It looks like the Trump Body Count is Fast approaching the Clinton's


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020

The death of Hashida is the third known instance of a suicide by law enforcement officers related to the 6 January insurrection, when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in a violent attempt to stop the certification of Biden’s election win.

Another Suicide???

Another Suicide???

It looks like the Trump Body Count is Fast approaching the Clinton's​

What kind of idiot are you? Someone offs themself half a year after a bad day at work? Do you remotely even know what the Clinton Body Count involves?

1 – James McDougal
2 – Mary Caitrin Mahoney
3 – Vince Foster
4 – Ron Brown
5 -- Ron Brown’s Lawyer
6 – C. Victor Raiser, II
7 – Paul Tulley
8 – Ed Willey
9 – Jerry Luther Parks
10 – James Bunch
11 – John Wilson
12 – Kathy Ferguson
13 – Bill Shelton
14 – Gandy Baugh
15 – Florence Martin
16 - Suzanne Coleman
17 – Paula Grober
18 – Danny Casolaro
19 – Paul Wilcher
20 – Jon Parnell Walker
21 – Barbara Wise
22 – Charles Meissner
23 – Dr. Stanley Heard
24 -- Steve Dickson
25 – Barry Seal
26 – Johnny Lawhon, Jr.
27 – Stanley Huggins
28 – Herschel Friday
29 – Kevin Ives
30 -- Don Henry
31 – Keith Coney
32 – Keith McMaskle
33 – Gregory Collins
34 -- Jeff Rhodes
35 -- James “Dewey” Milan
36 -- Jordan Kettleson
37 -- Richard Winters
38 -- Klaus Eberwein
39 -- Kurt Smolek
40 -- Major William S. Barkley Jr.
41 -- Captain Scott J . Reynolds
42 -- Staff Sgt. Brian Hanley 
43 -- Sgt. Tim Sabel
44 -- Major General William Robertson
45 -- Col. William Densberger
46 -- Col. Robert Kelly
47 -- Spec. Gary Rhodes
48 -- Steve Willis 
49 -- Robert Williams
50 -- Conway LeBleu
51 -- Todd McKeehan
52 -- Judi Gibbs
53 -- Col. James Sabow
54 -- Gary Johnson
55 -- C. Victor Raiser II
56 -- Montgomery Raiser
57 -- Jim Wilhite
58 -- Calvin Walraven
59 -- Paul Olson
60 -- Caetano Carani
61 -- Maynard Webb
62 -- Robert Bates
63 -- Alan G. Whicher
64 -- Duane Garrett
65 -- William Colby
66 -- Neil Moody
67 -- Terrance Yeakley
68 -- Adm. Jeremy Boorda
69 -- Aldo Franscoia
70 -- Capt. Kevin N. Earnest
71 -- Kimbery Jo Wielhouwer
72 -- 2nd Lt. Benjamin T. Hall
73 -- Staff Sgt. Michael J. Smith Jr.
74 -- Rick L. Merritt
75 -- Staff Sgt. Michael R. York
76 -- Billy R. Ogston
77 -- Thomas A. Stevens
78 -- John Hilyer
79 -- Mohammed Ferrat
80 -- Niko Junic
81 -- Ron Miller
82 -- Theodore Williams Jr.
83 -- Don Adams
84 -- Dr. Ronald Rogers
85 -- Gordon Matteson
86 -- Christine M. Mirzayan
87 -- Eric Butera
88 -- Sandy Hume
89 -- Lt. General David J. McCloud
90 -- Daniel A. Dutko
91 -- Charles Wilbourne Miller
92 -- David Drye
93 -- Corp. Eric S. Fox
94 -- John F. Kennedy Jr.
95 -- Charles Ruff
96 -- Tony Moser
97 -- John Millis
98 -- Carlos Ghigliotti
99 -- Gary Webb
100 -- Gareth Williams
101 -- Walter Scheib
102 -- John R.W.D. Jones
103 -- John Ashe
104 -- Mike Flynn
105 -- Seth Rich
106 -- Joe Montano
107 -- Victor Thorne
108 -- Dr. Lisa Bardack’s Father
109 -- Vincent Fleck
110 -- Shawn Lucas
111 -- Dr. Sandeep Sherlekar
Marine One Squadron
112 -- Marine Pilot
113 -- Marine Pilot
114 -- Marine Pilot
115 -- Marine Pilot
116 -- Marine
117 -- Marine
118 -- Marine
119 -- Marine
120 -- Marine
121 -- Marine
122 -- Marine
123 -- Marine
124 -- Marine
125 -- Marine
126 -- Marine
127 -- Marine
128 -- Marine
129 -- Jeffrey Epstein

111: The doctor that operated on Hillary for a blood clot in her brain then commits suicide.
110: Lawyer who was in the middle of charging the DNC with election fixing during Hillary's run found dead.
107: Author who wrote 4 damning, incisive books investigating the Clintons commits suicide.
105: Staffer leaking emails on Hillary and the DNC gunned down.
104: Investigative journalist found dead the same day he released article connecting the Clinton Foundation to China.
100: M16 agent who illegally hacked data on Bill Clinton turns up dead, naked, stuffed and padlocked in a duffel bag in a bathtub in London.
94: JFK Jr. was about to run for Hillary's Senate seat until his plane crashed under mysterious conditions and the details quickly covered up.
89: Flag officer who had assembled evidence against Bill Clinton died when his sabotaged plane crashed.
26: Man's son who finds important incriminating Whitewater evidence buried in a junkyard his car goes wildly out of control crashing.
1: Key witness to the Ken Starr investigation dies after being given several medications found fatal to his condition. Forces Starr investigation to close.
2: Witness in Lewinsky scandal with evidence on other Clinton behaviors shot dead several times.
87: Agent investigating the above case was beaten to death.
84: Clinton's dentist on his way to report dirt on the Clintons to newspaper dies in plane crash.
4: Close Clinton Aide about to make a deal to turn evidence against Clintons dies in plane crash. The next day, his lawyer (5) was murdered in a drive-by shooting. A few
days later, the air traffic controller (80) in charge during the crash commits suicide. The Aide's assistant (22), who could tie the Clintons to Chinese spy John Huang who was stealing Lorel missile technology paid to the Clintons also dies in a plane crash.
78: NBC freelancer working on Mena Arkansas and Clinton drug corruption found dead.
68: Admiral working with (89) on Clinton corruption suddenly commits suicide instead.
66: Found evidence against the Clintons threatening to go public with it until his car suddenly goes wildly out of control at high speed and crashes.
65: Director of Central Intelligence dies in inexplicable boating accident the week he is to release evidence incriminating the Clintons.
63: Secret Service overseeing Clinton detail is sent to Murrah building right before it blows up and was the one person not given BATF warning to get out of there in time.
61: Mena Airport worker discovers tail numbers on certain planes being changed finds himself walking face first into running propeller.
27: Lawyer investigating Hillary's Madison Guaranty found dead. Medical records ordered sealed by Clinton. Then his office was broken into and only thing taken was his
300 page report on Madison Guaranty.
28: Attorney and Fund Raiser for Clintons dies in plane crash.
10: Influential Texan who ran prostitution ring with Little Black Book on a number of prominent Arkansas clients commits suicide by gunshot.
14: Attorney for Clinton associate jumps off building. One month later his law partner also committed suicide.
8: Attorney closely involved in Clinton fundraising commits suicide by shotgun deep in woods same day Bill Clinton sexually assaults his wife in White House.
23/24: Doctors closely allied with Clintons die in rental plane crash taking off after their first original plane catches on fire forcing their return.
20: Investigator falls to death from balcony while investigating the Morgan Guaranty in same building Vince Foster used to visit.
9: Head of Clinton Security Team supplying bodyguards who kept detailed dossier on Clinton sexual escapades was gunned down in his car. Then FBI removed all his
computers and files from home.
3: Subpoenaed partner of Rose Law Firm about to testify on WhiteWater kills self by gunshot leaving torn up suicide note found days later after his office had been
19: Attorney investigating gun-running, election campaign fraud and corruption during Waco planning TV documentary found dead after turning evidence over to Janet Reno.
11: Person with dirt on WhiteWater scandal hangs himself instead.
12/13: Commits suicide by gun on left side of head though right-handed and gun in right hand after ex-husband named in Paula Jones lawsuit. Then fiancé kills himself by gunshot.
40-47 Among the many former Clinton bodyguards who all met with stranger deaths and suspicious circumstances.
17: Former highly attractive aide to Bill Clinton dies in single car crash so high a speed that she was thrown 33 feet from accident.
55/56: National fundraisers for Clinton Campaign die in plane crash the day before scheduled to meet and interview with (78), who also later turned up dead.
54: Neighbor of Jennifer Flowers beaten and left for dead because his security camera caught video of Bill visiting Flowers as governor while married to Hillary. Tapes stolen.
18: Investigator about to blow open Iran-Contra Affair using CIA cocaine run through Mena Arkansas under the protection of governor Clinton dies of "suicide."
31/32/33/34/35/36/37: All executed gangland style as witnesses to the Arkansas Train Deaths involving the Mena Investigation.
35: CIA operative fallen from grace close to Clinton involved with Mena drug operation ordered to live defenselessly by judge then gunned down by machine gun.
52: Prostitute who documented Bill Clinton's sexual activities at bordello dies in house fire as Bill Clinton points out her house to bodyguard from plane.
16: Girlfriend pregnant with Bill Clinton's child when he was attorney general 7 months pregnant commits suicide with gunshot to back of head.
129: Drug and sex kingpin close to Bill Clinton arrested on illegal sex ring charges is taken off suicide watch after nearly killing himself so he can finish the job.

1- James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.
2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder …happened just after she was to go public w:th her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
3 – Vince Foster – Former White House counselor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.
4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the Air Traffic controller commited suicide.
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
6 – Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor”.
7 – Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.
8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
9 – James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas
10 – James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater..
11 – Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
12 – Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.
13 – Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.
14 – Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.
15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
16 – Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.
17 – Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter, investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
18 – Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his Washington DC apartment had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.
19 – Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington ,Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.
20 – Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death: Unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, naked body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.
21 – Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton ‘s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.
23 – Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.
25 – Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.
26 – Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.
27 – Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.
28 – Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88.
29 – Keith McMaskle – Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988
30 – Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
31 – Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.
32 – James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to natural causes”.
34 – Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989.
35 – Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
36 – Captain Scott J . Reynolds
37 – Sgt. Brian Hanley
38 – Sgt. Tim Sabel
39 – Major General William Robertson
40 – Col. William Densberger
41 – Col. Robert Kelly
42 – Spec. Gary Rhodes
43 – Steve Willis
44 – Robert Williams
45 – Conway LeBleu
46 – Todd McKeehan
And the most recent, Seth Rich, the DC staffer murdered and “robbed” (of nothing) on July 10. Wikileaks found Assange claims he had info on the DNC email scandal.
Not Included in this list are the 4 heroes killed in Benghazi.
The entire premise of this thread is an attempt by a mentally disturbed, Trump -addicted, TDS-suffering, hate-deiven snowflake to accuse Trump of anything and everything.

Why settle for personal accountability when you continue your personal snowflake crusade against a Manno longer President, one cleared of the faux crimes he was accused of and exonerated from when Pelosi's 2nd u substantiated / unjustified criminal attempt to Impeach a President no longer on office went up in flames?!

The entire premise of this thread is an attempt by a mentally disturbed, Trump -addicted, TDS-suffering, hate-deiven snowflake to accuse Trump of anything and everything.

Why settle for personal accountability when you continue your personal snowflake crusade against a Manno longer President, one cleared of the faux crimes he was accused of and exonerated from when Pelosi's 2nd u substantiated / unjustified criminal attempt to Impeach a President no longer on office went up in flames?!

:yes_text12: Amen to that.:thup:

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