It took only 2 days for the MISERY to escalate under Obama

Conservative business owners: Waaaa we didn't get our way! You're all fired! Blame Obama!

How patriotic of them. I see they really learned a lesson from the beating their party took.
It isn't only the massive number of taxes that employers must pay. obamacare is hitting even those employers who have no employees. No matter how few, or how many, everyone must comply with reams of regulations and paperwork. Even individuals will have to fill out IRS forms detailing their health and health care. Even the sainted employees will have to fill out those forms.

Oh My God.

They are going to have to FILL OUT A FORM!?!?!?!

Sweet Evil Jesus, the Apocolypse is upon us all. A form. We are all dooooooomed!!!!

Not a form. Businesses will have to fill out dozens. The estimates are that the base for an employer with less than 50 employees will add 400 hours of form filling a year.

Will you ever learn to check your sources before you believe something that you read or that you are told? Will you?

Sometimes, the shit that you repeat is just way too stupid for a person of normal intelligence to even consider as fact. You are one dumb fuck.
Everything is going to get worse and Obamination will blame the GOP in Congress because his idiot lemmings believe his lies.

The economy is going downhill, healthcare is going to get worse and more expensive, the national security situation worse, taxes are going up, etc.....people elected Jimmy Carter to his second term and will now pay for it.

In the 80s we avoided it when adults acted like adults and chose a real man to run the country instead of bucktooth Carter but it seems the scum have spread their genes more among society decades later.
“You can’t love jobs and hate job creators,” he added, “and [President Obama] hates jobs creators.” - Art Laffer

Make no mistake, Obama doesn't want to see people employed because he wants them beholden to government, and thus, him. He wants them dependent on him for everything, so he can control them just like slaves.

Except Repubs aren't job creators. There was one headline out there saying a guy in Vegas fired 22 people when Obama was elected. How can you say they are job creators? They never create jobs, they take away jobs. They employ as few people as possible and make them work twice as hard so they can fill their own pockets.

Job creators.. :lmao:

How could he "end" jobs that he didn't make/create? Hmmm?

Hey Dumb Fuck !!!
When business hires more employees it means they are making more money.
So if what you say is true about the greed of these business's why would they lay people off?

because their greed and hubris usually outweighs their decency and common sense.

I've seen so much bad behavior by businesses in the last 20 years, I just don't buy into the whole canonization of the businessman anymore. He's usually a greedy asshole with an outsized ego.

oh gawd, don't we all know that..:eusa_boohoo:
So companies like the Coal company in Utah can use Obama to blame for laying people off.

Not the accident they had that killed 9 people and got them a million dollar fine... Nope... it's Obama's fault.

Compare 9 people who were killed,( assuming your statement is correct, for you posted no link, ) to the many thousands of families across the land who survive because of jobs in the coal industry, and then try to make some sense of your statement.

Barack Obama voter fraud 2012
Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 22 Updates Posted Today and People You Can Contact! See FRIDAY UPDATES! *

Is this what Barack Obama calls a “ground game?” All things considered, on this page and elsewhere, Mitt Romney IS our President elect. Let’s do something about it!

I’ll be adding additional links on a regular basis and forwarding all of this information to Mitt’s campaign! Please send other links.

Evidence of massive Obama voter fraud in Colorado! Ten counties show 104% to 140% turnout!

Colorado Counties Have More Voters Than People | RedState

Fraud: Some told they already voted, others brag about voting multiple times

Fraud: Some told they already voted, others brag about voting multiple times - National Elections |

Crooked Politics: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law

Crooked Politics: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law

Philly Polling Stations Where GOP Inspectors Were Kicked Out Had 90% Voter Turnout, 99% Voted For Obama…

Philly Polling Stations Where GOP Inspectors Were Kicked Out Had 90% Voter Turnout, 99% Voted For Obama… | Weasel Zippers

[Sounds like those Black Panthers who kicked out the GOP observers and stood guard at the polling stations were not just trying to intimidate voters! They were hiding something!]

Voter Fraud Watch: Two Election Judges Replaced After Illegal Activity in Ohio - Fox News Insider

Voter Fraud Watch: Two Election Judges Replaced After Illegal Activity in Ohio | Fox News Insider

Why the Polls are Wrong: Electorate is R+6

Why the Polls are Wrong: Poll Shows Electorate is R+6

Vote fraud alert: One out of five registered Ohio voters is bogus

Vote fraud alert: One out of five registered Ohio voters is bogus | Conservative News, Views & Books

via @BeachCity55 on Twitter: Senior parents in Florida told not to put their ballots through their reader but in a box. Senior votes in FL not counted?

Data Points To A Powerful Romney Campaign – And Yet…He Lost?

“You have to vote for Dems” NYC poll worker tells GOP Senate candidate #IllegalElectioneering
'You have to vote for Dems,' NYC poll worker tells ... GOP Senate candidate | Fox News

At least 70,000 report voting problems, mostly in swing states
Thousands report voting problems | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

Plane crash destroys Afghanistan US military ballots, most of which are for Mitt Romney

Obama’s pattern of disenfranchisement of the military vote
military voting | Election Law Blog

Another Stolen Election? Election data HIGHLY suspicious AND the George Soros’ “Secretary of State Project” Vote Investigators Needed NOW! ~ @PolitiJim's Rants for Reasonable People |

Yes, this is the same George Soros who owns part of the company in Spain Obama outsourced parts of the election to and who has been banned from Hungary because he tampered with elections there.

We will continue to add updates! Please check back often!


From my friend Lynn Victory on Facebook:

“Thanks for what you are doing. My son is friends with a guy in the Romney campaign who has actually been on since 2008. He is not high up, but said that the O campaign bought high tech equipment to target county by county where the votes were needed in battle-ground states, so that they could “bus in the needed votes”. The guy would not say fraud, but that is fraud.”

Also this referral from Lynn:

White House Insider on Obama Steal the Votes Strategy (Just Before the Election)

“But…these Obama boys…they took it to a whole other level. Votes, donations…deals…it’s a lot more Putin than it is Clinton. Pay to play…Big Labor…this country never seen it at this level.”

Voter fraud witnessed in Wisconsin by one of Mitt’s ORCA observers:

via Lori Patriot on Facebook:

52 Democrats arrested for VOTER FRAUD so far

52 DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud so far and Race or the N.A.A.C.P. Wasn’t an Issue | Newsnet 14

VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers
[ame=]Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers - YouTube[/ame]

In 2008, John McCain Ignored Vote Fraud to Avoid Civil Unrest
In 2008, John McCain Ignored Vote Fraud to Avoid Civil Unrest

[See what that got us?]

Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election
[ame=]Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election - YouTube[/ame]

Massive voter fraud discovered in April
[ame=]Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers - YouTube[/ame]

Is Voter Fraud Being Committed in Ohio? (Early Voting)
Is voter fraud being committed in Ohio? - Conservative News


Pundit Press: What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote
Pundit Press: What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote

Photo of Ethiopians brought to Ohio voting stations by busload, 95% of whom did not speak English, and told to vote for Obama, straight Dem ticket

“Did this Dirty Trick Get Obama Re-Elected?”
Did this dirty trick get Obama re-elected?

Vote Fraud Expert: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States
Prison » Vote Fraud Expert: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States

“Could we fix an election? Sure, they would never know it.”

Thousands of votes from our military troops uncounted or missing
Cast aside: Thousands of votes from our military troops uncounted or missing - Charlotte Conservative |

Defense Department can’t put soldiers, ballots together
Defense Department can’t put soldiers, ballots together

Voter fraud in Pennsylvania - Black Panthers return, GOP inspectors thrown out
Voter fraud in Pennsylvania? Black Panthers return, GOP inspectors thrown out | Washington Times Communities

Ohio fraudulent voter registration cards
Voter Fraud Charges Begin in Ohio

Ohio Residents Told They Already Voted When They Showed Up At the Polls Tuesday
Ohio Residents Told They Already Voted When They Showed Up At the Polls Tuesday

Poll Worker Puts Glendale Precinct’s Ballots on Car, Drives Away
Poll Worker Puts Glendale Precinct's Ballots on Car, Drives Away | NBC Southern California

Referenced above, but with more information:

Two Ohio Election Judges Removed for Allowing Unregistered Voters to Cast Ballots
Report: Two Ohio Election Judges Removed for Allowing Unregistered Voters to Cast Ballots

Democrat Admits He’s Voted FOUR Times Already
Democrat Admits He's Voted FOUR Times Already - Voter Fraud - Fox Nation

Boston reports 129% voter turnout, 79% for Obama; 74% for Elizabeth Warren
Poor Richard's News - Voter fraud? Boston reports 129% voter turnout, 79% for Obama; 74% for Elizabeth Warren

This one could be just a calibration issue, but not necessarily based on the programer’s testimony in the next link:

Voting machine swaps Romney for Obama

Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting
[ame=]Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines - YouTube[/ame]

VIDEO: Possible voter fraud in Pennsylvania — or just voting machine malfunction?
VIDEO: Possible voter fraud in Pennsylvania — or just voting machine malfunction? | UW Election Eye 2012 | Seattle Times

Voter Fraud Complaint Filed against Florida Democrats
Voter Fraud Complaint Filed against Fla. Democrats

“Ballot Re-writers” Update from Allen West

“Half the Democratic ground game is voter turnout. The other half is voter fraud.”

Voter Fraud: Obama Won 108% of Registered Voters in Wood County, Ohio
Voter Fraud: Obama Won %108 of Registered Voters in Ohio County

Video: Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out on Voter Fraud
[ame=]Vote Fraud - Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out - YouTube[/ame]

BREAKING: St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County
BREAKING: St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County

Between St. Lucie and Broward Counties, we have a pretty good idea what happened in Florida. Normal voting is what, 50% turnout? It doesn’t take many counties like this to affect an entire state by multiple percentage points.

All of these numbers between 99% (Pennsylvania) and 141.1% (Florida) turnout in dozens of counties in swing states makes me think Team Obama was panicking a lot just before the election, with Mitt up by 7% in certain early voting polls. They overcompensated so much the fraud is impossible to hide. I think they know it, which may be one reason Axelrod is stepping down. (Sound familiar Petraeus and Benghazi?)

As I told someone earlier today, this is who Obama is. This is who Chicago (the machine) is. Do we really want this to be who America is? Is this how we will define our elections from 2008 on? As Mitt says, “America can do better.” We must do better. We can’t let the message be out there that America will let this fraud go.

Want to do something about all of this? Tiffany Banks and Darin Southam forwarded me a list of people you can contact who are in the November 9, 2012 3:12 PM comment below.

Did you know voters can request a recount in certain states? (Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Wisconsin!) Take a look at the comment by @RightonMainSt dated November 9, 2012 11:45 PM below for instructions! Mitt will have to ask in Colorado himself. (Yes, you Mitt!)

It has also been suggested that we ask Republican Secretaries of State NOT to certify the election until all questions about voter fraud are abated. Some people think this may provoke a crisis, but it can’t be worse than the one we are looking at for the next four years and the impact on generations to come! America NEEDS Mitt, and Mitt won fair and square. This was not a ballot stuffing competition but an election. Let’s make sure it’s counted that way!
Quote from "The Blaze":

"Bristol-Myers Squibb is following up its lackluster third-quarter results with almost 480 layoffs. As Pharmalot reports, the company notified the New Jersey government that it would scale back in Plainsboro, which means the cuts will hit its sales operations".

Actually, Bristol Meyers decided to combine operations with his brother Oscar, retool, and produce enteric coated wieners and fat-free aspirin, saving or creating millions of jobs.
So companies like the Coal company in Utah can use Obama to blame for laying people off.

Not the accident they had that killed 9 people and got them a million dollar fine... Nope... it's Obama's fault.

Compare 9 people who were killed,( assuming your statement is correct, for you posted no link, ) to the many thousands of families across the land who survive because of jobs in the coal industry, and then try to make some sense of your statement.

So that makes it okay then? They tried to increase their profit margins by throwing safety out the window, but it's okay, because, hey, other people have jobs. So it's all good.

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