It really is a choice.

For SOME people this works Magnificat
Not for all.

That's why both sides make the error of "overgeneralizing"
and trying to argue either homosexuality is
"ALWAYS natural and NEVER a choice that people can change"
"NEVER natural and ALWAYS a choice that people can change"

Some are, some aren't that way.
Some people can change, some cannot, whether or not
this is natural or unnatural, case by case.

Some Atheists are really naturally that way,
and won't ever "convert" to Christianity.
Others start off Atheist but later either add
understanding and accept Christianity or some might convert fully.

Likewise, just because SOME people start off Christian and
decide they are more Atheist or Nontheistic, doesn't mean
"ALL Christians are really false and should convert" either!

This cannot be dictated the same for all people!

Everyone is different. And certainly GOVT and public policy
should not dictate, regulate or punish people for their beliefs on this.
Sorry. But becoming a practicing homosexual is a choice. Someone cannot do something without choosing to do so.
You should consider joining a mosque. They feel the same way you do.
For a lot of people it really is a choice. These people are called bisexual.

For SOME people this works Magnificat
Not for all.

That's why both sides make the error of "overgeneralizing"
and trying to argue either homosexuality is
"ALWAYS natural and NEVER a choice that people can change"
"NEVER natural and ALWAYS a choice that people can change"

Some are, some aren't that way.
Some people can change, some cannot, whether or not
this is natural or unnatural, case by case.

Some Atheists are really naturally that way,
and won't ever "convert" to Christianity.
Others start off Atheist but later either add
understanding and accept Christianity or some might convert fully.

Likewise, just because SOME people start off Christian and
decide they are more Atheist or Nontheistic, doesn't mean
"ALL Christians are really false and should convert" either!

This cannot be dictated the same for all people!

Everyone is different. And certainly GOVT and public policy
should not dictate, regulate or punish people for their beliefs on this.
Sorry. But becoming a practicing homosexual is a choice. Someone cannot do something without choosing to do so.
Being homosexual is not a choice.
Engaging in homosexual activity is a choice.

For SOME people this works Magnificat
Not for all.

That's why both sides make the error of "overgeneralizing"
and trying to argue either homosexuality is
"ALWAYS natural and NEVER a choice that people can change"
"NEVER natural and ALWAYS a choice that people can change"

Some are, some aren't that way.
Some people can change, some cannot, whether or not
this is natural or unnatural, case by case.

Some Atheists are really naturally that way,
and won't ever "convert" to Christianity.
Others start off Atheist but later either add
understanding and accept Christianity or some might convert fully.

Likewise, just because SOME people start off Christian and
decide they are more Atheist or Nontheistic, doesn't mean
"ALL Christians are really false and should convert" either!

This cannot be dictated the same for all people!

Everyone is different. And certainly GOVT and public policy
should not dictate, regulate or punish people for their beliefs on this.
Sorry. But becoming a practicing homosexual is a choice. Someone cannot do something without choosing to do so.

Dear Magnificat
Yes and No. Even with Christians who have gone through spiritual healing,
for the ones who remain homosexual, some of them choose different ways
to work out their relations. Some abstain and decide they are still soul mates
but don't act on their relations sexually. Some may decide otherwise.

It's like choosing whether you think like an Atheist or a Christian.
A Buddhist or a Muslim. Or how you express yourself politically: some
Christians may identify as Republican and express views as Prolife,
while others may align with Democrats and relate more to Prochoice.

I find it depends on your spiritual relations with others
how you end up expressing your beliefs in words and practice.

For some it's a choice, and they can change and convert from one to another.

For others, "they can't help how they feel and believe."

I know some Constitutionalists who cannot help but NOT VOTE for
EITHER party. They just can't do that without violating their conscience.
To others, that's silly -- it looks like a "free choice."

My friends, on the far left and far right get YELLED at and BLAMED
by others for refusing to align with what LOOKS like an EASY CHOICE.

Sorry Magnificat I'm not into that business of blaming and bullying
people for whatever beliefs are engrained in their Conscience.

If we work on Forgiveness and Healing, there is a GREATER chance
of reconciling conflicting beliefs and behaviors. But there is no
guarantee how people are designed and what will change or not.

We can just learn to forgive and make peace, and trust that God
will work out the rest, but we don't dictate that. God's design
is in place, and whatever needs to change will change. But not
by forced, not by blame or bullying, but by forgiving, removing
and healing any obstacles or problems in the way of establishing truth.

For SOME people this works Magnificat
Not for all.

That's why both sides make the error of "overgeneralizing"
and trying to argue either homosexuality is
"ALWAYS natural and NEVER a choice that people can change"
"NEVER natural and ALWAYS a choice that people can change"

Some are, some aren't that way.
Some people can change, some cannot, whether or not
this is natural or unnatural, case by case.

Some Atheists are really naturally that way,
and won't ever "convert" to Christianity.
Others start off Atheist but later either add
understanding and accept Christianity or some might convert fully.

Likewise, just because SOME people start off Christian and
decide they are more Atheist or Nontheistic, doesn't mean
"ALL Christians are really false and should convert" either!

This cannot be dictated the same for all people!

Everyone is different. And certainly GOVT and public policy
should not dictate, regulate or punish people for their beliefs on this.
Sorry. But becoming a practicing homosexual is a choice. Someone cannot do something without choosing to do so.
Being homosexual is not a choice.
Engaging in homosexual activity is a choice.
Technically correct. However, one cannot be a homosexual without actually engaging in the act.

For SOME people this works Magnificat
Not for all.

That's why both sides make the error of "overgeneralizing"
and trying to argue either homosexuality is
"ALWAYS natural and NEVER a choice that people can change"
"NEVER natural and ALWAYS a choice that people can change"

Some are, some aren't that way.
Some people can change, some cannot, whether or not
this is natural or unnatural, case by case.

Some Atheists are really naturally that way,
and won't ever "convert" to Christianity.
Others start off Atheist but later either add
understanding and accept Christianity or some might convert fully.

Likewise, just because SOME people start off Christian and
decide they are more Atheist or Nontheistic, doesn't mean
"ALL Christians are really false and should convert" either!

This cannot be dictated the same for all people!

Everyone is different. And certainly GOVT and public policy
should not dictate, regulate or punish people for their beliefs on this.
Sorry. But becoming a practicing homosexual is a choice. Someone cannot do something without choosing to do so.
Being homosexual is not a choice.
Engaging in homosexual activity is a choice.
Technically correct. However, one cannot be a homosexual without actually engaging in the act.
Not really what with God's ability to know your thoughts....

For SOME people this works Magnificat
Not for all.

That's why both sides make the error of "overgeneralizing"
and trying to argue either homosexuality is
"ALWAYS natural and NEVER a choice that people can change"
"NEVER natural and ALWAYS a choice that people can change"

Some are, some aren't that way.
Some people can change, some cannot, whether or not
this is natural or unnatural, case by case.

Some Atheists are really naturally that way,
and won't ever "convert" to Christianity.
Others start off Atheist but later either add
understanding and accept Christianity or some might convert fully.

Likewise, just because SOME people start off Christian and
decide they are more Atheist or Nontheistic, doesn't mean
"ALL Christians are really false and should convert" either!

This cannot be dictated the same for all people!

Everyone is different. And certainly GOVT and public policy
should not dictate, regulate or punish people for their beliefs on this.
Sorry. But becoming a practicing homosexual is a choice. Someone cannot do something without choosing to do so.
Being homosexual is not a choice.
Engaging in homosexual activity is a choice.
Technically correct. However, one cannot be a homosexual without actually engaging in the act.
Priests do it for a lifetime.
When did you choose to be straight instead of surrendering to your homosexual urges?
When did you become a blithering idiot?
When did you choose? It’s a choice. So how old were you?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
When did you become a blithering idiot?
When did you choose? It’s a choice. So how old were you?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
When did you choose? It’s a choice. So how old were you?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
When did you choose? It’s a choice. So how old were you?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us, whether gay or straight.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
I'm not familiar with this "spiritual healing" you speak of, Em. Sounds pretty out there to me--Edgar Casey far out. But keeping an open mind allows me to entertain most any ideas, so okay.
I do understand what you mean about not all people are the same, though. Unfortunately, a lot of folks like the OP seem to want all people to ACT the same, hence I simplified my argument.

For SOME people this works Magnificat
Not for all.

That's why both sides make the error of "overgeneralizing"
and trying to argue either homosexuality is
"ALWAYS natural and NEVER a choice that people can change"
"NEVER natural and ALWAYS a choice that people can change"

Some are, some aren't that way.
Some people can change, some cannot, whether or not
this is natural or unnatural, case by case.

Some Atheists are really naturally that way,
and won't ever "convert" to Christianity.
Others start off Atheist but later either add
understanding and accept Christianity or some might convert fully.

Likewise, just because SOME people start off Christian and
decide they are more Atheist or Nontheistic, doesn't mean
"ALL Christians are really false and should convert" either!

This cannot be dictated the same for all people!

Everyone is different. And certainly GOVT and public policy
should not dictate, regulate or punish people for their beliefs on this.
Sorry. But becoming a practicing homosexual is a choice. Someone cannot do something without choosing to do so.
Being homosexual is not a choice.
Engaging in homosexual activity is a choice.
Technically correct. However, one cannot be a homosexual without actually engaging in the act.

???? Magnificat
I think you are defining homosexual to be the actions then.

What do you call people who have homosexual attractions only
(no hetereosexual attractions) but remain celibate?

Are you saying these are "technically" not homosexual
because there is no proof they are acting that way?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Nah your magic’s not that strong
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.

For SOME people this works Magnificat
Not for all.

That's why both sides make the error of "overgeneralizing"
and trying to argue either homosexuality is
"ALWAYS natural and NEVER a choice that people can change"
"NEVER natural and ALWAYS a choice that people can change"

Some are, some aren't that way.
Some people can change, some cannot, whether or not
this is natural or unnatural, case by case.

Some Atheists are really naturally that way,
and won't ever "convert" to Christianity.
Others start off Atheist but later either add
understanding and accept Christianity or some might convert fully.

Likewise, just because SOME people start off Christian and
decide they are more Atheist or Nontheistic, doesn't mean
"ALL Christians are really false and should convert" either!

This cannot be dictated the same for all people!

Everyone is different. And certainly GOVT and public policy
should not dictate, regulate or punish people for their beliefs on this.
Sorry. But becoming a practicing homosexual is a choice. Someone cannot do something without choosing to do so.
Being homosexual is not a choice.
Engaging in homosexual activity is a choice.
Technically correct. However, one cannot be a homosexual without actually engaging in the act.

???? Magnificat
I think you are defining homosexual to be the actions then.

What do you call people who have homosexual attractions only
(no hetereosexual attractions) but remain celibate?

Are you saying these are "technically" not homosexual
because there is no proof they are acting that way?
Good question. I'm not sure. After all, the Bible tells that the thought and the deed are the same. Let me add that I believe most homosexual feelings are the result of child abuse, like pedophilia. Children that young can really get their heads royally screwed up. I don't believe that anyone is a born homosexual. There is no supporting evidence.
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us, whether gay or straight.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
I'm not familiar with this "spiritual healing" you speak of, Em. Sounds pretty out there to me--Edgar Casey far out. But keeping an open mind allows me to entertain most any ideas, so okay.
I do understand what you mean about not all people are the same, though. Unfortunately, a lot of folks like the OP seem to want all people to ACT the same, hence I simplified my argument.

Thanks OldLady
Yes it absolutely makes ALL the difference to be openminded
and allow new information to change perceptions "just enough" so they don't have to clash.

Here's the previous msg that cites the effective approach to
spiritual healing that is natural effective and completely voluntary
(no coercion which is the exact opposite approach that FAILS):
It really is a choice.

I have tagged TheProgressivePatriot Magnificat and mdk
requesting this be seriously researched. It will end the whole
endangerment imposed by coercive "conversion" malpractice
that is fraudulent, abusive and damaging -- by introducing more
people to natural healing that doesn't dictate anyone's process.
In fact, it helps people RECOVER from previous abuses (and
has been used to cure and heal other conditions as well).
Camille Paglia: “Transgender Mania is a Symptom of Cultural Collapse” (video)
There is a deliberate and concerted effort to put everything transgender at the forefront of mass media. Academic and social critic Camille Paglia explains how this is symptomatic of a wider cultural problem.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.

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