It really is a choice.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. Being a homosexual is what they pretend to be.

Finish reading Magnificat

Because it explains why Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt
have succeeded in helping people overcome and heal from
unnatural homosexual orientation

While your approach does not heal anyone here but just
upsets more people. The ministries that heal people
do so with LOVE and FORGIVENESS.

Is this what you practice and preach?

What do you focus on that works with your approach to outreach?
I can't imagine you are in the same business as
spiritual healing, because nobody I know talks like you
do who has effectively helped people with healing to that degree.

May I ask what kind of outreach you do
that works well this way? Thanks Magnificat
I stopped reading after the first sentence. Being a homosexual is what they pretend to be.

Finish reading Magnificat

Because it explains why Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt
have succeeded in helping people overcome and heal from
unnatural homosexual orientation

While your approach does not heal anyone here but just
upsets more people. The ministries that heal people
do so with LOVE and FORGIVENESS.

Is this what you practice and preach?

What do you focus on that works with your outreach?
I can't imagine you are in the same business as
spiritual healing, because nobody I know talks like you
do who has effectively healed people.

May I ask what kind of outreach you do
that works well this way? Thanks Magnificat
I'm simply telling the truth. If someone feels that's hurtful, that's on them.
When did you choose to be straight instead of surrendering to your homosexual urges?
When did you become a blithering idiot?
When did you choose? It’s a choice. So how old were you?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.

I don't know what the whole truth is, but I'd venture to say that most people are born with a genetic code that says 'straight' or 'gay'. I also suspect a few people are born with 'both', and a few others with 'asexual', or 'neither'. BUT - it could be that some people get a little confused or maybe influenced toward or against one preference over another through their upbringing. Or even later in life, but it could be that at some point a person makes a conscious choice, either going back to their genetic code or away from it as the case may be.

Whatever, to me it doesn't matter who you sleep with, if anybody and other than Mrs Task. By choice or not, I don't freakin' care, it shouldn't influence your rights in our society. And frankly, it's nobody's business anyway.

Dear task0778
1. Studies on identical twins show at most a "tendency" to be the same orientation,
slightly more than 50% but nowhere near "100%" that would show a purely genetic cause.
(50/50 would mean it is random, so it appears to be a mix of other factors and influences)

2. I find that it is a SPIRITUAL process and path that determines someone's
identity and whether this changes over time or not.
Spiritual identity is not genetic in the same sense as physical genes,
but spiritual patterns CAN BE PASSED DOWN from one generation to the next.

3. As for transgender and some cases of homosexuality, one cause may be
chemical conditions in the WOMB during pregnancy that affect the
neurological connections that influence or determine gender identity and orientation.

So again, this isn't necessarily genetic in terms of HEREDITY
but can be medically conditioned BEFORE BIRTH and affect neural development.

In either case, it can still be argued as a spiritual process
governing either "nature or nurture" or other social/environmental influences.

And it can still be that people can or cannot change
REGARDLESS if there are natural or unnatural causes involved,
whether born or introduced later. That again I would argue is
part of someone's spiritual path and process, unique to each person.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
I had a acquaintance whose husband left her for a man. They had produced 4 children together. I have extreme difficulty believing that her ex-husband didn't enjoy the act of making those babies with her. Perhaps he does prefer other men.......but I don't think he had to "hold his nose" to make those 4 babies with his wife.
I'll let the men in the room answer that one.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
I had a acquaintance whose husband left her for a man. They had produced 4 children together. I have extreme difficulty believing that her ex-husband didn't enjoy the act of making those babies with her. Perhaps he does prefer other men.......but I don't think he had to "hold his nose" to make those 4 babies with his wife.
I'll let the men in the room answer that one.
I am one of the men in the room. Also, I did not ask a question, I simply stated my opinion.
Give it a freakin rest! Gay people don't need "spiritual healing" or any other kind of healing except to overcome the effects of bigotry and discrimination and the kind of horseshit being peddled here by the OP

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot
Yes I totally agree. The same spiritual healing based on forgiveness
covers a multitude of sins and allows all wrongs to be corrected and
relations to be healed. By first restoring healthy mind and body of
each individual, and in turn healing relations and society around us.
I stopped reading after the first sentence. Being a homosexual is what they pretend to be.

Finish reading Magnificat

Because it explains why Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt
have succeeded in helping people overcome and heal from
unnatural homosexual orientation

While your approach does not heal anyone here but just
upsets more people. The ministries that heal people
do so with LOVE and FORGIVENESS.

Is this what you practice and preach?

What do you focus on that works with your outreach?
I can't imagine you are in the same business as
spiritual healing, because nobody I know talks like you
do who has effectively healed people.

May I ask what kind of outreach you do
that works well this way? Thanks Magnificat
I'm simply telling the truth. If someone feels that's hurtful, that's on them.

I mostly agree Magnificat
If they don't forgive, that's on them.
If you don't forgive, that's on you.

What tells me you don't totally forgive is you mentally
separate yourself from them.

The point where you and TheProgressivePatriot feel mutual respect
and compassion, and don't want this DESTROYING your relationship.

If you don't have equal compassion and concern for each other
as you do for yourselves, that shows you aren't mutually
FORGIVING and receiving each other as equally valuable people.

From what I understand, this is usually MUTUAL.
So from what it looks like, it's on BOTH of you.

You can't just blame others if you have no desire
to resolve and include them EITHER to restore
good faith HEALTHY relations instead of DESTROYING them!
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.

Being a practicing homosexual is pretending to be something they are not.

Dear Magnificat
1. It is also dishonest and unhealthy for people to pretend to be
heterosexual if this isn't who they are either.
2. As for what CAUSES unnatural homosexuality,
some cases involve GENERATIONAL issues (Christians
call this Generational sin, Buddhists call it karma).

In Biblical terms, the sins of the fathers can be manifested
or "revisited" on their children or "future generations."

But blaming and rejecting or condemning such sins
makes the problems WORSE.
Why? because of the sin of UNFORGIVENESS.

That's the sin that keeps repeating.
So more "unforgiveness" doesn't resolve it
but COMPOUNDS it. Magnificat the very
REASON the sins were passed down was
they WEREN'T FORGIVEN and healed.

So that's again how spiritual healing works,
by FORGIVENESS "unconditionally" to
BREAK THIS CYCLE OF SIN and Unforgiveness.

3. Whether the symptoms of abuse can be
traced "in this lifetime" or they come from
UNCONSCIOUS patterns carried from the past,
the SAME process of Spiritual Healing by Forgiveness
can REMOVE those obstructions blocking people
from healing natural through the mind body connection.

So what you are talking about Magnificat is
sins and conditions/manifestation of sins.

But it isn't necessarily this person's CHOICE
in this lifetime to carry sins from the past.

And if you keep harping and judging people for
conditions we cannot even prove where they come from,
It PREVENTS people from seeking help to heal.

So whatever you are preaching, you end up defeating
your own purpose. That approach does not work.

NOBODY has ever healed themselves of such conditions
by being pressured or yelled at, judged or condemned.

People heal and change by FORGIVENESS.
I stopped reading after the first sentence. Being a homosexual is what they pretend to be.
I am convinced that anyone who is so fucking threatened by the possibility that homosexuality is just part of the human condition and a normal variation on sexuality has got to be struggling with some serious issues about their own sexuality.
When did you choose to be straight instead of surrendering to your homosexual urges?
When did you become a blithering idiot?
When did you choose? It’s a choice. So how old were you?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.

You can suck as many dicks as you want, cupcake. Just don't parade that bullshit around normal people's kids, k?

The penalty= Off with your head for being a fucktard, perhaps you would prefer public hanging, no? Let's get all "liberal" like Thomas Jefferson and say you should just be castrated, is that cool with you? Are you American enough for that?
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
I had a acquaintance whose husband left her for a man. They had produced 4 children together. I have extreme difficulty believing that her ex-husband didn't enjoy the act of making those babies with her. Perhaps he does prefer other men.......but I don't think he had to "hold his nose" to make those 4 babies with his wife.
All that proves is that some-possibly many people- are bi-sexual and that all sexuality exists on an continuum from totally straight to totally gay with a lot of wiggling room in-between. Where ever one is on that continuum defines their sexual orientation. Many fall somewhere between gay and straight and may move in and out of different lifestyles based on opportunity and circumstances in the course of their lives. A lot of guys who "enjoyed making babies" with their wife later get divorced. Most find another women but some , well whatever. There is nothing that mysterious about your story. It happens and it does not mean that a straight guy just turned gay. That would be an oversimplification and a dumbed down version of human sexuality
Last edited:
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
I had a acquaintance whose husband left her for a man. They had produced 4 children together. I have extreme difficulty believing that her ex-husband didn't enjoy the act of making those babies with her. Perhaps he does prefer other men.......but I don't think he had to "hold his nose" to make those 4 babies with his wife.
All that proves is that some-possibly many people- are bi-sexual and that all sexuality exists on an continuum from totally straight to totally gay with a lot of wiggling room in-between. Where ever on is on that continuum defines their sexual orientation. Many with fall somewhere between gay and straight may move in and out of different lifestyles based on opportunity and circumstances in the course of their lives. A lot of guys who "enjoyed making babies" with their wife later get divorced. Most find another women but some , well whatever. There is nothing that mysterious about your story. It happens and it does not mean that a straight guy just turned gay. That would be an oversimplification and a dumbed down version of human sexuality

Asshats that comprise less that 4.5% of the population can fuck right the hell off on setting National policy, and don't expect us to cry for your POS ass. Fuck you , you pederast POS. :fu:

Yeah, Obama was one of you, but that's over now, trick. No, your goal of sucking twink penises will not be realized, too bad, so sad; Fuck You.
I'm fine with that as long as they keep it in the closet, where it belongs
What the fuck does that even mean? Do you have to keep your heterosexuality in the closet? Are you free to put a picture of your opposite sex partner on your desk at work or post it to Facebook without fear of reprisals. ? Think about what you are saying. You are advocating discrimination, bigot!
I'm fine with that as long as they keep it in the closet, where it belongs
What the fuck does that even mean? Do you have to keep your heterosexuality in the closet? Are you free to put a picture of your opposite sex partner on your desk at work or post it to Facebook without fear of reprisals. ? Think about what you are saying. You are advocating discrimination, bigot!

I discriminate against all degenerates, of which you are a member of. Degenerate pederast POC.
But they want me to not only accept it, they want me to condone it. That takes away my freedom of conscience
No one wants you to do anything except shut the fuck up and mind your own fucking business! You "freedom of conscience"- whatever the fuck that means - does not trump the rights of gays to live openly without fear. If the sight of a gay person is so God damned offensive to you, move to Russia or Uganda where they are in "the closet"
But they want me to not only accept it, they want me to condone it. That takes away my freedom of conscience
No one wants you to do anything except shut the fuck up and mind your own fucking business! You "freedom of conscience"- whatever the fuck that means - does not trump the rights of gays to live openly without fear. If the sight of a gay person is so God damned offensive to you, move to Russia or Uganda where they are in "the closet"

No bitch, you move to Russia, but you'll find less sympathy than you get here. They might even hang your faggot ass.
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
I had a acquaintance whose husband left her for a man. They had produced 4 children together. I have extreme difficulty believing that her ex-husband didn't enjoy the act of making those babies with her. Perhaps he does prefer other men.......but I don't think he had to "hold his nose" to make those 4 babies with his wife.
All that proves is that some-possibly many people- are bi-sexual and that all sexuality exists on an continuum from totally straight to totally gay with a lot of wiggling room in-between. Where ever on is on that continuum defines their sexual orientation. Many with fall somewhere between gay and straight may move in and out of different lifestyles based on opportunity and circumstances in the course of their lives. A lot of guys who "enjoyed making babies" with their wife later get divorced. Most find another women but some , well whatever. There is nothing that mysterious about your story. It happens and it does not mean that a straight guy just turned gay. That would be an oversimplification and a dumbed down version of human sexuality

Asshats that comprise less that 4.5% of the population can fuck right the hell off on setting National policy, and don't expect us to cry for your POS ass. Fuck you , you pederast POS. :fu:

Yeah, Obama was one of you, but that's over now, trick. No, your goal of sucking twink penises will not be realized, too bad, so sad; Fuck You.
What percentage of the population is physically challenged to the point where they require special parking privileges and access to public places. Probobly a similar percentage. So because it is small, should we ignore their rights?

That ain't got a damn thing to do with the price of tea in China, faggot. Yeah, when "their rights" start infringing on upon the majority of the population, they can fuck right the hell off or die. Talk some more shit, motherfucker! I'll slap your bullshit down there, too!
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
I had a acquaintance whose husband left her for a man. They had produced 4 children together. I have extreme difficulty believing that her ex-husband didn't enjoy the act of making those babies with her. Perhaps he does prefer other men.......but I don't think he had to "hold his nose" to make those 4 babies with his wife.
All that proves is that some-possibly many people- are bi-sexual and that all sexuality exists on an continuum from totally straight to totally gay with a lot of wiggling room in-between. Where ever on is on that continuum defines their sexual orientation. Many with fall somewhere between gay and straight may move in and out of different lifestyles based on opportunity and circumstances in the course of their lives. A lot of guys who "enjoyed making babies" with their wife later get divorced. Most find another women but some , well whatever. There is nothing that mysterious about your story. It happens and it does not mean that a straight guy just turned gay. That would be an oversimplification and a dumbed down version of human sexuality

Asshats that comprise less that 4.5% of the population can fuck right the hell off on setting National policy, and don't expect us to cry for your POS ass. Fuck you , you pederast POS. :fu:

Yeah, Obama was one of you, but that's over now, trick. No, your goal of sucking twink penises will not be realized, too bad, so sad; Fuck You.
What percentage of the population is physically challenged to the point where they require special parking privileges and access to public places. Probobly a similar percentage. So because it is small, should we ignore their rights?

That ain't got a damn thing to do with the price of tea in China, faggot. Yeah, when "their rights" start infringing on upon the majority of the population, they can fuck right the hell off or die. Talk some more shit, motherfucker! I'll slap your bullshit down there, too!
OK Sexy COW BOY Please explain how gays are infringing on your rights? Do you think that minorities don't have rights-just because they are minorities ?
I had a acquaintance whose husband left her for a man. They had produced 4 children together. I have extreme difficulty believing that her ex-husband didn't enjoy the act of making those babies with her. Perhaps he does prefer other men.......but I don't think he had to "hold his nose" to make those 4 babies with his wife.
All that proves is that some-possibly many people- are bi-sexual and that all sexuality exists on an continuum from totally straight to totally gay with a lot of wiggling room in-between. Where ever on is on that continuum defines their sexual orientation. Many with fall somewhere between gay and straight may move in and out of different lifestyles based on opportunity and circumstances in the course of their lives. A lot of guys who "enjoyed making babies" with their wife later get divorced. Most find another women but some , well whatever. There is nothing that mysterious about your story. It happens and it does not mean that a straight guy just turned gay. That would be an oversimplification and a dumbed down version of human sexuality

Asshats that comprise less that 4.5% of the population can fuck right the hell off on setting National policy, and don't expect us to cry for your POS ass. Fuck you , you pederast POS. :fu:

Yeah, Obama was one of you, but that's over now, trick. No, your goal of sucking twink penises will not be realized, too bad, so sad; Fuck You.
What percentage of the population is physically challenged to the point where they require special parking privileges and access to public places. Probobly a similar percentage. So because it is small, should we ignore their rights?

That ain't got a damn thing to do with the price of tea in China, faggot. Yeah, when "their rights" start infringing on upon the majority of the population, they can fuck right the hell off or die. Talk some more shit, motherfucker! I'll slap your bullshit down there, too!
OK Sexy COW BOY Please explain how gays are infringing on your rights? Do you think that minorities don't have rights-just because they are minorities ?

What the fuck gives you the right to equate homosexuality with minorities? That's total bullshit.

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