It seems many have forgotten Mark Foley. Luckily we have the tapes!

Foley is a gay man and not a pedo. He was cleared of any criminal charges because the page was over the age of 18. I thought you liberals loved all the gays. Unless they happen to be Republicans.

Let me post it again so you can attempt to defend i

In the messages, Maf54 described how years earlier, he had looked to see whether the former page had an erection in his tight white pants while the then-teenager was working near the congressman. Maf54 also speculated about the sexual attributes of other males in the same page class, including the observation that one young man was "well hung."

Nothing to defend. Foley is gay and the speculating is not a crime.

Annnnd was known to use his office as a dating service to young teens the GOP covering his ass for a decade. Nothing wrong with that.

You have him confused with Barney Franks. Of course the Republicans forced Foley to resign and Barney was honored given promotions by the Democrats.

No, Hassert was a republican I'm sure of it and he protected him along with John Boener

Here is what happened to Foley.

"On September 28, 2006, ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross reported that in 2005, Foley had sent email messages from his personal AOL account to a former Congressional page, asking the page to send a photo of himself to Foley, among other things. Foley's office confirmed that Foley had sent the messages but said it has a practice of asking for photos of individuals who may ask for recommendations and that the page had requested a recommendation.

Kirk Fordham, Chief of Staff to Tom Reynolds and former Chief of Staff to Foley, said that he was with Foley on September 29, 2006, when ABC confronted him with the explicit messages before they were publicized. Fordham then visited GOP headquarters to inform Reynolds and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert; he returned with a one-sentence resignation letter that Foley signed. Hastert and Reynolds let it be known that if Foley didn't resign, he would be expelled from the House. That same day, Foley tendered his resignation to Hastert as well as Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

Compare this to what happened to a Democrat who did have sex with a 17 year old page.

"In 1983, two lawmakers were censured by the House of Representatives for having sexual relationships with teenage pages. Rep. Dan Crane, R-Ill., admitted to sexual relations with a 17-year-old female page, while Rep. Gerry Studds, D-Mass., admitted to sexual relations with a 17-year-old male page.

On July 20, 1983, the House voted to censure Studds, by a vote of 420-3.

Studds was re-elected to the House six more times after the 1983 censure.
Once again, who cares? The man is completely irrelevant. He is a non factor.

He was until Trump said that his campaign invited him there because there is no other way for someone to be in the shot. Oh and dont forget Foley said they've been friends for years.

And thus makes him relevant how?

Seriously how does Foley make trump a bigger mistake? How does he make Hillary less of a monster?

Seriously, if you're not paying attention to the RW freakout about the father of the Orlando shooter sitting behind Clinton at a's nobody's fault but your own.

You're seriously trying to compare a Taliban supporter to a guy who made a few wildly inappropriate text messages?
What Taliban supporter are you talking about?

"The father of Pulse nightclub killer Omar Mateen was spotted at a Florida Hillary Clintonrally Monday seated prominently behind the candidate.

Local NBC affiliate WPTV happened to recognize Seddique Mateen, who received widespread press for his own controversial views on Islam in the wake of his son’s murder spree. Mateen operates a radio show with a pro-Taliban slant and responded to his son’s massacre by saying, “God will punish homosexuality.”

Orlando Terrorist’s Father Spotted Attending Hillary Clinton Rally
I must be guilty as hell because I too dont have any indictments against me. So that means I should have lots of indictments according to Avatar

If you handled classified information the way Clinton did you'd be in jail for life and you know it. The FBI director point blank said if it was anyone but Clinton they'd be prosecuted

No, he did say anything of the sort. Here are his ACTUAL words...

"Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,"

And this:

"We did not find evidence sufficient to establish that she knew she was sending classified information beyond a reasonable doubt to meet the intent standard,"
Mark Foley? Most people on the left don't even remember Bill Clinton. How else can you account for his wife's political career? Foley was a prime example of the democrat party's capability for dirty tricks. Everyone on both sides of the isle was aware of Foley's peculiar sexual drives but republicans were stuck with him because they couldn't risk firing a homosexual and get branded as bigots by the liberal media. Democrats waited to pounce and they got their chance right before the election when republicans were caught flat footed and it was too late to field a candidate. Democrats won the seat.. It should be noted that democrats gave a standing ovation to one of their own, Gary Studds, who was convicted of the statutory rape of a male congressional page. It must be easy to run as a democrat when the sleaze bag party makes no claim to family or moral values.
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I must be guilty as hell because I too dont have any indictments against me. So that means I should have lots of indictments according to Avatar

If you handled classified information the way Clinton did you'd be in jail for life and you know it. The FBI director point blank said if it was anyone but Clinton they'd be prosecuted

No, he did say anything of the sort. Here are his ACTUAL words...

"Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,"

And this:

"We did not find evidence sufficient to establish that she knew she was sending classified information beyond a reasonable doubt to meet the intent standard,"
Mormons are allowed to lie to further their agenda, sadly.
So trump is somehow bad for appearing at an event where a gay guy who sends inappropriate texts, but Clinton can associate with terrorists and child sex traffickers and its entirely inappropriate to point those out. And somehow the people who point out the flaw in this deranged thinking are the hypocrites?

Here I'll ask you again.

Trump said that it was no accident that Mr Mateen was there and had to be invited.

Trump had the Foley "if you want a recommendation gimme Dat butt" Foley in the camera shot.

Was it an accident like Trump said never happens or was the suspected pedo and disgraced Pol invited?
Foley is the poster child of the liberal double standard. Democrats used to get away with the hypocrisy card before Americans realized that the DNC is a bigoted racist sleazy enterprise that doesn't give a damn about Blacks and homosexuals except to use them for political gain.
So trump is somehow bad for appearing at an event where a gay guy who sends inappropriate texts, but Clinton can associate with terrorists and child sex traffickers and its entirely inappropriate to point those out. And somehow the people who point out the flaw in this deranged thinking are the hypocrites?

Here I'll ask you again.

Trump said that it was no accident that Mr Mateen was there and had to be invited.

Trump had the Foley "if you want a recommendation gimme Dat butt" Foley in the camera shot.

Was it an accident like Trump said never happens or was the suspected pedo and disgraced Pol invited?

Foley, a gay man, sat behind Trump and it pissed you off. Mateen, father of a mass murderer, gay hater and Taliban supporter sat behind Hillary and it is no problem. Does that mean you hate gays and support the Taliban as well?
So trump is somehow bad for appearing at an event where a gay guy who sends inappropriate texts, but Clinton can associate with terrorists and child sex traffickers and its entirely inappropriate to point those out. And somehow the people who point out the flaw in this deranged thinking are the hypocrites?

Here I'll ask you again.

Trump said that it was no accident that Mr Mateen was there and had to be invited.

Trump had the Foley "if you want a recommendation gimme Dat butt" Foley in the camera shot.

Was it an accident like Trump said never happens or was the suspected pedo and disgraced Pol invited?

Foley, a gay man, sat behind Trump and it pissed you off. Mateen, father of a mass murderer, gay hater and Taliban supporter sat behind Hillary and it is no problem. Does that mean you hate gays and support the Taliban as well?

First, did Trump invite him or did it happen by accident as he said doesn't happen?
So trump is somehow bad for appearing at an event where a gay guy who sends inappropriate texts, but Clinton can associate with terrorists and child sex traffickers and its entirely inappropriate to point those out. And somehow the people who point out the flaw in this deranged thinking are the hypocrites?

Here I'll ask you again.

Trump said that it was no accident that Mr Mateen was there and had to be invited.

Trump had the Foley "if you want a recommendation gimme Dat butt" Foley in the camera shot.

Was it an accident like Trump said never happens or was the suspected pedo and disgraced Pol invited?

Foley, a gay man, sat behind Trump and it pissed you off. Mateen, father of a mass murderer, gay hater and Taliban supporter sat behind Hillary and it is no problem. Does that mean you hate gays and support the Taliban as well?

First, did Trump invite him or did it happen by accident as he said doesn't happen?

You won't answer the question, so I will ask another. Do you object to a gay man attending a Trump rally? It is apparent that Trump does not.
So trump is somehow bad for appearing at an event where a gay guy who sends inappropriate texts, but Clinton can associate with terrorists and child sex traffickers and its entirely inappropriate to point those out. And somehow the people who point out the flaw in this deranged thinking are the hypocrites?

Here I'll ask you again.

Trump said that it was no accident that Mr Mateen was there and had to be invited.

Trump had the Foley "if you want a recommendation gimme Dat butt" Foley in the camera shot.

Was it an accident like Trump said never happens or was the suspected pedo and disgraced Pol invited?

Foley, a gay man, sat behind Trump and it pissed you off. Mateen, father of a mass murderer, gay hater and Taliban supporter sat behind Hillary and it is no problem. Does that mean you hate gays and support the Taliban as well?

First, did Trump invite him or did it happen by accident as he said doesn't happen?

You won't answer the question, so I will ask another. Do you object to a gay man attending a Trump rally? It is apparent that Trump does not.

Why did Foley have to resign again? Didn't it have something to do with sending suggestive texts to underage pages?

And, yes, he was cleared of charges, but...

In the case of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the "FDLE conducted as thorough and comprehensive investigation as possible considering Congress and Mr. Foley denied us access to critical data,"
So trump is somehow bad for appearing at an event where a gay guy who sends inappropriate texts, but Clinton can associate with terrorists and child sex traffickers and its entirely inappropriate to point those out. And somehow the people who point out the flaw in this deranged thinking are the hypocrites?

Here I'll ask you again.

Trump said that it was no accident that Mr Mateen was there and had to be invited.

Trump had the Foley "if you want a recommendation gimme Dat butt" Foley in the camera shot.

Was it an accident like Trump said never happens or was the suspected pedo and disgraced Pol invited?

Foley, a gay man, sat behind Trump and it pissed you off. Mateen, father of a mass murderer, gay hater and Taliban supporter sat behind Hillary and it is no problem. Does that mean you hate gays and support the Taliban as well?

First, did Trump invite him or did it happen by accident as he said doesn't happen?

You won't answer the question, so I will ask another. Do you object to a gay man attending a Trump rally? It is apparent that Trump does not.

I asked the question first. Lets take turns :deal:
So trump is somehow bad for appearing at an event where a gay guy who sends inappropriate texts, but Clinton can associate with terrorists and child sex traffickers and its entirely inappropriate to point those out. And somehow the people who point out the flaw in this deranged thinking are the hypocrites?

Here I'll ask you again.

Trump said that it was no accident that Mr Mateen was there and had to be invited.

Trump had the Foley "if you want a recommendation gimme Dat butt" Foley in the camera shot.

Was it an accident like Trump said never happens or was the suspected pedo and disgraced Pol invited?

Foley, a gay man, sat behind Trump and it pissed you off. Mateen, father of a mass murderer, gay hater and Taliban supporter sat behind Hillary and it is no problem. Does that mean you hate gays and support the Taliban as well?

First, did Trump invite him or did it happen by accident as he said doesn't happen?

You won't answer the question, so I will ask another. Do you object to a gay man attending a Trump rally? It is apparent that Trump does not.

I asked the question first. Lets take turns :deal:

I will answer your question when you give me a link to what Trump said. I don't doubt it, but I would like to see it quoted.

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