It Starts: London Muslim Mayor Bans Women In Advertisements

Don't we have enough advertising already? I think it's dumb to have ads on buses and trains. Just get rid of all the ads on them.

Were there no ads political correctness concerns would be greatly eased.

The lost revenue is of no consequence; it can easily be made up through higher fares and streamlining services, particularly at rush hours.

A not-intended but quite nice side effect: it would improve the quality of the ridership and the cleanliness of the trains and buses since the lower classes would be priced back to walking instead.

I doubt that small amount of money from ads can't be made up elsewhere without raising fares.
In every instance of historical racism, the person or group doing the hate believes that the hated group is evil or lacking in character.

Yeah, I am sure the liberals and KKK marchers thought the minorities were evil, which is why they made them sit in the back of the bus and drink from separate fountains. They didn't 'ban' them from anything - they just 'set separate rules for them'. Thank goodness the GOP forced their hands / actions and pushed Civil Rights through into law.
Don't we have enough advertising already? I think it's dumb to have ads on buses and trains. Just get rid of all the ads on them.

Were there no ads political correctness concerns would be greatly eased.

The lost revenue is of no consequence; it can easily be made up through higher fares and streamlining services, particularly at rush hours.

A not-intended but quite nice side effect: it would improve the quality of the ridership and the cleanliness of the trains and buses since the lower classes would be priced back to walking instead.

I doubt that small amount of money from ads can't be made up elsewhere without raising fares.
they'll have no problems selling the ad space
For the comprehension impaired:

I rather doubt the loss of revenue from the total elimination of transport advertising (eliminating all PC issues) might be made up without substantial rate rises. For your convenience I highlighted the word that seems to be causing so much confusion.
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Mac loves him sum ad porn and stumbles along.

Why do you enjoy the shaming of women?
So why don't you go after those same pictures here? You a porn addict yourself?
So you are defending your porn addiction now?
Nope, but your Muslim brothers will eventually get it banned here also.
They will have scores of millions of happy far right American Christians supporting them.
What is happening: Mayor announces town will refuse to sell advertising space for certain styles of ads.
What the OP is falsely claiming: Women are now banned from appearing in advertisements.
What is being discussed in this thread: Some bullshit about body shaming being equivalent to porn. A bunch of other people who aren't paying attention but somehow think it's a good idea to chime in and make an ass of themselves.

How the Hell did humanity invent the wheel when modern day idiots are the resulting legacy?

I see you "chimed" in, congrats, ass.
why do you get mad at SwimExpert for pointing out the lie put forth in the OP? shouldn't you be upset with the op for putting out false and misleading information?

First I'm not mad. Second he said that those that chimed in were an ass. So he chimed in...if you don't get the joke fine. Why are you so sensitive over Swimexpert? Strange!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is happening: Mayor announces town will refuse to sell advertising space for certain styles of ads.
What the OP is falsely claiming: Women are now banned from appearing in advertisements.
What is being discussed in this thread: Some bullshit about body shaming being equivalent to porn. A bunch of other people who aren't paying attention but somehow think it's a good idea to chime in and make an ass of themselves.

How the Hell did humanity invent the wheel when modern day idiots are the resulting legacy?

I see you "chimed" in, congrats, ass.
why do you get mad at SwimExpert for pointing out the lie put forth in the OP? shouldn't you be upset with the op for putting out false and misleading information?

First I'm not mad. Second he said that those that chimed in were an ass. So he chimed in...if you don't get the joke fine. Why are you so sensitive over Swimexpert? Strange!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well the sarcasm didn't seem to really translate. Poe's law, I suppose. Also, I didn't say everyone chiming in. It was pretty well predicated on chiming in when one isn't paying attention. :p On a final note: Tacos.
The Infamous Muslim Oppression of Women Has Begun In London.
Women are not being oppressed in London.
LOL! Looks like you have not checked your sources beyond what you want to believe.
What is happening: Mayor announces town will refuse to sell advertising space for certain styles of ads.
What the OP is falsely claiming: Women are now banned from appearing in advertisements.
What is being discussed in this thread: Some bullshit about body shaming being equivalent to porn. A bunch of other people who aren't paying attention but somehow think it's a good idea to chime in and make an ass of themselves.

How the Hell did humanity invent the wheel when modern day idiots are the resulting legacy?

I see you "chimed" in, congrats, ass.
why do you get mad at SwimExpert for pointing out the lie put forth in the OP? shouldn't you be upset with the op for putting out false and misleading information?

First I'm not mad. Second he said that those that chimed in were an ass. So he chimed in...if you don't get the joke fine. Why are you so sensitive over Swimexpert? Strange!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well the sarcasm didn't seem to really translate. Poe's law, I suppose. Also, I didn't say everyone chiming in. It was pretty well predicated on chiming in when one isn't paying attention. :p On a final note: Tacos.

I agree with the tacos! :)
Mac loves him sum ad porn and stumbles along.

Why do you enjoy the shaming of women?
So why don't you go after those same pictures here? You a porn addict yourself?
So you are defending your porn addiction now?
Nope, but your Muslim brothers will eventually get it banned here also.
They will have scores of millions of happy far right American Christians supporting them.
Not really us Christians don't think to kill anyone that disagrees with us. People like yourself supports the religion that does.

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