It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

You know I'm a superior thinker when all you can do is quote me, dude.

ROFL, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about yourself. The rest of us "inferior thinkers" will realise I was taking the piss out of you by demonstrating that your "superior" comment could be very easily turned round against you.

You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded by the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.

Pure comedy gold. Point out to me please where I've defended "the most un-progressive, backward religion the world", although as far as such religions go, which one are you talking about when you refer to "brown people" eating cool food,wearing interesting clothing and sounding different when they talk; what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?

Well let's start right here, your very first post in the thread. "Othering", of course. And let's get this straight: I'm a superior thinker COMPARED TO YOU because I'm not a brainwashed Prog.

Yet more UKIP/Far Right wet dream fantasies based on no real evidence, just media hype. The Muslims are coming! Lock up your daughters, etc. Blame the "other" for your woes, blah blah, next?

...merely a brainwashed Islamophobe, got it.

Hey it's your problem, not ours. Yours has the cops so afraid to prosecute the "Asians" that the rape rings went on for years and years and years.

Because of "othering", of course. Don't you dare OTHER the child rapists. Yep. Progressives. What an "evolved" ideology.
I love the smell of Leftists blinded by "diversity". Crying about Catholic pedophiles: deflecting, deflecting, deflecting all the livelong day when their precious "brown people" commit the same crimes.

It's so BORING and predictable, you brainless Leftists.
I am assuming you are American. We dont have a specific "muslim rape problem"...but we have and always have had human and child sex trafficking by all colors and creeds and we have had several huge and still developing scandals involving the Catholic Church and sports, for exame hundreds of children molested and assaulted by their gymnastics doctor. These are just as real and serious as the grooming gangs in Britain.

The question it a problem of a specific religion or simply a criminal ethic that views human beings as commodities? Or predators who use their religion or vocation as a means to gain access to and prey upon children?

When you make it a muslim problem or a catholic problem or a mexican isnt the act that is the problem for you as much as the cultural or religious identity of the perpetrator.

And then..

View attachment 237390

It is a human problem that manifests in Catholicism from priests because they cannot marry, in part.

It is a human problem that manifests in Islam in grooming gangs and rape because Islam hugely encourages misogyny, in part.

Now, the question is: why do Leftists hate Catholicism yet defend Islam? I don't expect an answer.
Why do rightists make excuses for Catholic rape? Child trafficking is no more condoned in Islam than in the religions of the multitude of traffickets you choose to excuse.

You can have your answer though. I dont hate Catholics. I don't hate Muslims. I do hate child trafficking, child marriage, child abuse. Do you...or is it just Muslims you hate?

"Why do rightists make excuses for Catholic rape?"

I am Roman Catholic you know this also you know from previous threads I have condemned paedophile Priests and have condemned The Vatican. Also I add that in multiple threads about specifically child rape within Islam we have always the Deflection of but but but WHAT about Catholic Priests, it would be a good situation ONE TIME we had a thread about child rape within Islam that did NOT get Thread Jacked with the Roman Catholic thing and instead could stay On Topic of what the OP Topic is about.
You know I'm a superior thinker when all you can do is quote me, dude.

ROFL, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about yourself. The rest of us "inferior thinkers" will realise I was taking the piss out of you by demonstrating that your "superior" comment could be very easily turned round against you.

You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded by the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.

Pure comedy gold. Point out to me please where I've defended "the most un-progressive, backward religion the world", although as far as such religions go, which one are you talking about when you refer to "brown people" eating cool food,wearing interesting clothing and sounding different when they talk; what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?

"what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?"

I have great respect for Hindus, Taoists and Buddhists I have commented this in many threads about my respect for them.
Child trafficking for sex is a huge problem around the world and every culture, despite the rabid denials, is infested with pedo customers willing to pay. So what are you going to do? Blame the Muslims of course.

Worst countries for trafficking? 'Worst Human Traffickers' Include Russia, Belarus, Iran, Turkmenistan

So Britain has child trafficking grooming rings. What are you going to do to stop it?

According to this, Only 1 White Christian country comes in the top 20 top Slavery countries, and that's Belarus

Maps | Global Slavery Index

Meanwhile, Many of the top 20 Slavery countries, are in fact non-Whites, including Muslims, be it Middle Eastern Muslim like Iran, or South Asian Muslims like Pakistanis & Afghanis, Black Muslim like Mauritania, mixed Black Muslim & Black Christian like Eritirea & South Sudan, like Black Christian like the Central African Republic, Asian like Cambodia, Myanmar, or Mongolia, or Communist like North Korea.

The Russian Mafia is presumably a root cause of such issues, in Russia & Belarus.

Semion Mogilevich was it's founder, and Ludwig Fainberg it's most notorious Trafficker, both were Jews.
Oh good grief, not this again.

Not this again?
What is this, exactly?

Blaming Jews.

Many are also paedophiles and sex traffick children.
No one has ever, ever excused child rape. Accusing me of excusing child rape is basically slander. I am thinking of reporting your post. I have no "inexplicable affinity for the perpetrators," just for catching any and all perps, regardless of background, and protecting the innocent. Are you protecting non-Muslim perps? Your motivation in singling out one religion out of many is totally suspicious.
As I clearly stated above, I think people who seek to hide behind their religion to do their dirty deeds should be treated in a different fashion.
You said what you said. It was hypocritical. Singling out the KKK for lynching would be unfairby your convoluted standard. It would be like saying the KKK shouldn't be faulted fofr their misdeeds. Implicitlly defending people who rape children by attacking those who post on the topic is plain sick.

Report me.

You do realize that you are implying that all Christians were members of the KKK and were involved in lynching, so all of Christianity needs to be discussed. The hoodlums and murderers in the KKK even referred to their gang as "Christian" they had among their ranks hoodlums posing as "Christian" preachers, and one of their most widely known gang rites has been to insult the Christian cross, but no suspicions or investigations involved everyone who practices the Christian faith.
If there is such a gang in the UK that calls itself Muslim and has sought to justify evil deeds such a child rape by their religion, the same reasoning applies. I fully agree with going after an organization that identifies as Muslim and that advocates child rape. The same is true of every other religion.
Read my post #95, where I referenced evil conduct going on in the U.S. that involves the perps trying to use their religion as cover, many of whom advocate grooming and hunting young people for sexual purposes and persons advocating murder.
BTW: Just whom have I attacked? End your unfounded and slanderous personal attacks.
So start a thread on Christians or the KKK. No one gives a shit. But when you rally to the defense and make excuses for child rapists because you think they are being singled out because of their "background, you can expect to be "slandered"or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I'd be damned if I started making excuses for the KKK .

I admit for having a low threashold of tolerance for child rapist and their apologists. My threashold for snowflakes is not much greater.

I find it disgusting. I hope that's clear.

You have not answered my question as to how I, or anyone else for that matter, have ever indicated any sort of "of tolerance for child rapist and their apologists" in any shape, form, or manner. I, too, find it disgusting not matter who does it and regardless of the perp's religion or ethnicity.
I hope that you are not holding your breath. They cant back it up and generally just throw it out when they have run out of prompt cards.
"Not all muslims are rapists" generally tips them over the edge.

""Not all muslims are rapists"

Of course not all Muslims are rapists, not all Roman Catholic Priests are rapists either. There is a big problem in India with rape, every three minutes in India a woman and/or a girl is raped and the majority of Indian men are not Muslim OR Christian. Many think that the epidemic of rape in India is because women outnumber men that it is difficult for the men then to get a woman to marry or whatever, this is the reason and/or excuse for the epidemic of rape that I have read but I am not sure if this is something I agree is the reason why they have this disturbing situation.
I do, like most decent people. Right wing nut jobs on your side of the pond, however don't seem to care much. Child molesters are thankful for Donald Trump
If you cared about child rape, why would you support those filthy Muslims? You're one sick chav!
Point out to me please where I have ever supported Muslim pedophiles and or child rapists.
This thread. You've been apologising for them; same thing.
:bsflag:I merely pointed out that this was not just a "Muslim" issue; that's not "apologising" for anyone or anything, so if you want to discuss child rape in the UK, discuss it in all it's unsavoury aspects including white "Christian" gangs. The problem is not with religion or ethnicity, the problem lies with ignorance and lack of adequate funding and training.
Part of the problem is vulnerable kids who are easily preyed upon...they are usually already in fragile family circumstances. In addition to going after the abusers, there needs to be some way to address the factors that make those kids vulnerable.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.
Oh, going to get some breakfast now, if that's alright with you, oh great "Superior Thinker"

I'm glad you acknowledge that Progressivism has warped your thinking. Now do something about it and start thinking clearly.

On the contrary, it was thinking clearly that made me left-wing and "progressive" as you put it. If "conservatives" had had their way, we'd all still be sitting in caves wondering where our next meal was coming from. "Progressive," the clue is in the name. "Progressives" got down from the trees, left the caves, learned to farm and build; created more equal societies and developed technologies that benefited humanity, "progressives" landed a human being on the moon. Hey, no need to thank us, you just carry on with your "superior thinking".
ROFL, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about yourself. The rest of us "inferior thinkers" will realise I was taking the piss out of you by demonstrating that your "superior" comment could be very easily turned round against you.

You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded by the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.

Pure comedy gold. Point out to me please where I've defended "the most un-progressive, backward religion the world", although as far as such religions go, which one are you talking about when you refer to "brown people" eating cool food,wearing interesting clothing and sounding different when they talk; what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?

Well let's start right here, your very first post in the thread. "Othering", of course. And let's get this straight: I'm a superior thinker COMPARED TO YOU because I'm not a brainwashed Prog.

Yet more UKIP/Far Right wet dream fantasies based on no real evidence, just media hype. The Muslims are coming! Lock up your daughters, etc. Blame the "other" for your woes, blah blah, next?

...merely a brainwashed Islamophobe, got it.

Hey it's your problem, not ours. Yours has the cops so afraid to prosecute the "Asians" that the rape rings went on for years and years and years.

Because of "othering", of course. Don't you dare OTHER the child rapists. Yep. Progressives. What an "evolved" ideology.
Yes, that was our mistake, pussy footing around what was considered a taboo subject, guess what, we got them in the end and have learned lessons as a result. One very important lesson we learned is that we shouldn't demonise a whole group because of the actions of a tiny minority within that group, but treat everyone equally, without fear or favour.
You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded by the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.

Pure comedy gold. Point out to me please where I've defended "the most un-progressive, backward religion the world", although as far as such religions go, which one are you talking about when you refer to "brown people" eating cool food,wearing interesting clothing and sounding different when they talk; what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?

Well let's start right here, your very first post in the thread. "Othering", of course. And let's get this straight: I'm a superior thinker COMPARED TO YOU because I'm not a brainwashed Prog.

Yet more UKIP/Far Right wet dream fantasies based on no real evidence, just media hype. The Muslims are coming! Lock up your daughters, etc. Blame the "other" for your woes, blah blah, next?

...merely a brainwashed Islamophobe, got it.

Hey it's your problem, not ours. Yours has the cops so afraid to prosecute the "Asians" that the rape rings went on for years and years and years.

Because of "othering", of course. Don't you dare OTHER the child rapists. Yep. Progressives. What an "evolved" ideology.
Yes, that was our mistake, pussy footing around what was considered a taboo subject, guess what, we got them in the end and have learned lessons as a result. One very important lesson we learned is that we shouldn't demonise a whole group because of the actions of a tiny minority within that group, but treat everyone equally, without fear or favour.

Oh no, you still do it. See your first post to me, about "othering", which is one of the absolute dumbest things Progressives have come up with in the history of ever. ONLY Progressives could make something fundamental to human thought processes from literally the moment we are born--this is me, I am not my mother, she is her, I am "other"--and make that morally bad. I mean that, ONLY Progs would cry about "othering".

You all cry about othering, by the way, WHILE you "other" the other-ers. It's absolutely some of the worst stone-cold stupidity I have ever seen. That you have not left Progressivism over it is proof positive that I am a superior thinker. If you left Progressivism today, simply for having seen the light on "othering", then we might be on an even playing field.
If you cared about child rape, why would you support those filthy Muslims? You're one sick chav!
Point out to me please where I have ever supported Muslim pedophiles and or child rapists.
This thread. You've been apologising for them; same thing.
:bsflag:I merely pointed out that this was not just a "Muslim" issue; that's not "apologising" for anyone or anything, so if you want to discuss child rape in the UK, discuss it in all it's unsavoury aspects including white "Christian" gangs. The problem is not with religion or ethnicity, the problem lies with ignorance and lack of adequate funding and training.
Part of the problem is vulnerable kids who are easily preyed upon...they are usually already in fragile family circumstances. In addition to going after the abusers, there needs to be some way to address the factors that make those kids vulnerable.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.
Oh, going to get some breakfast now, if that's alright with you, oh great "Superior Thinker"

I'm glad you acknowledge that Progressivism has warped your thinking. Now do something about it and start thinking clearly.

On the contrary, it was thinking clearly that made me left-wing and "progressive" as you put it. If "conservatives" had had their way, we'd all still be sitting in caves wondering where our next meal was coming from. "Progressive," the clue is in the name. "Progressives" got down from the trees, left the caves, learned to farm and build; created more equal societies and developed technologies that benefited humanity, "progressives" landed a human being on the moon. Hey, no need to thank us, you just carry on with your "superior thinking".
"Progressive" is a label brought on by liberals out of their humiliation in the Reagan/Thatcher years. It's meaning in practical terms is very much like that of "Democratic Socialsim", because we just know it's new and improved and won't bring us the "progressive" Stalins, Pol Pots and Maos of yesteryear.

You're pretty simple, even for a chav.
Point out to me please where I have ever supported Muslim pedophiles and or child rapists.
This thread. You've been apologising for them; same thing.
:bsflag:I merely pointed out that this was not just a "Muslim" issue; that's not "apologising" for anyone or anything, so if you want to discuss child rape in the UK, discuss it in all it's unsavoury aspects including white "Christian" gangs. The problem is not with religion or ethnicity, the problem lies with ignorance and lack of adequate funding and training.
Part of the problem is vulnerable kids who are easily preyed upon...they are usually already in fragile family circumstances. In addition to going after the abusers, there needs to be some way to address the factors that make those kids vulnerable.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Oh, going to get some breakfast now, if that's alright with you, oh great "Superior Thinker"

I'm glad you acknowledge that Progressivism has warped your thinking. Now do something about it and start thinking clearly.

On the contrary, it was thinking clearly that made me left-wing and "progressive" as you put it. If "conservatives" had had their way, we'd all still be sitting in caves wondering where our next meal was coming from. "Progressive," the clue is in the name. "Progressives" got down from the trees, left the caves, learned to farm and build; created more equal societies and developed technologies that benefited humanity, "progressives" landed a human being on the moon. Hey, no need to thank us, you just carry on with your "superior thinking".
"Progressive" is a label brought on by liberals out of their humiliation in the Reagan/Thatcher years. It's meaning in practical terms is very much like that of "Democratic Socialsim", because we just know it's new and improved and won't bring us the "progressive" Stalins, Pol Pots and Maos of yesteryear.

You're pretty simple, even for a chav.
Odd that you mention thatcher on a child abuse thread.
This thread. You've been apologising for them; same thing.
:bsflag:I merely pointed out that this was not just a "Muslim" issue; that's not "apologising" for anyone or anything, so if you want to discuss child rape in the UK, discuss it in all it's unsavoury aspects including white "Christian" gangs. The problem is not with religion or ethnicity, the problem lies with ignorance and lack of adequate funding and training.
Part of the problem is vulnerable kids who are easily preyed upon...they are usually already in fragile family circumstances. In addition to going after the abusers, there needs to be some way to address the factors that make those kids vulnerable.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.
:bsflag:I merely pointed out that this was not just a "Muslim" issue; that's not "apologising" for anyone or anything, so if you want to discuss child rape in the UK, discuss it in all it's unsavoury aspects including white "Christian" gangs. The problem is not with religion or ethnicity, the problem lies with ignorance and lack of adequate funding and training.
Part of the problem is vulnerable kids who are easily preyed upon...they are usually already in fragile family circumstances. In addition to going after the abusers, there needs to be some way to address the factors that make those kids vulnerable.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
Oh, going to get some breakfast now, if that's alright with you, oh great "Superior Thinker"

I'm glad you acknowledge that Progressivism has warped your thinking. Now do something about it and start thinking clearly.

On the contrary, it was thinking clearly that made me left-wing and "progressive" as you put it. If "conservatives" had had their way, we'd all still be sitting in caves wondering where our next meal was coming from. "Progressive," the clue is in the name. "Progressives" got down from the trees, left the caves, learned to farm and build; created more equal societies and developed technologies that benefited humanity, "progressives" landed a human being on the moon. Hey, no need to thank us, you just carry on with your "superior thinking".
"Progressive" is a label brought on by liberals out of their humiliation in the Reagan/Thatcher years. It's meaning in practical terms is very much like that of "Democratic Socialsim", because we just know it's new and improved and won't bring us the "progressive" Stalins, Pol Pots and Maos of yesteryear.

You're pretty simple, even for a chav.
Odd that you mention thatcher on a child abuse thread.
Muslim child abuse thread. Wanna see a picture of Carter's wife with fag child-killer John Wayne Gacy?
Part of the problem is vulnerable kids who are easily preyed upon...they are usually already in fragile family circumstances. In addition to going after the abusers, there needs to be some way to address the factors that make those kids vulnerable.

Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
No. Ive taken the trouble to outline some of the issues involved, put it in a historical context and even suggested a few remedies.
But you just want to "discuss" it in a very narrow way by focusing on one set of perps. You dont seem to have any curiosity about perps who arent brown. That is because you are a racist.
Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
No. Ive taken the trouble to outline some of the issues involved, put it in a historical context and even suggested a few remedies.
But you just want to "discuss" it in a very narrow way by focusing on one set of perps. You dont seem to have any curiosity about perps who arent brown. That is because you are a racist.

Muslim isn't a race and you're doing exactly what the OP says is a major problem. Scream you're racist if you question muslim rape gangs.

In other words you're proving the point

Side note: Lucy is not Sue's sock, syntax and mannerisms are too different. That's just deflection
I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
No. Ive taken the trouble to outline some of the issues involved, put it in a historical context and even suggested a few remedies.
But you just want to "discuss" it in a very narrow way by focusing on one set of perps. You dont seem to have any curiosity about perps who arent brown. That is because you are a racist.

Muslim isn't a race and you're doing exactly what the OP says is a major problem. Scream you're racist if you question muslim rape gangs.

In other words you're proving the point

Side note: Lucy is not Sue's sock, syntax and mannerisms are too different. That's just deflection
Im not screaming at all. Ive given a decent assessment of the situation including some personal knowledge. But you have no interest in discussing this.
What part off my post do you disagree with ? Lets discuss that . You set up a thread for it after all.

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