It looks like Ted Cruz got the last laugh on Obamacare...

if there is a bill as you say there is, then what is the house bills number ??? all Ive heard is right wing gibberish about Obama trying to get it dropped ... and all that came from right wing nut job sites

the NY Times is a right wing nut job site. I think you need to find some serious mental help

Senate and House pass bill to re-open the government, raise the debt ceiling
By Chris Moody and Olivier Knox, Yahoo News
October 16, 2013 10:21 PM
The White House moved quickly early on Thursday to get the U.S. government back up and running after a 16-day shutdown, directing hundreds of thousands of workers to return to work. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)

At the end of the 16th day of the government shutdown, the Senate and House passed a bill that would reopen the government and avert a potentially cataclysmic default on U.S. debt payments by raising the federal government's debt limit.

The Senate voted 81-18 to pass the measure, and the House voted 285-144.

The final package, unveiled by Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on the Senate floor earlier in the day, would fund the government through Jan. 15 and raise the debt ceiling through Feb. 7.

The bill would also strengthen income verification requirements for those who sign up for insurance under Obamacare, and it would provide time for both parties to appoint lawmakers to a conference committee to reconcile a broad budget resolution. The panel would be led by Budget Committee heads Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, and it would be required to announce the result of its negotiations by Dec. 13.

President Barack Obama said Wednesday evening soon after the Senate vote that he would “immediately” sign the legislation.

Well there you have it TRFjr, fuck again by them damn facts

ok well it says it all


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Oh really?


This says he nailed it. The establishment Republicans can go take a hike.

Really? Can you show me where there was an Internet opening (that many people wanted to get in on) that DIDN'T crash or have problems?

The GOP keeps talking about "states rights" and saying that the federal government should stay out of state affairs.

If that was so, why are so many GOP controlled states refusing Obamacare, but the states that have accepted it (as well as have set up websites of their own to help out with the AHA) are doing so well?

I believe that Oregon (a blue state) and Kentucky (a red state) are doing quite well, but that is only because they set up their own plans for health care.

I wish Texas (where I live) would do the same.

Obama is now getting the "best and the brightest" to fix the glitches.

I wonder why didn't employ the "best and the brightest" to start such an important rollout. One wonders on the government commitment.

first you righties complain about the dems spending too much money then you complain when we don't spend enough money ...
the NY Times is a right wing nut job site. I think you need to find some serious mental help

my mental capacity is fine ... the fact that you can't show us a house bill number says whose mental capacites are in question
the person who wrote the article is a republican leaning author ... I asked you a simple question and you couldn't answer it .... here's the question again .... what is the house bill number that you claim that obama will veto???? I went to the government web site and there's no such bill there that I could find... so as I stated before ... you have to qualify for medicaid .... If more people qualify for medicaid right now, that's because they are below the 12,000 dollar income a year ... which they are entitled to get medicaid, according to the ACA ... the ACA doesn't make a decision on what you pay, your income does ... as I have stated from the beginning ... if you lie about your income and are caught, which you will be caught when they check your income for the year,, you'll pay for all the months you had on medicaid ... like all policy medicaid isn't forever ... if you should ever start getting more income with in that year, you are required to change it from medicaid plan to a plan that you pay ... just like the one that you or I buy... medicaid isn't forever its only for the people who can't afford to pay for a health care plan ...

Ive seen several states that show 36,000 people sign up for medicaid or more, that's understandable ... like I stated before ... when you first sign up they have to determine if you get Medicaid first or buy a policy ... if you qualify for medicaid then you are then put in medicaid system right then and there ... that's why medicaid sign ups show up first... because of the troubles they are having with the policy sign ups, and they have been correcting as they go, which they have said, all the people who are buying a policy, they will start getting that information on Nov.15 ....they have said that they should have the majority of the problems fixed by then ... that's why you don't see large numbers of people signed for the bought policies yet ... its not a case they are all signing up for medicaid, if you are sign up fpr medicaid and you're not qualified to get it, in the long run that could prove to be very costly for you if you did that ...

so who you trust or who you don't trust isn't my concern ... its what I know and what I've been though... so far I'm waiting for Nov.15 to confirm my health care plan... just like everybody else is...

By a 235-191 vote, the House passes a bill (H.R. 2775) to prohibit the Obama administration from issuing tax subsidies for individuals applying for health coverage on new insurance marketplaces until there is a program in place to verify income eligibility. The legislation is sponsored by Rep. Black. It responds to a decision in July by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to allow less than full income verification in a limited number of circumstances. The bill isn't likely to be taken up in the Senate.

House Passes Bill Requiring Verification of Income for ACA Subsidies | Bloomberg BNA

I bet you feel as stupid as a rock by now
I really do feel sorry for you that your such an ideologue sycophant that you continuously make an ass out of your self defending this lying piece of shit amateur of a president
best thing for you to do is craw back under that liberal communist rock you crawled out from under before you make a bigger ass out of your self
look all I asked was a bill number and you were the one who has made yourself a ideologue sycophant that you continuously make an ass out of your self at ... it took this many post for you to cough up a bill number ??? why did it take you three days to come up with something to support your view ???
craw back ??? try again ...slow down check your work ... seems somebody is a tad bit up set .... seems somebody can't seen to understand what is meant when asked a simple question for a house bill number ... seems it is you who has lost it ... now that I have the house bill number ... I will go and look at it a then come back here and tell you why we dems apposed it ... like you're supposed to do when debating somebody who askes you to post the house bill number... so try and pull it together, i will be back with the bill that you posted ...
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you know trfjr From the get go all I said is you have your income verified to get medicaid ... I told you where i had to do this when I sign up for health care .... you fought me tooth and nails saying that Obama refused to sign the bill over this verification of income said he wouldn't compromise if he had to sign the bill .... and yet here we have the bill sign, which you said he refused to sign ... which I question you about, telling you we have to have our income verified ... you call me all all kinds of nasty names when all I said was you have to have your income verified ... finally you posted the bill number which I knew had to be out there, that you refused to post for some strange reason ... maybe because Obama sign it ... where you would have been showing us all here you lied about obama signing it ... you fought tooth and nail ... then we finally came to the conclusion ... what I have said all along, that you have your income verified ... where obama signed the bill ... something you said he refused to do... seems it is you who is the ideologue sycophant ... you lost it with out comprehending one thing I said from the get go ... I said,

you have to have your income verified before you get medicaid or sign up for your health care ... that's it

the very last thing in the bill

The amendment requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to certify to Congress that the Exchanges authorized under Obamacare verify income eligibility prior to making premium subsidies and cost sharing reductions available and to report to Congress on the procedures employed to verify such information. The amendment also requires the Inspector General to submit a report to Congress on the effectiveness of the procedures.

Finally, the Senate amendment suspends the debt limit through February 7, 2014 upon the President’s request and continues to allow the Secretary of Treasury to employ extraordinary measures. The suspension is effective upon receipt of a written certification submitted within three days by the President that the Secretary of Treasury will be unable to issue debt to meet commitments. The Senate amendment authorizes an expedited process for Congress to vote on a joint resolution of disapproval of the debt limit suspension within 22 days of receiving the President’s certification.
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what was so hard about that ... the hatred you have for liberals/dems is despicable ... it all about what you believe nothing more ... yesterday one of the liberals on these boards said to me "you know when you responds, your responses are as mean and nasty as theirs are ... I said to that person, no matter what you say or how logical you might be or ask for information, in their eyes you're a commie pink-O socialist fag... they won't reason with you in any manor ...all I can say to that person about republicans is you fit the mold and you have to be just as nasty as they are or they will walk all over you...
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Listen, it's a government run operation and people thought it would be efficient?

yeah right

Poor Obamites, they still feel the need to defend this's comical.

Poor Obamites, they still feel the need to defend this's comical.


[ame=]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Papa Obama lied
Health care plans died
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