It seems Republicans can cut health care costs 90%!!!!

I'd like to know what exactly the GOP would do in detail, to lower the cost of health care by 90%. I'm 100% sure they'd win any election hands down if they actually could lower healthcare costs by 90%, liberals would even vote for the GOP in that case.
So Ed, cough up the details.

Cat scans vary from $250 to $4000 because there is no capitalist competition. Republicans would introduce capitalism into health care!!
Simple enough??
I'd like to know what exactly the GOP would do in detail, to lower the cost of health care by 90%. I'm 100% sure they'd win any election hands down if they actually could lower healthcare costs by 90%, liberals would even vote for the GOP in that case.
So Ed, cough up the details.

Cat scans vary from $250 to $4000 because there is no capitalist competition. Republicans would introduce capitalism into health care!!
Simple enough??

Didn't realize our healthcare system was currently run by the government. Are the cat scan machine companies gov't run and owned? Are the hospitals that buy them gov't run and owned?

You don't seem to even have an argument, unfortunately.
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Yep, an LA Times study just showed that Cat scans can vary in cost between $250 and $4000. Why is it that cars don't vary in price like that? It's because under Republican capitalism there is transparancy and competition in the auto industry!!

Under liberal crony capitalist socialism there are only backroom deals the serve everyone except the consumer!!!

The problem is health insurance.

The insurance system has isolated medical services from market forces.

For example I can call 10 veterinarians in my area and find out what an office visit costs, what an x ray costs, a spay or neuter, vaccinations etc can all be priced with a phone call.

Try calling a doctors office and asking how much a physical costs, an x ray, routine blood work etc. You will not ever get an answer.

If we were truly able to compare prices and choose the best value we would see a huge drop in medical costs.
Ed, explain; how is the fact that "Cat scans can vary in cost between $250 and $4,000" related to your claim that Republicans can reduce healthcare costs by 90%?

Republicans are for capitalist competition, Democrats are 100% opposed. Imagine if one supermarket charged 90% less for meat?? It would drive the others into bankruptcy unless they matched the price

For starters, "Cat Scans" are just one really tiny piece of the healthcare puzzle.

there was another study in just California that compared cost of simple appendectomy As I recall range was from $1800-70,000. This of course will always happen when there is no competition!!

Also, isn't it possible for Cat Scan costs to vary based on a number of things such as length of procedure, location, availability, machine age/accuracy, ect, ect ,ect? How does this have anything to do with Republican/Democratic policy?

I don't understand...

Democrats are 100% against capitalistic competition. THey, as the soviets did, 100% destroy any incentive to provide value to customers.
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The problem is health insurance.

or more thoroughly, the problem is that Democrats made competition illegal in health insurance.

Maybe but I still think the best way to bring prices down is to be able to shop around and we can't do that.

Shit the fucking government makes restaurants post calorie counts why not make doctors and hospitals post their prices and let the people decide where they get their treatment not the insurance companies?
The healthcare industry sets it prices for all Americans except those on Medicare. Medicare does what the rest of the world's countries do, they negotiate providers costs. Thus, the cost of healthcare is less for those on Medicare than those who have to deal with who have to deal with the private healthcare world.

The US government is one of two developed nations that don't negotiate provider costs in the entire world. Thus the fact that the US pays almost double for healthcare than the next most expensive country for healthcare per capita.

Now, does anyone actually think the GOP would put the saving the public a lot of money in regards to healthcare over profits for the healthcare industry? I for one don't. Does anyone think the GOP would allow the government to negotiate pricing with healthcare providers that could save the public trillions? I don't.
Yep, an LA Times study just showed that Cat scans can vary in cost between $250 and $4000. Why is it that cars don't vary in price like that? It's because under Republican capitalism there is transparancy and competition in the auto industry!!

Under liberal crony capitalist socialism there are only backroom deals the serve everyone except the consumer!!!

The problem is health insurance.

The insurance system has isolated medical services from market forces.

For example I can call 10 veterinarians in my area and find out what an office visit costs, what an x ray costs, a spay or neuter, vaccinations etc can all be priced with a phone call.

Try calling a doctors office and asking how much a physical costs, an x ray, routine blood work etc. You will not ever get an answer.

If we were truly able to compare prices and choose the best value we would see a huge drop in medical costs.

I agree that Healthcare economics is very complex, and that the insurance system skews price determination. But here are a few thoughts:

1.) Although the consumers can care less about price, the insurance companies certainly do. This is why often times we're only allowed to visit certain medical facilities/doctors. Insurance companies DO push back on pricing and make sure that everything being charged is legitimate and accurate. Their business depends on it, right?

2.) Too, how do we get rid of insurance? Heathcare can get VERY expensive, especially in the case of serious illnesses like cancer, ect. I don't care how much you reduce the cost of healthcare, it's going to be too much for the average Joe to bankroll his own hip replacement or cutting edge cancer meds. Therefore insurance is a necessary evil to protect us from going bankrupt every time we travel to the hospital.
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Ed, explain; how is the fact that "Cat scans can vary in cost between $250 and $4,000" related to your claim that Republicans can reduce healthcare costs by 90%?

Republicans are for capitalist competition, Democrats are 100% opposed. Imagine if one supermarket charged 90% less for meat?? It would drive the others into bankruptcy unless they matched the price

For starters, "Cat Scans" are just one really tiny piece of the healthcare puzzle.

there was another study in just California that compared cost of simple appendectomy As I recall range was from $1800-70,000. This of course will always happen when there is no competition!!

Also, isn't it possible for Cat Scan costs to vary based on a number of things such as length of procedure, location, availability, machine age/accuracy, ect, ect ,ect? How does this have anything to do with Republican/Democratic policy?

I don't understand...

Democrats are 100% against capitalistic competition. THey, as the soviets did, 100% destroy any incentive to provide value to customers.

Ed - I don't get why you keep saying there's 'no competition', as if capitalism currently doesn't exist in today's Healthcare world.

Our Healthcare system is mostly a private one. Do I need to repeat this again?

Any studies you cite are with regards to the current healthcare system, which is mostly private, so (again) what point are you making?
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Yep, an LA Times study just showed that Cat scans can vary in cost between $250 and $4000. Why is it that cars don't vary in price like that? It's because under Republican capitalism there is transparancy and competition in the auto industry!!

Under liberal crony capitalist socialism there are only backroom deals the serve everyone except the consumer!!!

The problem is health insurance.

The insurance system has isolated medical services from market forces.

For example I can call 10 veterinarians in my area and find out what an office visit costs, what an x ray costs, a spay or neuter, vaccinations etc can all be priced with a phone call.

Try calling a doctors office and asking how much a physical costs, an x ray, routine blood work etc. You will not ever get an answer.

If we were truly able to compare prices and choose the best value we would see a huge drop in medical costs.

I agree that Healthcare economics is very complex, and that the insurance system skews price determination. But here are a few thoughts:

1.) Although the consumers can care less about price, the insurance companies certainly do. This is why often times we're only allowed to visit certain medical facilities/doctors. Insurance companies DO push back on pricing and make sure that everything being charged is legitimate and accurate. Their business depends on it, right?

2.) Too, how do we get rid of insurance? Heathcare can get VERY expensive, especially in the case of serious illnesses like cancer, ect. I don't care how much you reduce the cost of healthcare, it's going to be too much for the average Joe to bankroll his own hip replacement or cutting edge cancer meds. Therefore insurance is a necessary evil to protect us from going bankrupt every time we travel to the hospital.

It used to be that everyday health care was paid for out of pocket and insurance was for catastrophic illness and accident coverage.

How much would car insurance cost if oil changes and other everyday maintenance was included in the coverage?
It used to be that everyday health care was paid for out of pocket and insurance was for catastrophic illness and accident coverage.

How much would car insurance cost if oil changes and other everyday maintenance was included in the coverage?

It’s certainly an interesting argument (and one that I’ve agreed with in the past), however if people now are paying for everyday out of pocket, how many of those folks will chose not to get routine checkups simply because they want to save some money?

And when they skip on routine checkup/preventative stuff, how much will catastrophic costs go up when we no longer discover heart disease 20 years before the heart attack (and manage it/prevent it), but instead the day of the heart attack? People hate going to the doctor already, what’s going to be their incentive to go when it costs $400/visit, or even $80/visit? I think the out of pocket routine cost proposal is something that will really hurt us in the 'preventative' dept.

I think there are a lot of factors to consider here...
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How much would car insurance cost if oil changes and other everyday maintenance was included in the coverage?

well, an oil change is a mere $29 bucks in a competitive Republican capitalist world, but in a libturd socialist world where competition was illegal it might cost $500-750.
It used to be that everyday health care was paid for out of pocket and insurance was for catastrophic illness and accident coverage.

How much would car insurance cost if oil changes and other everyday maintenance was included in the coverage?

It’s certainly an interesting argument (and one that I’ve agreed with in the past), however if people now are paying for everyday out of pocket, how many of those folks will chose not to get routine checkups simply because they want to save some money?

That's their choice. Just like what coverage one pays for should be a choice. As the law stands I have to pay for coverage I have never wanted or needed like drug and alcohol and mental health counseling. Why should I have to pay for that?

And when they skip on routine checkup/preventative stuff, how much will catastrophic costs go up when we no longer discover heart disease 20 years before the heart attack (and manage it/prevent it), but instead the day of the heart attack? People hate going to the doctor already, what’s going to be their incentive to go when it costs $400/visit, or even $80/visit? I think the out of pocket routine cost proposal is something that will really hurt us in the 'preventative' dept.

I think there are a lot of factors to consider here...

It is complicated but then again a catastrophic illness/ accident policy can stipulate that an annual physical is required in order to keep the policy in force.

But let's face it even if people are forced to buy insurance, many of them still won't go to the doctor for preventive care and will wait until they are sick. It's human nature.
Yep, an LA Times study just showed that Cat scans can vary in cost between $250 and $4000. Why is it that cars don't vary in price like that? It's because under Republican capitalism there is transparancy and competition in the auto industry!!

Under liberal crony capitalist socialism there are only backroom deals!!!

Hilarious. I used a Cat Scan machine in a previous thread and these crazy Republicans thought they were tearing me a new one when I tried to explain the cost. How people are so determined and confidence in their ignorance is beyond me.

HVAC system that provide perfect humidity and temp.control. Also specail independent electrical circuits to power the equipment, and RAM (radio absorbent)materials for the walls. The cost of a CT room can vary from $250,000- $750,000.

How much does CT Scan machine cost

See what I mean? And that's just the cost of the room it sits in. Only the room.

Remember, there are, at last count, 3.7 million jobs available in the US unfilled because customers can't find skilled workers. And those jobs include technicians, HVAC, software engineers, installation, maintenance and operation. So many jobs around one piece of equipment. So after this information, the question of why the cost varies should be much more clear. I hope I led you in the right direction. If at least some of the answer isn't clear, ask, I will explain a little more, in spite of the right wing ignorant who will undoubtedly chime in.

"Also specail independent electrical circuits to power the equipment, and RAM (radio absorbent)materials for the walls. The cost of a CT room can varry from $250,000- $750,000."

Fromm the arikal the Derp quoted...


That's Deany's source
I needed some surgery last fall,I shopped around ,prices ranged from 25k to 2k same service same results,I went with the cheaper service. Had to go out of state but only a few hours away.The doctors and surgical center were great,absolutely happy with recovery. It can be done,is being done. It was not hard to write the check.

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