It seems Republicans can cut health care costs 90%!!!!

Special Ed is like the King of Excuses.

too stupid!! a slim majority with many RINOs who get elected by independents is a fact not an excuse.

A child would know that, just not a liberal

If your party has complete control and can't govern as republicans, then your sorry ass party is at fault. No one else, dearie.

too stupid how can they govern as Republicans when elections are decided by independents????
Well child, when republicans ran the country for 6 straight years, why weren't they doing the things they now claim they can do?

too stupid!! they never ran the country!!!!A child would know that!! Really, a child would know that, just not a liberal

So a Bush White House and Republican majority House and Senate from 2003 to 2007 was our imagination?

Obviously, that didn't count because it doesn't fit the OP's agenda. :lol:
too stupid!! they never ran the country!!!!A child would know that!! Really, a child would know that, just not a liberal

So a Bush White House and Republican majority House and Senate from 2003 to 2007 was our imagination?

Obviously, that didn't count because it doesn't fit the OP's agenda. :lol:

too stupid how can they govern as Republicans when elections are decided by independents????
So what you're claiming will never come to pass, it's all just mental masturbation on your part.

Got it.

dear, America was a dream until our Founders made it a reality!! Things do change sometimes!!! Got it??

Masturbate on about your little Konservatopia fantasy, dearie.

dear, America was a dream until our Founders made it a reality!! Things do change sometimes!!! Got it??

if you doubt conservatism state your reason or admit you lack the IQ to do so. If liberalism is stupid as the soviets found out you'd better hope it does not prevail.
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too stupid how can they govern as Republicans when elections are decided by independents????

So what you're claiming will never come to pass, it's all just mental masturbation on your part.

Got it.

Looks that way. :eusa_whistle:

if you doubt conservatism state your reason or admit you lack the IQ to do so. If liberalism is stupid as the soviets found out you'd better hope it does not prevail.

notice how a liberal will be a true believer but is unable to support what he has been brainwashed to parrot. In that sense a liberal is like a Nazi.
actually, that is very very very stupid given that they held slim majorities, didn't vote as a block, and most of them got elected by appealing to independents who, after all, are the ones who decide elections!!

They have total control of many states at present, often with comfortable majorities. What is it they're doing or supposed to be doing with that power?
actually, that is very very very stupid given that they held slim majorities, didn't vote as a block, and most of them got elected by appealing to independents who, after all, are the ones who decide elections!!

They have total control of many states at present, often with comfortable majorities. What is it they're doing or supposed to be doing with that power?

not much powewr as long as flip flopping independents control next election. Over your head
not much powewr as long as flip flopping independents control next election. Over your head

So it seems Republicans can't cut costs, even when given total control of government. So what's the point of this thread?

too stupid!!! how can they have total control when independents decide next election?????? You must answer the question or admit to yourself you lack IQ to do so. Sorry
I'd like to know what exactly the GOP would do in detail, to lower the cost of health care by 90%. I'm 100% sure they'd win any election hands down if they actually could lower healthcare costs by 90%, liberals would even vote for the GOP in that case.
So Ed, cough up the details.
Yep, an LA Times study just showed that Cat scans can vary in cost between $250 and $4000. Why is it that cars don't vary in price like that? It's because under Republican capitalism there is transparancy and competition in the auto industry!!

Under liberal crony capitalist socialism there are only backroom deals the serve everyone except the consumer!!!

Ed, explain; how is the fact that "Cat scans can vary in cost between $250 and $4,000" related to your claim that Republicans can reduce healthcare costs by 90%?

For starters, "Cat Scans" are just one really tiny piece of the healthcare puzzle.

Also, isn't it possible for Cat Scan costs to vary based on a number of things such as length of procedure, location, availability, machine age/accuracy, ect, ect ,ect? How does this have anything to do with Republican/Democratic policy?

I don't understand...
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I'm a life long democrat but any republican who can cut my healthcare costs by 90% gets my vote and a campaign contribution.
There is only one reform that could dramatically cut healthcare costs and that's tort reform.

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