It is true. The fed protects eagle eggs and turtle eggs by LAW.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Again, not wasting my time trying to convince the contaminated left of anything. Done with them.


Interesting how these virtue signaling Muppets on the left acknowledge that there are turtles and eagles in those eggs that are protected by federal law with serious consequences if you violate those laws.

However, in their typical pathetic manner, they insist that a human fetus isn't a human, but turtle and eagle fetuses are turtles and eagles.

Did you know the left also place more value on fly 🪰 larvae, better known as maggots. That's right. Maggots, which are flies in the larvae stage, get more sympathy than human fetuses. Human fetuses get NO SYMPATHY.

Here, watch this story....
Between the turtle and fuckin' Plover nests they have fucked-up spring/early summer Outer Banks surf fishing......Plovers are not even native to the OB and the fine is up to 20K for disturbing them.
Interesting how these virtue signaling Muppets on the left acknowledge that there are turtles and eagles in those eggs that are protected by federal law with serious consequences if you violate those laws.

However, in their typical pathetic manner, they insist that a human fetus isn't a human, but turtle and eagle fetuses are turtles and eagles.

Eagles and Sea Turtles are endangered species.

Human beings are not.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Now, here's the thing, even with protections, most of those eggs never turn into eagles or turtles. A Sea Turtle may lay 50-350 eggs, but about half of them won't hatch, and most of the hatchlings will be picked off and eaten by other animals.

For most of human history, we had child mortality rates in excess of 50%. People had lots of kids but didn't get attached to them because most wouldn't make it to adulthood.

Today, that isn't the case. So abortion just balances out the factors in nature we've eliminated.
Eagles and Sea Turtles are endangered species.

Human beings are not.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Now, here's the thing, even with protections, most of those eggs never turn into eagles or turtles. A Sea Turtle may lay 50-350 eggs, but about half of them won't hatch, and most of the hatchlings will be picked off and eaten by other animals.

For most of human history, we had child mortality rates in excess of 50%. People had lots of kids but didn't get attached to them because most wouldn't make it to adulthood.

Today, that isn't the case. So abortion just balances out the factors in nature we've eliminated.
Since you are uneducated and like all stupid Moon Bats that don't know a damn thing about Biology you didn't understand the point OP made.

The filthy ass government acknowledges that something doesn't have to be born to get protection from being killed. You idiot Moon Bats won't even acknowledge that a fetus is a human being. If a unborn turtle is considered a turtle then why not an unborn human be considered a human?

That point went right over your stupid Moon Bat head, didn't it?

Then you wonder why we ridicule you Moon Bats so much. You are all dumber than a door knob and never get anything right.
The so called "anti fascists" are calling and fully supporting mass genocide.

Not of themselves of course.

Here is a serious question. Is there even one reason to communicate with them? Name one reason.

hat's right. Maggots, which are flies in the larvae stage, get more sympathy than human fetuses.

False. Humans are more important than maggots.


Of course there's a big difference between a woman choosing to have an abortion and a species of animals who have no choice but suffer the destruction of their population. If humans become an endangered species due to abortion, let me know.
False. Humans are more important than maggots.


Of course there's a big difference between a woman choosing to have an abortion and a species of animals who have no choice but suffer the destruction of their population. If humans become an endangered species due to abortion, let me know.
Is this your pathetic way of finally acknowledging that human fetuses are in fact humans?

Don't answer the question. Don't really care what you have to say anyway. Don't know why I didn't have you on ignore.
Of course there's a big difference between a woman choosing to have an abortion and a species of animals who have no choice but suffer the destruction of their population. If humans become an endangered species due to abortion, let me know.
So a woman choosing to kill her child for birth control is OK but a human choosing to run over a turtle's nest is not?

How about both being not OK?
So, you are 100% expendable and we should stop feeding your worthless ass?

Hmm. Glad we cleared that up.

Last time I checked, I was capable of feeding myself, unlike your welfare collecting ass.

The filthy ass government acknowledges that something doesn't have to be born to get protection from being killed. You idiot Moon Bats won't even acknowledge that a fetus is a human being. If a unborn turtle is considered a turtle then why not an unborn human be considered a human?

Because an unborn turtle isn't considered a turtle. We know half those eggs won't hatch. Of the ones that do, the majority will be picked off by birds and other predators the minute they hit the water.

The so called "anti fascists" are calling and fully supporting mass genocide.

Not of themselves of course.

Here is a serious question. Is there even one reason to communicate with them? Name one reason.

I wouldn't know. I usually don't waste a lot of time communicating with nuts on either side, except for the humor value.

Fetuses aren't people. There's simply no way you can outlaw abortion and have a law people will obey. Women who see abortion as contraception of last resort will find a way to get one.
Eagles and Sea Turtles are endangered species.

Human beings are not.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Now, here's the thing, even with protections, most of those eggs never turn into eagles or turtles. A Sea Turtle may lay 50-350 eggs, but about half of them won't hatch, and most of the hatchlings will be picked off and eaten by other animals.

For most of human history, we had child mortality rates in excess of 50%. People had lots of kids but didn't get attached to them because most wouldn't make it to adulthood.

Today, that isn't the case. So abortion just balances out the factors in nature we've eliminated.
So abortion is just nature balancing. That’s an interesting take.
PETA would be rioting in the streets if we treated puppies the way abortionists treat human babies. Another example of federal hypocrisy is the fact that you can get federal prison time (except for American Indians) for possession of a single eagle feather but Barry Hussein issued an order that allowed the windmill industry to destroy protected migratory birds such as eagles.
Last time I checked, I was capable of feeding myself, unlike your welfare collecting ass.

Because an unborn turtle isn't considered a turtle. We know half those eggs won't hatch. Of the ones that do, the majority will be picked off by birds and other predators the minute they hit the water.

I wouldn't know. I usually don't waste a lot of time communicating with nuts on either side, except for the humor value.

Fetuses aren't people. There's simply no way you can outlaw abortion and have a law people will obey. Women who see abortion as contraception of last resort will find a way to get one.
What do you consider an unborn turtle is that's about to hatch?
Last time I checked, I was capable of feeding myself, unlike your welfare collecting ass.

Because an unborn turtle isn't considered a turtle. We know half those eggs won't hatch. Of the ones that do, the majority will be picked off by birds and other predators the minute they hit the water.

I wouldn't know. I usually don't waste a lot of time communicating with nuts on either side, except for the humor value.

Fetuses aren't people. There's simply no way you can outlaw abortion and have a law people will obey. Women who see abortion as contraception of last resort will find a way to get one.
So several days before you were born, you never considered yourself a human?

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