It Took Tom Cotton Less Than A Minute To Invoke Hitler In First Senate Speech

Actually, he's accusing Obama of appeasing our enemies when in fact the gop hawks are fighting their own members to fully fund Obama's requests for defense spending. But don't let facts get in your way.

Cotton has been on the job for only a couple of months and has already shown himself to be willfully ignorant, willfully dishonest and not interested in changing that.

He's a loose cannon.
Right...damn ex military Iraq veterans.... shoot first ask questions later!
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Yea because people who are educated also know their history and obviously LIPs like you and others like you are very shrift in remembering history.
That's one of the reasons there are conservatives,i.e. we want to preserve our freedoms...not give them up which is what if YOU took just a few seconds from self-absorption to read carefully what Obama has already given UP to Iran!

"senior member of the Saudi royal family has warned that a deal on Iran's nuclear programme could prompt other regional states to develop atomic fuel.
Prince Turki al-Faisal told the BBC that Saudi Arabia would then seek the same right, as would other nations.
Six world powers are negotiating an agreement aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear activity but not ending it.
Critics have argued this would trigger a nuclear arms race in the region spurred on by Saudi-Iran rivalry.
"I've always said whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same," said the prince, Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief.
"So if Iran has the ability to enrich uranium to whatever level, it's not just Saudi Arabia that's going to ask for that.
"The whole world will be an open door to go that route without any inhibition, and that's my main objection to this P5+1 [the six world powers] process."

The concessions already acknowledged by U.S. officials include:
• There will be no limits on Iran’s ballistic-missile force, the presumed delivery means for its nuclear weapons.
The U.S. position of seeking limits on the missile force was abandoned when the Supreme Leader objected.

• There will be no resolution of Iran’s weaponization activities — described as “very alarming” by the Obama White House in November 2011 — before an agreement is reached. Iran is likely to promise once again to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency in its investigation, but no serious observer would expect anything other than continued obstructionism by Iran.
At one point, a resolution of weaponization activities was a precondition for an agreement. Now it is being treated as an implementation issue.

• Verification will likely be based primarily on Iran’s current safeguards agreement and a promise to implement the Additional Protocol — a promise Iran first made over a decade ago.
Even if the Additional Protocol is observed, inspections will be by “managed access” based on Iran’s cooperation and good will. At one point, the U.S. insisted that effective verification required full access to facilities and people. Now, the U.S. and its P5+1 negotiating partners have settled for far less. There will be no unfettered inspections of suspected covert facilities such as the Lavizan-3 site revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran on Tuesday.

• The Arak heavy-water reactor will likely be modified in some fashion but not in any fundamental way that would prevent Iran from using it to produce plutonium for weapons.
The initial U.S. position was that the reactor must be dismantled.
• The economic sanctions that were disrupting the Iranian economy will be lifted in a shorter period than the restrictions on the country’s nuclear program.
In fact, Tehran has already received billions of dollars of sanctions relief for continuing the negotiations and observing several easily reversible constraints.

• The restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program will reportedly be phased out after ten years, a period shorter than the time it has taken to negotiate the agreement. The original U.S. position was that restrictions would be permanent.

• And most important, Iran will be allowed to operate thousands of centrifuges to enrich uranium and to pursue research and development of more advanced models that are many times more efficient.
The original U.S. position — backed by multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions demanding complete suspension of all enrichment activities — was “zero enrichment” and “zero centrifuges.”
Under President Obama, zero was abandoned as “unrealistic,” and the number of permitted centrifuges moved up in successive proposals from 1,000 to 4,500 to 6,000, and perhaps more. Iran has rejected each offer as insufficient, only to be rewarded with a better one.

National Review
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Yea because people who are educated also know their history and obviously LIPs like you and others like you are very shrift in remembering history.
That's one of the reasons there are conservatives,i.e. we want to preserve our freedoms...not give them up which is what if YOU took just a few seconds from self-absorption to read carefully what Obama has already given UP to Iran!

"senior member of the Saudi royal family has warned that a deal on Iran's nuclear programme could prompt other regional states to develop atomic fuel.
Prince Turki al-Faisal told the BBC that Saudi Arabia would then seek the same right, as would other nations.
Six world powers are negotiating an agreement aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear activity but not ending it.
Critics have argued this would trigger a nuclear arms race in the region spurred on by Saudi-Iran rivalry.
"I've always said whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same," said the prince, Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief.
"So if Iran has the ability to enrich uranium to whatever level, it's not just Saudi Arabia that's going to ask for that.
"The whole world will be an open door to go that route without any inhibition, and that's my main objection to this P5+1 [the six world powers] process."

The concessions already acknowledged by U.S. officials include:
• There will be no limits on Iran’s ballistic-missile force, the presumed delivery means for its nuclear weapons.
The U.S. position of seeking limits on the missile force was abandoned when the Supreme Leader objected.

• There will be no resolution of Iran’s weaponization activities — described as “very alarming” by the Obama White House in November 2011 — before an agreement is reached. Iran is likely to promise once again to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency in its investigation, but no serious observer would expect anything other than continued obstructionism by Iran.
At one point, a resolution of weaponization activities was a precondition for an agreement. Now it is being treated as an implementation issue.

• Verification will likely be based primarily on Iran’s current safeguards agreement and a promise to implement the Additional Protocol — a promise Iran first made over a decade ago.
Even if the Additional Protocol is observed, inspections will be by “managed access” based on Iran’s cooperation and good will. At one point, the U.S. insisted that effective verification required full access to facilities and people. Now, the U.S. and its P5+1 negotiating partners have settled for far less. There will be no unfettered inspections of suspected covert facilities such as the Lavizan-3 site revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran on Tuesday.

• The Arak heavy-water reactor will likely be modified in some fashion but not in any fundamental way that would prevent Iran from using it to produce plutonium for weapons.
The initial U.S. position was that the reactor must be dismantled.
• The economic sanctions that were disrupting the Iranian economy will be lifted in a shorter period than the restrictions on the country’s nuclear program.
In fact, Tehran has already received billions of dollars of sanctions relief for continuing the negotiations and observing several easily reversible constraints.

• The restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program will reportedly be phased out after ten years, a period shorter than the time it has taken to negotiate the agreement. The original U.S. position was that restrictions would be permanent.

• And most important, Iran will be allowed to operate thousands of centrifuges to enrich uranium and to pursue research and development of more advanced models that are many times more efficient.
The original U.S. position — backed by multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions demanding complete suspension of all enrichment activities — was “zero enrichment” and “zero centrifuges.”
Under President Obama, zero was abandoned as “unrealistic,” and the number of permitted centrifuges moved up in successive proposals from 1,000 to 4,500 to 6,000, and perhaps more. Iran has rejected each offer as insufficient, only to be rewarded with a better one.

National Review

National Review? That's funny...
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Yea because people who are educated also know their history and obviously LIPs like you and others like you are very shrift in remembering history.
That's one of the reasons there are conservatives,i.e. we want to preserve our freedoms...not give them up which is what if YOU took just a few seconds from self-absorption to read carefully what Obama has already given UP to Iran!

"senior member of the Saudi royal family has warned that a deal on Iran's nuclear programme could prompt other regional states to develop atomic fuel.
Prince Turki al-Faisal told the BBC that Saudi Arabia would then seek the same right, as would other nations.
Six world powers are negotiating an agreement aimed at limiting Iran's nuclear activity but not ending it.
Critics have argued this would trigger a nuclear arms race in the region spurred on by Saudi-Iran rivalry.
"I've always said whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same," said the prince, Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief.
"So if Iran has the ability to enrich uranium to whatever level, it's not just Saudi Arabia that's going to ask for that.
"The whole world will be an open door to go that route without any inhibition, and that's my main objection to this P5+1 [the six world powers] process."

The concessions already acknowledged by U.S. officials include:
• There will be no limits on Iran’s ballistic-missile force, the presumed delivery means for its nuclear weapons.
The U.S. position of seeking limits on the missile force was abandoned when the Supreme Leader objected.

• There will be no resolution of Iran’s weaponization activities — described as “very alarming” by the Obama White House in November 2011 — before an agreement is reached. Iran is likely to promise once again to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency in its investigation, but no serious observer would expect anything other than continued obstructionism by Iran.
At one point, a resolution of weaponization activities was a precondition for an agreement. Now it is being treated as an implementation issue.

• Verification will likely be based primarily on Iran’s current safeguards agreement and a promise to implement the Additional Protocol — a promise Iran first made over a decade ago.
Even if the Additional Protocol is observed, inspections will be by “managed access” based on Iran’s cooperation and good will. At one point, the U.S. insisted that effective verification required full access to facilities and people. Now, the U.S. and its P5+1 negotiating partners have settled for far less. There will be no unfettered inspections of suspected covert facilities such as the Lavizan-3 site revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran on Tuesday.

• The Arak heavy-water reactor will likely be modified in some fashion but not in any fundamental way that would prevent Iran from using it to produce plutonium for weapons.
The initial U.S. position was that the reactor must be dismantled.
• The economic sanctions that were disrupting the Iranian economy will be lifted in a shorter period than the restrictions on the country’s nuclear program.
In fact, Tehran has already received billions of dollars of sanctions relief for continuing the negotiations and observing several easily reversible constraints.

• The restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program will reportedly be phased out after ten years, a period shorter than the time it has taken to negotiate the agreement. The original U.S. position was that restrictions would be permanent.

• And most important, Iran will be allowed to operate thousands of centrifuges to enrich uranium and to pursue research and development of more advanced models that are many times more efficient.
The original U.S. position — backed by multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions demanding complete suspension of all enrichment activities — was “zero enrichment” and “zero centrifuges.”
Under President Obama, zero was abandoned as “unrealistic,” and the number of permitted centrifuges moved up in successive proposals from 1,000 to 4,500 to 6,000, and perhaps more. Iran has rejected each offer as insufficient, only to be rewarded with a better one.

National Review

National Review? That's funny...

Ok So I guess you agree with this then.
Israel calls for destruction of nuclear capability... not the destruction of Iran, or Iranians as the above document calls for.
I really want you terrorists loving Iranian sympathizers to comment on the above document... where is your compassion? Your feelings for people or do you like Iran NOT consider Israel as a people.
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

Why did he choose to quote Churchill that included Hitler - in his very first Senate floor speech?

Because we have a passive leader who is making us weaker not stronger as a Nation which was what Churchill was saying for his time.
Hitler wanted world domination the same as Muslim Radicals want world domination today.
Simple,but maybe not for you,your Navel Chamberlain,along with all your buddies,Obama included,Iran is Germany in the around 1933-1939,and The rebubs are Churchill,the similarities are real.
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

Why did he choose to quote Churchill that included Hitler - in his very first Senate floor speech?

History 101 for a fractal Indian and full-blooded LIP!
Several years before the USA got involved in WWII, people like Churchill were warning against Hitler's desire to conquer the world.
As the LIPs don't comprehend the realities because they only have been taught comic characteristics of Hitler in school.
Having lived with people that LIVED under the tyranny of a tyrant like Hitler, those of us that KNOW are trying to tell neophytes, naive people obviously like LIPs like you the realities of Iran and radical islamic terrorists...i.e. advance Muslim to the entire world.
That's their objective.

So when part-time indians/full time LIPs like you show your ignorance as to the threat a nuclear armed Iran means i.e. other Middle East countries
wanting nuclear weapons... we have ignited WWIII!
But LIPs/part-time indians will never see it as the first people usually to go are those that don't recognize threats!
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

Why did he choose to quote Churchill that included Hitler - in his very first Senate floor speech?

To draw a false parallel from history of course. From "His Waterloo" or "His Watergate" or "His Katrina" to "His Vietnam". All have failed and failed miserably.
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

Why did he choose to quote Churchill that included Hitler - in his very first Senate floor speech?

History 101 for a fractal Indian and full-blooded LIP!
Several years before the USA got involved in WWII, people like Churchill were warning against Hitler's desire to conquer the world.
As the LIPs don't comprehend the realities because they only have been taught comic characteristics of Hitler in school.
Having lived with people that LIVED under the tyranny of a tyrant like Hitler, those of us that KNOW are trying to tell neophytes, naive people obviously like LIPs like you the realities of Iran and radical islamic terrorists...i.e. advance Muslim to the entire world.
That's their objective.

So when part-time indians/full time LIPs like you show your ignorance as to the threat a nuclear armed Iran means i.e. other Middle East countries
wanting nuclear weapons... we have ignited WWIII!
But LIPs/part-time indians will never see it as the first people usually to go are those that don't recognize threats!

Prior to WWII, it was the conservatives who were advocating staying out of Europes mess. It was conservatives who fought for isolationism and conservatives who blocked liberal FDR from sending aid to England to fight the Germans
Iran is Germany in the around 1933-1939

Nope. While the US's strategic blunder in Iraq has given Iran greater influence in the region they are not comparable to Hitlers Germany in the 30's. The pseudo-cons used that same line against Saddam too, and called anyone opposed to that invasion and occupation a Neville.
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

Why did he choose to quote Churchill that included Hitler - in his very first Senate floor speech?

History 101 for a fractal Indian and full-blooded LIP!
Several years before the USA got involved in WWII, people like Churchill were warning against Hitler's desire to conquer the world.
As the LIPs don't comprehend the realities because they only have been taught comic characteristics of Hitler in school.
Having lived with people that LIVED under the tyranny of a tyrant like Hitler, those of us that KNOW are trying to tell neophytes, naive people obviously like LIPs like you the realities of Iran and radical islamic terrorists...i.e. advance Muslim to the entire world.
That's their objective.

So when part-time indians/full time LIPs like you show your ignorance as to the threat a nuclear armed Iran means i.e. other Middle East countries
wanting nuclear weapons... we have ignited WWIII!
But LIPs/part-time indians will never see it as the first people usually to go are those that don't recognize threats!

Prior to WWII, it was the conservatives who were advocating staying out of Europes mess. It was conservatives who fought for isolationism and conservatives who blocked liberal FDR from sending aid to England to fight the Germans

It was the majority of all Americans who did not want to go to war again because of WWI.
I don't know why you try to label it as only conservatives because that is not true.
And Liberals accuse conservatives of not being well educated.

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