It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

Saw this on the tube earlier this week and now an article on iotrweport. 700 women and children sexually assaulted in one area alone, Newcastle. They have made 17 arrests...the perpetrators came from a diverse range of backgrounds including Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkish, Albanian and Eastern European.

It needs to be addressed


“It’s time to stop discussing racism and Islamophobia and time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children”

On the 17th December 2018, hosted by Lord Pearson in the House of Lords, the #1400 Campaign was launched to help the survivors of the rape gangs blighting Great Britain. A number of speeches and harrowing testimonies were given, and here is a transcript of the speech delivered by AltNewsMedia’s Shazia Hobbs. #The1400Campaign HOUSE OF LORDS LAUNCH SPEECH: SHAZIA HOBBS

It has been four years since the Alexis Jay Report was released. David Cameron who was Prime Minister at that time said that what the report revealed regarding child sexual exploitation “was a national threat akin to terrorism and a major civil disorder.” He also stated that anyone with responsibility for children who ignores the problem could face 5 years in jail. He described this as being on an industrial scale and promised a plethora of solutions.

It’s time to stop discussing racism and Islamophobia and it is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

When the institutionalised paedophilia in the Catholic Church was exposed, everyone was appalled and rightly. Everyone wanted to help these children and people left the Catholic faith disgusted by the behaviour of these men of God.

So why is it when Elizabeth and I set up #1400 we were met with no offers of help and support and instead we were met with cries of racists and far right.

What is the difference here? Children are being raped

“It’s time to stop discussing racism and Islamophobia and time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children”

Where's the "Eastern Europeans", I don't see any Eastern Europeans?

Probably that toad bottom row far right.
Oh, sorry, I thought they were finally going to discuss Catholic Child abuse... but this is just another Islamaphobic thread.

Look out, there's a scary Muslim under your bed.
I live in America. Here we worry about being shot by white male christians.
Then stop trying to break into our houses!
No one broke into your house

Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and November 2018, by shooter's race and ethnicity

60% white mass shooters, 17% blacks, 9% latinos, 8% asians,

U.S.: mass shootings by race 1982-2018 | Statista

We have a white problem here in America. Stop worrying about muslims in England.

LOL, Whites between 1982 - 2018 prob averaged 70% of the population, Blacks 12%, Latinos 10%, and Asians 3%.

Asians are the most over-represented in mass-shootings, clearly.
Saw this on the tube earlier this week and now an article on iotrweport. 700 women and children sexually assaulted in one area alone, Newcastle. They have made 17 arrests...the perpetrators came from a diverse range of backgrounds including Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkish, Albanian and Eastern European.

It needs to be addressed


“It’s time to stop discussing racism and Islamophobia and time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children”

On the 17th December 2018, hosted by Lord Pearson in the House of Lords, the #1400 Campaign was launched to help the survivors of the rape gangs blighting Great Britain. A number of speeches and harrowing testimonies were given, and here is a transcript of the speech delivered by AltNewsMedia’s Shazia Hobbs. #The1400Campaign HOUSE OF LORDS LAUNCH SPEECH: SHAZIA HOBBS

It has been four years since the Alexis Jay Report was released. David Cameron who was Prime Minister at that time said that what the report revealed regarding child sexual exploitation “was a national threat akin to terrorism and a major civil disorder.” He also stated that anyone with responsibility for children who ignores the problem could face 5 years in jail. He described this as being on an industrial scale and promised a plethora of solutions.

It’s time to stop discussing racism and Islamophobia and it is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

When the institutionalised paedophilia in the Catholic Church was exposed, everyone was appalled and rightly. Everyone wanted to help these children and people left the Catholic faith disgusted by the behaviour of these men of God.

So why is it when Elizabeth and I set up #1400 we were met with no offers of help and support and instead we were met with cries of racists and far right.

What is the difference here? Children are being raped

“It’s time to stop discussing racism and Islamophobia and time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children”

Where's the "Eastern Europeans", I don't see any Eastern Europeans?

Probably that toad bottom row far right.

He's as bad as British pedos who traveled to Eastern Europe?

BBC News - Man jailed for Ukraine sex abuse

Latvian court jails British paedophile

Albanian court finds British paedophile guilty of sexual abuse

Swansea paedophile searched online for 'flat-chested sex dolls' in child sizes

Paedophiles `exploiting turmoil in Romania'
700 victims in one area alone...700. Oh and pics of the perps.

Sit down Islamapologist. You people are pathetic

We found out, the Catholic Clergy was hiding 500 Pedophile Priests in the Chicago area.... over a period of decades.

Double standard much?

Hmm.. 500 "Accused" of the over 2 million strong Catholic community of Chicago..... OVER DECADES.

Yet,.... 85 "Arrested" of the over 200 thousand strong Orthodox Jewish community of Brooklyn.... In 3 Years.

U.S.: Paedophilia scandal among Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn

Yeah, sure, it's "ONLY" Catholics which are the problem.... Uh huh.
Oh, sorry, I thought they were finally going to discuss Catholic Child abuse... but this is just another Islamaphobic thread.

Look out, there's a scary Muslim under your bed.
I live in America. Here we worry about being shot by white male christians.
Then stop trying to break into our houses!
No one broke into your house

Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and November 2018, by shooter's race and ethnicity

60% white mass shooters, 17% blacks, 9% latinos, 8% asians,

U.S.: mass shootings by race 1982-2018 | Statista

We have a white problem here in America. Stop worrying about muslims in England.

LOL, Whites between 1982 - 2018 prob averaged 70% of the population, Blacks 12%, Latinos 10%, and Asians 3%.

Asians are the most over-represented in mass-shootings, clearly.
True but then consider 95% of whites are killed by other whites not blacks.

And black people are very religious too.
I love the smell of Leftists blinded by "diversity". Crying about Catholic pedophiles: deflecting, deflecting, deflecting all the livelong day when their precious "brown people" commit the same crimes.

It's so BORING and predictable, you brainless Leftists.
I am assuming you are American. We dont have a specific "muslim rape problem"...but we have and always have had human and child sex trafficking by all colors and creeds and we have had several huge and still developing scandals involving the Catholic Church and sports, for exame hundreds of children molested and assaulted by their gymnastics doctor. These are just as real and serious as the grooming gangs in Britain.

The question it a problem of a specific religion or simply a criminal ethic that views human beings as commodities? Or predators who use their religion or vocation as a means to gain access to and prey upon children?

When you make it a muslim problem or a catholic problem or a mexican isnt the act that is the problem for you as much as the cultural or religious identity of the perpetrator.

And then..

View attachment 237390

It is a human problem that manifests in Catholicism from priests because they cannot marry, in part.

It is a human problem that manifests in Islam in grooming gangs and rape because Islam hugely encourages misogyny, in part.

Now, the question is: why do Leftists hate Catholicism yet defend Islam? I don't expect an answer.
Why do rightists make excuses for Catholic rape? Child trafficking is no more condoned in Islam than in the religions of the multitude of traffickets you choose to excuse.

You can have your answer though. I dont hate Catholics. I don't hate Muslims. I do hate child trafficking, child marriage, child abuse. Do you...or is it just Muslims you hate?
"Not all muslims are rapists" generally tips them over the edge.
And not all KKK members lynch people, right? In fact very, very few of them were and those that were were a century ago. Stop defending child rapists because they are Muslims FFS! It's beyond disgusting.
Where do I defend child rapists ? You are the ones deflecting by insisting that only muslims commit these crimes. Thats why we cant have an honest conversation about child abuse.
Nobody claims that only Muslim’s rape children. Stop lying. Hollywood loves their pedophiles for instance.
Why do right wing trash only focus on muslim crimes then ?

And why do you excuse the Muslim crimes, Tommy?
Where has he done that? Link? Be specific please.
Child trafficking for sex is a huge problem around the world and every culture, despite the rabid denials, is infested with pedo customers willing to pay. So what are you going to do? Blame the Muslims of course.

Worst countries for trafficking? 'Worst Human Traffickers' Include Russia, Belarus, Iran, Turkmenistan

So Britain has child trafficking grooming rings. What are you going to do to stop it?
Child trafficking for sex is a huge problem around the world and every culture, despite the rabid denials, is infested with pedo customers willing to pay. So what are you going to do? Blame the Muslims of course.

Worst countries for trafficking? 'Worst Human Traffickers' Include Russia, Belarus, Iran, Turkmenistan

So Britain has child trafficking grooming rings. What are you going to do to stop it?

According to this, Only 1 White Christian country comes in the top 20 top Slavery countries, and that's Belarus

Maps | Global Slavery Index

Meanwhile, Many of the top 20 Slavery countries, are in fact non-Whites, including Muslims, be it Middle Eastern Muslim like Iran, or South Asian Muslims like Pakistanis & Afghanis, Black Muslim like Mauritania, mixed Black Muslim & Black Christian like Eritirea & South Sudan, like Black Christian like the Central African Republic, Asian like Cambodia, Myanmar, or Mongolia, or Communist like North Korea.

The Russian Mafia is presumably a root cause of such issues, in Russia & Belarus.

Semion Mogilevich was it's founder, and Ludwig Fainberg it's most notorious Trafficker, both were Jews.
Child trafficking for sex is a huge problem around the world and every culture, despite the rabid denials, is infested with pedo customers willing to pay. So what are you going to do? Blame the Muslims of course.

Worst countries for trafficking? 'Worst Human Traffickers' Include Russia, Belarus, Iran, Turkmenistan

So Britain has child trafficking grooming rings. What are you going to do to stop it?

According to this, Only 1 White Christian country comes in the top 20 top Slavery countries, and that's Belarus

Maps | Global Slavery Index

Meanwhile, Many of the top 20 Slavery countries, are in fact non-Whites, including Muslims, be it Middle Eastern Muslim like Iran, or South Asian Muslims like Pakistanis & Afghanis, Black Muslim like Mauritania, mixed Black Muslim & Black Christian like Eritirea & South Sudan, like Black Christian like the Central African Republic, Asian like Cambodia, Myanmar, or Mongolia, or Communist like North Korea.

The Russian Mafia is presumably a root cause of such issues, in Russia & Belarus.

Semion Mogilevich was it's founder, and Ludwig Fainberg it's most notorious Trafficker, both were Jews.
Oh good grief, not this again.
Child trafficking for sex is a huge problem around the world and every culture, despite the rabid denials, is infested with pedo customers willing to pay. So what are you going to do? Blame the Muslims of course.

Worst countries for trafficking? 'Worst Human Traffickers' Include Russia, Belarus, Iran, Turkmenistan

So Britain has child trafficking grooming rings. What are you going to do to stop it?

According to this, Only 1 White Christian country comes in the top 20 top Slavery countries, and that's Belarus

Maps | Global Slavery Index

Meanwhile, Many of the top 20 Slavery countries, are in fact non-Whites, including Muslims, be it Middle Eastern Muslim like Iran, or South Asian Muslims like Pakistanis & Afghanis, Black Muslim like Mauritania, mixed Black Muslim & Black Christian like Eritirea & South Sudan, like Black Christian like the Central African Republic, Asian like Cambodia, Myanmar, or Mongolia, or Communist like North Korea.

The Russian Mafia is presumably a root cause of such issues, in Russia & Belarus.

Semion Mogilevich was it's founder, and Ludwig Fainberg it's most notorious Trafficker, both were Jews.
Oh good grief, not this again.

Not this again?
What is this, exactly?
Child trafficking for sex is a huge problem around the world and every culture, despite the rabid denials, is infested with pedo customers willing to pay. So what are you going to do? Blame the Muslims of course.

Worst countries for trafficking? 'Worst Human Traffickers' Include Russia, Belarus, Iran, Turkmenistan

So Britain has child trafficking grooming rings. What are you going to do to stop it?

According to this, Only 1 White Christian country comes in the top 20 top Slavery countries, and that's Belarus

Maps | Global Slavery Index

Meanwhile, Many of the top 20 Slavery countries, are in fact non-Whites, including Muslims, be it Middle Eastern Muslim like Iran, or South Asian Muslims like Pakistanis & Afghanis, Black Muslim like Mauritania, mixed Black Muslim & Black Christian like Eritirea & South Sudan, like Black Christian like the Central African Republic, Asian like Cambodia, Myanmar, or Mongolia, or Communist like North Korea.

The Russian Mafia is presumably a root cause of such issues, in Russia & Belarus.

Semion Mogilevich was it's founder, and Ludwig Fainberg it's most notorious Trafficker, both were Jews.
Oh good grief, not this again.

Not this again?
What is this, exactly?

Blaming Jews.
Child trafficking for sex is a huge problem around the world and every culture, despite the rabid denials, is infested with pedo customers willing to pay. So what are you going to do? Blame the Muslims of course.

Worst countries for trafficking? 'Worst Human Traffickers' Include Russia, Belarus, Iran, Turkmenistan

So Britain has child trafficking grooming rings. What are you going to do to stop it?

According to this, Only 1 White Christian country comes in the top 20 top Slavery countries, and that's Belarus

Maps | Global Slavery Index

Meanwhile, Many of the top 20 Slavery countries, are in fact non-Whites, including Muslims, be it Middle Eastern Muslim like Iran, or South Asian Muslims like Pakistanis & Afghanis, Black Muslim like Mauritania, mixed Black Muslim & Black Christian like Eritirea & South Sudan, like Black Christian like the Central African Republic, Asian like Cambodia, Myanmar, or Mongolia, or Communist like North Korea.

The Russian Mafia is presumably a root cause of such issues, in Russia & Belarus.

Semion Mogilevich was it's founder, and Ludwig Fainberg it's most notorious Trafficker, both were Jews.
Oh good grief, not this again.

Not this again?
What is this, exactly?

Blaming Jews.

Why is blaming everyone else on this thread somehow better than blaming Jews??????

We've blamed Catholics, Muslims, Eastern Europeans, Blacks, Asians, and White Brits, (Probably others too)

But, dare blame Jews, and all Hell breaks loose...

Too funny.
ROFL, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about yourself. The rest of us "inferior thinkers" will realise I was taking the piss out of you by demonstrating that your "superior" comment could be very easily turned round against you.

You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded but the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.
So its really just a muslim thing. OK.

No, but you DEFEND them because for you, it is. Leftists have a sweet little spot in their hearts for the Muslims which should not be there, since Islam violates their every "stated" principle.

Can you think about this, Tommy, aside from your schoolgirl crush on Muslims brown skin, "diverse" clothes, etc? Can you think about how they actually treat, say, women and homosexuals? Probably not. Your head will explode. (Do not deflect to CHRISTIANITY btw.)

What matters more to you? The cultural identity of the perpetrator or the crime?

I think we know answer when you have to make a whole thread on "the Muslim problem" instead of child trafficking.

I started the thread not Sue.

And I'm not surprised at the posts. Britain (and other European countries) have a Muslim problem, not only with child rape but other crimes and issues. I just read today Sweden is out of control and the populace has had enough.

Muslims have an assimilation problem and they'd be wise to correct it...but history proves they either can't or refuse to.
Britain does not have a "Muslim problem" unless you happen to be a member of the NF, EDL or any of the other far-right white supremacist groups over here. The same type of individuals bitched about a "Black problem" an "Asian problem" even a "Jewish Problem" at some points in our history. Guess what, the rest of us got over it and got on with our lives and let these "problems" assimalate in time.
You know I'm a superior thinker when all you can do is quote me, dude.

ROFL, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about yourself. The rest of us "inferior thinkers" will realise I was taking the piss out of you by demonstrating that your "superior" comment could be very easily turned round against you.

You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded by the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.

Pure comedy gold. Point out to me please where I've defended "the most un-progressive, backward religion the world", although as far as such religions go, which one are you talking about when you refer to "brown people" eating cool food,wearing interesting clothing and sounding different when they talk; what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?
Your presence on this board shows you are anti-American, just as I have said.
Hey, "superior thinker" you do realise that you are posting in the Europe forum about a UK topic?

This one was asked to think too deeply about what Islam does, couldn't handle it, and logged off.

Oh, Im so sorry, I wasn't aware I couldn't go get some lunch or go to the toilet or basically live my life while the great "Superior Thinker" was ranting online.
I love the smell of Leftists blinded by "diversity". Crying about Catholic pedophiles: deflecting, deflecting, deflecting all the livelong day when their precious "brown people" commit the same crimes.

It's so BORING and predictable, you brainless Leftists.
I am assuming you are American. We dont have a specific "muslim rape problem"...but we have and always have had human and child sex trafficking by all colors and creeds and we have had several huge and still developing scandals involving the Catholic Church and sports, for exame hundreds of children molested and assaulted by their gymnastics doctor. These are just as real and serious as the grooming gangs in Britain.

The question it a problem of a specific religion or simply a criminal ethic that views human beings as commodities? Or predators who use their religion or vocation as a means to gain access to and prey upon children?

When you make it a muslim problem or a catholic problem or a mexican isnt the act that is the problem for you as much as the cultural or religious identity of the perpetrator.

And then..

View attachment 237390

It is a human problem that manifests in Catholicism from priests because they cannot marry, in part.

It is a human problem that manifests in Islam in grooming gangs and rape because Islam hugely encourages misogyny, in part.

Now, the question is: why do Leftists hate Catholicism yet defend Islam? I don't expect an answer.
Why do rightists make excuses for Catholic rape? Child trafficking is no more condoned in Islam than in the religions of the multitude of traffickets you choose to excuse.

You can have your answer though. I dont hate Catholics. I don't hate Muslims. I do hate child trafficking, child marriage, child abuse. Do you...or is it just Muslims you hate?

Can't run away from this--Leftists hate Christianity but defend Islam.
You know I'm a superior thinker when all you can do is quote me, dude.

ROFL, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about yourself. The rest of us "inferior thinkers" will realise I was taking the piss out of you by demonstrating that your "superior" comment could be very easily turned round against you.

You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded by the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.

Pure comedy gold. Point out to me please where I've defended "the most un-progressive, backward religion the world", although as far as such religions go, which one are you talking about when you refer to "brown people" eating cool food,wearing interesting clothing and sounding different when they talk; what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?

Well let's start right here, your very first post in the thread. "Othering", of course. And let's get this straight: I'm a superior thinker COMPARED TO YOU because I'm not a brainwashed Prog.

Yet more UKIP/Far Right wet dream fantasies based on no real evidence, just media hype. The Muslims are coming! Lock up your daughters, etc. Blame the "other" for your woes, blah blah, next?
You know I'm a superior thinker when all you can do is quote me, dude.

ROFL, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good about yourself. The rest of us "inferior thinkers" will realise I was taking the piss out of you by demonstrating that your "superior" comment could be very easily turned round against you.

You don't have a leg to stand on, not one and you know it, because you pretend to be "progressive" but defend the most un-progressive, backward religion the world over because they have brown skin, eat cool food, wear interesting clothing and sound different when they talk. It's like you're all middle school girls blinded by the Cool New Kids in town. It's just that sad and pathetic.

Pure comedy gold. Point out to me please where I've defended "the most un-progressive, backward religion the world", although as far as such religions go, which one are you talking about when you refer to "brown people" eating cool food,wearing interesting clothing and sounding different when they talk; what have you got against Hindus and Taoists, or maybe Buddhists now?

Well let's start right here, your very first post in the thread. "Othering", of course. And let's get this straight: I'm a superior thinker COMPARED TO YOU because I'm not a brainwashed Prog.

Yet more UKIP/Far Right wet dream fantasies based on no real evidence, just media hype. The Muslims are coming! Lock up your daughters, etc. Blame the "other" for your woes, blah blah, next?

...merely a brainwashed Islamophobe, got it.

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