It Took Tom Cotton Less Than A Minute To Invoke Hitler In First Senate Speech

Hmmmm, he was using it in a historical context, accurately I might add. And you're worried about his speech......

Senator Tom Cotton is the one who is appeasing the Iranian hardline Ayotollahs who would be the "Hitlers" of today who are trying arm themselves for war.

That is the correct historical context for what he did with that letter.

How so? There is nothing in the reported agreement that will prevent them from getting ever more centrifuges to generate ever more weapons grade uranium. If you know differently please present a link to the evidence.

There is no signed agreement yet therefore your claim about the centrifuges is based on nothing but speculation.

Cotton and the Gang of 47 appeased the Iranian warlords by betraying their own nation and it's leader with that letter.

Fortunately the rest of the world has seen it for what it is and are condemning them for destabilizing nuclear peace talks.

As is your entire position and statement.

Onus is on you to refute my position.
Hmmmm, he was using it in a historical context, accurately I might add. And you're worried about his speech......

Senator Tom Cotton is the one who is appeasing the Iranian hardline Ayotollahs who would be the "Hitlers" of today who are trying arm themselves for war.

That is the correct historical context for what he did with that letter.

How so? There is nothing in the reported agreement that will prevent them from getting ever more centrifuges to generate ever more weapons grade uranium. If you know differently please present a link to the evidence.

There is no signed agreement yet therefore your claim about the centrifuges is based on nothing but speculation.

Cotton and the Gang of 47 appeased the Iranian warlords by betraying their own nation and it's leader with that letter.

Fortunately the rest of the world has seen it for what it is and are condemning them for destabilizing nuclear peace talks.

As is your entire position and statement.

Onus is on you to refute my position.

Onus is on you to provide sources for your assertions.
Senator Tom Cotton is the one who is appeasing the Iranian hardline Ayotollahs who would be the "Hitlers" of today who are trying arm themselves for war.

That is the correct historical context for what he did with that letter.

How so? There is nothing in the reported agreement that will prevent them from getting ever more centrifuges to generate ever more weapons grade uranium. If you know differently please present a link to the evidence.

There is no signed agreement yet therefore your claim about the centrifuges is based on nothing but speculation.

Cotton and the Gang of 47 appeased the Iranian warlords by betraying their own nation and it's leader with that letter.

Fortunately the rest of the world has seen it for what it is and are condemning them for destabilizing nuclear peace talks.

As is your entire position and statement.

Onus is on you to refute my position.

Onus is on you to provide sources for your assertions.

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul Rubio 47 Traitors Who Sent Letter To Iran - Petition Soars

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul, Rubio & 47 ‘Traitors’ Who Sent Letter To Iran

Highly sensitive weapons negotiations between seven nations, including the U.S., China, Russia, France, UK, Germany, and Iran have been compromised this past week by what some call a treasonous letter written to Iran by 47 U.S. Republican lawmakers.

This act has caused outrage nationwide against the signees of the letter. Two of the names contained in the message are 2016 Republican presidential candidates Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Marco Rubio After condemnation came from the American people, President Obama, Democrats and evenRepublicans, world leaders/officials are now expressing their shock and disgust.

Karen De Young with The Washington Post relays some of the quotes in an article. The German Foreign Minister had this to say:

“Suddenly, Iran can say to us: ‘Are your proposals actually trustworthy if 47 senators say that no matter what the government agrees to, we can subsequently take it off the table?’ ” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said during a visit to Washington.

De Young continues:

Even before Steinmeier’s visit on Thursday, Germany, Britain and France had repeatedly expressed concern about congressional interference in the talks.

Ambassadors from the three Western European countries have been a frequent presence on Capitol Hill, trying to persuade lawmakers to hold off on new Iran sanctions or any other legislation related to the negotiations while they are underway.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif replied to the letter calling it a ‘propaganda ploy.’

Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Republicans Feeling Heat Over Iran Letter Express Regrets - Bloomberg Politics

Round-Up Editorial Boards From Around the Country Respond to the 47 Republican Senators The White House

AL – Anniston Star Editorial: “Editorial: An Ignoble Letter From 47 Senators.” “An open letter to the 47 U.S. senators who signed a letter addressed to Iran’s political leaders: We are struck by your letter that condescendingly attempts to lecture Iran’s leadership on the fine points of the U.S. Constitution while at the same time blatantly trampled on the constitutionally defined roles in foreign affairs of presidents and members of Congress. In short, the chief executive negotiates and the Senate ratifies, or not, as the case may be. Yet, your letter is a clear attempt to preemptively wreck the president’s attempts at a settlement to put Iran’s nuclear ambitions in check. And this provocative letter is well beyond the protocol for how the U.S. government negotiates international treaties.”

AZ – AZ Republic: Editorial: “47 Senators Stomp On The Constitution.” “While their concerns may be valid, it is no business of senators to interfere with the negotiations of the elected official with the authority to barter with Iran, the president … If that is the best argument Republicans can make for inserting themselves in sensitive foreign-policy negotiations, they are effectively declaring a congressional right to conduct subversive, foreign-policy proxy wars with the president, with threats to blow up agreement negotiations as their weapon of choice … Show us where that is to be found in the U.S. Constitution.

KY – The Courier Journal Editorial: “Senate Saboteurs.” “Has Congress gone crazy?…A blatant attempt to sabotage the discussions to limit Iran’s nuclear capacity, the letter is signed by by 47 GOP senators, aligning themselves — President Obama noted ironically — with hardliners in Iran who oppose any deal with the United States."

OH – Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial: “A Deeply Misguided Senate Letter To The Leaders Of Iran: Editorial.” “The decision by 47 Republican senators to sign a patronizing open letter to the leaders of Iran seeking to instruct them on how the U.S. constitutional system works -- and, by the way, to upend talks closing in on a nuclear weapons deal -- is as depressingly partisan as it is shortsighted…But the magnitude of this disgraceful decision -- only seven sitting Republican senators declined to sign the letter -- shows the degree to which partisanship has gobbled up rationality on foreign policy. This letter was a stunt that grossly oversteps the bounds of what is proper and wise.”

UT – Salt Lake Tribune Editorial:“Editorial: Utah Senators Increase Risk Of War.” “It will be up to history to judge whether the latest partisan stunt joined by Utah Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch amounts to an act of End Times warmongering or merely another bit of cringe-worthy buffoonery on the global stage."​

So what do you have to support your position?
How so? There is nothing in the reported agreement that will prevent them from getting ever more centrifuges to generate ever more weapons grade uranium. If you know differently please present a link to the evidence.

There is no signed agreement yet therefore your claim about the centrifuges is based on nothing but speculation.

Cotton and the Gang of 47 appeased the Iranian warlords by betraying their own nation and it's leader with that letter.

Fortunately the rest of the world has seen it for what it is and are condemning them for destabilizing nuclear peace talks.

As is your entire position and statement.

Onus is on you to refute my position.

Onus is on you to provide sources for your assertions.

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul Rubio 47 Traitors Who Sent Letter To Iran - Petition Soars

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul, Rubio & 47 ‘Traitors’ Who Sent Letter To Iran

Highly sensitive weapons negotiations between seven nations, including the U.S., China, Russia, France, UK, Germany, and Iran have been compromised this past week by what some call a treasonous letter written to Iran by 47 U.S. Republican lawmakers.

This act has caused outrage nationwide against the signees of the letter. Two of the names contained in the message are 2016 Republican presidential candidates Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Marco Rubio After condemnation came from the American people, President Obama, Democrats and evenRepublicans, world leaders/officials are now expressing their shock and disgust.

Karen De Young with The Washington Post relays some of the quotes in an article. The German Foreign Minister had this to say:

“Suddenly, Iran can say to us: ‘Are your proposals actually trustworthy if 47 senators say that no matter what the government agrees to, we can subsequently take it off the table?’ ” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said during a visit to Washington.

De Young continues:

Even before Steinmeier’s visit on Thursday, Germany, Britain and France had repeatedly expressed concern about congressional interference in the talks.

Ambassadors from the three Western European countries have been a frequent presence on Capitol Hill, trying to persuade lawmakers to hold off on new Iran sanctions or any other legislation related to the negotiations while they are underway.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif replied to the letter calling it a ‘propaganda ploy.’

Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Republicans Feeling Heat Over Iran Letter Express Regrets - Bloomberg Politics

Round-Up Editorial Boards From Around the Country Respond to the 47 Republican Senators The White House

AL – Anniston Star Editorial: “Editorial: An Ignoble Letter From 47 Senators.” “An open letter to the 47 U.S. senators who signed a letter addressed to Iran’s political leaders: We are struck by your letter that condescendingly attempts to lecture Iran’s leadership on the fine points of the U.S. Constitution while at the same time blatantly trampled on the constitutionally defined roles in foreign affairs of presidents and members of Congress. In short, the chief executive negotiates and the Senate ratifies, or not, as the case may be. Yet, your letter is a clear attempt to preemptively wreck the president’s attempts at a settlement to put Iran’s nuclear ambitions in check. And this provocative letter is well beyond the protocol for how the U.S. government negotiates international treaties.”

AZ – AZ Republic: Editorial: “47 Senators Stomp On The Constitution.” “While their concerns may be valid, it is no business of senators to interfere with the negotiations of the elected official with the authority to barter with Iran, the president … If that is the best argument Republicans can make for inserting themselves in sensitive foreign-policy negotiations, they are effectively declaring a congressional right to conduct subversive, foreign-policy proxy wars with the president, with threats to blow up agreement negotiations as their weapon of choice … Show us where that is to be found in the U.S. Constitution.

KY – The Courier Journal Editorial: “Senate Saboteurs.” “Has Congress gone crazy?…A blatant attempt to sabotage the discussions to limit Iran’s nuclear capacity, the letter is signed by by 47 GOP senators, aligning themselves — President Obama noted ironically — with hardliners in Iran who oppose any deal with the United States."

OH – Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial: “A Deeply Misguided Senate Letter To The Leaders Of Iran: Editorial.” “The decision by 47 Republican senators to sign a patronizing open letter to the leaders of Iran seeking to instruct them on how the U.S. constitutional system works -- and, by the way, to upend talks closing in on a nuclear weapons deal -- is as depressingly partisan as it is shortsighted…But the magnitude of this disgraceful decision -- only seven sitting Republican senators declined to sign the letter -- shows the degree to which partisanship has gobbled up rationality on foreign policy. This letter was a stunt that grossly oversteps the bounds of what is proper and wise.”

UT – Salt Lake Tribune Editorial:“Editorial: Utah Senators Increase Risk Of War.” “It will be up to history to judge whether the latest partisan stunt joined by Utah Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch amounts to an act of End Times warmongering or merely another bit of cringe-worthy buffoonery on the global stage."​

So what do you have to support your position?
Keep in mind that Republicans don't care what the rest of the world thinks

They only care about what FoxNation thinks. That is why they are incapable of representing us on a world stage
Hmmmm, he was using it in a historical context, accurately I might add. And you're worried about his speech......

Senator Tom Cotton is the one who is appeasing the Iranian hardline Ayotollahs who would be the "Hitlers" of today who are trying arm themselves for war.

That is the correct historical context for what he did with that letter.
Very true

It is the rhetoric of Cotton and his attempts to sabotage delicate negotiations
Smells like Mitch picked a kamikaze Senator to carry the water.

Earlier, ^^ I posed that as a possible reason for his stupidity.

But, it seems more likely that its just the Repubs doing what they do so well - making a mess while being completely ineffectual and impotent. Its Keystone Kops legislating, throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.

How so? There is nothing in the reported agreement that will prevent them from getting ever more centrifuges to generate ever more weapons grade uranium. If you know differently please present a link to the evidence.

There is no signed agreement yet therefore your claim about the centrifuges is based on nothing but speculation.

Cotton and the Gang of 47 appeased the Iranian warlords by betraying their own nation and it's leader with that letter.

Fortunately the rest of the world has seen it for what it is and are condemning them for destabilizing nuclear peace talks.

As is your entire position and statement.

Onus is on you to refute my position.

Onus is on you to provide sources for your assertions.

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul Rubio 47 Traitors Who Sent Letter To Iran - Petition Soars

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul, Rubio & 47 ‘Traitors’ Who Sent Letter To Iran

Highly sensitive weapons negotiations between seven nations, including the U.S., China, Russia, France, UK, Germany, and Iran have been compromised this past week by what some call a treasonous letter written to Iran by 47 U.S. Republican lawmakers.

This act has caused outrage nationwide against the signees of the letter. Two of the names contained in the message are 2016 Republican presidential candidates Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Marco Rubio After condemnation came from the American people, President Obama, Democrats and evenRepublicans, world leaders/officials are now expressing their shock and disgust.

Karen De Young with The Washington Post relays some of the quotes in an article. The German Foreign Minister had this to say:

“Suddenly, Iran can say to us: ‘Are your proposals actually trustworthy if 47 senators say that no matter what the government agrees to, we can subsequently take it off the table?’ ” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said during a visit to Washington.

De Young continues:

Even before Steinmeier’s visit on Thursday, Germany, Britain and France had repeatedly expressed concern about congressional interference in the talks.

Ambassadors from the three Western European countries have been a frequent presence on Capitol Hill, trying to persuade lawmakers to hold off on new Iran sanctions or any other legislation related to the negotiations while they are underway.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif replied to the letter calling it a ‘propaganda ploy.’

Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Republicans Feeling Heat Over Iran Letter Express Regrets - Bloomberg Politics

Round-Up Editorial Boards From Around the Country Respond to the 47 Republican Senators The White House

AL – Anniston Star Editorial: “Editorial: An Ignoble Letter From 47 Senators.” “An open letter to the 47 U.S. senators who signed a letter addressed to Iran’s political leaders: We are struck by your letter that condescendingly attempts to lecture Iran’s leadership on the fine points of the U.S. Constitution while at the same time blatantly trampled on the constitutionally defined roles in foreign affairs of presidents and members of Congress. In short, the chief executive negotiates and the Senate ratifies, or not, as the case may be. Yet, your letter is a clear attempt to preemptively wreck the president’s attempts at a settlement to put Iran’s nuclear ambitions in check. And this provocative letter is well beyond the protocol for how the U.S. government negotiates international treaties.”

AZ – AZ Republic: Editorial: “47 Senators Stomp On The Constitution.” “While their concerns may be valid, it is no business of senators to interfere with the negotiations of the elected official with the authority to barter with Iran, the president … If that is the best argument Republicans can make for inserting themselves in sensitive foreign-policy negotiations, they are effectively declaring a congressional right to conduct subversive, foreign-policy proxy wars with the president, with threats to blow up agreement negotiations as their weapon of choice … Show us where that is to be found in the U.S. Constitution.

KY – The Courier Journal Editorial: “Senate Saboteurs.” “Has Congress gone crazy?…A blatant attempt to sabotage the discussions to limit Iran’s nuclear capacity, the letter is signed by by 47 GOP senators, aligning themselves — President Obama noted ironically — with hardliners in Iran who oppose any deal with the United States."

OH – Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial: “A Deeply Misguided Senate Letter To The Leaders Of Iran: Editorial.” “The decision by 47 Republican senators to sign a patronizing open letter to the leaders of Iran seeking to instruct them on how the U.S. constitutional system works -- and, by the way, to upend talks closing in on a nuclear weapons deal -- is as depressingly partisan as it is shortsighted…But the magnitude of this disgraceful decision -- only seven sitting Republican senators declined to sign the letter -- shows the degree to which partisanship has gobbled up rationality on foreign policy. This letter was a stunt that grossly oversteps the bounds of what is proper and wise.”

UT – Salt Lake Tribune Editorial:“Editorial: Utah Senators Increase Risk Of War.” “It will be up to history to judge whether the latest partisan stunt joined by Utah Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch amounts to an act of End Times warmongering or merely another bit of cringe-worthy buffoonery on the global stage."​

So what do you have to support your position?
So socialists and America-haters the world over, don't like that letter?

Good. That means it was the right thing to do.
How so? There is nothing in the reported agreement that will prevent them from getting ever more centrifuges to generate ever more weapons grade uranium. If you know differently please present a link to the evidence.

There is no signed agreement yet therefore your claim about the centrifuges is based on nothing but speculation.

Cotton and the Gang of 47 appeased the Iranian warlords by betraying their own nation and it's leader with that letter.

Fortunately the rest of the world has seen it for what it is and are condemning them for destabilizing nuclear peace talks.

As is your entire position and statement.

Onus is on you to refute my position.

Onus is on you to provide sources for your assertions.

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul Rubio 47 Traitors Who Sent Letter To Iran - Petition Soars

World Leaders Condemn Acts By Paul, Rubio & 47 ‘Traitors’ Who Sent Letter To Iran

Highly sensitive weapons negotiations between seven nations, including the U.S., China, Russia, France, UK, Germany, and Iran have been compromised this past week by what some call a treasonous letter written to Iran by 47 U.S. Republican lawmakers.

This act has caused outrage nationwide against the signees of the letter. Two of the names contained in the message are 2016 Republican presidential candidates Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Marco Rubio After condemnation came from the American people, President Obama, Democrats and evenRepublicans, world leaders/officials are now expressing their shock and disgust.

Karen De Young with The Washington Post relays some of the quotes in an article. The German Foreign Minister had this to say:

“Suddenly, Iran can say to us: ‘Are your proposals actually trustworthy if 47 senators say that no matter what the government agrees to, we can subsequently take it off the table?’ ” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said during a visit to Washington.

De Young continues:

Even before Steinmeier’s visit on Thursday, Germany, Britain and France had repeatedly expressed concern about congressional interference in the talks.

Ambassadors from the three Western European countries have been a frequent presence on Capitol Hill, trying to persuade lawmakers to hold off on new Iran sanctions or any other legislation related to the negotiations while they are underway.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif replied to the letter calling it a ‘propaganda ploy.’

Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Republicans Feeling Heat Over Iran Letter Express Regrets - Bloomberg Politics

Round-Up Editorial Boards From Around the Country Respond to the 47 Republican Senators The White House

AL – Anniston Star Editorial: “Editorial: An Ignoble Letter From 47 Senators.” “An open letter to the 47 U.S. senators who signed a letter addressed to Iran’s political leaders: We are struck by your letter that condescendingly attempts to lecture Iran’s leadership on the fine points of the U.S. Constitution while at the same time blatantly trampled on the constitutionally defined roles in foreign affairs of presidents and members of Congress. In short, the chief executive negotiates and the Senate ratifies, or not, as the case may be. Yet, your letter is a clear attempt to preemptively wreck the president’s attempts at a settlement to put Iran’s nuclear ambitions in check. And this provocative letter is well beyond the protocol for how the U.S. government negotiates international treaties.”

AZ – AZ Republic: Editorial: “47 Senators Stomp On The Constitution.” “While their concerns may be valid, it is no business of senators to interfere with the negotiations of the elected official with the authority to barter with Iran, the president … If that is the best argument Republicans can make for inserting themselves in sensitive foreign-policy negotiations, they are effectively declaring a congressional right to conduct subversive, foreign-policy proxy wars with the president, with threats to blow up agreement negotiations as their weapon of choice … Show us where that is to be found in the U.S. Constitution.

KY – The Courier Journal Editorial: “Senate Saboteurs.” “Has Congress gone crazy?…A blatant attempt to sabotage the discussions to limit Iran’s nuclear capacity, the letter is signed by by 47 GOP senators, aligning themselves — President Obama noted ironically — with hardliners in Iran who oppose any deal with the United States."

OH – Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial: “A Deeply Misguided Senate Letter To The Leaders Of Iran: Editorial.” “The decision by 47 Republican senators to sign a patronizing open letter to the leaders of Iran seeking to instruct them on how the U.S. constitutional system works -- and, by the way, to upend talks closing in on a nuclear weapons deal -- is as depressingly partisan as it is shortsighted…But the magnitude of this disgraceful decision -- only seven sitting Republican senators declined to sign the letter -- shows the degree to which partisanship has gobbled up rationality on foreign policy. This letter was a stunt that grossly oversteps the bounds of what is proper and wise.”

UT – Salt Lake Tribune Editorial:“Editorial: Utah Senators Increase Risk Of War.” “It will be up to history to judge whether the latest partisan stunt joined by Utah Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch amounts to an act of End Times warmongering or merely another bit of cringe-worthy buffoonery on the global stage."​

So what do you have to support your position?

I have the fact that the letter was not sent to anyone. It was an open letter published on a senators website. Had the letter actually been sent to anyone I would agree with you. As it wasn't there is nothing to complain about, officially. We can certainly say that their methods were stupid. But then we are talking about politicians. Most of them are stupid.
Hmmmm, he was using it in a historical context, accurately I might add. And you're worried about his speech......

Senator Tom Cotton is the one who is appeasing the Iranian hardline Ayotollahs who would be the "Hitlers" of today who are trying arm themselves for war.

That is the correct historical context for what he did with that letter.
Very true

It is the rhetoric of Cotton and his attempts to sabotage delicate negotiations

And that leads right back to the same inescapable conclusion -

They're intent is to undermine, weaken, harm their own country.

This is no other reason for them to do it.
It Took Tom Cotton Less Than A Minute To Invoke Hitler In First Senate Speech

What a hoot.

Democrats and other leftist fanatics have been calling Republicans "Nazis" for decades. They compare them to Hitler at the drop of a hat.

And now when ONE Republican uses their own tactic on them, suddenly they are outraged. They can't believe that somebody would do such a thing.... or so they tell us now.

Can these people sink any lower?
It Took Tom Cotton Less Than A Minute To Invoke Hitler In First Senate Speech

What a hoot.

Democrats and other leftist fanatics have been calling Republicans "Nazis" for decades. They compare them to Hitler at the drop of a hat.

And now when ONE Republican uses their own tactic on them, suddenly they are outraged. They can't believe that somebody would do such a thing.... or so they tell us now.

Can these people sink any lower?

Who Tom Cotton? or just the dems you claim did the same thing as Cotton?
Hmmmm, he was using it in a historical context, accurately I might add. And you're worried about his speech......

Senator Tom Cotton is the one who is appeasing the Iranian hardline Ayotollahs who would be the "Hitlers" of today who are trying arm themselves for war.

That is the correct historical context for what he did with that letter.

I agree. And its just stunning that anyone could defend their open sabotage of what 6 countries are trying to accomplish.

Cotton is surely just too dumb and inexperienced to see beyond his own ambition and his wish for Iran to have nuclear weapons leading to war. However, the older Rs who signed that letter should have known better and should have cared more about their own country than they do.

They set out to weaken, embarrass and undermine the US on the world stage. That's as far ahead as they thought or planned.
Or, alternatively, they simply weakened a reportedly Bad-Deal-in-the-Making, to prevent it from getting traction and becoming irreversible?

Because they don't trust the current President with such long-lasting and mortally-dangerous high-stakes negotiations?
This is what happens when people focus on one thing only, Hitler rather than the complete structure and context of what Churchill was saying.
Cotton is totally correct, that history is repeating itself again.

Yet they want the Supreme Court to rule on the whole meaning and context of the Health Care Act rather than just 4 words.

Dem: "Look there,s an ISIS warrior. Let's tell him he has a cool flag. So he will like us."

ISIS: "Thank you. Check out my knife!"

Dem: Aaaarrgghhh. ... gurgle....gurgle...

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