low-lfe than those Pakis.
Brits don't mind their children being raped by Muzzies. It's all part of their "diversity program" to bring some "color" into the country.
Kids are not raped here by white rubes?
I must have missed it
The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
Of course you did .You did so through the use of the "funny" response.

You are DEFINETLY defending the Islamic rape gangs. You and several others here.
They, like the Rotherham police, are more concerned with being politically correct than the lives of those girls. They don't give a rat's ass about them.

Says our fat boy who brags about grabbing pussy?
Says his Vietnam sacrifice was not getting a STD after his dad's doc got him 5 deferments?
Terrific role model for white rubes.
You think there are not rape gangs here?
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
It is exacty disgusting attitudes like yours that allowed this scourge to fester for 11 years:

Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness

A story of rampant child abuse—ignored and abetted by the police—is emerging out of the British town of Rotherham. Until now, its scale and scope would have been inconceivable in a civilized country. Its origins, however, lie in something quite ordinary: what one Labour MP called "not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat."

Impossible, you will say, that such a thing could happen in Britain. In fact it is only one of over 1,400 cases, all arising during the course of the last fifteen years in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham, all involving vulnerable girls either in Council care or inadequately protected by their families from gangs of sexual predators. Almost no arrests have been made, no social workers or police officers have been reprimanded, and until recently the matter was dismissed by all those responsible as a matter of no real significance. Increasing public awareness of the problem, however, led to complaints, triggering a series of official reports. The latest report, from Professor Alexis Jay, former chief inspector of social work in Scotland, gives the truth for the first time, in 153 disturbing pages. One fact stands out above all the horrors detailed in the document, which is that the girl victims were white, and their abusers Pakistani.

So what do you expect the British authorities to do now? The Rotherham Scandal already blew up with repercussions.
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" .

The fact you do not consider the violent rape of thousands of children any sort of problem says all a person needs to know about you.

How did you get from Vagabond's comment that Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" to the conclusion that he doesn't consider child-rape to be a problem? He never said anything like that at all.

It's the subject of this thread dumb ass.

How long have you considered the rape of children a laughing matter, though?

Here you go again making stupid and slanderous remarks like that I, or anyone else, finds child-rape "a laughing matter" when none of us has ever said or implied such a thing. Stop lying and being hysterical.

The subject is "discussing the rape of Britain's children." Read the header. Moreover, when the article beneath speaks of the responsibility of only one religion for the crime, and states that somehow discussion of the crime of child-rape precludes further discussion of racism and Islamophobia, it is legitimate to discuss why these assertions are wrong.

You are totally in denial of the problem if you seek to pin it all on Muslims, which does two things: (1) fails to distinguish between innocent people who practice Islam, which might incite people against them, and (2) steers attention away from non-Muslim perps so that they can get away with even more crime.

Nobody is protecting, acting as an apologist for any perp, or pretending that child-rape is not a heinous crime or a "laughing matter," except in your head.
It is exacty disgusting attitudes like yours that allowed this scourge to fester for 11 years:

Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness

A story of rampant child abuse—ignored and abetted by the police—is emerging out of the British town of Rotherham. Until now, its scale and scope would have been inconceivable in a civilized country. Its origins, however, lie in something quite ordinary: what one Labour MP called "not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat."

Impossible, you will say, that such a thing could happen in Britain. In fact it is only one of over 1,400 cases, all arising during the course of the last fifteen years in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham, all involving vulnerable girls either in Council care or inadequately protected by their families from gangs of sexual predators. Almost no arrests have been made, no social workers or police officers have been reprimanded, and until recently the matter was dismissed by all those responsible as a matter of no real significance. Increasing public awareness of the problem, however, led to complaints, triggering a series of official reports. The latest report, from Professor Alexis Jay, former chief inspector of social work in Scotland, gives the truth for the first time, in 153 disturbing pages. One fact stands out above all the horrors detailed in the document, which is that the girl victims were white, and their abusers Pakistani.

I hear there were also Irish involved
What is the ratio of kids abused to kids?
0.01 %?
Less than here I'll bet.
Why don't you watch a bit of local tv?
I'd be more worried about the country I live in
Rotherham is an old story

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