It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?

Perhaps, but Muslims also get assigned BAD attributes they also do not deserve, and I'm not tap dancing around anything; my worldview is clear in that all perpetrators should be pursued with equal vigour, regardless of religion or ethnicity. What part of that are you having a problem with?

Because the problem in YOUR NATION was the police--the actual law enforcement agencies--were scolded for trying to bring justice to criminals because they were among "favored groups". Be honest about that and deal with the fact that Progressives STILL do that, as witnessed in this very thread!
Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?

Perhaps, but Muslims also get assigned BAD attributes they also do not deserve, and I'm not tap dancing around anything; my worldview is clear in that all perpetrators should be pursued with equal vigour, regardless of religion or ethnicity. What part of that are you having a problem with?
These idiots don't realize that they do not understand what is going on and keep pushing the ridiculous view that anyone who does not want to scapegoat all people of the same faith like they do somehow constitutes defending the rapists and not caring for the victims, when we basically are defending the innocent people of that faith from a sleazy attempt to generate religious strife for whatever their purpose is. They will never acknowledge the fault in their logic.

....while you scapegoat Christians like an absolute fiend.

I won't pick on you too much because I'm convinced you're not entirely well
Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

I'm not denying that all human populations have their sick pedophiles and I wouldn't even begin to call all Muslims pedophiles. The problem here is obvious: the cops wouldn't even GO AFTER the Muslims in this and other cases--they were protected because of their "diversity". THAT is what is manifest on this thread.

If you think Muslim pedos are worse than Catholic pedos, you have a problem.

If you think Catholic pedos are worse than Muslim pedos, you ALSO have a problem.
From what little I could figure out from the info in this thread, the pedo ring was full of high ranking officials, some in law enforcement. THAT is why the ring wasn't broken up earlier. No one was protecting Muslims, I'm absolutely sure.

Are you kidding me. That has already happened in the UK, in the Rotherham rape scandals. The police were tipped off but did not follow through because "multi culti"...they were told they dare not. Are you ignorant to this, old lady?
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why do you focus on Rotherham ? Could those solutions not apply to all the other scandals ?
I focus on it because it is so glaring and because it provides insight into the magnitude of the problem with Muslims raping children .

Of course, I would envision this as part of the solution for the whole country. It would only be part of a solution and to be used with the curtailment of Muslim immigration until such a time as the current Muslim population is fully integrated (3/4 th are not), abandoning the stupidity of multiculturalism and ending the subjugation of liberal values to Islamic ones, but it would be a start.

One enormous problem is a fast growing Islamic population that wants nothing to do with liberal values the bigger problem lies with you brainwashed useful idiots that defend Islam over your very
own countrymen .

The thing is that if they did stop all Muslim immigration and also deported all Muslims out of Britain they still would have a problem with paedophiles and grooming gangs and paedophile rings. I now think it is not a good idea to put paedophiles and underage sex abusers into different compartments eg. Muslim paedophiles are not different from paedophile Priests and are not different from Methodist paedophiles and are not different from Jewish paedophiles etc they are ALL the SAME they are ALL monsters and I think more productive if a society begin to deal with paedophiles as ONE group it does not help I think to seperate these monsters into different groups based on skin colour and religion. This is now my opinion.
I dont know what the solution is...but it has to be holistic. It has to be able to identify and protect vulnerable children and have stiff penalties to those who buy and sell. Part of the problem to is many of these gangs cross borders. Women and children are trafficked from Russia and Eastern European countries, from Libya and Syria where conditions are brutal and largely lawless, and Thailand and Myanmar so stopping these things is rather like fighting a hydra. One the things I read is human trafficking overall generates a huge amount of money, more so rhan drugs so you can imagine the types of people involved for whom children for sex is nothing more than a financial transaction.

"One the things I read is human trafficking overall generates a huge amount of money, more so rhan drugs so you can imagine the types of people involved for whom children for sex is nothing more than a financial transaction."

This is why child sex trafficking never can be eradicated this because it is worth many many Billions each year, this in a different same way like the War On Drugs that is a TOTAL failure, Heroin, Cocaine worth many many Billions each year to the Drug Cartels and so with the Child Trafficking Cartels and I do not know how child trafficking you combat in the effective way to eradicate it, also paedophilia has existed for many thousands of years and I regret it always will exist.
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.

To me no difference with Rotherham situation where the authorities knew what was happening and did zero and the Jimmy Saville situation where the authorities also knew and did zero, they also enabled and collaborate.

That's the whole point. They knew, and did nothing. A conspiracy of silence.

In Savile's case, it was the might of the BBC.

Also I think that Jimmy Saville perhaps blackmailing top peoples at the BBC, also perhaps blackmailing top politicians and police that he knew they were doing things that if public reveal this would destroy their life and career. The situation is that if you have a group and they all are doing something that 99% of society think heinous and if reveal the whole group is then destroyed on ALL levels then this the whole group PROTECTS ALL members of the group this because IF ONE member of that group go under then ALL members of that group also go under.
I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

I'm not denying that all human populations have their sick pedophiles and I wouldn't even begin to call all Muslims pedophiles. The problem here is obvious: the cops wouldn't even GO AFTER the Muslims in this and other cases--they were protected because of their "diversity". THAT is what is manifest on this thread.

If you think Muslim pedos are worse than Catholic pedos, you have a problem.

If you think Catholic pedos are worse than Muslim pedos, you ALSO have a problem.
From what little I could figure out from the info in this thread, the pedo ring was full of high ranking officials, some in law enforcement. THAT is why the ring wasn't broken up earlier. No one was protecting Muslims, I'm absolutely sure.

Are you kidding me. That has already happened in the UK, in the Rotherham rape scandals. The police were tipped off but did not follow through because "multi culti"...they were told they dare not. Are you ignorant to this, old lady?
Ive posted examples on this thread where this has happened in cases not involving muslims. Yet you choose to ignore this and continue spouting crap. You have been laughed out of this thread more than once. How many times before it penetrates ?
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.

To me no difference with Rotherham situation where the authorities knew what was happening and did zero and the Jimmy Saville situation where the authorities also knew and did zero, they also enabled and collaborate.

That's the whole point. They knew, and did nothing. A conspiracy of silence.

In Savile's case, it was the might of the BBC.

Also I think that Jimmy Saville perhaps blackmailing top peoples at the BBC, also perhaps blackmailing top politicians and police that he knew they were doing things that if public reveal this would destroy their life and career. The situation is that if you have a group and they all are doing something that 99% of society think heinous and if reveal the whole group is then destroyed on ALL levels then this the whole group PROTECTS ALL members of the group this because IF ONE member of that group go under then ALL members of that group also go under.
Im not saying its not possible but more proof is needed. Saville and others operated at a time when awareness of this shit was low.
I was told that Saville was a perv in the late 80s, it was like an underground whisper. But nobody ever had any facts to back it up. I just dont think that thatcher would have put up with it. Remember she hated all minorities so pervs would have had no chance.
Same with Heath.Unmarried bachelor and all that. Easy target. Ive got mates who believe in it 100% and I get stuff sent to me every other day. None of it convinces me though.

Check out the Jeremy Thorpe case for a good idea of what things were like back then.
Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?

Perhaps, but Muslims also get assigned BAD attributes they also do not deserve, and I'm not tap dancing around anything; my worldview is clear in that all perpetrators should be pursued with equal vigour, regardless of religion or ethnicity. What part of that are you having a problem with?
These idiots don't realize that they do not understand what is going on and keep pushing the ridiculous view that anyone who does not want to scapegoat all people of the same faith like they do somehow constitutes defending the rapists and not caring for the victims, when we basically are defending the innocent people of that faith from a sleazy attempt to generate religious strife for whatever their purpose is. They will never acknowledge the fault in their logic.

....while you scapegoat Christians like an absolute fiend.

I won't pick on you too much because I'm convinced you're not entirely well
Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?

Perhaps, but Muslims also get assigned BAD attributes they also do not deserve, and I'm not tap dancing around anything; my worldview is clear in that all perpetrators should be pursued with equal vigour, regardless of religion or ethnicity. What part of that are you having a problem with?
These idiots don't realize that they do not understand what is going on and keep pushing the ridiculous view that anyone who does not want to scapegoat all people of the same faith like they do somehow constitutes defending the rapists and not caring for the victims, when we basically are defending the innocent people of that faith from a sleazy attempt to generate religious strife for whatever their purpose is. They will never acknowledge the fault in their logic.

....while you scapegoat Christians like an absolute fiend.

I won't pick on you too much because I'm convinced you're not entirely well

Please read my posts #249, et seq., including post # 318. I have repeatedly stated that I do not hold all Christians responsible for the sexual excesses and the efforts of some fundie "Christians" to groom girls for early sex and "marriage" (their version of "marriage" as "spread your legs, obey my penis, and squirt my babies, my penis rules you).

I don't think that you are well, either, considering your support for such early sexual grooming and encouragement that female children are to be kept tied up and denied opportunities to see the world before making life-changing decisions, just so that they can provide flesh to cult men, who are too immature to try and marry a grown woman.

As I said before, why are you so opposed to female young people taking part in road trips, travel, college attendance, attendance at museums, opportunities to meet people from other walks of life, military service, et al. The woman will know when she wishes to be married and that she has met the right man. Why are you not supporting young people's freedom to explore the world before they settled down and instead trying to funnel youth straight from high school to "marriage"?
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why do you focus on Rotherham ? Could those solutions not apply to all the other scandals ?
I focus on it because it is so glaring and because it provides insight into the magnitude of the problem with Muslims raping children .

Of course, I would envision this as part of the solution for the whole country. It would only be part of a solution and to be used with the curtailment of Muslim immigration until such a time as the current Muslim population is fully integrated (3/4 th are not), abandoning the stupidity of multiculturalism and ending the subjugation of liberal values to Islamic ones, but it would be a start.

One enormous problem is a fast growing Islamic population that wants nothing to do with liberal values the bigger problem lies with you brainwashed useful idiots that defend Islam over your very
own countrymen .

The thing is that if they did stop all Muslim immigration and also deported all Muslims out of Britain they still would have a problem with paedophiles and grooming gangs and paedophile rings. I now think it is not a good idea to put paedophiles and underage sex abusers into different compartments eg. Muslim paedophiles are not different from paedophile Priests and are not different from Methodist paedophiles and are not different from Jewish paedophiles etc they are ALL the SAME they are ALL monsters and I think more productive if a society begin to deal with paedophiles as ONE group it does not help I think to seperate these monsters into different groups based on skin colour and religion. This is now my opinion.
I dont know what the solution is...but it has to be holistic. It has to be able to identify and protect vulnerable children and have stiff penalties to those who buy and sell. Part of the problem to is many of these gangs cross borders. Women and children are trafficked from Russia and Eastern European countries, from Libya and Syria where conditions are brutal and largely lawless, and Thailand and Myanmar so stopping these things is rather like fighting a hydra. One the things I read is human trafficking overall generates a huge amount of money, more so rhan drugs so you can imagine the types of people involved for whom children for sex is nothing more than a financial transaction.

For me to be on topic again in this thread this I refer to the Kincora Boys Home scandal, this in Northern Ireland during the 1960s and 1970s and in the 1980s again the situation that the police and authorities knew the sexual abuse including rape was happening for many decades and this did zero and also again top politicians, judges, military and the police visited the Kincora Boys Home to sexually abuse and rape boys.

What to think of this? I think the logical conclusion is that in Britain at a certain time it was Institutionalised Acceptance of sexual abuse of vulnerable children, of children who were disturbed in the mind and who they considered Trouble Children who did not behave as good children and so nobody wanted them and with this nobody care what happen to them and so they could be used and abused and it all accepted and covered up.

Kincora Boys' Home - Wikipedia

Boy sexually assaulted on first day at Kincora boys' home

The MI5 blackmail of top paedophile politicians:

Inquiry to examine abuse claims at Kincora Boy's Home

Kincora boys' home abuser 'tried to get child to have sex with animal'
Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?

Perhaps, but Muslims also get assigned BAD attributes they also do not deserve, and I'm not tap dancing around anything; my worldview is clear in that all perpetrators should be pursued with equal vigour, regardless of religion or ethnicity. What part of that are you having a problem with?
These idiots don't realize that they do not understand what is going on and keep pushing the ridiculous view that anyone who does not want to scapegoat all people of the same faith like they do somehow constitutes defending the rapists and not caring for the victims, when we basically are defending the innocent people of that faith from a sleazy attempt to generate religious strife for whatever their purpose is. They will never acknowledge the fault in their logic.

....while you scapegoat Christians like an absolute fiend.

I won't pick on you too much because I'm convinced you're not entirely well
Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?

Perhaps, but Muslims also get assigned BAD attributes they also do not deserve, and I'm not tap dancing around anything; my worldview is clear in that all perpetrators should be pursued with equal vigour, regardless of religion or ethnicity. What part of that are you having a problem with?
These idiots don't realize that they do not understand what is going on and keep pushing the ridiculous view that anyone who does not want to scapegoat all people of the same faith like they do somehow constitutes defending the rapists and not caring for the victims, when we basically are defending the innocent people of that faith from a sleazy attempt to generate religious strife for whatever their purpose is. They will never acknowledge the fault in their logic.

....while you scapegoat Christians like an absolute fiend.

I won't pick on you too much because I'm convinced you're not entirely well

Please read my posts #249, et seq., including post # 318. I have repeatedly stated that I do not hold all Christians responsible for the sexual excesses and the efforts of some fundie "Christians" to groom girls for early sex and "marriage" (their version of "marriage" as "spread your legs, obey my penis, and squirt my babies, my penis rules you).

I don't think that you are well, either, considering your support for such early sexual grooming and encouragement that female children are to be kept tied up and denied opportunities to see the world before making life-changing decisions, just so that they can provide flesh to cult men, who are too immature to try and marry a grown woman.

As I said before, why are you so opposed to female young people taking part in road trips, travel, college attendance, attendance at museums, opportunities to meet people from other walks of life, military service, et al. The woman will know when she wishes to be married and that she has met the right man. Why are you not supporting young people's freedom to explore the world before they settled down and instead trying to funnel youth straight from high school to "marriage"?
You are every bit as sleazy as the Paki child rapists inn you defense of them: low life!
Yes, that was our mistake, pussy footing around what was considered a taboo subject, guess what, we got them in the end and have learned lessons as a result. One very important lesson we learned is that we shouldn't demonise a whole group because of the actions of a tiny minority within that group, but treat everyone equally, without fear or favour.

Oh no, you still do it. See your first post to me, about "othering", which is one of the absolute dumbest things Progressives have come up with in the history of ever. ONLY Progressives could make something fundamental to human thought processes from literally the moment we are born--this is me, I am not my mother, she is her, I am "other"--and make that morally bad. I mean that, ONLY Progs would cry about "othering".

You all cry about othering, by the way, WHILE you "other" the other-ers. It's absolutely some of the worst stone-cold stupidity I have ever seen. That you have not left Progressivism over it is proof positive that I am a superior thinker. If you left Progressivism today, simply for having seen the light on "othering", then we might be on an even playing field.

I'm confused. As I understand you, I'm somehow in the wrong for wanting to treat all people equally, regardless of ethnicity or religion, wheras you want to distinguish between some sort of "superior" us and an "inferior" them/other. In your world view therefore, it's fine to create a "demonised" group you can point to as "rapists" and "paedophiles". Surely you are the one "othering", not me?

Is it breaking your brain?

"othering" is going to happen and it's not even wrong. My family, my neighborhood, my coworkers, my friends, etc. Not even wrong; endemic to humanity. Again, ONLY the Progressives would take what is instinctive and natural and attempt (poorly) to make it evil.

It's what you DO with "othering" (cry and whine here, progs) that makes it wrong. If you think "This is not my family/neighborhood/coworkers/friends, but that does not make them objectively wrong or evil people", then you have no problems with "othering". It's neutral. It's only when you assign to them attributes they don't deserve--for evil OR GOOD--that "othering" becomes a problem.

Conservatives are accused of assigning Muslims evil attributes they don't deserve. You have accused this of me in this thread but I have not done it. What HAS HAPPENED in the UK is this: Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?
Muslims are like any other group of humans that exist across many cultures. Good and bad. The issue here is unlike any other group you want to define them in entirety as bad.

Individuals did these crimes.

That's a flagrant lie and you should be ashamed for it. It's a Leftist, Progressive lie too. Quote me in the thread where I said or even implied that I "want to define them in entirety as bad".

Do it, Coyote, or take it back!
I am not all sure what you think. You have one post where you clearly state you wouldnt begin to say all Muslms are pedos yet you go on and on about Muslims. When TT offers an indepth post breaking the problem down and proposing solutions you respond with " All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?" am I supposed to infer from this
Yes, that was our mistake, pussy footing around what was considered a taboo subject, guess what, we got them in the end and have learned lessons as a result. One very important lesson we learned is that we shouldn't demonise a whole group because of the actions of a tiny minority within that group, but treat everyone equally, without fear or favour.

Oh no, you still do it. See your first post to me, about "othering", which is one of the absolute dumbest things Progressives have come up with in the history of ever. ONLY Progressives could make something fundamental to human thought processes from literally the moment we are born--this is me, I am not my mother, she is her, I am "other"--and make that morally bad. I mean that, ONLY Progs would cry about "othering".

You all cry about othering, by the way, WHILE you "other" the other-ers. It's absolutely some of the worst stone-cold stupidity I have ever seen. That you have not left Progressivism over it is proof positive that I am a superior thinker. If you left Progressivism today, simply for having seen the light on "othering", then we might be on an even playing field.

I'm confused. As I understand you, I'm somehow in the wrong for wanting to treat all people equally, regardless of ethnicity or religion, wheras you want to distinguish between some sort of "superior" us and an "inferior" them/other. In your world view therefore, it's fine to create a "demonised" group you can point to as "rapists" and "paedophiles". Surely you are the one "othering", not me?

Is it breaking your brain?

"othering" is going to happen and it's not even wrong. My family, my neighborhood, my coworkers, my friends, etc. Not even wrong; endemic to humanity. Again, ONLY the Progressives would take what is instinctive and natural and attempt (poorly) to make it evil.

It's what you DO with "othering" (cry and whine here, progs) that makes it wrong. If you think "This is not my family/neighborhood/coworkers/friends, but that does not make them objectively wrong or evil people", then you have no problems with "othering". It's neutral. It's only when you assign to them attributes they don't deserve--for evil OR GOOD--that "othering" becomes a problem.

Conservatives are accused of assigning Muslims evil attributes they don't deserve. You have accused this of me in this thread but I have not done it. What HAS HAPPENED in the UK is this: Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?
Muslims are like any other group of humans that exist across many cultures. Good and bad. The issue here is unlike any other group you want to define them in entirety as bad.

Individuals did these crimes.

That's a flagrant lie and you should be ashamed for it. It's a Leftist, Progressive lie too. Quote me in the thread where I said or even implied that I "want to define them in entirety as bad".

Do it, Coyote, or take it back!
I searched for your posts and "muslim"...and they all seem to be trashing muslims so you do in practice seem to be defining them as bad.
Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?

Perhaps, but Muslims also get assigned BAD attributes they also do not deserve, and I'm not tap dancing around anything; my worldview is clear in that all perpetrators should be pursued with equal vigour, regardless of religion or ethnicity. What part of that are you having a problem with?
These idiots don't realize that they do not understand what is going on and keep pushing the ridiculous view that anyone who does not want to scapegoat all people of the same faith like they do somehow constitutes defending the rapists and not caring for the victims, when we basically are defending the innocent people of that faith from a sleazy attempt to generate religious strife for whatever their purpose is. They will never acknowledge the fault in their logic.

....while you scapegoat Christians like an absolute fiend.

I won't pick on you too much because I'm convinced you're not entirely well
Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?

Perhaps, but Muslims also get assigned BAD attributes they also do not deserve, and I'm not tap dancing around anything; my worldview is clear in that all perpetrators should be pursued with equal vigour, regardless of religion or ethnicity. What part of that are you having a problem with?
These idiots don't realize that they do not understand what is going on and keep pushing the ridiculous view that anyone who does not want to scapegoat all people of the same faith like they do somehow constitutes defending the rapists and not caring for the victims, when we basically are defending the innocent people of that faith from a sleazy attempt to generate religious strife for whatever their purpose is. They will never acknowledge the fault in their logic.

....while you scapegoat Christians like an absolute fiend.

I won't pick on you too much because I'm convinced you're not entirely well

Please read my posts #249, et seq., including post # 318. I have repeatedly stated that I do not hold all Christians responsible for the sexual excesses and the efforts of some fundie "Christians" to groom girls for early sex and "marriage" (their version of "marriage" as "spread your legs, obey my penis, and squirt my babies, my penis rules you).

I don't think that you are well, either, considering your support for such early sexual grooming and encouragement that female children are to be kept tied up and denied opportunities to see the world before making life-changing decisions, just so that they can provide flesh to cult men, who are too immature to try and marry a grown woman.

As I said before, why are you so opposed to female young people taking part in road trips, travel, college attendance, attendance at museums, opportunities to meet people from other walks of life, military service, et al. The woman will know when she wishes to be married and that she has met the right man. Why are you not supporting young people's freedom to explore the world before they settled down and instead trying to funnel youth straight from high school to "marriage"?
You are every bit as sleazy as the Paki child rapists inn you defense of them: low life!
Where has she defended them? Oh wait. She hasnt. Carry on with the trainwreck
The thing is that if they did stop all Muslim immigration and also deported all Muslims out of Britain they still would have a problem with paedophiles and grooming gangs and paedophile rings. I now think it is not a good idea to put paedophiles and underage sex abusers into different compartments eg. Muslim paedophiles are not different from paedophile Priests and are not different from Methodist paedophiles and are not different from Jewish paedophiles etc they are ALL the SAME they are ALL monsters and I think more productive if a society begin to deal with paedophiles as ONE group it does not help I think to seperate these monsters into different groups based on skin colour and religion. This is now my opinion.

Who are you, what happened to Lucy, and how were you able to hack her account?

As far as you repeating the platitude you have been taught recently about "all the same" (which is the familiar call among all Islamopopligists), let me point out a few differences:

Typical pedophiles act alone. The Muslim rape gangs acted in concert.

Typical pedophiles select children from their own community. Muslim racists are not selecting children from their community, they are selecting Kaffir girls. THEY are the disgusting racists here.

Typical pedophiles are not motivated by culture or ideology. These Muslims follow a doctrine that instructs them to rape those of the lands they invade.

Typical pedophiles do not indulge in gang rape. These Muslims are not only indulging in gang rape of the Kaffir girls, but doing so in some especially violent ways.

Typical pedophiles are reviled. As several people here have shown so very clearly, these Muslim pedophiles receive much support.

There has never been a case where typical pedophiles have accounted for a victim list of 1400 out of a population of 110000. Nothing even REMOTELY close. Muslims in Rotherham alone, racked up more victims in just Rotherham than all the non Muslim cases in the whole of the U.K.

In cases where non Muslim pedophiles are protected (such as Catholic Priests), the perps are part of the system that protects them. In the case of the Muslims, they were protected because they were considered the other. We are talking political correctness instead of an old boy network.

Typical Pedophiles do not rape in order to intimidate a wider audience. Rape is part and parcel of the Muslim drive to dominate. It has been a tool in the Islamization process for 1400 years.

Why people indulge in this "it's all the same": nonsense is beyond me. THis is a very recent phenomenon with you, and it is almost like you have been trained by somebody else to say it. The truth of the matter, however, is that in terms of motivation and sheer magnitude, there is almost NOTHING similar between the THOUSANDS of children Muslims are raping in the U.K. and anything Britain has experienced before.
You are every bit as sleazy as the Paki child rapists inn you defense of them: low life!

In their world, the choice is clear -- either join them in supporting the violent rape of children or be accused of being racist. There is no alternative.

Prepare for them to turn around and immediately deny they have just supported child rape after offering that particular choice, as well. They all do it.

What is especially arch is their inversion of the meaning of racist. Here, a group that follows a supremacist ideology chooses the children of another race to rape most violently, and instead of calling out the actual racists involved, these child rape supporers JOIN them.

It is beyond sick in the head.
Some notorious child sex trafficking rings involving gangs and large numbers of victims...but are not Muslim. I guess Muslim child rapers are no different then non-muslim child rapers. They are all beyond the pale. They all collect, groom, and brutalize children who's services they pimp to pedos.

Massive online pedophile ring busted by cops

84 children rescued, 120 human traffickers arrested across U.S., FBI says

Colombian authorities bust child sex trafficking ring in tourist city | Reuters

123 missing children found in Michigan during sex trafficking operation

Colombian authorities bust child sex trafficking ring in tourist city | Reuters

FBI busts nationwide child sex trafficking ring; 120 arrested, 84 kids rescued
This one is particularly horrific, the youngest victim was a 3 month old baby.

Sex-trafficking sting rescues nearly 160 children, authorities say

It is dismaying how common this seems to be once you look for it. :(
The thing is that if they did stop all Muslim immigration and also deported all Muslims out of Britain they still would have a problem with paedophiles and grooming gangs and paedophile rings. I now think it is not a good idea to put paedophiles and underage sex abusers into different compartments eg. Muslim paedophiles are not different from paedophile Priests and are not different from Methodist paedophiles and are not different from Jewish paedophiles etc they are ALL the SAME they are ALL monsters and I think more productive if a society begin to deal with paedophiles as ONE group it does not help I think to seperate these monsters into different groups based on skin colour and religion. This is now my opinion.

Who are you, what happened to Lucy, and how were you able to hack her account?

As far as you repeating the platitude you have been taught recently about "all the same" (which is the familiar call among all Islamopopligists), let me point out a few differences:

Typical pedophiles act alone. The Muslim rape gangs acted in concert.

Typical pedophiles select children from their own community. Muslim racists are not selecting children from their community, they are selecting Kaffir girls. THEY are the disgusting racists here.

Typical pedophiles are not motivated by culture or ideology. These Muslims follow a doctrine that instructs them to rape those of the lands they invade.

Typical pedophiles do not indulge in gang rape. These Muslims are not only indulging in gang rape of the Kaffir girls, but doing so in some especially violent ways.

Typical pedophiles are reviled. As several people here have shown so very clearly, these Muslim pedophiles receive much support.

There has never been a case where typical pedophiles have accounted for a victim list of 1400 out of a population of 110000. Nothing even REMOTELY close. Muslims in Rotherham alone, racked up more victims in just Rotherham than all the non Muslim cases in the whole of the U.K.

In cases where non Muslim pedophiles are protected (such as Catholic Priests), the perps are part of the system that protects them. In the case of the Muslims, they were protected because they were considered the other. We are talking political correctness instead of an old boy network.

Typical Pedophiles do not rape in order to intimidate a wider audience. Rape is part and parcel of the Muslim drive to dominate. It has been a tool in the Islamization process for 1400 years.

Why people indulge in this "it's all the same": nonsense is beyond me. THis is a very recent phenomenon with you, and it is almost like you have been trained by somebody else to say it. The truth of the matter, however, is that in terms of motivation and sheer magnitude, there is almost NOTHING similar between the THOUSANDS of children Muslims are raping in the U.K. and anything Britain has experienced before.

This because I am attempting to be logical and intelligent in my responses and NOT resort to narrow things to ONLY Muslims are paedophiles, so according to Dogmaphobe IF you don't follow this you are an Islamophile and also probably a Communist :rolleyes-41:

So you mention that is correct that eg. Rotherham THOUSANDS of underage girls were groomed and raped for many years and zero was done to stop this and I to illustrate that this type of situation is NOT that shocking when you read about how ONE vile man Jimmy Saville groomed and raped THOUSANDS of boys and girls for FIFTY YEARS in Britain and zero was done to stop him, the number of Jimmy Saville victims ONE man is approx 2,500 they now he is dead and cannot be brought to justice they decide to have investigations into him.

No my account not hacked and this is me as always and I repeat that a paedophile is a paedophile and this that ALL are monsters and should be executed and paedophiles are NOT limited to ONE religion ONE skin colour ONE political persuasion ONE career.

As an example I posted in this thread links to the Jimmy Saville situation and the Kincora Boys Home situation and this to illustrate that paedophiles do NOT always operate solo that there are many times that it IS systematically organised in what we would term Grooming Gangs, Paedophile Rings etc

I think it do the injustice to VICTIMS of paedophiles IF we obsess and zero in on only ONE group of these monsters and this because we disagree and/or are repulsed by their religion which we consider backwards and non-constructive to Western Civilisation or whatever and doing this are we concentrating on thinking of ways to PROTECT the VICTIMS and the potential victims OR are we ignoring that because we are obsessed with the religion of the monsters who commit this heinous crimes? It is to me ridiculous to think that politicians give a CRAP about the victims of paedophiles if they DID care then they would DO something and that they do NOT do something this we have to conclude is because they have something to lose be this votes OR their access to the outside world ie that they are paedophiles and/or at least have the interest in children in a sexual way.
You are every bit as sleazy as the Paki child rapists inn you defense of them: low life!

In their world, the choice is clear -- either join them in supporting the violent rape of children or be accused of being racist. There is no alternative.

Prepare for them to turn around and immediately deny they have just supported child rape after offering that particular choice, as well. They all do it.

What is especially arch is their inversion of the meaning of racist. Here, a group that follows a supremacist ideology chooses the children of another race to rape most violently, and instead of calling out the actual racists involved, these child rape supporers JOIN them.

It is beyond sick in the head.

Oh well, a guy goes on a knife stabbing rampage at a Manchester train station, New Year's Eve, screaming "allahu akbar". Police treating it as a terrorist incident.

Happy New Year. Welcome to Britain. :)
All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

I'm not denying that all human populations have their sick pedophiles and I wouldn't even begin to call all Muslims pedophiles. The problem here is obvious: the cops wouldn't even GO AFTER the Muslims in this and other cases--they were protected because of their "diversity". THAT is what is manifest on this thread.

If you think Muslim pedos are worse than Catholic pedos, you have a problem.

If you think Catholic pedos are worse than Muslim pedos, you ALSO have a problem.
From what little I could figure out from the info in this thread, the pedo ring was full of high ranking officials, some in law enforcement. THAT is why the ring wasn't broken up earlier. No one was protecting Muslims, I'm absolutely sure.

Are you kidding me. That has already happened in the UK, in the Rotherham rape scandals. The police were tipped off but did not follow through because "multi culti"...they were told they dare not. Are you ignorant to this, old lady?
Ive posted examples on this thread where this has happened in cases not involving muslims. Yet you choose to ignore this and continue spouting crap. You have been laughed out of this thread more than once. How many times before it penetrates ?

I am REFUSING to discuss other cases right now. I can, and I have, and I will again. But you seem incapable of discussing problems within Islam.

Lost in Care
Its a big read. Ive been flicking through it this morning and one of the first things to jump out at me was how ,back in the 70s, indecent assault and related crimes were seen as minor offences.

Criminal proceedings prior to 1991 2.07 Before the major police investigation began in 1991 the following were convicted of relevant offences within the administrative areas of Clwyd and Gwynedd:

(1) 1976 Anthony David Taylor was convicted on 6 January at Talgarth Magistrates' Court of two offences of indecent assault upon boys staying with the Bryn Alyn Community, the owner of private residential establishments for children in the vicinity of Wrexham. He was fined £20 for each offence3 .

(2) 1977 Leslie Wilson, a house father at Little Acton Assessment Centre, Wrexham4 , who had been suspended on 15 July, was convicted on 22 December in Chester Crown Court of indecent assault, gross indecency and attempted buggery and sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment.

(3) 1978 Bryan Davies, Warden of a residential unit at Ystrad Hall School, Llangollen5 , who had been suspended on 25 May was convicted on 4 September at Llangollen Magistrates' Court of three offences of indecent assault involving two pupils at the school, for which he was placed on probation for 12 months, with a condition of hospital treatment, and ordered to perform 160 hours' community service.

(4) 1980 Reginald Gareth Cooke, known also by a number of different aliases but hereafter referred to as Gary Cooke6 , pleaded guilty on 30 June 1980 in the Crown Court at Mold to two offences of buggery, one of indecent assault and one of taking an indecent photograph. He was sentenced to a total of five years of imprisonment, from which he was released on parole on 23 November 1981. Cooke had been employed for two weeks only in a Clwyd children's home, Bersham Hall, probably in or about 1972. Later, he had been employed as a care worker for over a year by the Bryn Alyn Community in their children's homes, firstly at Marton's Camp, Winsford, Cheshire and then at Cotsbrook Hall, Higford; and he had then been Assistant Warden of a probation hostel in Ruabon, near Wrexham, for six months. None of the victims named in the 1980 convictions had been in care at the time when the offences against them were committed but they were all young persons, some of whom had been or were about to be children in care, and Cooke was known to have ready access to children in residential care in the Wrexham area. An associate of Cooke and a known paedophile,

(Arthur) Graham Stephens, was a co-defendant in the proceedings. He pleaded guilty to an offence of buggery and one of indecent assault and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment.

(5) 1986 In July 1986 at Mold Crown Court Iain Muir, a deputy head of the Bryn Alyn Community7 , was convicted of an offence of unlawful sexual intercourse with a female resident at Bryn Alyn and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. The following month, on 5 August 1986, at Wrexham Magistrates' Court, a full time residential child care worker, Jacqueline Elizabeth Thomas, who had been employed in another Clwyd children's home, Chevet Hey8 , and suspended on 3 January, received a three months' suspended sentence of imprisonment for indecent assault on a 15 years old boy resident at Chevet Hey.

(6) 1987 On 16 January 1987, in the Crown Court at Mold, David John Gillison, linked with Jacqueline Thomas by family friendship, pleaded guilty to two offences of gross indecency with a male resident of Bersham Hall, aged 16 years9 . He was sentenced to three and a quarter years' imprisonment and was dismissed by Clwyd County Council from his employment as a social worker for the physically handicapped in the Rhuddlan area office (but it was not alleged that the offences had been committed on Council premises). Gillison's co-defendant on this occasion, William Gerry, a former resident of Bryn Estyn, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for an offence of buggery with the 16 years old boy and four offences of gross indecency involving both the latter and the 15 years old boy referred to in (5) above. Gerry committed suicide on 1 December 1997. On 29 April 1987 Gary Cooke appeared again in the Crown Court, this time at Chester, and was sentenced to a total of seven years' imprisonment for four offences of buggery, three of indecent assault on a male person and one offence of taking an indecent photograph. These offences involved boys and young persons between the ages of 12 and 18 years, who had been taken by Cooke to his home in Wrexham. Two of the victims were in care at the time of the offences and the 18 year old, who was the victim of buggery, had been in care for over three years between 1980 and 1983. Cooke was not released on parole until 19 June 1991.

(7) 1990 On 5 October 1990, in the Crown Court at Chester, Stephen Roderick Norris, who had been Officer-in-Charge of Cartrefle children's home at Broughton in Clwyd from 1 December 198410 and, earlier, a housemaster at Bryn Estyn children's home11, pleaded guilty to five specimen charges of indecent assault involving three boys who had been the victims successively of his indecent conduct almost throughout his period in charge until his arrest in June 1990. He received a concurrent sentence of three and a half years' imprisonment for each of the offences.

(8) 1991 On 30 July 1991, Frederick Rutter, a former police officer for a short period, who had been employed as a care worker by Clwyd County Council successively in two children's homes and then a hostel between 1982 and 198812 and who was an approved foster parent with his wife13, was convicted in Chester Crown Court of four offences of rape and two offences of indecent assault, for which he received a total of 12 years' imprisonment. The Rutters had provided approved lodgings for a young girl at their home from 1986 and had been approved as foster parents for another girl in May 1988. Then in September 1988 Rutter had become Warden of Pen-y-Lan Hostel at Connah's Quay, a private hostel owned by a housing association and catering for young homeless persons aged between 16 and 25 years. Two of the rape victims were the girl in care who lodged with him and his wife from the age of 17 years and the girl fostered by them, who was 16 years old when she was raped by him. The other victims named in the offences were all residents at the hostel, three of them being aged 17 and 18 years and the last 20 or 21 years.

These characters were not major players in the ring.The first perv in the mid 70s got £20 fine for indecent assault which beggars belief. Today the punishment can be up to 20 years.

But its also worth noting that the last of them (8) only received 12 years for four rapes and two indecent assaults. One of the rape victims was a 16 year old girl who was also his foster daughter.

Its worth contrasting the light sentencing in these cases with the terms handed down in the recent Rotherham scandal.

Rotherham: six men jailed for sexually exploiting teenage girls

Six men have been given jail sentences of between 10 and 23 years for sexually exploiting five teenage girls, after the biggest prosecution of a Rotherham grooming gang by the National Crime Agency.

A court heard how the group targeted the vulnerable schoolgirls, using drugs and alcohol to rape and sexually assault their victims between 1998 and 2005.

It looks like the courts have started to take crimes against children seriously.

It is probably worth looking at Chapter 46 Basic Failings because I suspect that the same problems have come up in recent cases. Poor quality care and supervision being the predators friend.
All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

THe atmosphere of fear, caused by your liberal witch hunt, ie Political Correctness, which you JUST DEMONSTRATED, is what caused this, and has allowed it to go on so long, and ensures that it will continue to happen.

Also, fuck you you fat faggot.

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