It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

There you have it, folks -- opposing the right of Muslims to rape thousands of children in violent ways is "hateful", and oldlady is quite ready to submit anybody who objects to a jackbooted attitude adjustment clinic.

…...sheesh, and you sick creatures actually try to claim you are not defending the rape of children.

1400 British children in a town of 110,000 raped in very violent ways. Oldlady wants to send people away for opposing it.
Governments fail these vulnerable children, the Social Service departments fail these vulnerable children and have done so for decades, I do not think they give a crap about them and also there is the situation that for decades many politicians for example have been paedophiles and have sexually abused vulnerable children and it's all been covered up along with the organised Paedophile Rings involving politicians, judges, military, police and television personalities etc. Ask Tommy T Tommy Tainant about this bizarro English television and radio personality Jimmy Saville and the crowd he was involved with including politicians and the British Royal Family etc and how EVERYONE knew for FIFTY YEARS that he was a paedophile and ran a Paedophile Ring and only after he died they told the British public and it involved THOUSANDS of vulnerable children from Social Care establishments literally being Pimped to TOP British politicians, Royal Family, judges, Pop Stars, military, police etc.

I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

There you have it, folks -- opposing the right of Muslims to rape thousands of children in violent ways is "hateful", and oldlady is quite ready to submit anybody who objects to a jackbooted attitude adjustment clinic.

…...sheesh, and you sick creatures actually try to claim you are not defending the rape of children.

1400 British children in a town of 110,000 raped in very violent ways. Oldlady wants to send people away for opposing it.

It went on for years. And still is, in various areas.
I would agree with most of that although I suspect it has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years. Sir Henry Mayhew did a study of London crime and the poor in the Victorian era. He found that prostitution was the biggest occupation for women apart from service. He identified child prostitutes as a large part of that.

The victims then were the same victims as now. The poor,the weak, people from dysfunctional homes.

The major report on all this was "Lost in Care" which was available on line.It focused on abuses in a Wrexham care home, Bryn Estyn, by a group of paedos. It went on for decades and I knew a couple of lads who went there. They are affected to this day.

The paedos included high ranking police officers, local politicians and supposedly national politicians. The thing is that nobody cared about these kids.They were "bad" kids from "bad" homes and they were sent there to sort the problem. They became easy meat for the predators, not least because they were also their "carers".

In this instance nobody would believe the kids because they were lying toerags" . It wasnt until a whistle blower spoke up that the crimes came to light. Many , many cases were tried and there were a lot of low level convictions. Although the feeling locally was that those further up the food chain were never tried.

There was a witness account in the report where a police inspector visited a youth in the holding cells and buggered him. Nothing was done about it. The lad was not a credible witness, in fact he is in jail now for killing his wife. This officer went on to win substantial damages off Private Eye magazine (google Gordon Angelsea). How did he get access to the cells, what were the officers in charge doing ?

Move on to the Rotherham type scandals and much of the same problems exist. You have a group of dysfunctional youngsters that nobody cares about. And because of that they arent credible. They live in dysfunctional homes with druggie parent (s) or in shitty council run facilities where they get to run wild.

They have had a shit life and it looks like it wont get any better. So they meet a young lad who lends a sympathetic ear and tells her things she likes to hear. And there you go. I think there is a belief in the US that these girls were dragged down alley ways at knife point. There was no need for that when 20 fags and a couple of alcopops would do the trick.

So the problem is still the same as it always was. Protecting the vulnerable from predators.

Social services are generally overworked and underpaid. We could spend more money there.Better staff and more staff would help a lot.

Education needs to be looked at.Why do underage girls get pregnant ? Why are their aspirations so low ?

The predators will always be out there. Its about ensuring that there are no potential victims for them.

All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?
It went on for years. And still is, in various areas.

Yep, it's just the same old same old.

Instead of learning something from the Rotherham cases, these sick leftists have just intensified their efforts to ensure they continue.
All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

Fallacious argument.

White non Muslim men would have been in jail long ago.
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

Fallacious argument.

White non Muslim men would have been in jail long ago.
No. I have shown you on this very thread that this is nonsense. Google "Lost in Care" and read it. I have. The very same issues came up. The victims lacked credibility and were not believed. Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?
And no one...not a single one of those pretending to champion these children will ask - how can we prevent this? How can we identify vulnerable kids and help them before they become "easy meat" for some pervert?

It goes back to the question. What is more important...the kids or the ethnicity of the criminal?
See, the problem is with the little girls. They probably had it coming. And the Pakis who raped them? Well, like we said, the girls fault and there's multi-culturalism we have to protect so they may not be dissccussed.

Disgustong indeed. It is a good thing no one is claiming they had it coming and no one wants to protect these criminals. Do you have anpoint here?

What do you make of the fact that the UK government allowed these rapes to continue for years, because they were afraid of being called racist, and indeed, one official who did speak out, was punished by being sent to diversity training?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

The police did not set that tone. They merely submitted to it.

And it is still ongoing. You are still resisting discussing the issue, by question the motives of those who are trying to do so.

Your political correctness is at fault for those rapes.
The police failed. Period.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? Mass roundup of the Muslim community in the name of anti-political correctness? Are you going to round up the pedo Catholics too while your at or do they enjoy a protected status in your world cause its a muzzie problem? Hiw about those (which is really most of them regardless of ethnicity or faith) who regard human flesh as a commodity to be bought and sold and brutalized? And how is defining it as a muzzie problem going get at the MP's and celeberities protected by money and priveledge who are purchasing this "commodity"?

Or...maybe...we should defining as a social problem. Yes, political correctness and fear of being labeled racist absolutely led to a huge FAIL here. But so did severe budget cuts that impacted not only policing but community programs that might have identified vulnerable kids and helped them BEFORE they were victimized.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

Fallacious argument.

White non Muslim men would have been in jail long ago.
But they arent.
What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

Fallacious argument.

White non Muslim men would have been in jail long ago.
No. I have shown you on this very thread that this is nonsense. Google "Lost in Care" and read it. I have. The very same issues came up. The victims lacked credibility and were not believed. Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?

Two separate issues.

People in Britain are scared stiff of offending Muslims.
Yes, that was our mistake, pussy footing around what was considered a taboo subject, guess what, we got them in the end and have learned lessons as a result. One very important lesson we learned is that we shouldn't demonise a whole group because of the actions of a tiny minority within that group, but treat everyone equally, without fear or favour.

Oh no, you still do it. See your first post to me, about "othering", which is one of the absolute dumbest things Progressives have come up with in the history of ever. ONLY Progressives could make something fundamental to human thought processes from literally the moment we are born--this is me, I am not my mother, she is her, I am "other"--and make that morally bad. I mean that, ONLY Progs would cry about "othering".

You all cry about othering, by the way, WHILE you "other" the other-ers. It's absolutely some of the worst stone-cold stupidity I have ever seen. That you have not left Progressivism over it is proof positive that I am a superior thinker. If you left Progressivism today, simply for having seen the light on "othering", then we might be on an even playing field.

I'm confused. As I understand you, I'm somehow in the wrong for wanting to treat all people equally, regardless of ethnicity or religion, wheras you want to distinguish between some sort of "superior" us and an "inferior" them/other. In your world view therefore, it's fine to create a "demonised" group you can point to as "rapists" and "paedophiles". Surely you are the one "othering", not me?

Is it breaking your brain?

"othering" is going to happen and it's not even wrong. My family, my neighborhood, my coworkers, my friends, etc. Not even wrong; endemic to humanity. Again, ONLY the Progressives would take what is instinctive and natural and attempt (poorly) to make it evil.

It's what you DO with "othering" (cry and whine here, progs) that makes it wrong. If you think "This is not my family/neighborhood/coworkers/friends, but that does not make them objectively wrong or evil people", then you have no problems with "othering". It's neutral. It's only when you assign to them attributes they don't deserve--for evil OR GOOD--that "othering" becomes a problem.

Conservatives are accused of assigning Muslims evil attributes they don't deserve. You have accused this of me in this thread but I have not done it. What HAS HAPPENED in the UK is this: Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?
Muslims are like any other group of humans that exist across many cultures. Good and bad. The issue here is unlike any other group you want to define them in entirety as bad.

Individuals did these crimes.

NOt all cultures are the same. SOme cultures are less progressive when it comes to women's rights, and/or dealing with the crime of rape.
That is true. But you are talking about a world religion that spans many different cultures.
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

Fallacious argument.

White non Muslim men would have been in jail long ago.
No. I have shown you on this very thread that this is nonsense. Google "Lost in Care" and read it. I have. The very same issues came up. The victims lacked credibility and were not believed. Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?

Two separate issues.

People in Britain are scared stiff of offending Muslims.
That is not the subject of this thread. I have read your shit and I realise that you are a deeply islamaphobic creature. But the facts do not support your froth. Rape gangs of all types have got away with it. We have failed kids over a century.
Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?

What part of 1400 British children raped by Muslims out of a population of 110 thousand do you not understand?
I have a much better understanding of it than yourself. And I have backed my views up with facts. You are just a frother with a dim grasp of the facts. It is not possible to discuss this issue with somebody so dense.
Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?

What part of 1400 British children raped by Muslims out of a population of 110 thousand do you not understand?
I have a much better understanding of it than yourself. And I have backed my views up with facts. You are just a frother with a dim grasp of the facts. It is not possible to discuss this issue with somebody so dense.

yes, Tommy -- we know that you will do all in your power to ensure the rape of children continues.
Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

Fallacious argument.

White non Muslim men would have been in jail long ago.
No. I have shown you on this very thread that this is nonsense. Google "Lost in Care" and read it. I have. The very same issues came up. The victims lacked credibility and were not believed. Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?

Two separate issues.

People in Britain are scared stiff of offending Muslims.
That is not the subject of this thread. I have read your shit and I realise that you are a deeply islamaphobic creature. But the facts do not support your froth. Rape gangs of all types have got away with it. We have failed kids over a century.

That's a personal attack/accusation. Not an argument or even a disagreement. Because of your own 'hobby horse'.

You know damn well in Britain, one has to be careful to open one's mouth, these days.

If you'd been paying attention, you would have read that I'd put the onus of responsibility and culpability on the local authority.

It took the courage and integrity of a policewoman to believe those victims, and expose the whole sordid episode. She resigned shortly afterwards. You know this too.
All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

When it is defined as a problem of only one ethnic or religious group...then it is fair to ask the question "is racism a factor for some people"? (Disclaimer: racism is being used in it's broadest definition) ... Just as it is fair to ask if political correction is inhibiting policework.

If some one hates muslims so much he has to google Nassar + Muslim to try to and make a fake claim that that pedo was a Muslim...then it is fair question motives of hate...not of the act but of the ethnicity of some of the criminals.
Sue, there will always be people who are sexually aroused by children. I have read this whole damned thread and I still don't know what we're talking about here--teenagers, pubescent 11 year olds, six year olds, what? But what Tommy said about who the vics are is dead on. Same in this country, probably the same in most countries.
That is the most we can do. We can't rewire pedos. We've tried and nothing works. The only thing we can do is protect the victims. That is what matters. From all the numbers you've seen here, you know that this is not a problem isolated to one culture or religion. Those who focus on the Muslim perpetrators are trying to broad brush all Muslims as bad, for their own political agenda. I understand the frustration of the "whatabouts" who bring up other religions like Catholicism, but there is a reason for it--it is a human thing, regardless.

What do you make of the fact that the uk government officials let these rape rings go on for years, for fear of being called racist?

Or the one brave soul who spoke up about it being sent to "training" as punishment?
Depends on how that "brave soul" put it, don't you think? If she was as hateful about it as some of the folks here, I'd send her to diversity training, too, and be less likely to follow up on her suspicions.

Got it. More important to be sensitive than prevent the rape of children.

Well, I don't really have any follow up to that. Thank you for your honesty.

And that is the choice for the First World, one side considers being sensitive more important than preventing the rapes of children, and the other side wants is the opposite.
You use some bad decisions by low ranking officials to build a fantasy world that feeds your racist usges.
Tell me this klan boy - are you aware that there are other rapists and will you join us decent folk in condemning all rapists ?

When it is defined as a problem of only one ethnic or religious group...then it is fair to ask the question "is racism a factor for some people"? (Disclaimer: racism is being used in it's broadest definition) ... Just as it is fair to ask if political correction is inhibiting policework.

If some one hates muslims so much he has to google Nassar + Muslim to try to and make a fake claim that that pedo was a Muslim...then it is fair question motives of hate...not of the act but of the ethnicity of some of the criminals.
Your American friends may be talking out of ignorance or may be projecting American issues on to this. I dont know. I do know that in the UK this issue has been seized on by the worst kind of racist trash. It is not possible to discuss child protection because of it. Paedos of all sorts are at work all over the world but only one group rate censure. That tells you who is racist.

We know yaxley is one of the big gobs on this and he is racist trash of long standing. BNP/EDL and all the other racist groups.

Start a thread about a white rape gang in the UK and see what reaction you get.

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