It Starts: London Muslim Mayor Bans Women In Advertisements

What is happening: Mayor announces town will refuse to sell advertising space for certain styles of ads.
What the OP is falsely claiming: Women are now banned from appearing in advertisements.
What is being discussed in this thread: Some bullshit about body shaming being equivalent to porn. A bunch of other people who aren't paying attention but somehow think it's a good idea to chime in and make an ass of themselves.

How the Hell did humanity invent the wheel when modern day idiots are the resulting legacy?
SwimExpert and other Islamic apologists, do you hate sexy women like the faggot Muslim mayor of London who banned sexy women from appearing on ads?
What is happening: Mayor announces town will refuse to sell advertising space for certain styles of ads.
What the OP is falsely claiming: Women are now banned from appearing in advertisements.
What is being discussed in this thread: Some bullshit about body shaming being equivalent to porn. A bunch of other people who aren't paying attention but somehow think it's a good idea to chime in and make an ass of themselves.

How the Hell did humanity invent the wheel when modern day idiots are the resulting legacy?

I see you "chimed" in, congrats, ass.
What is happening: Mayor announces town will refuse to sell advertising space for certain styles of ads.
What the OP is falsely claiming: Women are now banned from appearing in advertisements.
What is being discussed in this thread: Some bullshit about body shaming being equivalent to porn. A bunch of other people who aren't paying attention but somehow think it's a good idea to chime in and make an ass of themselves.

How the Hell did humanity invent the wheel when modern day idiots are the resulting legacy?

I see you "chimed" in, congrats, ass.
why do you get mad at SwimExpert for pointing out the lie put forth in the OP? shouldn't you be upset with the op for putting out false and misleading information?
Steroids are just as dangerous for boys, but is he suggesting that all pics of bulked up men be outlawed in a similar fashion? No, of course not, and that is because the real reason has nothing to do with body image.

Dude, it's pretty obvious that negative body image doesn't effect little boys and men in general as badly as it does little girls and women. This is changing it would seem, but that doesn't change the fact the bigger deal here, THAT YOU HAVE LITERALLY NO FUCKING EVIDENCE AT ALL THAT HE'S DOING THIS FOR ANY OTHER REASON THEN THE ONE HE SAID HE'S DOING IT FOR.

You could just as easily say he's doing it because he's oid, and doesn't like seeing such things because it hurts his delicate old man sensibilities. It'd still be bullshit from your imagination based in no actual evidence...but hell, you don't seem to care anyway.

Free speech affects people negatively. BAN IT!

Welcome to the liberal way of thinking. Feelz before realz all the way!

That wasn't a liberal responding to me, though.

Like I pointed out -- actual liberals are for the separation of religion and politics as well as against censorship of free speech.

This shouting idiot has it the other way around.
not a free speech issue. dumbass.

Let me see if I've got this right. A political figure is making a unilateral decision to prohibit the expression of the image of a women in a bikini on public transportation and it ISN'T a free speech issue to you?

If you are that utterly ignorant, why are you even here?

This same political figure sure doesn't have any problem with public buses openly seeking converts to Islam.
not a free speech issue. dumbass.

Let me see if I've got this right. A political figure is making a unilateral decision to prohibit the expression of the image of a women in a bikini on public transportation and it ISN'T a free speech issue to you?

If you are that utterly ignorant, why are you even here?

This same political figure sure doesn't have any problem with public buses openly seeking converts to Islam.
It's not a free speech decision. the city won't sell advertising space on its propertyour for certain kinds of advertisements.

is the city oblighted to sell to anyone? no.

is the city banning anything? no.

not a free speech issue
Couture by Jake

He's the one in the middle?

Nay, the one on the extreme left.
Islam has declared war on the west but the west doesn't know it yet. Europe is getting a wake up call though but our libs will take decades more and even then it might not sink in until gays are thrown off of the Freedom Tower.

Having spent most of the last year working in Europe, they are pretty clear over there that Muslims have declared war on them. It's the US that doesn't grasp it. Obama won't say the words.

Best Trump quote ever: The man (Obama) doesn't have a clue. And he was referring to this subject.

Now where Europe is messed up is they understand they are in a war, and they have no idea how to fight it ...
PREVENT....don't wait until you are 'infested'.
is the city banning anything? no.

The answer you are looking for is YES.

Damn -- even when the emperor is quite plainly naked, you little hive-mind regressive useful idiots will claim his clothes are resplendent.
ugh. why do you have such a hard time with facts?

the city has not banned anything, they have chosen not to sell their space to certain advertisements.
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In every instance of historical racism, the person or group doing the hate believes that the hated group is evil or lacking in character.

The OP comes from a long line of uneducated people who - at one time or another - have thought blacks were animals and women were intellectually inferior. These are the same people who think Mexicans, Muslims and Gays are morally deficient. He's no better than the Kurds or Shiites, who hate the other merely because they were born in the wrong group. He is keeping alive the very barbaric tribalism that he hates.

The belief that "other people" are inferior lubricates the wheels of empire. It allowed the great 18th century powers to colonize the globe, safe in the knowledge that "native" people were inconsequential bits of unformed nature, to be refined (nay saved) by the white man, who descended upon their territory like locusts and absconded with the fruits of their labor and natural resources.

Timothy McVeigh and Omar Mateen are not to be universalized as representatives of skin color, race, religion or nation. They are fucking evil psychopaths.

Stop blaming everything on race or some other invented category, and start holding the INDIVIDUAL accountable.
Don't we have enough advertising already? I think it's dumb to have ads on buses and trains. Just get rid of all the ads on them.
Don't we have enough advertising already? I think it's dumb to have ads on buses and trains. Just get rid of all the ads on them.

Were there no ads political correctness concerns would be greatly eased.

The lost revenue is of no consequence; it can easily be made up through higher fares and streamlining services, particularly at rush hours.

A not-intended but quite nice side effect: it would improve the quality of the ridership and the cleanliness of the trains and buses since the lower classes would be priced back to walking instead.

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