It really is a choice.

Camille Paglia: “Transgender Mania is a Symptom of Cultural Collapse” (video)
There is a deliberate and concerted effort to put everything transgender at the forefront of mass media. Academic and social critic Camille Paglia explains how this is symptomatic of a wider cultural problem.

It's also a catalyst to publicize SOLUTIONS.

Christians have been trying to promote spiritual healing that has been
used to cure both medical and mental illnesses, from Cancer to Schizophrenia.

But as long as this is SEEN as Christian or Church related,
it is associated more with religion not science.
Even though medical studies have proven it works effectively with the
body and mind's natural self-healing process and connection.

Now with the legal and political hub-bub about recognizing orientation as a CLASS,
this brings up differences in BELIEFS and CREEDS because all of this is faith based.

It also opens the door for medical and scientific research into spiritual healing
to address complaints about "conversion fraud, malpractice and abuse"

Once people recognize the solutions, distinguished from the problems, then we solve them all.
It's a blessing in disguise, where pointing out all the problems compels us to
research SOLUTIONS we can agree on. That's the only thing that will end conflict
by satisfying all sides.

A. if people are going to force public institutions and schools to recognize and include
LGBT orientation and identity as individual beliefs, expressions and practices
THIS MEANS CHRISTIAN BELIEFS AND EXPRESSIONS must also be included and can't be
discriminated against as "beliefs" if the LGBT beliefs can be imposed despite opposition.

B. by INCLUDING equal access and education then if LGBT practices and policies are
going to be taught in schools, so should Christian spiritual healing.

So this opens the door to solutions.
Both sides can defend their beliefs, and any conflicts can be resolved
through the same spiritual healing process that restores healthy
relations based on forgiveness and acceptance instead of imposing conditions by force.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.
You have not answered my question. You would demand others to do something you are unable or unwilling to do yourself. To enter into a life long relationship with someone who they are not attracted to, pretending to be something they are not, not only in public but in private.
That to me seems cruel.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.
You have not answered my question. You would demand others to do something you are unable or unwilling to do yourself. To enter into a life long relationship with someone who they are not attracted to, pretending to be something they are not, not only in public but in private.
That to me seems cruel.
Being a practicing homosexual is pretending to be something they are not.
That's great, magnificat!!

Now you can try it for a while to see how it all works out for you.
Try what?
Homosexuality you big dummy.

You said it was just a choice, so you should have no problems choosing it for a while.

You DO want to prove what you said is true, don't you?
Why would I want to engage in a destructive lifestyle?
Who said anything about a destructive lifestyle.

You claimed homosexuality is just a choice. The one way you have to prove this is true is to try it.

If it's that simple, kid, then prove it.
Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.
You have not answered my question. You would demand others to do something you are unable or unwilling to do yourself. To enter into a life long relationship with someone who they are not attracted to, pretending to be something they are not, not only in public but in private.
That to me seems cruel.
Being a practicing homosexual is pretending to be something they are not.
That is really not true. I'm about to get Unchristian if I keep butting up against your ... never mind.
You are not on the right track here. If you think it is wrong, then by all means don't practice homosexuality. Otherwise, leave people alone. You have no idea what you're talking about and you really ought to leave these kind of discussions to people with some knowledge of the reality. All you've got is a bunch of opinions backed up by bullshit.
That's great, magnificat!!

Now you can try it for a while to see how it all works out for you.
Try what?
Homosexuality you big dummy.

You said it was just a choice, so you should have no problems choosing it for a while.

You DO want to prove what you said is true, don't you?
Why would I want to engage in a destructive lifestyle?
Who said anything about a destructive lifestyle.

You claimed homosexuality is just a choice. The one way you have to prove this is true is to try it.

If it's that simple, kid, then prove it.
I choose not to do so. There you go.
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.
You have not answered my question. You would demand others to do something you are unable or unwilling to do yourself. To enter into a life long relationship with someone who they are not attracted to, pretending to be something they are not, not only in public but in private.
That to me seems cruel.
Being a practicing homosexual is pretending to be something they are not.
That is really not true. I'm about to get Unchristian if I keep butting up against your ... never mind.
You are not on the right track here. If you think it is wrong, then by all means don't practice homosexuality. Otherwise, leave people alone. You have no idea what you're talking about and you really ought to leave these kind of discussions to people with some knowledge of the reality. All you've got is a bunch of opinions backed up by bullshit.
The only reality that matters is God's reality. You claim to be a Christian. What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
That's great, magnificat!!

Now you can try it for a while to see how it all works out for you.
Try what?
Homosexuality you big dummy.

You said it was just a choice, so you should have no problems choosing it for a while.

You DO want to prove what you said is true, don't you?
Why would I want to engage in a destructive lifestyle?
Who said anything about a destructive lifestyle.

You claimed homosexuality is just a choice. The one way you have to prove this is true is to try it.

If it's that simple, kid, then prove it.
I choose not to do so. There you go.
That was not your premise little fellow.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.
You have not answered my question. You would demand others to do something you are unable or unwilling to do yourself. To enter into a life long relationship with someone who they are not attracted to, pretending to be something they are not, not only in public but in private.
That to me seems cruel.
Being a practicing homosexual is pretending to be something they are not.
That is really not true. I'm about to get Unchristian if I keep butting up against your ... never mind.
You are not on the right track here. If you think it is wrong, then by all means don't practice homosexuality. Otherwise, leave people alone. You have no idea what you're talking about and you really ought to leave these kind of discussions to people with some knowledge of the reality. All you've got is a bunch of opinions backed up by bullshit.
The only reality that matters is God's reality. You claim to be a Christian. What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
No, I didn't claim to be a Christian. I said I say something Unchristian if I didn't step away. Just think of Auntie Em in The Wizard of Oz.
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.

Being a practicing homosexual is pretending to be something they are not.

Dear Magnificat
1. It is also dishonest and unhealthy for people to pretend to be
heterosexual if this isn't who they are either.
2. As for what CAUSES unnatural homosexuality,
some cases involve GENERATIONAL issues (Christians
call this Generational sin, Buddhists call it karma).

In Biblical terms, the sins of the fathers can be manifested
or "revisited" on their children or "future generations."

But blaming and rejecting or condemning such sins
makes the problems WORSE.
Why? because of the sin of UNFORGIVENESS.

That's the sin that keeps repeating.
So more "unforgiveness" doesn't resolve it
but COMPOUNDS it. Magnificat the very
REASON the sins were passed down was
they WEREN'T FORGIVEN and healed.

So that's again how spiritual healing works,
by FORGIVENESS "unconditionally" to
BREAK THIS CYCLE OF SIN and Unforgiveness.

3. Whether the symptoms of abuse can be
traced "in this lifetime" or they come from
UNCONSCIOUS patterns carried from the past,
the SAME process of Spiritual Healing by Forgiveness
can REMOVE those obstructions blocking people
from healing natural through the mind body connection.

So what you are talking about Magnificat is
sins and conditions/manifestation of sins.

But it isn't necessarily this person's CHOICE
in this lifetime to carry sins from the past.

And if you keep harping and judging people for
conditions we cannot even prove where they come from,
It PREVENTS people from seeking help to heal.

So whatever you are preaching, you end up defeating
your own purpose. That approach does not work.

NOBODY has ever healed themselves of such conditions
by being pressured or yelled at, judged or condemned.

People heal and change by FORGIVENESS.
When did you choose to be straight instead of surrendering to your homosexual urges?
When did you become a blithering idiot?
When did you choose? It’s a choice. So how old were you?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.

I don't know what the whole truth is, but I'd venture to say that most people are born with a genetic code that says 'straight' or 'gay'. I also suspect a few people are born with 'both', and a few others with 'asexual', or 'neither'. BUT - it could be that some people get a little confused or maybe influenced toward or against one preference over another through their upbringing. Or even later in life, but it could be that at some point a person makes a conscious choice, either going back to their genetic code or away from it as the case may be.

Whatever, to me it doesn't matter who you sleep with, if anybody and other than Mrs Task. By choice or not, I don't freakin' care, it shouldn't influence your rights in our society. And frankly, it's nobody's business anyway.
Let's face the facts here. Homosexuality is not natural. It is also unhealthy. Homosexuals have a much lower life expectancy. They are much more prone to sexually transmitted disease. I don't expect a homosexual to just change overnight. But it can be done, if it is what they want. Unfortunately, many are prone to self destructive behavior. It's not that they can't change. They just don't want to.

Being a practicing homosexual is pretending to be something they are not.

Dear Magnificat
1. It is also dishonest and unhealthy for people to pretend to be
heterosexual if this isn't who they are either.
2. As for what CAUSES unnatural homosexuality,
some cases involve GENERATIONAL issues (Christians
call this Generational sin, Buddhists call it karma).

In Biblical terms, the sins of the fathers can be manifested
or "revisited" on their children or "future generations."

But blaming and rejecting or condemning such sins
makes the problems WORSE.
Why? because of the sin of UNFORGIVENESS.

That's the sin that keeps repeating.
So more "unforgiveness" doesn't resolve it
but COMPOUNDS it. Magnificat the very
REASON the sins were passed down was
they WEREN'T FORGIVEN and healed.

So that's again how spiritual healing works,
by FORGIVENESS "unconditionally" to
BREAK THIS CYCLE OF SIN and Unforgiveness.

3. Whether the symptoms of abuse can be
traced "in this lifetime" or they come from
UNCONSCIOUS patterns carried from the past,
the SAME process of Spiritual Healing by Forgiveness
can REMOVE those obstructions blocking people
from healing natural through the mind body connection.

So what you are talking about Magnificat is
sins and conditions/manifestation of sins.

But it isn't necessarily this person's CHOICE
in this lifetime to carry sins from the past.

And if you keep harping and judging people for
conditions we cannot even prove where they come from,
It PREVENTS people from seeking help to heal.

So whatever you are preaching, you end up defeating
your own purpose. That approach does not work.

NOBODY has ever healed themselves of such conditions
by being pressured or yelled at, judged or condemned.

People heal and change by FORGIVENESS.
I stopped reading after the first sentence. Being a homosexual is what they pretend to be.
but unnatural homosexuality is not because it is already covered by these two.

B. the ONE unforgivable sin is UNFORGIVENESS
because if we do not first ask help with FORGIVENESS
then the sin of unforgiveness repeats and blocks God's
grace, will and truth from entering and being established.

Magnificat if you say homosexuality is a CHOICE
then so is FORGIVENESS. If you refuse to ask help
to FORGIVE, that is why you fail to compel or
inspire ANYONE ELSE to make the choice to CHANGE.
The only reality that matters is God's reality. You claim to be a Christian. What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Dear Magnificat
A. The Ten Commandments include
* not to commit ADULTERY (where lusting in
one's heart is already committing adultery in spirit)
* not to COVET thy neighbor's wife or anything
that is thy neighbor's

A. so any unnatural sex or lust is coveting sex
with a person who is "someone else's partner wife spouse or husband"

NOTE: this applies to either heterosexual or homosexual
"unnatural lust or coveting"
The Ten Commandments do not target just "homosexuals"
lusting after certain people, but ANYONE lusting after
someone who isn't their spiritual partner, wife or husband

B. As for HEALING sins of unnatural lust (whether
heterosexual or homosexual)

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another
and pray for one another that you may be healed

Matthew 6:14-15
14For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.
15But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours.…

Matthew 7:2
For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Matthew 18:35
That is how My Heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart."

Mark 11:25
And when you stand to pray, if you hold anything against another, forgive it, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your trespasses as well."

Luke 6:37
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and tender-hearted to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.

Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.

but unnatural homosexuality is not because it is already covered by these two.

B. the ONE unforgivable sin is UNFORGIVENESS
because if we do not first ask help with FORGIVENESS
then the sin of unforgiveness repeats and blocks God's
grace, will and truth from entering and being established.

Magnificat if you say homosexuality is a CHOICE
then so is FORGIVENESS. If you refuse to ask help
to FORGIVE, that is why you fail to compel or
inspire ANYONE ELSE to make the choice to CHANGE.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us, whether gay or straight.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
I'm not familiar with this "spiritual healing" you speak of, Em. Sounds pretty out there to me--Edgar Casey far out. But keeping an open mind allows me to entertain most any ideas, so okay.
I do understand what you mean about not all people are the same, though. Unfortunately, a lot of folks like the OP seem to want all people to ACT the same, hence I simplified my argument.

Thanks OldLady
Yes it absolutely makes ALL the difference to be openminded
and allow new information to change perceptions "just enough" so they don't have to clash.

Here's the previous msg that cites the effective approach to
spiritual healing that is natural effective and completely voluntary
(no coercion which is the exact opposite approach that FAILS):
It really is a choice.

I have tagged TheProgressivePatriot Magnificat and mdk
requesting this be seriously researched. It will end the whole
endangerment imposed by coercive "conversion" malpractice
that is fraudulent, abusive and damaging -- by introducing more
people to natural healing that doesn't dictate anyone's process.
In fact, it helps people RECOVER from previous abuses (and
has been used to cure and heal other conditions as well).
Give it a freakin rest! Gay people don't need "spiritual healing" or any other kind of healing except to overcome the effects of bigotry and discrimination and the kind of horseshit being peddled here by the OP
When did you choose to be straight instead of surrendering to your homosexual urges?
When did you become a blithering idiot?
When did you choose? It’s a choice. So how old were you?
Being what I was created to be is not a choice. Going against it is.
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.

I don't know what the whole truth is, but I'd venture to say that most people are born with a genetic code that says 'straight' or 'gay'. I also suspect a few people are born with 'both', and a few others with 'asexual', or 'neither'. BUT - it could be that some people get a little confused or maybe influenced toward or against one preference over another through their upbringing. Or even later in life, but it could be that at some point a person makes a conscious choice, either going back to their genetic code or away from it as the case may be.

Whatever, to me it doesn't matter who you sleep with, if anybody and other than Mrs Task. By choice or not, I don't freakin' care, it shouldn't influence your rights in our society. And frankly, it's nobody's business anyway.
I'm fine with that as long as they keep it in the closet, where it belongs. Like you said, it's nobody's business. But they want me to not only accept it, they want me to condone it. That takes away my freedom of conscience. Some of them actually want legislation that would make it a crime to disagree with them. I think even you would agree that is wrong
No, you were one of the majority who was CREATED straight. BlackFlag is right. If it were a choice, we would have all consciously made it, as you suppose homosexuals do. Which they don't.
Those young people are proof that it is a choice.
We can't control what turns us on. All we can control is our actions. So whatever those young people are now doing, it isn't because they are suddenly heterosexual. Sure, they may be "faking it" the way homosexuals have done for centuries. It doesn't mean Christ made them straight.

I'm not sure "faking it" is a great solution, in the end. As soon as society became half way accepting, a whole lot of those folks quit pretending, got divorced and developed a relationship with someone they were actually attracted to.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?

Yes and No.
I agree with OldLady that we cannot change
what is natural for us or for others, whether gay or straight etc.

But where Magnificat is correct:
for people where homosexuality is NOT natural,
then YES, there is natural spiritual healing therapy that
HAS removed the UNNATURAL UNWANTED attractions and orientations.
Some of these cases work by healing the person of past abuses or conditions
within this lifetime. Some (like the pedophilia or other inborn conditions) involve
GENERATIONAL HEALING of past conflicts or oppression BEFORE that person
was born coming from previous generations they have no conscious knowledge of.

The spiritual healing can either work on local or collective levels.
That's why it's different for each person.

So YES some people can change this way
where they come out NATURALLY gay or straight or whatever
their DEFAULT NATURE is once the conditioning is removed that affects their choices.

And NO some people still do not change
even though the negative emotions, abuse or addictions are removed
and the person is FULLY HEALED.
(And NO Magnificat, it's NOT by force, by coercion or guilt or fear that people change.
That makes it even WORSE and HARDER on people,
as TheProgressivePatriot is correct in protesting.
This Malpractice causes HARM and ENDANGERS or damages people destructively.)

I have atheist friends who went through spiritual healing to
get rid of addictive disorders, and they DON'T CONVERT to Christians afterwards.

It heals them of whatever is UNNATURAL
but whatever is NATURAL remains as how they are born.

Some people change, some don't.
For some it's natural, for some it's unnatural.

As soon as we give up trying to dictate "one rule for all people"
that's a HUGE step in stopping the oppression keeping people stuck.

Let's not judge, either way.

If we want other people to quit saying it's ALWAYS THEIR WAY,
then we also need to respect the same
and realize that our way of framing this doesn't apply
to ALL people either. We don't know, that's THEIR spiritual
process of working out what is natural or unnatural for them!
Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not natural. It is a mortal sin, because it subverts God's natural order. Those who practice it are going to hell. Those are the facts. Nothing else matters.
Imagine yourself having to be married to a woman and having sex with her on a regular basis in order to be "acceptable" or "normal." Does that sound doable to you?
I would like a serious reply to this, Magnificat, not just your standard "it's an abomination." This is what you are asking homosexuals to do.
I had a acquaintance whose husband left her for a man. They had produced 4 children together. I have extreme difficulty believing that her ex-husband didn't enjoy the act of making those babies with her. Perhaps he does prefer other men.......but I don't think he had to "hold his nose" to make those 4 babies with his wife.
That's great, magnificat!!

Now you can try it for a while to see how it all works out for you.
Try what?
Homosexuality you big dummy.

You said it was just a choice, so you should have no problems choosing it for a while.

You DO want to prove what you said is true, don't you?
Why would I want to engage in a destructive lifestyle?
You already are. Willful ignorance and bigotry are very destructive and not just to others. They will eat at your mind, body and soul and drag you down. .

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