it takes 500k to raise a kid in the US (today's money)


May 28, 2018
without sponging off of the taxpayer for his med care, education, food, housing, etc. By the time you get the job done (properly, takes 25 years) inflation will have the cost at 1.5 million. Not even 10% in the US can afford to raise kids properly (while properly arranging for their own retirement, at an age that's early enough to enjoy it). What's the point of retiring at 65, when you health is probably shot? You want to retire before you're 40, and if you want kids, before you're 30, so you can give those kids the full time parenting that they need. Public schooling is WELFARE, people. It's funded by other people's taxes, taken from them at gunpoint, and you're scum for participating in such bs.
OK, so what, did you ever raise kids to adulthood? are you pissed that you are retired and your health is failing?
You must not of had children if you are bitching about how schools are funded,
I have plenty of money cause I didn't waste it on a kid. anyone can have a kid. So why bother? cause your genes are SO special?
So you're just a lonely dick bitching on the internet. I understand your bitching if you have paid property taxes all the those and never had any kids in school.
No one makes you have lots of kids. It is a life choice and you pay the price for it.

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