It matters not who got our economy to this point

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.
But it does matter in that many who contributed to the problem on both sides are still trying to do the same things that got us into this mess.
And many are running for election or reelection.

No one yet has produced any viable options/plans for fixing the mess.

It will only continue and grow worse by following the current path.
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But it does matter in that many who contributed to the problem on both sides are still trying to do the same things that got us into this mess.
And many are running for election or reelection.

No one yet has produced any viable options/plans for fixing the mess.

It will only continue and grow worse by following the current path.

I have seen some ideas from both sides that might have helped. Sadly election season is not known for reason and comprimise.
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.. . .

It matters enough to keep it in mind that Romney will not try Reaganomics or neo-con imperialism when he takes office.
OK. Bush fucked up the economy. I'll accept that.

But, after 3.5 fucking years, ANYONE who blames their lack of performance on a predecessor from 3.5 years prior is beyond incompetent.

Shitcan the man. It is beyond time. He simply can't do the job and he readily admits that almost every single fucking day.
But it does matter in that many who contributed to the problem on both sides are still trying to do the same things that got us into this mess.
And many are running for election or reelection.

No one yet has produced any viable options/plans for fixing the mess.

It will only continue and grow worse by following the current path.

I have seen some ideas from both sides that might have helped. Sadly election season is not known for reason and comprimise.

Compromise has become a word the right cannot even say unless deriding someone for compromising.
OK. Bush fucked up the economy. I'll accept that.

But, after 3.5 fucking years, ANYONE who blames their lack of performance on a predecessor from 3.5 years prior is beyond incompetent.

Shitcan the man. It is beyond time. He simply can't do the job and he readily admits that almost every single fucking day.

Ype bring back the bunch that filled the shitcan.
bush was not alone. Both sides are to blame.

Why do in not hear the right railing against career politicians and such like they used to?
All I keep hearing is MItt and Obama.

The Congress passed all the laws and such that created this mess folks.
Wake the hell up.

You are being used for purposes against OUR best interests.
If blaming Bush is pointless then blaming Obama is even more pointless, not willing to go that far in your argument are you? Blame serves the important purpose of trying to prevent doing the same dumb shit that failed us the last time.
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

I have to disagree, what you are saying is that no matter what a POTUS does - it is okay, because the next one is responsible for his actions.

That doesn't make sense, we have to acknowledge what one inherent' s.
As long as the voters continue to allow the career politicians unfettered access to the keys to the capitol, the games will continue.

Term limits!


Or we could just make the position less lucrative, than the only ones that stay will be the ones that truly want to be there for the right reasons.

It's tough when they're allowed to dictate their pay. :dunno:
OK. Bush fucked up the economy. I'll accept that.

But, after 3.5 fucking years, ANYONE who blames their lack of performance on a predecessor from 3.5 years prior is beyond incompetent.

Shitcan the man. It is beyond time. He simply can't do the job and he readily admits that almost every single fucking day.

Ype bring back the bunch that filled the shitcan.
bush was not alone. Both sides are to blame.

Why do in not hear the right railing against career politicians and such like they used to?
One thing is clear. Shitcan HIM.
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

I have to disagree, what you are saying is that no matter what a POTUS does - it is okay, because the next one is responsible for his actions.

That doesn't make sense, we have to acknowledge what one inherent' s.

If I inherit my fathers fortune is it his fault that I squander it? If in a divorce I inheret my ex-wifes debt (which I did) is it her fault if I dont pay it off as im legally obligated to do?

Your position is flawed

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