It looks like Ted Cruz got the last laugh on Obamacare...

Here is something that is sad so far the only person who has been fired as a result of the Obamacare roll out is the 1-800 operator who talked to Sean Hannity when he called the number after the President urged people to call it.

Which is one more than was fired over missing the 9/11 attack lead up, screwing up the 9/11 intel, missing Bin Laden for nine years...

but Clinton left office and all his people were gone
6 months into the Bush administration when 9/11 happened.

Which made it hard to find that guy

George Tenet was still there. He ran the CIA for both Bush and Clinton.
Richard Clarke was still there.
Cofer Black was still there

Are you really under the impression that when a President leaves, every federal employee is replaced? Really?
How many times did Clinton miss opportunity to kill Bin Landen?

every no-
like the WH china, the Clintons made sure those employees were really gone

So 6 months in.......

We should give Bush the same amount of time the Left gives Papa Obama
in his Administration to blame the prior

When that time ends, I can let you know how long it is.......
How many times did Clinton miss opportunity to kill Bin Landen?

every no-
like the WH china, the Clintons made sure those employees were really gone

So 6 months in.......

We should give Bush the same amount of time the Left gives Papa Obama
in his Administration to blame the prior

When that time ends, I can let you know how long it is.......

Not sure what language any of that was in. "every no-"?

No matter.

Compared to Bush's asleep at the wheel leadership, Obama is running circles around him.

"You're doing a great job Brownie"...
To be fair
Clinton having to cut plea bargains before he left office
did keep him busy
Obama won as he said what he said only for paying our bills.

NOT for Obamacare separately. lol

certainly it is possibly it maybe pushed back a little.

If Obama was so concerned about paying our bills in the first place, then why didn't he negotiate with Republicans on delaying Obamacare for a year? Paying bills must have not meant that much to Obama since he said repeatedly he refused to compromise.

Now we have 14 Democrat senators up for election, all calling for delaying the individual mandate. :lol: so, are these Democrats now domestic abusers, terrorists, anarchists, hostage takers and all the other names that were slung at Cruz??

You do realize, leftist Alan Dershowitz said Ted Cruz was the smartest student he ever had at Harvard, right?? I hope you realize that Cruz is a grandmaster playing chess while Democrats and establishment Republicans are playing checkers. It's gonna be fun watching how one person can make a difference, and Cruz aleady has in less than a year.


Those fourteen and more than several reasonable republicans are asking for budgetary discussions to ensue at the proper time in the budget cycle.

Congress has two jobs:
1. Fund what they and their predecessors have already put on the government plate.

2. Discuss what's on the plate.​

Timing and intent, Bro'. Timing and intent.
if there is a bill as you say there is, then what is the house bills number ??? all Ive heard is right wing gibberish about Obama trying to get it dropped ... and all that came from right wing nut job sites

the NY Times is a right wing nut job site. I think you need to find some serious mental help

my mental capacity is fine ... the fact that you can't show us a house bill number says whose mental capacites are in question
the person who wrote the article is a republican leaning author ... I asked you a simple question and you couldn't answer it .... here's the question again .... what is the house bill number that you claim that obama will veto???? I went to the government web site and there's no such bill there that I could find... so as I stated before ... you have to qualify for medicaid .... If more people qualify for medicaid right now, that's because they are below the 12,000 dollar income a year ... which they are entitled to get medicaid, according to the ACA ... the ACA doesn't make a decision on what you pay, your income does ... as I have stated from the beginning ... if you lie about your income and are caught, which you will be caught when they check your income for the year,, you'll pay for all the months you had on medicaid ... like all policy medicaid isn't forever ... if you should ever start getting more income with in that year, you are required to change it from medicaid plan to a plan that you pay ... just like the one that you or I buy... medicaid isn't forever its only for the people who can't afford to pay for a health care plan ...

Ive seen several states that show 36,000 people sign up for medicaid or more, that's understandable ... like I stated before ... when you first sign up they have to determine if you get Medicaid first or buy a policy ... if you qualify for medicaid then you are then put in medicaid system right then and there ... that's why medicaid sign ups show up first... because of the troubles they are having with the policy sign ups, and they have been correcting as they go, which they have said, all the people who are buying a policy, they will start getting that information on Nov.15 ....they have said that they should have the majority of the problems fixed by then ... that's why you don't see large numbers of people signed for the bought policies yet ... its not a case they are all signing up for medicaid, if you are sign up fpr medicaid and you're not qualified to get it, in the long run that could prove to be very costly for you if you did that ...

so who you trust or who you don't trust isn't my concern ... its what I know and what I've been though... so far I'm waiting for Nov.15 to confirm my health care plan... just like everybody else is...
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Here is something that is sad so far the only person who has been fired as a result of the Obamacare roll out is the 1-800 operator who talked to Sean Hannity when he called the number after the President urged people to call it.

Which is one more than was fired over missing the 9/11 attack lead up, screwing up the 9/11 intel, missing Bin Laden for nine years...

Wow a Bush deflection over Obamacare could it get any weaker?
Okay..................I'll debate the "merits" of your post and answer what I really think.

Ted Cruz has painted himself into a corner and is looking for a way out, but he's not going to find it because even his fellow Republicans think he's wrong.


Oh really?


This says he nailed it. The establishment Republicans can go take a hike.

Really? Can you show me where there was an Internet opening (that many people wanted to get in on) that DIDN'T crash or have problems?

The GOP keeps talking about "states rights" and saying that the federal government should stay out of state affairs.

If that was so, why are so many GOP controlled states refusing Obamacare, but the states that have accepted it (as well as have set up websites of their own to help out with the AHA) are doing so well?

I believe that Oregon (a blue state) and Kentucky (a red state) are doing quite well, but that is only because they set up their own plans for health care.

I wish Texas (where I live) would do the same.

Obama is now getting the "best and the brightest" to fix the glitches.

I wonder why didn't employ the "best and the brightest" to start such an important rollout. One wonders on the government commitment.
if there is a bill as you say there is, then what is the house bills number ??? all Ive heard is right wing gibberish about Obama trying to get it dropped ... and all that came from right wing nut job sites

the NY Times is a right wing nut job site. I think you need to find some serious mental help

my mental capacity is fine ... the fact that you can't show us a house bill number says whose mental capacites are in question
the person who wrote the article is a republican leaning author ... I asked you a simple question and you couldn't answer it .... here's the question again .... what is the house bill number that you claim that obama will veto???? I went to the government web site and there's no such bill there that I could find... so as I stated before ... you have to qualify for medicaid .... If more people qualify for medicaid right now, that's because they are below the 12,000 dollar income a year ... which they are entitled to get medicaid, according to the ACA ... the ACA doesn't make a decision on what you pay, your income does ... as I have stated from the beginning ... if you lie about your income and are caught, which you will be caught when they check your income for the year,, you'll pay for all the months you had on medicaid ... like all policy medicaid isn't forever ... if you should ever start getting more income with in that year, you are required to change it from medicaid plan to a plan that you pay ... just like the one that you or I buy... medicaid isn't forever its only for the people who can't afford to pay for a health care plan ...

Ive seen several states that show 36,000 people sign up for medicaid or more, that's understandable ... like I stated before ... when you first sign up they have to determine if you get Medicaid first or buy a policy ... if you qualify for medicaid then you are then put in medicaid system right then and there ... that's why medicaid sign ups show up first... because of the troubles they are having with the policy sign ups, and they have been correcting as they go, which they have said, all the people who are buying a policy, they will start getting that information on Nov.15 ....they have said that they should have the majority of the problems fixed by then ... that's why you don't see large numbers of people signed for the bought policies yet ... its not a case they are all signing up for medicaid, if you are sign up fpr medicaid and you're not qualified to get it, in the long run that could prove to be very costly for you if you did that ...

so who you trust or who you don't trust isn't my concern ... its what I know and what I've been though... so far I'm waiting for Nov.15 to confirm my health care plan... just like everybody else is...

By a 235-191 vote, the House passes a bill (H.R. 2775) to prohibit the Obama administration from issuing tax subsidies for individuals applying for health coverage on new insurance marketplaces until there is a program in place to verify income eligibility. The legislation is sponsored by Rep. Black. It responds to a decision in July by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to allow less than full income verification in a limited number of circumstances. The bill isn't likely to be taken up in the Senate.

I bet you feel as stupid as a rock by now
I really do feel sorry for you that your such an ideologue sycophant that you continuously make an ass out of your self defending this lying piece of shit amateur of a president
best thing for you to do is craw back under that liberal communist rock you crawled out from under before you make a bigger ass out of your self
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sticker shock

CALIFORNIA - Thousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare will cost them — and many don’t like what they see.

These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years.

Although recent criticism of the healthcare law has focused on website glitches and early enrollment snags, experts say sharp price increases for individual policies have the greatest potential to erode public support for President Obama’s signature legislation.

“This is when the actual sticker shock comes into play for people,” said Gerald Kominski, director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. “There are winners and losers under the Affordable Care Act.”

Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc. She got a rude surprise this month when the company said it would cancel her policy at the end of this year. Her current plan does not conform with the new federal rules, which require more generous levels of coverage

Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month

LA Times
you have no Idea what you're talking about ... NONE !!!! whats fun is showing everyone here how stupid you really are ... when it comes to the sign up for health care... you have to be rejected from medicaid... before you can get a health care plan ... its all based on your income and income only .... you just can't call up and say I want to sign up for medicaid ... it doesn't work that way if any one has made a fool of themselves that would be you... fool!!!! I can't believe moron like this even believe their crap

im more prone to believe the NY Times then you
so if there is income verification then why did the house write a bill making sure there is and why did Obama threaten to veto it

I have backed up everything I have stated you haven't backed up shit just another lying ass liberal that expects people to believe him on his word alone sorry mister it doesn't work that way
bless your heart still drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid it has rotten your brain

Wasn't income verification the one concession the "we will not compromise" Democrats made to stop the default they were willing to allow happen rather than allow Americans respite from the Obamacare debacle?

Senate and House pass bill to re-open the government, raise the debt ceiling

yes The bill would also strengthen income verification requirements for those who sign up for insurance under Obamacare for the government to open ... the only thing the dems said we will not allow is the defunding of ACA, or pushing the sign ups back a year or stop the tax for medical equipment ...there never was a stop of the income verification concession according to some of the poster here on this board ... as we can clearly see TRFjr Obama signed it ... where your article said he would refused to sign it ... thanks for the article Amelia
im more prone to believe the NY Times then you
so if there is income verification then why did the house write a bill making sure there is and why did Obama threaten to veto it

I have backed up everything I have stated you haven't backed up shit just another lying ass liberal that expects people to believe him on his word alone sorry mister it doesn't work that way
bless your heart still drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid it has rotten your brain

Wasn't income verification the one concession the "we will not compromise" Democrats made to stop the default they were willing to allow happen rather than allow Americans respite from the Obamacare debacle?

Senate and House pass bill to re-open the government, raise the debt ceiling

No, dear leader maobama had already made that decision because the verifications software was not ready, so he put it on the honor system. Congress agreed that was a bad idea and required verification in the agreement. Just another example of a law the dear leader was willing to break for his own convenience.

I disagree dearie when they open the government it clearly said one of the concession was they have to verify you need to do some research dearie!!!
LA Times: Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out

Thousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare will cost them — and many don't like what they see.

These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years.

Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc.

Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month. She and her husband don't qualify for federal premium subsidies because they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.

Pam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.

"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.

Nearly 2 million Californians have individual insurance, and several hundred thousand of them are losing their health plans in a matter of weeks.

Blue Shield of California sent termination letters to 119,000 customers last month whose plans don't meet the new federal requirements. About two-thirds of those people will experience a rate increase from switching to a new health plan, according to the company.

this is funny.... very funny a lawyer that only makes 80,000 a year between the two of them who paid 98 dollars a month??? really !!!!! what did they have a 50,0000 dollar deductible... were suppose to buy this article on its face value ??? nobody pays 98 dollars a month, anywhere in this country unless you're on medicare who are you fooling ...

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