It looks like Ted Cruz got the last laugh on Obamacare...

It looks like Ted Cruz got the last laugh on Obamacare...

Just wait when the website starts to work this month, errr next month
or even the month after, who knows

He won't be so happy then....

the income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it

House approves bill requiring new income-verification system for Obamacare - Washington Times

try again

and what was I saying about mis and uninformed liberals on these forums again

what do you mean try again .... just because it passed the house doesn't mean its law moron... ... if any one is mis and uninformed that would be you .in how congress works .. you come up with the cockamamie story on how medicaid will break the bill, then you come up where it has been passed in the house and you feel the senate will even bring it to the floor ??? you're even stupider then I first thought ... come back when you have a credible case ... right now you're just farting in the wind and smelling your own shit... it passsed in the house and only obama can veto it ... you are one stupid MOFO ...

he income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it


thats funny.... thats real funny

you made the false claim there was income verification when applying on the exchanges and there isn't

sorry buddy there is ... I myself just went through it ... you have to show them your income to qualify for medicaid health care insurance that's the first step you go through here is the copy of the rejection letter, with my personal information X out

The number to call is X-XXX-XXX-XXX to complete your enrollment. Before they call, please make sure to have the following:

1) Your seven digit Medicaid rejection code which is xxxxxxx
2) Tell the call center operator that your account has already been started online.
3) Have your user ID and password ready.
4) Tell them you want the Rocky Mountain HMO New West Focus Silver plan for $251.12 (give or take a few cents).
5) Have my name and license number handy just in case. In the system it’s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. And my license number is xxxxxx

Like I said you don't know what the hell you're talking about

its going to break Obama care because all these figures the states are releasing saying "look at us we are getting all these applicants to sign up" that they need to keep Obama care afloat are not going to be in Obama care. there for the pool is not going to be large enough to keep premiums where they are, and they will have to be raised. which will make less young and healthy to sign up. I want you to look up health insurance death spiral
best for you to get informed so you will stop making a fool out of your self
im beginning to feel sorry for you it was fun at first making a fool out of you, but now im feeling im beating up on a handicap

you have no Idea what you're talking about ... NONE !!!! whats fun is showing everyone here how stupid you really are ... when it comes to the sign up for health care... you have to be rejected from medicaid... before you can get a health care plan ... its all based on your income and income only .... you just can't call up and say I want to sign up for medicaid ... it doesn't work that way if any one has made a fool of themselves that would be you... fool!!!! I can't believe moron like this even believe their crap
Last edited:
what do you mean try again .... just because it passed the house doesn't mean its law moron... ... if any one is mis and uninformed that would be you .in how congress works .. you come up with the cockamamie story on how medicaid will break the bill, then you come up where it has been passed in the house and you feel the senate will even bring it to the floor ??? you're even stupider then I first thought ... come back when you have a credible case ... right now you're just farting in the wind and smelling your own shit... it passsed in the house and only obama can veto it ... you are one stupid MOFO ...

he income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it


thats funny.... thats real funny

you made the false claim there was income verification when applying on the exchanges and there isn't

sorry buddy there is ... I myself just went through it ... you have to show them your income to qualify for medicaid health care insurance that's the first step you go through here is the copy of the rejection letter, with my personal information X out

The number to call is X-XXX-XXX-XXX to complete your enrollment. Before they call, please make sure to have the following:

1) Your seven digit Medicaid rejection code which is xxxxxxx
2) Tell the call center operator that your account has already been started online.
3) Have your user ID and password ready.
4) Tell them you want the Rocky Mountain HMO New West Focus Silver plan for $251.12 (give or take a few cents).
5) Have my name and license number handy just in case. In the system it’s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. And my license number is xxxxxx

Like I said you don't know what the hell you're talking about

its going to break Obama care because all these figures the states are releasing saying "look at us we are getting all these applicants to sign up" that they need to keep Obama care afloat are not going to be in Obama care. there for the pool is not going to be large enough to keep premiums where they are, and they will have to be raised. which will make less young and healthy to sign up. I want you to look up health insurance death spiral
best for you to get informed so you will stop making a fool out of your self
im beginning to feel sorry for you it was fun at first making a fool out of you, but now im feeling im beating up on a handicap

you have no Idea what you're talking about ... NONE !!!! whats fun is showing everyone here oh stupid you really are ... when it comes to the sign up for health care... you have to be rejected from medicaid... before you can get a health care plan ... its all based on your income and income only .... you just can't call up and say I want to sign up for medicaid ... it doesn't work that way if any one has made a fool of themselves that would be you... fool!!!!I can't
Awww is the liberal getting mad because the truth about Obamacare is getting out and you might not get your free shit? Get a job and stop sponging off of us.
what do you mean try again .... just because it passed the house doesn't mean its law moron... ... if any one is mis and uninformed that would be you .in how congress works .. you come up with the cockamamie story on how medicaid will break the bill, then you come up where it has been passed in the house and you feel the senate will even bring it to the floor ??? you're even stupider then I first thought ... come back when you have a credible case ... right now you're just farting in the wind and smelling your own shit... it passsed in the house and only obama can veto it ... you are one stupid MOFO ...

he income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it


thats funny.... thats real funny

you made the false claim there was income verification when applying on the exchanges and there isn't

sorry buddy there is ... I myself just went through it ... you have to show them your income to qualify for medicaid health care insurance that's the first step you go through here is the copy of the rejection letter, with my personal information X out

The number to call is X-XXX-XXX-XXX to complete your enrollment. Before they call, please make sure to have the following:

1) Your seven digit Medicaid rejection code which is xxxxxxx
2) Tell the call center operator that your account has already been started online.
3) Have your user ID and password ready.
4) Tell them you want the Rocky Mountain HMO New West Focus Silver plan for $251.12 (give or take a few cents).
5) Have my name and license number handy just in case. In the system it’s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. And my license number is xxxxxx

Like I said you don't know what the hell you're talking about

its going to break Obama care because all these figures the states are releasing saying "look at us we are getting all these applicants to sign up" that they need to keep Obama care afloat are not going to be in Obama care. there for the pool is not going to be large enough to keep premiums where they are, and they will have to be raised. which will make less young and healthy to sign up. I want you to look up health insurance death spiral
best for you to get informed so you will stop making a fool out of your self
im beginning to feel sorry for you it was fun at first making a fool out of you, but now im feeling im beating up on a handicap

you have no Idea what you're talking about ... NONE !!!! whats fun is showing everyone here how stupid you really are ... when it comes to the sign up for health care... you have to be rejected from medicaid... before you can get a health care plan ... its all based on your income and income only .... you just can't call up and say I want to sign up for medicaid ... it doesn't work that way if any one has made a fool of themselves that would be you... fool!!!! I can't believe moron like this even believe their crap

im more prone to believe the NY Times then you
so if there is income verification then why did the house write a bill making sure there is and why did Obama threaten to veto it

I have backed up everything I have stated you haven't backed up shit just another lying ass liberal that expects people to believe him on his word alone sorry mister it doesn't work that way
bless your heart still drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid it has rotten your brain
Last edited:
Here is something that is sad so far the only person who has been fired as a result of the Obamacare roll out is the 1-800 operator who talked to Sean Hannity when he called the number after the President urged people to call it.
you made the false claim there was income verification when applying on the exchanges and there isn't

sorry buddy there is ... I myself just went through it ... you have to show them your income to qualify for medicaid health care insurance that's the first step you go through here is the copy of the rejection letter, with my personal information X out

The number to call is X-XXX-XXX-XXX to complete your enrollment. Before they call, please make sure to have the following:

1) Your seven digit Medicaid rejection code which is xxxxxxx
2) Tell the call center operator that your account has already been started online.
3) Have your user ID and password ready.
4) Tell them you want the Rocky Mountain HMO New West Focus Silver plan for $251.12 (give or take a few cents).
5) Have my name and license number handy just in case. In the system it’s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. And my license number is xxxxxx

Like I said you don't know what the hell you're talking about

its going to break Obama care because all these figures the states are releasing saying "look at us we are getting all these applicants to sign up" that they need to keep Obama care afloat are not going to be in Obama care. there for the pool is not going to be large enough to keep premiums where they are, and they will have to be raised. which will make less young and healthy to sign up. I want you to look up health insurance death spiral
best for you to get informed so you will stop making a fool out of your self
im beginning to feel sorry for you it was fun at first making a fool out of you, but now im feeling im beating up on a handicap

you have no Idea what you're talking about ... NONE !!!! whats fun is showing everyone here oh stupid you really are ... when it comes to the sign up for health care... you have to be rejected from medicaid... before you can get a health care plan ... its all based on your income and income only .... you just can't call up and say I want to sign up for medicaid ... it doesn't work that way if any one has made a fool of themselves that would be you... fool!!!!I can't
Awww is the liberal getting mad because the truth about Obamacare is getting out and you might not get your free shit? Get a job and stop sponging off of us.

first of all, like you, I made a liars out of both of you ... mad that's the last thing you repub-lie-turd could ever accomplish .... from the looks of things it is you who is mad, because I just prove to one and all what liars you are ... now both of you are pissed as hell cause this liberal made you mad.... get a job, I'm retired well what can I say, other then it doesn't take too much money to pay for your trailer now does it...
you made the false claim there was income verification when applying on the exchanges and there isn't

sorry buddy there is ... I myself just went through it ... you have to show them your income to qualify for medicaid health care insurance that's the first step you go through here is the copy of the rejection letter, with my personal information X out

The number to call is X-XXX-XXX-XXX to complete your enrollment. Before they call, please make sure to have the following:

1) Your seven digit Medicaid rejection code which is xxxxxxx
2) Tell the call center operator that your account has already been started online.
3) Have your user ID and password ready.
4) Tell them you want the Rocky Mountain HMO New West Focus Silver plan for $251.12 (give or take a few cents).
5) Have my name and license number handy just in case. In the system it’s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. And my license number is xxxxxx

Like I said you don't know what the hell you're talking about

its going to break Obama care because all these figures the states are releasing saying "look at us we are getting all these applicants to sign up" that they need to keep Obama care afloat are not going to be in Obama care. there for the pool is not going to be large enough to keep premiums where they are, and they will have to be raised. which will make less young and healthy to sign up. I want you to look up health insurance death spiral
best for you to get informed so you will stop making a fool out of your self
im beginning to feel sorry for you it was fun at first making a fool out of you, but now im feeling im beating up on a handicap

you have no Idea what you're talking about ... NONE !!!! whats fun is showing everyone here how stupid you really are ... when it comes to the sign up for health care... you have to be rejected from medicaid... before you can get a health care plan ... its all based on your income and income only .... you just can't call up and say I want to sign up for medicaid ... it doesn't work that way if any one has made a fool of themselves that would be you... fool!!!! I can't believe moron like this even believe their crap

im more prone to believe the NY Times then you
so if there is income verification then why did the house write a bill making sure there is and why did Obama threaten to veto it

I have backed up everything I have stated you haven't backed up shit just another lying ass liberal that expects people to believe him on his word alone sorry mister it doesn't work that way
bless your heart still drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid it has rotten your brain

as I said there has always been income verification thats what Ive been saying ... as I said I don't know where they came up with their article all I know is when I applied they had to verify my income and it still is ...

the only thing you have done is shown a article and claim it was proof ... proof is showing us a bill that you claimed has been passed in the house, that obama said he will veto ... you haven't done that the only one who is drink o0n koolaid is you ... you still haven't proved one thing yet ... everything you have posted are allegations ... allegations aren't proof
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It looks like Ted Cruz got the last laugh on Obamacare...


but just wait until the website works!
what month is that going to be again?
you made the false claim there was income verification when applying on the exchanges and there isn't

sorry buddy there is ... I myself just went through it ... you have to show them your income to qualify for medicaid health care insurance that's the first step you go through here is the copy of the rejection letter, with my personal information X out

The number to call is X-XXX-XXX-XXX to complete your enrollment. Before they call, please make sure to have the following:

1) Your seven digit Medicaid rejection code which is xxxxxxx
2) Tell the call center operator that your account has already been started online.
3) Have your user ID and password ready.
4) Tell them you want the Rocky Mountain HMO New West Focus Silver plan for $251.12 (give or take a few cents).
5) Have my name and license number handy just in case. In the system it’s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. And my license number is xxxxxx

Like I said you don't know what the hell you're talking about

its going to break Obama care because all these figures the states are releasing saying "look at us we are getting all these applicants to sign up" that they need to keep Obama care afloat are not going to be in Obama care. there for the pool is not going to be large enough to keep premiums where they are, and they will have to be raised. which will make less young and healthy to sign up. I want you to look up health insurance death spiral
best for you to get informed so you will stop making a fool out of your self
im beginning to feel sorry for you it was fun at first making a fool out of you, but now im feeling im beating up on a handicap

you have no Idea what you're talking about ... NONE !!!! whats fun is showing everyone here how stupid you really are ... when it comes to the sign up for health care... you have to be rejected from medicaid... before you can get a health care plan ... its all based on your income and income only .... you just can't call up and say I want to sign up for medicaid ... it doesn't work that way if any one has made a fool of themselves that would be you... fool!!!! I can't believe moron like this even believe their crap

im more prone to believe the NY Times then you
so if there is income verification then why did the house write a bill making sure there is and why did Obama threaten to veto it

I have backed up everything I have stated you haven't backed up shit just another lying ass liberal that expects people to believe him on his word alone sorry mister it doesn't work that way
bless your heart still drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid it has rotten your brain

Wasn't income verification the one concession the "we will not compromise" Democrats made to stop the default they were willing to allow happen rather than allow Americans respite from the Obamacare debacle?
if there is a bill as you say there is, then what is the house bills number ??? all Ive heard is right wing gibberish about Obama trying to get it dropped ... and all that came from right wing nut job sites
you have no Idea what you're talking about ... NONE !!!! whats fun is showing everyone here how stupid you really are ... when it comes to the sign up for health care... you have to be rejected from medicaid... before you can get a health care plan ... its all based on your income and income only .... you just can't call up and say I want to sign up for medicaid ... it doesn't work that way if any one has made a fool of themselves that would be you... fool!!!! I can't believe moron like this even believe their crap

im more prone to believe the NY Times then you
so if there is income verification then why did the house write a bill making sure there is and why did Obama threaten to veto it

I have backed up everything I have stated you haven't backed up shit just another lying ass liberal that expects people to believe him on his word alone sorry mister it doesn't work that way
bless your heart still drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid it has rotten your brain

Wasn't income verification the one concession the "we will not compromise" Democrats made to stop the default they were willing to allow happen rather than allow Americans respite from the Obamacare debacle?

Senate and House pass bill to re-open the government, raise the debt ceiling

No, dear leader maobama had already made that decision because the verifications software was not ready, so he put it on the honor system. Congress agreed that was a bad idea and required verification in the agreement. Just another example of a law the dear leader was willing to break for his own convenience.
if there is a bill as you say there is, then what is the house bills number ??? all Ive heard is right wing gibberish about Obama trying to get it dropped ... and all that came from right wing nut job sites

the NY Times is a right wing nut job site. I think you need to find some serious mental help
LA Times: Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out

Thousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare will cost them — and many don't like what they see.

These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years.

Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc.

Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month. She and her husband don't qualify for federal premium subsidies because they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.

Pam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.

"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.

Nearly 2 million Californians have individual insurance, and several hundred thousand of them are losing their health plans in a matter of weeks.

Blue Shield of California sent termination letters to 119,000 customers last month whose plans don't meet the new federal requirements. About two-thirds of those people will experience a rate increase from switching to a new health plan, according to the company.
Dude, just look at you fucking signature:

"Let us use drones to protect our nation."

We have the SECOND AMENDMENT to protect our fucking NATION from THUGS (also in your signature) like YOU.

You crack me up. Your little pop-guns against the largest military on the planet.

If you think the US military will follow orders to fire on US citizens, you're crazier than I thought.

Oh, there are some who will. Petty tyrant supporters like deanie and his ilk would happily pull the trigger on defenseless people, scumbags do that.
Here is something that is sad so far the only person who has been fired as a result of the Obamacare roll out is the 1-800 operator who talked to Sean Hannity when he called the number after the President urged people to call it.

Which is one more than was fired over missing the 9/11 attack lead up, screwing up the 9/11 intel, missing Bin Laden for nine years...
Here is something that is sad so far the only person who has been fired as a result of the Obamacare roll out is the 1-800 operator who talked to Sean Hannity when he called the number after the President urged people to call it.

Which is one more than was fired over missing the 9/11 attack lead up, screwing up the 9/11 intel, missing Bin Laden for nine years...

Here is something that is sad so far the only person who has been fired as a result of the Obamacare roll out is the 1-800 operator who talked to Sean Hannity when he called the number after the President urged people to call it.

Which is one more than was fired over missing the 9/11 attack lead up, screwing up the 9/11 intel, missing Bin Laden for nine years...

but Clinton left office and all his people were gone
6 months into the Bush administration when 9/11 happened.

Which made it hard to find that guy

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