It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?

What part of 1400 British children raped by Muslims out of a population of 110 thousand do you not understand?
I have a much better understanding of it than yourself. And I have backed my views up with facts. You are just a frother with a dim grasp of the facts. It is not possible to discuss this issue with somebody so dense.

yes, Tommy -- we know that you will do all in your power to ensure the rape of children continues.
This is the standard response when you have nothing of value to add. I have actually suggested some solutions. You just want to abuse your betters.
This is the standard response when you have nothing of value to add. I have actually suggested some solutions. You just want to abuse your betters.

That is exactly the problem, here.

You think your support for the rape of children at the hands of Muslims makes you "better". You actually derive a sense of smug satisfaction over the rape of children.

Healthy people hear about the rape of children and sympathize with the victims. Only an extremely disturbed individual's first inclination is to seek to protect the perps, ESPECIALLY when the perps in question raped 1400 children out of a population of 110000 and did so in some extremely sick and violent ways.
This is the standard response when you have nothing of value to add. I have actually suggested some solutions. You just want to abuse your betters.

That is exactly the problem, here.

You think your support for the rape of children at the hands of Muslims makes you "better". You actually derive a sense of smug satisfaction over the rape of children.

Healthy people hear about the rape of children and sympathize with the victims. Only an extremely disturbed individual's first inclination is to seek to protect the perps, ESPECIALLY when the perps in question raped 1400 children out of a population of 110000 and did so in some extremely sick and violent ways.

Exactly. So what solutions have you proposed? What ideas have you brought up to identify and protect vulnerable kids before they get victimized? Where are your demands for better police funding, for increased community policing and programs to address the next generation if victims? Where is any idea for really helping these kids? Did Laxley come up ideas, create a movement to address change or is it all just me me me and noise?
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why do you focus on Rotherham ? Could those solutions not apply to all the other scandals ?
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.

To me no difference with Rotherham situation where the authorities knew what was happening and did zero and the Jimmy Saville situation where the authorities also knew and did zero, they also enabled and collaborate.
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why do you focus on Rotherham ? Could those solutions not apply to all the other scandals ?
I focus on it because it is so glaring and because it provides insight into the magnitude of the problem with Muslims raping children .

Of course, I would envision this as part of the solution for the whole country. It would only be part of a solution and to be used with the curtailment of Muslim immigration until such a time as the current Muslim population is fully integrated (3/4 th are not), abandoning the stupidity of multiculturalism and ending the subjugation of liberal values to Islamic ones, but it would be a start.

One enormous problem is a fast growing Islamic population that wants nothing to do with liberal values the bigger problem lies with you brainwashed useful idiots that defend Islam over your very
own countrymen .
They were described as easy meat because they were. Vulnerable young girls without any friends. This is not a new phenomena, it has been going on for over a century.
The fact that you want to pin it all on one group shows that you have zero interest in the issue ,or indeed anything of value to add.
And no one...not a single one of those pretending to champion these children will ask - how can we prevent this? How can we identify vulnerable kids and help them before they become "easy meat" for some pervert?

It goes back to the question. What is more important...the kids or the ethnicity of the criminal?
See, the problem is with the little girls. They probably had it coming. And the Pakis who raped them? Well, like we said, the girls fault and there's multi-culturalism we have to protect so they may not be dissccussed.

Disgustong indeed. It is a good thing no one is claiming they had it coming and no one wants to protect these criminals. Do you have anpoint here?

What do you make of the fact that the UK government allowed these rapes to continue for years, because they were afraid of being called racist, and indeed, one official who did speak out, was punished by being sent to diversity training?
I actually already gave my thoughts on that on this thread. The police failed big time.

There are paedophiles in the police, there are also police who have the interest in underage girls so also perhaps they help cover it up because they are of the same persuasion as the grooming gangs, perhaps it was deliberate fail?
Milly Dowler's killer Levi Bellfield 'was part of a Rotherham-style child sex gang | Daily Mail Online

Here is another one. They wont have heard of Milly Dowler or this monster. If he was a Paki they may get outraged.

Was Milly Dowler the result also of the tabloid News of The World being in trouble and then collapse?
Milly Dowler was kidnapped when she was 14 . She was murdered by the paedo who it now seems was part of a ring. The News of the World hacked her phone to read the messages. She was already dead but it gave cruel hope to her parents. The scandal, amongst others, brought down the paper. Murdoch was forced to grovel before parliament and it probably cost him the Sky deal. Free speech has its limits. The Dowlers understand what they are.

Milly Dowler killer Levi Bellfield 'was in child sex gang that's still at large'

Milly wasnt a typical victim though. Maybe thats why the case made so much news ?
Why do you try and make it a Muslim issue when the evidence is that it is a class issue if anything ?

What part of 1400 British children raped by Muslims out of a population of 110 thousand do you not understand?
I have a much better understanding of it than yourself. And I have backed my views up with facts. You are just a frother with a dim grasp of the facts. It is not possible to discuss this issue with somebody so dense.

yes, Tommy -- we know that you will do all in your power to ensure the rape of children continues.

I think the problem is that there is an Institutionalised head in the sand approach to ALL child sex abuse, this because so many in politics, media, judges, celebrity are having sex with children and/or underage boys and girls and also because the situation is so horrific that many do NOT want to THINK about what is happening because it is that horrific and so with this you then get that child sex abuse continue across many decades and across many levels of a society and it's then all covered up etc. Again I refer to the Jimmy Saville paedophile situation if you read about it I posted a link in this thread.
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why do you focus on Rotherham ? Could those solutions not apply to all the other scandals ?
I focus on it because it is so glaring and because it provides insight into the magnitude of the problem with Muslims raping children .

Of course, I would envision this as part of the solution for the whole country. It would only be part of a solution and to be used with the curtailment of Muslim immigration until such a time as the current Muslim population is fully integrated (3/4 th are not), abandoning the stupidity of multiculturalism and ending the subjugation of liberal values to Islamic ones, but it would be a start.

One enormous problem is a fast growing Islamic population that wants nothing to do with liberal values the bigger problem lies with you brainwashed useful idiots that defend Islam over your very
own countrymen .
But muslims are a small part of a problem that is centuries old. Most victims know their abuser. To follow your "logic" we need to kick out the catholics as well as middle aged men. You are not suggesting that ?

Why not ?
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why do you focus on Rotherham ? Could those solutions not apply to all the other scandals ?
I focus on it because it is so glaring and because it provides insight into the magnitude of the problem with Muslims raping children .

Of course, I would envision this as part of the solution for the whole country. It would only be part of a solution and to be used with the curtailment of Muslim immigration until such a time as the current Muslim population is fully integrated (3/4 th are not), abandoning the stupidity of multiculturalism and ending the subjugation of liberal values to Islamic ones, but it would be a start.

One enormous problem is a fast growing Islamic population that wants nothing to do with liberal values the bigger problem lies with you brainwashed useful idiots that defend Islam over your very
own countrymen .

The thing is that if they did stop all Muslim immigration and also deported all Muslims out of Britain they still would have a problem with paedophiles and grooming gangs and paedophile rings. I now think it is not a good idea to put paedophiles and underage sex abusers into different compartments eg. Muslim paedophiles are not different from paedophile Priests and are not different from Methodist paedophiles and are not different from Jewish paedophiles etc they are ALL the SAME they are ALL monsters and I think more productive if a society begin to deal with paedophiles as ONE group it does not help I think to seperate these monsters into different groups based on skin colour and religion. This is now my opinion.
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why do you focus on Rotherham ? Could those solutions not apply to all the other scandals ?
I focus on it because it is so glaring and because it provides insight into the magnitude of the problem with Muslims raping children .

Of course, I would envision this as part of the solution for the whole country. It would only be part of a solution and to be used with the curtailment of Muslim immigration until such a time as the current Muslim population is fully integrated (3/4 th are not), abandoning the stupidity of multiculturalism and ending the subjugation of liberal values to Islamic ones, but it would be a start.

One enormous problem is a fast growing Islamic population that wants nothing to do with liberal values the bigger problem lies with you brainwashed useful idiots that defend Islam over your very
own countrymen .
But muslims are a small part of a problem that is centuries old. Most victims know their abuser. To follow your "logic" we need to kick out the catholics as well as middle aged men. You are not suggesting that ?

Why not ?
Not to mention a portion of "our very own countrymen"...are Muslim....
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why do you focus on Rotherham ? Could those solutions not apply to all the other scandals ?
I focus on it because it is so glaring and because it provides insight into the magnitude of the problem with Muslims raping children .

Of course, I would envision this as part of the solution for the whole country. It would only be part of a solution and to be used with the curtailment of Muslim immigration until such a time as the current Muslim population is fully integrated (3/4 th are not), abandoning the stupidity of multiculturalism and ending the subjugation of liberal values to Islamic ones, but it would be a start.

One enormous problem is a fast growing Islamic population that wants nothing to do with liberal values the bigger problem lies with you brainwashed useful idiots that defend Islam over your very
own countrymen .

The thing is that if they did stop all Muslim immigration and also deported all Muslims out of Britain they still would have a problem with paedophiles and grooming gangs and paedophile rings. I now think it is not a good idea to put paedophiles and underage sex abusers into different compartments eg. Muslim paedophiles are not different from paedophile Priests and are not different from Methodist paedophiles and are not different from Jewish paedophiles etc they are ALL the SAME they are ALL monsters and I think more productive if a society begin to deal with paedophiles as ONE group it does not help I think to seperate these monsters into different groups based on skin colour and religion. This is now my opinion.
I dont know what the solution is...but it has to be holistic. It has to be able to identify and protect vulnerable children and have stiff penalties to those who buy and sell. Part of the problem to is many of these gangs cross borders. Women and children are trafficked from Russia and Eastern European countries, from Libya and Syria where conditions are brutal and largely lawless, and Thailand and Myanmar so stopping these things is rather like fighting a hydra. One the things I read is human trafficking overall generates a huge amount of money, more so rhan drugs so you can imagine the types of people involved for whom children for sex is nothing more than a financial transaction.
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.

To me no difference with Rotherham situation where the authorities knew what was happening and did zero and the Jimmy Saville situation where the authorities also knew and did zero, they also enabled and collaborate.

That's the whole point. They knew, and did nothing. A conspiracy of silence.

In Savile's case, it was the might of the BBC.
The main issue with this tragic tale is; the years this scandal was going on, with full knowledge of the local authorities, who did nothing about it, did not believe the complaints and testimony of the young girls.

For fear of upsetting the Muslim community!

What I would like to see is jail time for those who knew about the rapes and did nothing, with very lengthy jail time for those who actually prevented others from doing something about it.

Muslims rape children in such enormous numbers as they do, do so as an act of intimidation aimed against the British and with full knowledge that there are so many like those in this thread who support their doing it. The only way for the British to prevent it is for the good British people to round up all the snakes in their system who have been enabling it and do something about THEM.

If the Rotherham protective services people were behind bars for their role in collaborating with the Muslim rapists, you can bet that the next group responsible will think twice before collaborating with them.
Why are you so preoccupied by what happens in Britain when you do not respond to what is happening in the United States? Shall we jail or hang the likes of Bill Gothard or the Robertson "Duck" pedos or warren jeffs, or roy moore? Do you have anything to say to "Christian" cult leaders, and their grooming of young girls in "Quiverfull" and other fundie cults, and the "submissive" cult of fundies in "purity" cults right here in the U.S.? As well as cult guys who fight our attempts to stop child marriage?
There are plenty of cults right here in the U.S. who are grooming girls up through teenagers for early sex and sham "marriages" to older cult guys. Evil cult guys who try and prevent girls from growing up, becoming educated, seeing the world, and then deciding whether to marry and to whom.
The "Christian" cult guys here are trying to prevent girls from growing up and seeing the world before making crucial life decisions as to who to marry and how many children to have.
The "Christian" fundies here will not allow their daughters to take a road trip, move away from home and live in a college dorm, backpack across Europe, join the military for a couple of years and see the world, get a job, join a band, meet new people who are not like themselves. In the U.S., the "Christian" cults are only concerned with getting teenagers to spread their legs for older males, and then call this "marriage," when it is a total mockery of marriage.
All this blah blah about the victims. Nothing about the perpetrators. What say you about the perps, Tommy?

Ive commented on the perps several times in my posting. Perhaps you could read it and respond like an adult.

All the way back to pg 12 all you have done is cry about how people are attacking Muslims, which is exactly what caused the police not to look into the crimes at Rotter-whatever
Actually...the OP title is "lets discuss the rape of Britains children". Then someone made it about Muslims. As if they are the only responsible group.

Actually if you read the link in the OP it's about the Muslim problem.

Interesting thread and about what I figured would happen. Deflect to the Catholic church, scream you're racist, etc etc

Every faction of people have their pedos and rapists and nobody seems to be disagreeing that harming a child is a horrible wrong but the fact remains Britain/UK has a Muslim rape problem, as do other European countries where they are immigrating to. That's not being Islamaphobic it's being honest.
It's really about the refugee problem that started with US and European involvment in destabilising Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Before Sassam Hussein was overthrown there was no mass migration into Europe, thanks Yanks, how's that for honesty.

Dandy, let's call the whole thing off and end our alliance. I'd be pleased as punch to be done with Europe entirely, and let you folks foot your own defense. Should be soooo interesting.
Hey it's your problem, not ours. Yours has the cops so afraid to prosecute the "Asians" that the rape rings went on for years and years and years.

Because of "othering", of course. Don't you dare OTHER the child rapists. Yep. Progressives. What an "evolved" ideology.
Yes, that was our mistake, pussy footing around what was considered a taboo subject, guess what, we got them in the end and have learned lessons as a result. One very important lesson we learned is that we shouldn't demonise a whole group because of the actions of a tiny minority within that group, but treat everyone equally, without fear or favour.

Oh no, you still do it. See your first post to me, about "othering", which is one of the absolute dumbest things Progressives have come up with in the history of ever. ONLY Progressives could make something fundamental to human thought processes from literally the moment we are born--this is me, I am not my mother, she is her, I am "other"--and make that morally bad. I mean that, ONLY Progs would cry about "othering".

You all cry about othering, by the way, WHILE you "other" the other-ers. It's absolutely some of the worst stone-cold stupidity I have ever seen. That you have not left Progressivism over it is proof positive that I am a superior thinker. If you left Progressivism today, simply for having seen the light on "othering", then we might be on an even playing field.

I'm confused. As I understand you, I'm somehow in the wrong for wanting to treat all people equally, regardless of ethnicity or religion, wheras you want to distinguish between some sort of "superior" us and an "inferior" them/other. In your world view therefore, it's fine to create a "demonised" group you can point to as "rapists" and "paedophiles". Surely you are the one "othering", not me?

Is it breaking your brain?

"othering" is going to happen and it's not even wrong. My family, my neighborhood, my coworkers, my friends, etc. Not even wrong; endemic to humanity. Again, ONLY the Progressives would take what is instinctive and natural and attempt (poorly) to make it evil.

It's what you DO with "othering" (cry and whine here, progs) that makes it wrong. If you think "This is not my family/neighborhood/coworkers/friends, but that does not make them objectively wrong or evil people", then you have no problems with "othering". It's neutral. It's only when you assign to them attributes they don't deserve--for evil OR GOOD--that "othering" becomes a problem.

Conservatives are accused of assigning Muslims evil attributes they don't deserve. You have accused this of me in this thread but I have not done it. What HAS HAPPENED in the UK is this: Muslims get assigned GOOD attributes they do not deserve, and you are tap dancing around why that is. You cannot own up to it because it would break your worldview into little bits, would it not?
Muslims are like any other group of humans that exist across many cultures. Good and bad. The issue here is unlike any other group you want to define them in entirety as bad.

Individuals did these crimes.

That's a flagrant lie and you should be ashamed for it. It's a Leftist, Progressive lie too. Quote me in the thread where I said or even implied that I "want to define them in entirety as bad".

Do it, Coyote, or take it back!

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