It looks like Ted Cruz got the last laugh on Obamacare...

yes colorado didn't have these problems... the reason some states did better then others state is because of that reason... where a state was offered to do so ... they have done fine... where they are having problems is where republican governors decided they wouldn't work with the feds .. by not doing this it went into a federal registry ... that's where the problems started I never got a you have to wait screen .. it just went right through now because of they problems the national registry has had we too have to wait until Nov. 15

My dad he was a wise man in my opinion ... he said to me once son 90% of the problems you have in life will be created by you... the other 10% you have no control over ... here's a situation where Texans could have some sort of control over these problems by voting out those problems theychose not to vote them out ... the only way you can get your problems solved is get rid of the Ted cruz want a be's

and those states the didn't have the same problem with their exchanges like the feds are those figures they have shown are up to 80% enrolling into Medicaid no Obama care which will cause Obama care to collapse

its apparent you haven't any Idea what you're talking about .. its apparent you haven't gone to the web site to apply for health care ... even people who are on social security before they are 65 get more money then they qualify for medicaid ... the 80% figure you got here is what they have now when you apply they have a 80% finishing rate ... which in my opinion isn't all that bad...

when you apply you have to give them your gross income for the year ... from that figure they put it into their computer to generate a rejection letter from medicaid ... when you get that number then you set up a plan that you will use and if you get any Eligibility money ... as for the plan collapsing that won't happen ...

you see part of the plan for people who are on medicaid they get their money from corporate taxes, not taxes from individuals ... one of the taxes that they have is a tax on medical equipment ... a 2.2% tax on their gross income ... just that tax alone it will pay 30 billion dollars ... that's why the republicans were trying to get it removed ... they knew if it was there then the health care plan will work... it their ... nice try but no soup for you

CBS News) The disastrous rollout of may have another serious problem: A CBS News analysis shows that in many of the 15 state-based health insurance exchanges more people are enrolling in Medicaid rather than buying private health insurance. And if that trend continues, there's concern there won't be enough healthy people buying health insurance for the system to work.

As the Obamacare website struggles, the administration is emphasizing state-level success. President Obama said Monday, "There's great demand at the state level as well. Because there are a bunch of states running their own marketplaces."

But left unsaid in the president's remarks: the newly insured in some of those states are overwhelmingly low-income people signing up for Medicaid at no cost to them.

Matt Salo, executive director of the National Association of Medicaid Directors, said, "We're seeing a huge spike in terms of Medicaid enrollments."

He says the numbers have surprised him and state officials.

CBS News has confirmed that in Washington, of the more than 35,000 people newly enrolled, 87 percent signed up for Medicaid. In Kentucky, out of 26,000 new enrollments, 82 percent are in Medicaid. And in New York, of 37,000 enrollments, Medicaid accounts for 64 percent. And there are similar stories across the country in nearly half of the states that run their own exchanges
Medicaid enrollment spike a threat to Obamacare structure? - CBS News

its all about the enrollment people who enroll in Medicaid are not entering the Obama care health pools there for not increasing the pools numbers to keep rates down

its you who doesn't understand insurance the more you have sign up the bigger the pool there for the cost can be spread around if the pool is not large enough the cost cant be spread around sufficiently enough and rates are increased

my argument wasn't about who is going to pay all those new Medicaid enrollees but was to show those states with the larger figures of enrollment are not actually entering the exchange pools but up to 80% will be on Medicaid that doesn't help to increase the pool size so to keep rates low
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Does anyone here realize that the bill for your premiums will look like a "phone bill"?

Yup- on TOP of your premium payments will be various taxes.

Y'know, how a phone bill comes with tons of itty-bitty add-on taxes.
Cruz is the Democrats worst nightmare.

Democrat parrots and sycophants will all pretend that they "hope" he's the GOP nominee on 2016, because he'll get "slaughtered"!! They'll be defiant and boast of how unafraid they are- how they dream of such a weak candidate from the GOP!! "hillary will kill him!!', they'll say....

Then they'll start talking about the hispanic vote demographic changes, and other nonsense....... anything to distract from Obama and the Democrats massive failures. They'll pretend they are confident.

But we all know that secretly, they are afraid, very afraid.....:lol:

Actually, it won't matter much.

My bet is that 2016 will be a repeat of the enormous R clusterfuck of last general election. The craziest and least qualified will form a double line and the rw's will rant and rave about how wonderful they are. One by one, the "candidates" will give it their best shot and, in short order, crash and burn.

Personally, I hope Cruz (or, Cruise, as you nutters like to spell it) runs. He hasn't even got a year of experience so, to rw nutters, he's well qualified. And, hey, he and $arah are BFFs now. Wouldn't be just wonderful if she ran again as his running mate?

Oh please, oh please, oh please????

"He hasn't even got a year of experience so, to rw nutters, he's well qualified."

Lulz ....
Obama won as he said what he said only for paying our bills.

NOT for Obamacare separately. lol

certainly it is possibly it maybe pushed back a little.

Dude, just look at you fucking signature:

"Let us use drones to protect our nation."

We have the SECOND AMENDMENT to protect our fucking NATION from THUGS (also in your signature) like YOU.

You crack me up. Your little pop-guns against the largest military on the planet.

If you think the US military will follow orders to fire on US citizens, you're crazier than I thought.
Does anyone here realize that the bill for your premiums will look like a "phone bill"?

Yup- on TOP of your premium payments will be various taxes.

Y'know, how a phone bill comes with tons of itty-bitty add-on taxes.

every day just a tad bit more bad news comes out

about this obamcare website scam

now it has been discovered

that the web designers plagiarized code

even a cursory comparison of the two scripts removes any doubt that the source for the script used at is indeed the SpryMedia script.

THE WEEKLY STANDARD contacted SpryMedia for comment. A representative for the company said that they were “extremely disappointed” to see the copyright information missing and will be pursuing it further

Obamacare Website Violates Licensing Agreement for Copyrighted Software | The Weekly Standard
ted cruz in Iowa

10/26/13 - Ted Cruz spoke on Saturday at the Defenders of Freedom fundraiser in Iowa, hosted by Republican Congressman Steve King. Cruz spent a significant portion of his speech going after the Obamacare rollout and cracked a few jokes at the expense of President Obama, Joe Biden, and even some of his Republican colleagues.

Cruz said one of his daughters told him she wants to work in the Senate too but when she gets in "daddy'll be dead by then." He joked, I wondered if Carolina had been speaking to Republican leadership."

At numerous points Cruz compared the current economic situation to the malaise of the late Jimmy Carter years, and drew direct contrasts between the economy under Ronald Reagan and under Obama. He said that in the Senate, "we have spent virtually zero time even talking about jobs and economic growth; it simply isn't a priority in Harry Reid's U.S. Senate." Cruz also said that the "single biggest lie in politics" is the notion that Republicans are the party of the rich.

He touted the massive grassroots campaign that rose up in opposition to drone strikes, gun control, immigration, Syria, and, of course, Obamacare. He found it more than a little humorous how Democrats are now embracing the idea of delaying the health care law.

"I seem to recall----it couldn't have been more than two weeks ago----when every newspaper, every television station, every political graybeard said 'It is impossible that the president will ever ever ever delay the individual mandate or do anything to delay Obamacare! You guys are nuts for suggesting this!'"
He referred to his filibuster and joked, "21 hours is a long time. I mean, that's almost as long as it takes to sign up on the Obamacare website."

[ame=]Ted Cruz Bashes Obamacare and Talks 'Single Biggest Lie in Politics' in Iowa - Defendors of Freedom - YouTube[/ame]
Does anyone here realize that the bill for your premiums will look like a "phone bill"?

Yup- on TOP of your premium payments will be various taxes.

Y'know, how a phone bill comes with tons of itty-bitty add-on taxes.

[ame=]Tommy Tutone - 867-5309/Jenny - YouTube[/ame]
Ted Cruise is playing a skillful year long game of chess while the democrats are playing a quick child's game of checkers

while the democrats were patting them selves on the back over the shut down Ted was making moves and now has them in check and has positioned the GOP to make the checkmate move in 2014

democrats was so busy thinking about taking the house they should be worrying about keeping the senate
republicans need 5 seats to take over the senate there are going to be 7 seats available that democrats currently have in states that were carried by Romney

Yanno....................if you're going to talk about the greatness of "Ted Cruise", you should really learn how to spell his name properly.

It's "Ted Cruz" (meaning he comes from a Hispanic family) and not "Ted Cruise".

Were you thinking of the Scientologist who was jumping up and down on Doper Windbag (Oprah Winfrey's) couch while saying how much he loved some woman?

Sorry...................that person's name was TOM Cruise.

I guess that vowels confuse and scare you.


BikieBoiy, you're also long winded on B/S...:D
Oh really?


This says he nailed it. The establishment Republicans can go take a hike.

Really? Can you show me where there was an Internet opening (that many people wanted to get in on) that DIDN'T crash or have problems?

The GOP keeps talking about "states rights" and saying that the federal government should stay out of state affairs.

If that was so, why are so many GOP controlled states refusing Obamacare, but the states that have accepted it (as well as have set up websites of their own to help out with the AHA) are doing so well?

I believe that Oregon (a blue state) and Kentucky (a red state) are doing quite well, but that is only because they set up their own plans for health care.

I wish Texas (where I live) would do the same.

are they now?

CBS News has confirmed that in Washington, of the more than 35,000 people newly enrolled, 87 percent signed up for Medicaid. In Kentucky, out of 26,000 new enrollments, 82 percent are in Medicaid. And in New York, of 37,000 enrollments, Medicaid accounts for 64 percent. And there are similar stories across the country in nearly half of the states that run their own exchanges

Medicaid enrollment spike a threat to Obamacare structure? - CBS News

and you are actually trying to say Oregon is doing well?
Oregon is the most striking example so far. Cover Oregon, the state’s health insurance exchange, has admitted precisely zero people have enrolled due to their “problem-plagued site
Some States Reporting Unbelievably Low Health Care Enrollment Numbers (One State?s at Zero!) | Mediaite

epic fail on your part

debating and beating you uniformed misinformed liberals on these forums is like shooting fish in a barrel there is not sport in it

coming from a person who just applied about 5 days ago to get on health care, you have to show with proof of your federal income tax ... that you as a health care recipient make less the 12,000 dollars a year ... the article said that people were applying for medicaid ... applying and getting are two different things ... everybody who applies for health care has to apply for medicaid .... you have to get a rejection letter from medicaid before you can apply for health care .... from my understand of the procedure along with what I went through, if you make more the 12000 and year you can't get on medicaid ... apply for it all you want, until you're blue in the face, if you make more then their cut off point, you can't get on medicaid... those are the facts ... and yes they ask for proof of income ... if you lie you can have be charged for it ... what the CBS article is talking about is beyond me ... everybody is getting medicaid that's nuts must be a republican at CBS who wrote the article .... their article doesn't support the facts ...what does make sense here is when you shoot in that barrel you need a loaded gun... not a big mouth ...
Obama won as he said what he said only for paying our bills.

NOT for Obamacare separately. lol

certainly it is possibly it maybe pushed back a little.

Dude, just look at you fucking signature:

"Let us use drones to protect our nation."

We have the SECOND AMENDMENT to protect our fucking NATION from THUGS (also in your signature) like YOU.

You crack me up. Your little pop-guns against the largest military on the planet.


he's the typical repub-lie-tard with a big mouth and no spine ... or as we called bush, All cowboy hat and no horse ...
Dude, just look at you fucking signature:

"Let us use drones to protect our nation."

We have the SECOND AMENDMENT to protect our fucking NATION from THUGS (also in your signature) like YOU.
Your second amendment won't protect SHIT. Put your second amendment against Blackhawks, drones, armoured personnel carriers, and tanks and all those who haven't thrown their guns away while shitting their pants will end up looking like ground round.

What is really disturbing as that you can envision this happening to Americans.

just retarded repub-lie tards ... they're the ones with the lack of intellect...
Your second amendment won't protect SHIT. Put your second amendment against Blackhawks, drones, armoured personnel carriers, and tanks and all those who haven't thrown their guns away while shitting their pants will end up looking like ground round.

What is really disturbing as that you can envision this happening to Americans.

just retarded repub-lie tards ... they're the ones with the lack of intellect...

Do you honestly think that Blackhawks/drones/APCs and tanks can function without oil?

With guns, we can permanently block the transportation of oil, block the refineries, grind the military economy to a halt, block the ports, etc.

When the economy falls, the government would no longer be able to pay its army, etc.

None of those technological wonders you mentioned can function properly without modern communications either, which can also be EASILY disrupted from the ground.

You severely OVERESTIMATE modern technology in combat.

Also, desertion rates would be pretty high if the United States government went into martial law. It's guaranteed that you'd have to fight no less than 700,000 Oathkeepers within the first month.

Modern technology is only of benefit when its supported by a proper economy, infrastructure and ground support. You can't rule over a country from an aircraft carrier with no oil.

In short, you're an ivory tower intellectual who lacks basic understanding of the real world.

And what's even more ironic and full of hypocrisy is that people like him tend to be virulently against any defense budget that includes the funds to produce the types of weapons he listed. They're constantly calling for cutting the military and our so called agenda of 'empire building'. I guess they only spout that garbage when an R is in the Whitehouse. ;)

As opposed the damn Rs who want to keep China green and line the pockets of war profiteers by forcing the working class to buy more tanks (for one) next to the tanks we already have and will never use.

whats amazes me, any one who has been in the military knows there are military depots filled with planes and any king of rolling weapon you can imagine ... more guns then you could imagine far as their eye can see rows and rows of weapons and these republicans feel they need more ... this isn't just one base that's like this ... there are many bases like this ...
Really? Can you show me where there was an Internet opening (that many people wanted to get in on) that DIDN'T crash or have problems?

The GOP keeps talking about "states rights" and saying that the federal government should stay out of state affairs.

If that was so, why are so many GOP controlled states refusing Obamacare, but the states that have accepted it (as well as have set up websites of their own to help out with the AHA) are doing so well?

I believe that Oregon (a blue state) and Kentucky (a red state) are doing quite well, but that is only because they set up their own plans for health care.

I wish Texas (where I live) would do the same.

are they now?

Medicaid enrollment spike a threat to Obamacare structure? - CBS News

and you are actually trying to say Oregon is doing well?
Oregon is the most striking example so far. Cover Oregon, the state’s health insurance exchange, has admitted precisely zero people have enrolled due to their “problem-plagued site
Some States Reporting Unbelievably Low Health Care Enrollment Numbers (One State?s at Zero!) | Mediaite

epic fail on your part

debating and beating you uniformed misinformed liberals on these forums is like shooting fish in a barrel there is not sport in it

coming from a person who just applied about 5 days ago to get on health care, you have to show with proof of your federal income tax ... that you as a health care recipient make less the 12,000 dollars a year ... the article said that people were applying for medicaid ... applying and getting are two different things ... everybody who applies for health care has to apply for medicaid .... you have to get a rejection letter from medicaid before you can apply for health care .... from my understand of the procedure along with what I went through, if you make more the 12000 and year you can't get on medicaid ... apply for it all you want, until you're blue in the face, if you make more then their cut off point, you can't get on medicaid... those are the facts ... and yes they ask for proof of income ... if you lie you can have be charged for it ... what the CBS article is talking about is beyond me ... everybody is getting medicaid that's nuts must be a republican at CBS who wrote the article .... their article doesn't support the facts ...what does make sense here is when you shoot in that barrel you need a loaded gun... not a big mouth ...

the income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it

The House approved a bill Thursday that requires those seeking subsidies through the new health care law to prove their income.

Republicans pushed the bill to passage in a 235 to 191 vote over the objections of Democrats, who accused the majority party of throwing “sand in the gears” of President Obama’s signature law on the cusp of its full implementation next month.

“This is not a credible bill, it’s a political bill,” said Rep. Henry Waxman, California Democrat.

The Democrat-controlled Senate is unlikely to take up the bill, and Mr. Obama has said he would veto it.

Only five House Democrats supported the bill, and no Republicans voted against it.

House approves bill requiring new income-verification system for Obamacare - Washington Times

try again

and what was I saying about mis and uninformed liberals on these forums again
Last edited:
Does anyone here realize that the bill for your premiums will look like a "phone bill"?

Yup- on TOP of your premium payments will be various taxes.

Y'know, how a phone bill comes with tons of itty-bitty add-on taxes.

I don't know where you get your information from, but you need to stop going there ... :cuckoo:
Does anyone here realize that the bill for your premiums will look like a "phone bill"?

Yup- on TOP of your premium payments will be various taxes.

Y'know, how a phone bill comes with tons of itty-bitty add-on taxes.

every day just a tad bit more bad news comes out

about this obamcare website scam

now it has been discovered

that the web designers plagiarized code

even a cursory comparison of the two scripts removes any doubt that the source for the script used at is indeed the SpryMedia script.

THE WEEKLY STANDARD contacted SpryMedia for comment. A representative for the company said that they were “extremely disappointed” to see the copyright information missing and will be pursuing it further

Obamacare Website Violates Licensing Agreement for Copyrighted Software | The Weekly Standard

inthe article it clearly said "The latest indication of the haphazard way in which was developed is the uncredited use of a copyrighted web script for a data function used by the site, a violation of the licensing agreement for the software.

this is all a allegation not a fact ... it seems when you google "has the ACA computor code been plagiarized" or has obama care computor code been plagiarized only one article comes up
are they now?

Medicaid enrollment spike a threat to Obamacare structure? - CBS News

and you are actually trying to say Oregon is doing well?

Some States Reporting Unbelievably Low Health Care Enrollment Numbers (One State?s at Zero!) | Mediaite

epic fail on your part

debating and beating you uniformed misinformed liberals on these forums is like shooting fish in a barrel there is not sport in it

coming from a person who just applied about 5 days ago to get on health care, you have to show with proof of your federal income tax ... that you as a health care recipient make less the 12,000 dollars a year ... the article said that people were applying for medicaid ... applying and getting are two different things ... everybody who applies for health care has to apply for medicaid .... you have to get a rejection letter from medicaid before you can apply for health care .... from my understand of the procedure along with what I went through, if you make more the 12000 and year you can't get on medicaid ... apply for it all you want, until you're blue in the face, if you make more then their cut off point, you can't get on medicaid... those are the facts ... and yes they ask for proof of income ... if you lie you can have be charged for it ... what the CBS article is talking about is beyond me ... everybody is getting medicaid that's nuts must be a republican at CBS who wrote the article .... their article doesn't support the facts ...what does make sense here is when you shoot in that barrel you need a loaded gun... not a big mouth ...

the income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it

The House approved a bill Thursday that requires those seeking subsidies through the new health care law to prove their income.

Republicans pushed the bill to passage in a 235 to 191 vote over the objections of Democrats, who accused the majority party of throwing “sand in the gears” of President Obama’s signature law on the cusp of its full implementation next month.

“This is not a credible bill, it’s a political bill,” said Rep. Henry Waxman, California Democrat.

The Democrat-controlled Senate is unlikely to take up the bill, and Mr. Obama has said he would veto it.

Only five House Democrats supported the bill, and no Republicans voted against it.

House approves bill requiring new income-verification system for Obamacare - Washington Times

try again

and what was I saying about mis and uninformed liberals on these forums again

what do you mean try again .... just because it passed the house doesn't mean its law moron... ... if any one is mis and uninformed that would be you .in how congress works .. you come up with the cockamamie story on how medicaid will break the bill, then you come up where it has been passed in the house and you feel the senate will even bring it to the floor ??? you're even stupider then I first thought ... come back when you have a credible case ... right now you're just farting in the wind and smelling your own shit... it passsed in the house and only obama can veto it ... you are one stupid MOFO ...

he income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it


thats funny.... thats real funny
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come back when you have a real worth while case TRFJR ... I'm still laughing at you.... another pathetic attempt from the right trying to scuttle the health care bill ....
first they tried to cut the medical equipment tax ... now this ... what next repeal it again ????
coming from a person who just applied about 5 days ago to get on health care, you have to show with proof of your federal income tax ... that you as a health care recipient make less the 12,000 dollars a year ... the article said that people were applying for medicaid ... applying and getting are two different things ... everybody who applies for health care has to apply for medicaid .... you have to get a rejection letter from medicaid before you can apply for health care .... from my understand of the procedure along with what I went through, if you make more the 12000 and year you can't get on medicaid ... apply for it all you want, until you're blue in the face, if you make more then their cut off point, you can't get on medicaid... those are the facts ... and yes they ask for proof of income ... if you lie you can have be charged for it ... what the CBS article is talking about is beyond me ... everybody is getting medicaid that's nuts must be a republican at CBS who wrote the article .... their article doesn't support the facts ...what does make sense here is when you shoot in that barrel you need a loaded gun... not a big mouth ...

the income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it

The House approved a bill Thursday that requires those seeking subsidies through the new health care law to prove their income.

Republicans pushed the bill to passage in a 235 to 191 vote over the objections of Democrats, who accused the majority party of throwing “sand in the gears” of President Obama’s signature law on the cusp of its full implementation next month.

“This is not a credible bill, it’s a political bill,” said Rep. Henry Waxman, California Democrat.

The Democrat-controlled Senate is unlikely to take up the bill, and Mr. Obama has said he would veto it.

Only five House Democrats supported the bill, and no Republicans voted against it.

House approves bill requiring new income-verification system for Obamacare - Washington Times

try again

and what was I saying about mis and uninformed liberals on these forums again

what do you mean try again .... just because it passed the house doesn't mean its law moron... ... if any one is mis and uninformed that would be you .in how congress works .. you come up with the cockamamie story on how medicaid will break the bill, then you come up where it has been passed in the house and you feel the senate will even bring it to the floor ??? you're even stupider then I first thought ... come back when you have a credible case ... right now you're just farting in the wind and smelling your own shit... it passsed in the house and only obama can veto it ... you are one stupid MOFO ...

he income verification has been waved as of now and Obama is threatening to veto a house bill that requires it


thats funny.... thats real funny

you made the false claim there was income verification when applying on the exchanges and there isn't

its going to break Obama care because all these figures the states are releasing saying "look at us we are getting all these applicants to sign up" that they need to keep Obama care afloat are not going to be in Obama care. there for the pool is not going to be large enough to keep premiums where they are, and they will have to be raised. which will make less young and healthy to sign up. I want you to look up health insurance death spiral
best for you to get informed so you will stop making a fool out of your self
im beginning to feel sorry for you it was fun at first making a fool out of you, but now im feeling im beating up on a handicap
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