It looks like Ted Cruz got the last laugh on Obamacare...

Ted Cruise is playing a skillful year long game of chess while the democrats are playing a quick child's game of checkers

while the democrats were patting them selves on the back over the shut down Ted was making moves and now has them in check and has positioned the GOP to make the checkmate move in 2014

democrats was so busy thinking about taking the house they should be worrying about keeping the senate
republicans need 5 seats to take over the senate there are going to be 7 seats available that democrats currently have in states that were carried by Romney

Yanno....................if you're going to talk about the greatness of "Ted Cruise", you should really learn how to spell his name properly.

It's "Ted Cruz" (meaning he comes from a Hispanic family) and not "Ted Cruise".

Were you thinking of the Scientologist who was jumping up and down on Doper Windbag (Oprah Winfrey's) couch while saying how much he loved some woman?

Sorry...................that person's name was TOM Cruise.

I guess that vowels confuse and scare you.

pretty pathetic cant debate the merits of my post so you resort to being a spell Nazi

left off a period so now you can be a punctuation Nazi give you something to do

That's what "those people" do when they got nothing...:eusa_angel:
Dude, just look at you fucking signature:

"Let us use drones to protect our nation."

We have the SECOND AMENDMENT to protect our fucking NATION from THUGS (also in your signature) like YOU.
Your second amendment won't protect SHIT. Put your second amendment against Blackhawks, drones, armoured personnel carriers, and tanks and all those who haven't thrown their guns away while shitting their pants will end up looking like ground round.

So, you think it's a good idea for the US government to attack its citizens?

Is that it?

He obviously fantasizes about military helicopters mowing down and slaughtering American citizens in vast numbers.
Ted Cruise is playing a skillful year long game of chess while the democrats are playing a quick child's game of checkers

while the democrats were patting them selves on the back over the shut down Ted was making moves and now has them in check and has positioned the GOP to make the checkmate move in 2014

democrats was so busy thinking about taking the house they should be worrying about keeping the senate
republicans need 5 seats to take over the senate there are going to be 7 seats available that democrats currently have in states that were carried by Romney

Yanno....................if you're going to talk about the greatness of "Ted Cruise", you should really learn how to spell his name properly.

It's "Ted Cruz" (meaning he comes from a Hispanic family) and not "Ted Cruise".

Were you thinking of the Scientologist who was jumping up and down on Doper Windbag (Oprah Winfrey's) couch while saying how much he loved some woman?

Sorry...................that person's name was TOM Cruise.

I guess that vowels confuse and scare you.

pretty pathetic cant debate the merits of my post so you resort to being a spell Nazi

left off a period so now you can be a punctuation Nazi give you something to do

Okay..................I'll debate the "merits" of your post and answer what I really think.

Ted Cruz has painted himself into a corner and is looking for a way out, but he's not going to find it because even his fellow Republicans think he's wrong.

Yanno....................if you're going to talk about the greatness of "Ted Cruise", you should really learn how to spell his name properly.

It's "Ted Cruz" (meaning he comes from a Hispanic family) and not "Ted Cruise".

Were you thinking of the Scientologist who was jumping up and down on Doper Windbag (Oprah Winfrey's) couch while saying how much he loved some woman?

Sorry...................that person's name was TOM Cruise.

I guess that vowels confuse and scare you.

pretty pathetic cant debate the merits of my post so you resort to being a spell Nazi

left off a period so now you can be a punctuation Nazi give you something to do

Okay..................I'll debate the "merits" of your post and answer what I really think.

Ted Cruz has painted himself into a corner and is looking for a way out, but he's not going to find it because even his fellow Republicans think he's wrong.


Oh really?


This says he nailed it. The establishment Republicans can go take a hike.
Obama won as he said what he said only for paying our bills.

NOT for Obamacare separately. lol

certainly it is possibly it maybe pushed back a little.

Obama 'won'?
WHAT...did Obama win?

well he forced the republicans to eat shit this last lets play chicken with the country.... he won that !!!! he won the presidency twice !!! he won that and there's more he won the stimulus bill .... he won that !!!! all cruz has done is make a bigger fool of himself a second time around ... the gift that keeps on giving to the dems cruz opens mouth and inserts foot...
Well, you might as well find something else to do for the next 3 1/2 years. Until 2o16, or Obama leaves office sooner, this is what you get. We need to throw everything in the way possible to prevent Obama from doing anything.

He's just to incompetent to be trusted

not to worry come this next election your repub-lie-turds will be voted out ... about 40 of them ... you know the ones with the tea bagging on their foreheads ... then we can watch the liberal train will run all over your greedy asses

Obama won as he said what he said only for paying our bills.

NOT for Obamacare separately. lol

certainly it is possibly it maybe pushed back a little.

If Obama was so concerned about paying our bills in the first place, then why didn't he negotiate with Republicans on delaying Obamacare for a year? Paying bills must have not meant that much to Obama since he said repeatedly he refused to compromise.

Now we have 14 Democrat senators up for election, all calling for delaying the individual mandate. :lol: so, are these Democrats now domestic abusers, terrorists, anarchists, hostage takers and all the other names that were slung at Cruz??

You do realize, leftist Alan Dershowitz said Ted Cruz was the smartest student he ever had at Harvard, right?? I hope you realize that Cruz is a grandmaster playing chess while Democrats and establishment Republicans are playing checkers. It's gonna be fun watching how one person can make a difference, and Cruz aleady has in less than a year.

Don't mean to quibble, but we have 21 (twenty-one) dimocrap senators up for re-election, 14 of whom are calling for a delay.

And 12 of the fourteen (or 21, depending on how you look at it) are considered 'vulnerable'.

2014 could be another landslide for us.

These dimocraps aren't taking a stand based on 'principles'. They're dimocraps, there is no such thing to them.

They're taking a stand because they're jumping ship, they're worried about getting booted next year. And most of them would if the elections were this year.

They're just covering their electoral asses.

dimocraps having principled beliefs? :lmao:

Puh-lease :lol:

you are a dreamer ... just recent as a few days ago we ran out a republican in the senate reducing the 21 to 20 ... the 14 repub-lie-turds are the ones you should be concerned about you can kiss their asses good by ... i bet even McConnell is shaking in his shoes ... he's done you watch ... I even feel Cruz will lose his next election ... that guy is nothing but a liar
This circle jerk of finger pointing and blame is sorta hilarious, the party that brought us the great depression and great recession pointing fingers at another is a level of hypocrisy unknown in universal history. If the right couldn't criticize they'd have nothing at all to do, maybe they could whine and cry about a cloudy day but that would be about it. The party that fought social security, medicare, equal rights, minimum wage, now has added healthcare for Americans to their list. Is it any wonder they are such losers? Corporate puppets your name is conservative, republican, libertarian, whine on clowns, for your accomplishments at governance are nil.

Did you know the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor?


looks like you're painting your floor again ...
Ted Cruise is playing a skillful year long game of chess while the democrats are playing a quick child's game of checkers

while the democrats were patting them selves on the back over the shut down Ted was making moves and now has them in check and has positioned the GOP to make the checkmate move in 2014

democrats was so busy thinking about taking the house they should be worrying about keeping the senate
republicans need 5 seats to take over the senate there are going to be 7 seats available that democrats currently have in states that were carried by Romney

Yanno....................if you're going to talk about the greatness of "Ted Cruise", you should really learn how to spell his name properly.

It's "Ted Cruz" (meaning he comes from a Hispanic family) and not "Ted Cruise".

Were you thinking of the Scientologist who was jumping up and down on Doper Windbag (Oprah Winfrey's) couch while saying how much he loved some woman?

Sorry...................that person's name was TOM Cruise.

I guess that vowels confuse and scare you.

pretty pathetic cant debate the merits of my post so you resort to being a spell Nazi

left off a period so now you can be a punctuation Nazi give you something to do

that's what these repub-lie-turds do when you make a error ... they can't refute your post, so the resort to this tactic because that's all they got... like this repub-lie-turd really accomplished something ... all he's done is shown us what fools they really are ... have you notice for their avatar they always use some sort of ruff and tuff picture ... its kind of comical ... all mouth and no guts ...
Obama won as he said what he said only for paying our bills.

NOT for Obamacare separately. lol

certainly it is possibly it maybe pushed back a little.

If Obama was so concerned about paying our bills in the first place, then why didn't he negotiate with Republicans on delaying Obamacare for a year? Paying bills must have not meant that much to Obama since he said repeatedly he refused to compromise.

Now we have 14 Democrat senators up for election, all calling for delaying the individual mandate. :lol: so, are these Democrats now domestic abusers, terrorists, anarchists, hostage takers and all the other names that were slung at Cruz??

You do realize, leftist Alan Dershowitz said Ted Cruz was the smartest student he ever had at Harvard, right?? I hope you realize that Cruz is a grandmaster playing chess while Democrats and establishment Republicans are playing checkers. It's gonna be fun watching how one person can make a difference, and Cruz aleady has in less than a year.

There is a huge difference in the reasoning behind wanting a delay. Conservative Republicans wanted the delay so they could have more time to repeal the entire ACA, while some Dems are now asking that the enrollment period be extended and no penalties be assessed for the first year due to the slow rollout. I know a lot of you are prematurely creaming your jeans over this, but the ACA is going forward, and they will get the bugs out of it. I will admit that I have become a bit annoyed with what is happening with the website, but the world is not coming to an end because they are having some problems. I will still have insurance come the beginning of the year.
Well, you might as well find something else to do for the next 3 1/2 years. Until 2o16, or Obama leaves office sooner, this is what you get. We need to throw everything in the way possible to prevent Obama from doing anything.

He's just to incompetent to be trusted

not to worry come this next election your repub-lie-turds will be voted out ... about 40 of them ... you know the ones with the tea bagging on their foreheads ... then we can watch the liberal train will run all over your greedy asses


You are as annoying as most of the cons on the right. Get a grip.
pretty pathetic cant debate the merits of my post so you resort to being a spell Nazi

left off a period so now you can be a punctuation Nazi give you something to do

Okay..................I'll debate the "merits" of your post and answer what I really think.

Ted Cruz has painted himself into a corner and is looking for a way out, but he's not going to find it because even his fellow Republicans think he's wrong.


Oh really?


This says he nailed it. The establishment Republicans can go take a hike.

Really? Can you show me where there was an Internet opening (that many people wanted to get in on) that DIDN'T crash or have problems?

The GOP keeps talking about "states rights" and saying that the federal government should stay out of state affairs.

If that was so, why are so many GOP controlled states refusing Obamacare, but the states that have accepted it (as well as have set up websites of their own to help out with the AHA) are doing so well?

I believe that Oregon (a blue state) and Kentucky (a red state) are doing quite well, but that is only because they set up their own plans for health care.

I wish Texas (where I live) would do the same.
Obama won as he said what he said only for paying our bills.

NOT for Obamacare separately. lol

certainly it is possibly it maybe pushed back a little.

If Obama was so concerned about paying our bills in the first place, then why didn't he negotiate with Republicans on delaying Obamacare for a year? Paying bills must have not meant that much to Obama since he said repeatedly he refused to compromise.

Now we have 14 Democrat senators up for election, all calling for delaying the individual mandate. :lol: so, are these Democrats now domestic abusers, terrorists, anarchists, hostage takers and all the other names that were slung at Cruz??

You do realize, leftist Alan Dershowitz said Ted Cruz was the smartest student he ever had at Harvard, right?? I hope you realize that Cruz is a grandmaster playing chess while Democrats and establishment Republicans are playing checkers. It's gonna be fun watching how one person can make a difference, and Cruz aleady has in less than a year.

There is a huge difference in the reasoning behind wanting a delay. Conservative Republicans wanted the delay so they could have more time to repeal the entire ACA, while some Dems are now asking that the enrollment period be extended and no penalties be assessed for the first year due to the slow rollout. I know a lot of you are prematurely creaming your jeans over this, but the ACA is going forward, and they will get the bugs out of it. I will admit that I have become a bit annoyed with what is happening with the website, but the world is not coming to an end because they are having some problems. I will still have insurance come the beginning of the year.

look how long it took them to register people who were On medicare for medicare part D ... it was 27 million people I believe ... 5 months down the road they were still having Glitches with it but the finally got that one done... here in Colorado we aren't having many problems at all ... it took me one try to sign up and in the next 3 days to confirm the information I sent them ... I have the plan I want .... by November 15 they will have it all said and done ... they are correcting the problems as we speak
Well, you might as well find something else to do for the next 3 1/2 years. Until 2o16, or Obama leaves office sooner, this is what you get. We need to throw everything in the way possible to prevent Obama from doing anything.

He's just to incompetent to be trusted

not to worry come this next election your repub-lie-turds will be voted out ... about 40 of them ... you know the ones with the tea bagging on their foreheads ... then we can watch the liberal train will run all over your greedy asses


You are as annoying as most of the cons on the right. Get a grip.[/QUOTE]

thank you very much ... I have a very tight grip... I want to be annoying as the cons .... that's all they understand ... I don't know how long you have been posting, but I'm been doing this sense 1998 ... here's what I've learn in that time span ... no matter how right your post is, no matter how intelligent your post is, no matter how logical you address them, they will annoy you to the best of their ability ... if they aren't insulting your grammar, they're insulting your spelling, or they're calling you some nasty disgusting names... if if they are doing either of those thing they are insulting your sexuality by calling you a fag or a dyke or making some sort of remark about your genitals ... it doesn't matter how well you try to work with them, they will do just about every inconceivable thing you can imagine ... they will try to find out where you live, then post it ... they will try to find where you work, then post it ... they will try too fine out your home phone number, then post it ... this is why I'm the way I am ... I had everything thing that I've posted here done to me, one time or many times ... the problem they have is, I don't care ... so to you, all I can say is I don't give a crap why you think about my post... as I don't care about anyones post ...
Okay..................I'll debate the "merits" of your post and answer what I really think.

Ted Cruz has painted himself into a corner and is looking for a way out, but he's not going to find it because even his fellow Republicans think he's wrong.


Oh really?


This says he nailed it. The establishment Republicans can go take a hike.

Really? Can you show me where there was an Internet opening (that many people wanted to get in on) that DIDN'T crash or have problems?

The GOP keeps talking about "states rights" and saying that the federal government should stay out of state affairs.

If that was so, why are so many GOP controlled states refusing Obamacare, but the states that have accepted it (as well as have set up websites of their own to help out with the AHA) are doing so well?

I believe that Oregon (a blue state) and Kentucky (a red state) are doing quite well, but that is only because they set up their own plans for health care.

I wish Texas (where I live) would do the same.

yes colorado didn't have these problems... the reason some states did better then others state is because of that reason... where a state was offered to do so ... they have done fine... where they are having problems is where republican governors decided they wouldn't work with the feds .. by not doing this it went into a federal registry ... that's where the problems started I never got a you have to wait screen .. it just went right through now because of they problems the national registry has had we too have to wait until Nov. 15

My dad he was a wise man in my opinion ... he said to me once son 90% of the problems you have in life will be created by you... the other 10% you have no control over ... here's a situation where Texans could have some sort of control over these problems by voting out those problems theychose not to vote them out ... the only way you can get your problems solved is get rid of the Ted cruz want a be's
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Well, you might as well find something else to do for the next 3 1/2 years. Until 2o16, or Obama leaves office sooner, this is what you get. We need to throw everything in the way possible to prevent Obama from doing anything.

He's just to incompetent to be trusted

not to worry come this next election your repub-lie-turds will be voted out ... about 40 of them ... you know the ones with the tea bagging on their foreheads ... then we can watch the liberal train will run all over your greedy asses


You are as annoying as most of the cons on the right. Get a grip.[/QUOTE]
Who needs the grip?


Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, is one of the most renowned political experts in the Country...accurately predicting Obama would win in 2012, and accurately predicting every Presidential election over the last 30 years. His record regarding mid-term elections is among the best of anyone in the Nation. Here is what he says about the upcoming mid-term election in 2014.

"You look at the 17 days of the shutdown and compare that to how many days we’re gonna be watching these critical ObamCare rollout stories -- something tells me the critical stories about ObamaCare rollout are going to last a lot longer than 17 days," University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato said.

He said 2014 will be worse for Democrats and the administration. "That sixth-year election tends to unite the opposition because there are so many vulnerable spots for the incumbent president’s party, that's what brings them back together. There's nothing like the smell of victory in a lot of different places to pull a coalition together," Sabato said.
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Well, you might as well find something else to do for the next 3 1/2 years. Until 2o16, or Obama leaves office sooner, this is what you get. We need to throw everything in the way possible to prevent Obama from doing anything.

He's just to incompetent to be trusted

not to worry come this next election your repub-lie-turds will be voted out ... about 40 of them ... you know the ones with the tea bagging on their foreheads ... then we can watch the liberal train will run all over your greedy asses


You are as annoying as most of the cons on the right. Get a grip.
Who needs the grip?


Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, is one of the most renowned political experts in the Country...accurately predicting Obama would win in 2012, and accurately predicting every Presidential election over the last 30 years. His record regarding mid-term elections is among the best of anyone in the Nation. Here is what he says about the upcoming mid-term election in 2014.

"You look at the 17 days of the shutdown and compare that to how many days we’re gonna be watching these critical ObamCare rollout stories -- something tells me the critical stories about ObamaCare rollout are going to last a lot longer than 17 days," University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato said.

He said 2014 will be worse for Democrats and the administration. "That sixth-year election tends to unite the opposition because there are so many vulnerable spots for the incumbent president’s party, that's what brings them back together. There's nothing like the smell of victory in a lot of different places to pull a coalition together," Sabato said.[/QUOTE]

I don't know where you got yours from I just googled Larry Sabato and got this which as you can see doesn't support your post .... this was 2 days ago

Larry Sabato shifts U.S. Senate race in North Carolina to ‘leans Democratic’
Posted by John Frank on October 24, 2013
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UPDATED: A prominent election watcher now says North Carolina’s U.S. Senate race is no longer a “toss up.”

Larry Sabato, the director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, shifted the outlook Thursday to call it “leans Democratic,” giving incumbent Kay Hagan the advantage a year out. The primary reason: the legislative upheaval and the baggage it may bring leading Republican candidate Thom Tillis.

Sabato’s Crystal Ball ranking for the 2014 contest now aligns with the Rothenberg Political Report and the Cook Political Report, two other prominent election forecasters.

Sabato writes: “Other than the national dynamics, state-level issues are impacting the race in the Tar Heel State. Freshly-minted Gov. Pat McCrory (R) and the Republican-controlled state legislature have passed a series of conservative measures into law, such as implementing new voter ID regulations and placing new restrictions on abortion clinics. With the accompanying controversies over this and other legislation, McCrory’s approval rating is stuck in the 30s, while only about a quarter of the state approves of the legislature.

“The main beneficiary of the tanking Republican ratings has been Sen. Kay Hagan (D), who is in a better position now to win re-election. With the leading Republican option in the race being state House Speaker Thom Tillis (R), a man directly involved in the unpopular actions of the General Assembly, Hagan’s chance of survival has definitely improved.

“Also keep an eye on a Tea Party insurgent on the Republican side, physician Greg Brannon. Brannon recently won the support of Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), and could be a factor in the GOP primary. Whether Brannon is the next Paul — or the next Sharron Angle or Christine O’Donnell, to name two of the more memorable Tea Party duds — remains to be seen.”

Sabato also shifted Louisiana into the “leans Democratic” category, leaving just two toss up Senate races: Arkansas and Alaska. The movement gives Democrats a likely hold on the Senate after the 2014 elections, Sabato believes, “which is the price the GOP has paid for the government shutdown.”

Soon after the rankings release, Tillis sought to push back against Hagan’s stance on the federal health care law. Hagan announced via Twitter on Wednesday that she supports extending the enrollment period for the health insurance exchanges, putting her at odds with the White House but in the company of a growing list of Democrats expressing concerns about the program’s roll out. She offered more details Thursday, saying a two-month delay is needed and the penalties for not getting insurance should be delayed for the same period.

Tillis said Hagan should take it a step further and sign onto West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin’s bill to delay the penalties for not acquiring health insurance for one year. “Five years of party-line voting is enough,” Tillis said in a statement posted to his campaign website. “It’s time for Senator Hagan to put the interests of North Carolinians ahead of the interests of her party.”

Read more here: Larry Sabato shifts U.S. Senate race in North Carolina to ?leans Democratic? | Under the Dome Blog |

So it would seem that your hopes about what larry Sabato is gone down the tubes
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Who needs help when you have the most incompetent POTUS in history at the helm

The titanic had better odds

Obama won as he said what he said only for paying our bills.

NOT for Obamacare separately. lol

certainly it is possibly it maybe pushed back a little.

If Obama was so concerned about paying our bills in the first place, then why didn't he negotiate with Republicans on delaying Obamacare for a year? Paying bills must have not meant that much to Obama since he said repeatedly he refused to compromise.

Now we have 14 Democrat senators up for election, all calling for delaying the individual mandate. :lol: so, are these Democrats now domestic abusers, terrorists, anarchists, hostage takers and all the other names that were slung at Cruz??

You do realize, leftist Alan Dershowitz said Ted Cruz was the smartest student he ever had at Harvard, right?? I hope you realize that Cruz is a grandmaster playing chess while Democrats and establishment Republicans are playing checkers. It's gonna be fun watching how one person can make a difference, and Cruz aleady has in less than a year.

There is a huge difference in the reasoning behind wanting a delay. Conservative Republicans wanted the delay so they could have more time to repeal the entire ACA, while some Dems are now asking that the enrollment period be extended and no penalties be assessed for the first year due to the slow rollout. I know a lot of you are prematurely creaming your jeans over this, but the ACA is going forward, and they will get the bugs out of it. I will admit that I have become a bit annoyed with what is happening with the website, but the world is not coming to an end because they are having some problems. I will still have insurance come the beginning of the year.

republicans gave the reason for wanting a delay because it wasn't ready

It sounds like the most reasonable thing in the world—like life insurance, or rustproofing. Republicans say all it will take to avoid the calamity of a government shutdown is for an itty-bitty delay of President Obama's health care law. What's the big deal? He's already pushed off the mandate for employers to provide coverage by a year, and 22 House Democrats even voted for a similar stay of the individual mandate.

"The president knows this law's not ready; that's why he delayed it for big business," said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, at a press conference last week. "Everyone knows this thing is not ready." Certainly, Democrats could be persuaded that the rollout could use a little more time to iron out the kinks—maybe give the public more opportunity to rally around the law. Win-win, right?

now it is your turn to show where A republican said they want a delay to give more time for an appeal like you falsely claim

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Oh really?


This says he nailed it. The establishment Republicans can go take a hike.

Really? Can you show me where there was an Internet opening (that many people wanted to get in on) that DIDN'T crash or have problems?

The GOP keeps talking about "states rights" and saying that the federal government should stay out of state affairs.

If that was so, why are so many GOP controlled states refusing Obamacare, but the states that have accepted it (as well as have set up websites of their own to help out with the AHA) are doing so well?

I believe that Oregon (a blue state) and Kentucky (a red state) are doing quite well, but that is only because they set up their own plans for health care.

I wish Texas (where I live) would do the same.

yes colorado didn't have these problems... the reason some states did better then others state is because of that reason... where a state was offered to do so ... they have done fine... where they are having problems is where republican governors decided they wouldn't work with the feds .. by not doing this it went into a federal registry ... that's where the problems started I never got a you have to wait screen .. it just went right through now because of they problems the national registry has had we too have to wait until Nov. 15

My dad he was a wise man in my opinion ... he said to me once son 90% of the problems you have in life will be created by you... the other 10% you have no control over ... here's a situation where Texans could have some sort of control over these problems by voting out those problems theychose not to vote them out ... the only way you can get your problems solved is get rid of the Ted cruz want a be's

and those states the didn't have the same problem with their exchanges like the feds are those figures they have shown are up to 80% enrolling into Medicaid no Obama care which will cause Obama care to collapse

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