It seems Republicans can cut health care costs 90%!!!!

Cars don't vary much in price? Huh? Ask Rush Limbaugh what he paid for his Maybach? Great American guy! Or consider Japanese, Korean and other car manufacturers who make most of their cars overseas where wages are low. The naivety of the right wing never fails to astonish, one wonders if they all still live in mommy and daddy's basement? One irony is car manufacturers earn 50% of their profits from high end cars, and the people in America with money buy BMW's, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsches, or whatnot to help build their ego and provide material status to their otherwise insecure being.

Buy American = "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

Bumper stickers I'd like to see. Buy American - support all Americans, including yourself.

Our children, our grandchildren, ourselves require we support each other, buy American.

Quality! our Buick is number one.

Buy American and Thumbs up!
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A healthy economy is based on production and manufacturing of goods. The incentives to remain in this country was not supported by government so therefore, most of them moved. If all the manufacturing companies had stayed here, our economy would be number 1 in the world. We wouldn't have the social pressure of today with high unemployment requiring government support.
There is only one reform that could dramatically cut healthcare costs and that's tort reform.

There are a lot more than tort reform.

- EMTALA drove cost through the roof.
- McCarran–Ferguson Act prevents competition & promotes racketeering.
- The AMA union limits admissions to med schools to increase doctors pay.
- Lousy health insurance regulation.
- Medicare Fraud - Only about 69% of every dollar that Medicare spends goes to the intended Medicare beneficiaries.
- Poor diet & lack of physical activity.

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And tort reform is just big Brother screwing over the little guy.

That's why the right is in favor of it.
Buy American and Thumbs up!

If you buy bad products made by union liberals you make American manufacturing second rate and third rate and make you destroy our country.

If you buy only the best products you make American industry competitive and you make our country competitive and prosperous.

It seems simple but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand

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