It seems many have forgotten Mark Foley. Luckily we have the tapes!

The bottom line is that the Bushes destabilized the Middle East giving rise to ISIS. The icing on the cake was when Bush 43 disbanded Saddam's army.

Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

What does this have to do with Foley or Trump? If you haven't been paying attention trump and bush dont care for one another.
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?
Why would Trump pal around with Foley?

Once again, who cares? The man is completely irrelevant. He is a non factor.

He was until Trump said that his campaign invited him there because there is no other way for someone to be in the shot. Oh and dont forget Foley said they've been friends for years.

And thus makes him relevant how?

Seriously how does Foley make trump a bigger mistake? How does he make Hillary less of a monster?

Seriously, if you're not paying attention to the RW freakout about the father of the Orlando shooter sitting behind Clinton at a's nobody's fault but your own.
The bottom line is that the Bushes destabilized the Middle East giving rise to ISIS. The icing on the cake was when Bush 43 disbanded Saddam's army.

Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

What does this have to do with Foley or Trump? If you haven't been paying attention trump and bush dont care for one another.

Nothing. Wrong thread. Deleted...
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?

Who says you have to care for it to be a fact? Trump said no one sits behind the candidate unless they invite them it cannot be a mistake

So there is the Pedo sitting behind him was it a mistake or was the pedo invited?

Foley is a gay man and not a pedo. He was cleared of any criminal charges because the page was over the age of 18. I thought you liberals loved all the gays. Unless they happen to be Republicans.
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?
Why would Trump pal around with Foley?

two low-life creeps

Trump is straight and Foley is gay. Are you sure you want to call all gays creeps?

Let the vapid name calling begin because what can they say about the facts? Not a damn thing muahahaha

And the father of the Orlando massacre scumbag was with hilary. Gee, I wonder which is the bigger scumbag?
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?
Why would Trump pal around with Foley?

Once again, who cares? The man is completely irrelevant. He is a non factor. The very fact that you have to bring him up is a statement on how bad your Candidate really is. You can't argue for her. And despite the huge flaws with trump you seem unable to argue against him. Why else would you be bringing up this red herring?
Hahaha what a hypocrite you are.
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?
Why would Trump pal around with Foley?

Unlike the hypocrite liberals on USMB, Trump doesn't hate gays.
I must be guilty as hell because I too dont have any indictments against me. So that means I should have lots of indictments according to Avatar

If you handled classified information the way Clinton did you'd be in jail for life and you know it. The FBI director point blank said if it was anyone but Clinton they'd be prosecuted
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?

Who says you have to care for it to be a fact? Trump said no one sits behind the candidate unless they invite them it cannot be a mistake

So there is the Pedo sitting behind him was it a mistake or was the pedo invited?

Foley is a gay man and not a pedo. He was cleared of any criminal charges because the page was over the age of 18. I thought you liberals loved all the gays. Unless they happen to be Republicans.

Let me post it again so you can attempt to defend it.

In the messages, Maf54 described how years earlier, he had looked to see whether the former page had an erection in his tight white pants while the then-teenager was working near the congressman. Maf54 also speculated about the sexual attributes of other males in the same page class, including the observation that one young man was "well hung."
In order to get recommendations from Foley all he did was demand their anus...whats wrong with that?
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?
Why would Trump pal around with Foley?

Once again, who cares? The man is completely irrelevant. He is a non factor. The very fact that you have to bring him up is a statement on how bad your Candidate really is. You can't argue for her. And despite the huge flaws with trump you seem unable to argue against him. Why else would you be bringing up this red herring?
Hahaha what a hypocrite you are.

How does pointing out the flaws of your thinking make me a hypocrite?
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?

Who says you have to care for it to be a fact? Trump said no one sits behind the candidate unless they invite them it cannot be a mistake

So there is the Pedo sitting behind him was it a mistake or was the pedo invited?

Foley is a gay man and not a pedo. He was cleared of any criminal charges because the page was over the age of 18. I thought you liberals loved all the gays. Unless they happen to be Republicans.

Let me post it again so you can attempt to defend i

In the messages, Maf54 described how years earlier, he had looked to see whether the former page had an erection in his tight white pants while the then-teenager was working near the congressman. Maf54 also speculated about the sexual attributes of other males in the same page class, including the observation that one young man was "well hung."

Nothing to defend. Foley is gay and the speculating is not a crime.
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?

Who says you have to care for it to be a fact? Trump said no one sits behind the candidate unless they invite them it cannot be a mistake

So there is the Pedo sitting behind him was it a mistake or was the pedo invited?

Foley is a gay man and not a pedo. He was cleared of any criminal charges because the page was over the age of 18. I thought you liberals loved all the gays. Unless they happen to be Republicans.

Let me post it again so you can attempt to defend i

In the messages, Maf54 described how years earlier, he had looked to see whether the former page had an erection in his tight white pants while the then-teenager was working near the congressman. Maf54 also speculated about the sexual attributes of other males in the same page class, including the observation that one young man was "well hung."

Nothing to defend. Foley is gay and the speculating is not a crime.

Annnnd was known to use his office as a dating service to young teens the GOP covering his ass for a decade. Nothing wrong with that.
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?

Who says you have to care for it to be a fact? Trump said no one sits behind the candidate unless they invite them it cannot be a mistake

So there is the Pedo sitting behind him was it a mistake or was the pedo invited?

Foley is a gay man and not a pedo. He was cleared of any criminal charges because the page was over the age of 18. I thought you liberals loved all the gays. Unless they happen to be Republicans.

Let me post it again so you can attempt to defend i

In the messages, Maf54 described how years earlier, he had looked to see whether the former page had an erection in his tight white pants while the then-teenager was working near the congressman. Maf54 also speculated about the sexual attributes of other males in the same page class, including the observation that one young man was "well hung."

Nothing to defend. Foley is gay and the speculating is not a crime.

Annnnd was known to use his office as a dating service to young teens the GOP covering his ass for a decade. Nothing wrong with that.

You have him confused with Barney Franks. Of course the Republicans forced Foley to resign and Barney was honored given promotions by the Democrats.
What's really screwed up is there are some of you who seriously think anyone cares about Foley. How does Foley change the fact that Hillary is literally one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever run for president? How he trump any worse than he already is?
Why would Trump pal around with Foley?

Once again, who cares? The man is completely irrelevant. He is a non factor.

He was until Trump said that his campaign invited him there because there is no other way for someone to be in the shot. Oh and dont forget Foley said they've been friends for years.

And thus makes him relevant how?

Seriously how does Foley make trump a bigger mistake? How does he make Hillary less of a monster?

Seriously, if you're not paying attention to the RW freakout about the father of the Orlando shooter sitting behind Clinton at a's nobody's fault but your own.

You're seriously trying to compare a Taliban supporter to a guy who made a few wildly inappropriate text messages?
Who says you have to care for it to be a fact? Trump said no one sits behind the candidate unless they invite them it cannot be a mistake

So there is the Pedo sitting behind him was it a mistake or was the pedo invited?

Foley is a gay man and not a pedo. He was cleared of any criminal charges because the page was over the age of 18. I thought you liberals loved all the gays. Unless they happen to be Republicans.

Let me post it again so you can attempt to defend i

In the messages, Maf54 described how years earlier, he had looked to see whether the former page had an erection in his tight white pants while the then-teenager was working near the congressman. Maf54 also speculated about the sexual attributes of other males in the same page class, including the observation that one young man was "well hung."

Nothing to defend. Foley is gay and the speculating is not a crime.

Annnnd was known to use his office as a dating service to young teens the GOP covering his ass for a decade. Nothing wrong with that.

You have him confused with Barney Franks. Of course the Republicans forced Foley to resign and Barney was honored given promotions by the Democrats.

No, Hassert was a republican I'm sure of it and he protected him along with John Boener
So trump is somehow bad for appearing at an event where a gay guy who sends inappropriate texts, but Clinton can associate with terrorists and child sex traffickers and its entirely inappropriate to point those out. And somehow the people who point out the flaw in this deranged thinking are the hypocrites?
See pervert Foley sitting behind Trump sure brought back a lot of history...
Why would Trump pal around with Foley?

Once again, who cares? The man is completely irrelevant. He is a non factor.

He was until Trump said that his campaign invited him there because there is no other way for someone to be in the shot. Oh and dont forget Foley said they've been friends for years.

And thus makes him relevant how?

Seriously how does Foley make trump a bigger mistake? How does he make Hillary less of a monster?

Seriously, if you're not paying attention to the RW freakout about the father of the Orlando shooter sitting behind Clinton at a's nobody's fault but your own.

You're seriously trying to compare a Taliban supporter to a guy who made a few wildly inappropriate text messages?
What Taliban supporter are you talking about?

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