It Took Tom Cotton Less Than A Minute To Invoke Hitler In First Senate Speech

Iran is Germany in the around 1933-1939

Nope. While the US's strategic blunder in Iraq has given Iran greater influence in the region they are not comparable to Hitlers Germany in the 30's. The pseudo-cons used that same line against Saddam too, and called anyone opposed to that invasion and occupation a Neville.

Yet it's OK with the left when Hillary uses the same comparison with Putin taking over the Ukraine.
Hillary Clinton stands up and compares Vladimir Putin to Hitler.
Clinton’s point in two appearances in California was that Putin was using the same argument in his Crimea push — the need to defend Russian nationals — as Hitler used in the 1930s when he claimed defense of ethnic Germans to justify his annexation of parts of Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Clinton stakes out hawkish stance on Ukraine - MarketWatch
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

But Cotton was appeasing the hardline warmongering Iranian Ayotollahs which makes him more like Chamberlain in this instance. His idiocy makes war more likely rather than less likely.

That is what this Administration is doing not Cotton.
This administration is easing up on Iran's sanctions and is allowing them to continue their nuke program after 10 years according to a Department spokesmen.
Of course Iran will break the agreement like every other one they have ever done and the easing of sanctions lets them get their nukes faster and earlier.
Yet it's OK with the left when Hillary uses the same comparison with Putin taking over the Ukraine.
Hillary Clinton stands up and compares Vladimir Putin to Hitler.
Clinton’s point in two appearances in California was that Putin was using the same argument in his Crimea push — the need to defend Russian nationals — as Hitler used in the 1930s when he claimed defense of ethnic Germans to justify his annexation of parts of Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Clinton stakes out hawkish stance on Ukraine - MarketWatch

It's just a jump to the left........

NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

But Cotton was appeasing the hardline warmongering Iranian Ayotollahs which makes him more like Chamberlain in this instance. His idiocy makes war more likely rather than less likely.

That is what this Administration is doing not Cotton.
This administration is easing up on Iran's sanctions and is allowing them to continue their nuke program after 10 years according to a Department spokesmen.
Of course Iran will break the agreement like every other one they have ever done and the easing of sanctions lets them get their nukes faster and earlier.

For starters it is not just this administration, it is 6 nations, including Russia and China, and the EU government all trying to reach an agreement with Iran on not developing nukes.

Secondly your assumptions are based upon disinformation from extreme right sources that have an agenda to harm Obama irrespective if it harms this nation in the process.

The goal is to stop Iran from procuring nukes. By sabotaging the talks Cotton and his nefarious Gang of 47 are ensuring that Iran will continue on the path to becoming a nuclear power. That makes them the Chamberlains appeasing the warmongering Iranians while it is Obama and the 6 nations who are working hard to stop Iran.
Actually, he's accusing Obama of appeasing our enemies when in fact the gop hawks are fighting their own members to fully fund Obama's requests for defense spending. But don't let facts get in your way.

Cotton has been on the job for only a couple of months and has already shown himself to be willfully ignorant, willfully dishonest and not interested in changing that.

He's a loose cannon.
Right...damn ex military Iraq veterans.... shoot first ask questions later!
huh? Meanwhile this country is $3,000,000,000,000 in the hole because of the last Repub admin's war-for-profit and the resultant drag on this great nation's economy not to mention lives lost

If President Obama's team negotiates a satisfactory nuclear agreement with Iran - will Republicans try to take credit for it? Hint: Sure they will...
When Obama flies to Teheran and apologizes for America having kept nukes from Iran for all those years will you liberals NOT stand up and cheer?
WASHINGTON -- It's hard to believe freshman Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) caused such a stir in the Senate with his letter to Iran even before his maiden floor speech. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who led an unsuccessful fight against Obamacare, couldn't even do that.

But Cotton -- now famous for orchestrating the controversial letter to Iran with the signatures of 46 of his GOP colleagues -- finally got the chance to do just that on Monday evening. Cotton began, as one does, with Adolf Hitler.

"The world is growing ever more dangerous, and our defense spending is wholly inadequate to confront the danger," Cotton said. "To be exact, during the last four or five years, the world has grown gravely darker. We have steadily disarmed, partly with a sincere desire to give a lead to other countries and partly due to the severe financial pressure of the time. But a change must now be made. We must not continue longer on a course in which we alone are growing weaker while every other nation is growing stronger."

He continued: "I wish I could take credit for those eloquent but ominous words, but I cannot. Winston Churchill sounded that warning in 1933 as Adolf Hitler had taken power in Germany. Tragically, Great Britain and the West didn't heed this warning, when they might have strangled that monster in his crib. Rather they let the locust continue to eat away at the common defense."

More: It Took Tom Cotton Less Than A Minute To Invoke Hitler In First Senate Speech

Cotton is a scary dude - and not in a good way.

Your English skills are lacking. You'd better look up the word "invoke." Cotton did not "invoke" Hitler--he mentioned Hitler, but did not "invoke" him.

Cotton was making the perfectly valid point that liberal Democrats are ignoring the warnings about Iran just as European liberals ignored the warnings about Hitler shortly before WW II.
WASHINGTON -- It's hard to believe freshman Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) caused such a stir in the Senate with his letter to Iran even before his maiden floor speech. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who led an unsuccessful fight against Obamacare, couldn't even do that.

But Cotton -- now famous for orchestrating the controversial letter to Iran with the signatures of 46 of his GOP colleagues -- finally got the chance to do just that on Monday evening. Cotton began, as one does, with Adolf Hitler.

"The world is growing ever more dangerous, and our defense spending is wholly inadequate to confront the danger," Cotton said. "To be exact, during the last four or five years, the world has grown gravely darker. We have steadily disarmed, partly with a sincere desire to give a lead to other countries and partly due to the severe financial pressure of the time. But a change must now be made. We must not continue longer on a course in which we alone are growing weaker while every other nation is growing stronger."

He continued: "I wish I could take credit for those eloquent but ominous words, but I cannot. Winston Churchill sounded that warning in 1933 as Adolf Hitler had taken power in Germany. Tragically, Great Britain and the West didn't heed this warning, when they might have strangled that monster in his crib. Rather they let the locust continue to eat away at the common defense."

More: It Took Tom Cotton Less Than A Minute To Invoke Hitler In First Senate Speech

Cotton is a scary dude - and not in a good way.

Your English skills are lacking. You'd better look up the word "invoke." Cotton did not "invoke" Hitler--he mentioned Hitler, but did not "invoke" him.

Cotton was making the perfectly valid point that liberal Democrats are ignoring the warnings about Iran just as European liberals ignored the warnings about Hitler shortly before WW II.

Really? Maybe you should look it up. Here, I'll help you...


: to mention (someone or something) in an attempt to make people feel a certain way or have a certain idea in their mind

: to refer to (something) in support of your ideas

: to make use of (a law, a right, etc.)

Invoke - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
That government is best which governs least. ~
Thomas Jefferson

Least, as opposed to not at all, as is the case with Republicans.

Shutting down the government is not governing, it is an abdication of their oath to uphold the Constitution!
Then again, a shut-down is not a dissolution, so, if one views a shut-down as a forced-hand necessity, in order to force the Executive back to the table in pursuit of Constitutional goals and in accordance with Constitutional processes, then, those responsible for the shutdown can probably serve-up a defensible rationale - in extremis, anyway. That is not to say that Shutdown has been used once too often - de facto or anticipated - in recent times.
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

But Cotton was appeasing the hardline warmongering Iranian Ayotollahs which makes him more like Chamberlain in this instance. His idiocy makes war more likely rather than less likely.

That is what this Administration is doing not Cotton.
This administration is easing up on Iran's sanctions and is allowing them to continue their nuke program after 10 years according to a Department spokesmen.
Of course Iran will break the agreement like every other one they have ever done and the easing of sanctions lets them get their nukes faster and earlier.

For starters it is not just this administration, it is 6 nations, including Russia and China, and the EU government all trying to reach an agreement with Iran on not developing nukes.

Secondly your assumptions are based upon disinformation from extreme right sources that have an agenda to harm Obama irrespective if it harms this nation in the process.

The goal is to stop Iran from procuring nukes. By sabotaging the talks Cotton and his nefarious Gang of 47 are ensuring that Iran will continue on the path to becoming a nuclear power. That makes them the Chamberlains appeasing the warmongering Iranians while it is Obama and the 6 nations who are working hard to stop Iran.

They are already procuring NUKES!

There will be no resolution of Iran’s weaponization activities — described as “very alarming” by the Obama White House in November 2011 — before an agreement is reached. Iran is likely to promise once again to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency in its investigation, but no serious observer would expect anything other than continued obstructionism by Iran.
At one point, a resolution of weaponization activities was a precondition for an agreement. Now it is being treated as an implementation issue.

• Verification will likely be based primarily on Iran’s current safeguards agreement and a promise to implement the Additional Protocol — a promise Iran first made over a decade ago.
Even if the Additional Protocol is observed, inspections will be by “managed access” based on Iran’s cooperation and good will. At one point, the U.S. insisted that effective verification required full access to facilities and people. Now, the U.S. and its P5+1 negotiating partners have settled for far less. There will be no unfettered inspections of suspected covert facilities such as the Lavizan-3 site revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran on Tuesday.

• The Arak heavy-water reactor will likely be modified in some fashion but not in any fundamental way that would prevent Iran from using it to produce plutonium for weapons.
The initial U.S. position was that the reactor must be dismantled.
• The economic sanctions that were disrupting the Iranian economy will be lifted in a shorter period than the restrictions on the country’s nuclear program.
In fact, Tehran has already received billions of dollars of sanctions relief for continuing the negotiations and observing several easily reversible constraints.

• The restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program will reportedly be phased out after ten years, a period shorter than the time it has taken to negotiate the agreement. The original U.S. position was that restrictions would be permanent.

• And most important, Iran will be allowed to operate thousands of centrifuges to enrich uranium and to pursue research and development of more advanced models that are many times more efficient.
The original U.S. position — backed by multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions demanding complete suspension of all enrichment activities — was “zero enrichment” and “zero centrifuges.”
Under President Obama, zero was abandoned as “unrealistic,” and the number of permitted centrifuges moved up in successive proposals from 1,000 to 4,500 to 6,000, and perhaps more. Iran has rejected each offer as insufficient, only to be rewarded with a better one.

National Review

  1. Western negotiators are concerned that the total of about 19,000 centrifuges that Iran has installed at its enrichment plants at Natanz and Fordow is sufficient for producing, should it decide to do so, highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons purposes (typically enriched to 90 percent uranium-235) in a time frame ...Jun 9, 2014
  2. Agreeing on Limits for Iran's Centrifuge Program: A Two ...
    Arms Control Ass
NaziCons love to play the Hitler fearmongering card. They always have to have a bogeyman.

Except Cotton was quoting Churchill.

But Cotton was appeasing the hardline warmongering Iranian Ayotollahs which makes him more like Chamberlain in this instance. His idiocy makes war more likely rather than less likely.

That is what this Administration is doing not Cotton.
This administration is easing up on Iran's sanctions and is allowing them to continue their nuke program after 10 years according to a Department spokesmen.
Of course Iran will break the agreement like every other one they have ever done and the easing of sanctions lets them get their nukes faster and earlier.

For starters it is not just this administration, it is 6 nations, including Russia and China, and the EU government all trying to reach an agreement with Iran on not developing nukes.

Secondly your assumptions are based upon disinformation from extreme right sources that have an agenda to harm Obama irrespective if it harms this nation in the process.

The goal is to stop Iran from procuring nukes. By sabotaging the talks Cotton and his nefarious Gang of 47 are ensuring that Iran will continue on the path to becoming a nuclear power. That makes them the Chamberlains appeasing the warmongering Iranians while it is Obama and the 6 nations who are working hard to stop Iran.

They are already procuring NUKES!

There will be no resolution of Iran’s weaponization activities — described as “very alarming” by the Obama White House in November 2011 — before an agreement is reached. Iran is likely to promise once again to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency in its investigation, but no serious observer would expect anything other than continued obstructionism by Iran.
At one point, a resolution of weaponization activities was a precondition for an agreement. Now it is being treated as an implementation issue.

• Verification will likely be based primarily on Iran’s current safeguards agreement and a promise to implement the Additional Protocol — a promise Iran first made over a decade ago.
Even if the Additional Protocol is observed, inspections will be by “managed access” based on Iran’s cooperation and good will. At one point, the U.S. insisted that effective verification required full access to facilities and people. Now, the U.S. and its P5+1 negotiating partners have settled for far less. There will be no unfettered inspections of suspected covert facilities such as the Lavizan-3 site revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran on Tuesday.

• The Arak heavy-water reactor will likely be modified in some fashion but not in any fundamental way that would prevent Iran from using it to produce plutonium for weapons.
The initial U.S. position was that the reactor must be dismantled.
• The economic sanctions that were disrupting the Iranian economy will be lifted in a shorter period than the restrictions on the country’s nuclear program.
In fact, Tehran has already received billions of dollars of sanctions relief for continuing the negotiations and observing several easily reversible constraints.

• The restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program will reportedly be phased out after ten years, a period shorter than the time it has taken to negotiate the agreement. The original U.S. position was that restrictions would be permanent.

• And most important, Iran will be allowed to operate thousands of centrifuges to enrich uranium and to pursue research and development of more advanced models that are many times more efficient.
The original U.S. position — backed by multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions demanding complete suspension of all enrichment activities — was “zero enrichment” and “zero centrifuges.”
Under President Obama, zero was abandoned as “unrealistic,” and the number of permitted centrifuges moved up in successive proposals from 1,000 to 4,500 to 6,000, and perhaps more. Iran has rejected each offer as insufficient, only to be rewarded with a better one.

National Review

  1. Western negotiators are concerned that the total of about 19,000 centrifuges that Iran has installed at its enrichment plants at Natanz and Fordow is sufficient for producing, should it decide to do so, highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons purposes (typically enriched to 90 percent uranium-235) in a time frame ...Jun 9, 2014
  2. Agreeing on Limits for Iran's Centrifuge Program: A Two ...
    Arms Control Ass

National Review is a biased disinformation source for extremist rightwingers and has zero credibility.
  1. Western negotiators are concerned that the total of about 19,000 centrifuges that Iran has installed at its enrichment plants at Natanz and Fordow is sufficient for producing, should it decide to do so, highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons purposes (typically enriched to 90 percent uranium-235) in a time frame ...Jun 9, 2014
  2. Agreeing on Limits for Iran's Centrifuge Program: A Two

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