It was a beautiful thing seeing obama getting disrespected

Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"
No, people disrespecting our President is not a beautiful thing.

Though I can sympathize with the notion.
The fact on the far left are closer to Stalin than anyone on the right...

So, what do you think of DearLeaderTrump's plan to purge the military of anyone who doesn't swear personal loyalty to him? Have you ever seen a more openly Stalinist plan? I haven't. And I'm sure you love the plan. All Trump fans must love it, because it's DearLeader's plan.

you constantly attempt to ban free speech,

No, not true. A few dumbass college kids don't count, being we mock them for being such dumbasses. Free speech squashing is currently a right-wing thing. They do it by more underhanded ways, by allowing people with money to throw lawsuits at anyone who talks freely. Again, your DearLeaderTrump is a big fan of that tactic.

you hate that Americans have the right to bear arms

I'm sure you actually believe that's true, being it's what your masters keep telling it to you.

and if you don't get what you want you fall back on anarchy as a political strategy.

We're not the ones threatening revolution if we lose, or retribution if we win. That would be the Trump fans. A couple of them have implied to me how I was going to end up shot by conservative revolutionaries.

It's not the "dumbass college students" that quash free's the dumb ass college professors and administrators that won't allow conservative speakers on college campuses! Free speech doesn't exist on college campuses anymore because they have decided that political correctness trumps that Constitutional right!
that's what happens when RW haters/fools do nothing but parrot hate/BS/lies to the educated...As always the RW making molehills into mountains by cherry picking and endless divisive BS propaganda. There are plenty of straight talking conservatives speaking on campuses.

Name the liberals that have been banned from speaking on college campuses. Then I'll name the conservatives who have been banned. Who's list do you think is going to be much bigger? Hmmmmm?
The fact on the far left are closer to Stalin than anyone on the constantly attempt to ban free speech, you hate that Americans have the right to bear arms and if you don't get what you want you fall back on anarchy as a political strategy.
We hate that felons, terrorists and nutters can buy assault rifles. Duh. Ban free speech my butt.

None of your gun control laws are going to keep felons, terrorists or nutters from getting assault rifles, Franco. None of those types CARE about the law. Your gun control laws are designed to do one thing and one thing only...deprive law abiding Americans from being able to defend their loved ones and themselves.

Of course they will, dupe. And what a pile of crap.

Yet in Chicago...a city that has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation...gun murders are skyrocketing? Explain why that is, Franco!
The fact on the far left are closer to Stalin than anyone on the right...

So, what do you think of DearLeaderTrump's plan to purge the military of anyone who doesn't swear personal loyalty to him? Have you ever seen a more openly Stalinist plan? I haven't. And I'm sure you love the plan. All Trump fans must love it, because it's DearLeader's plan.

you constantly attempt to ban free speech,

No, not true. A few dumbass college kids don't count, being we mock them for being such dumbasses. Free speech squashing is currently a right-wing thing. They do it by more underhanded ways, by allowing people with money to throw lawsuits at anyone who talks freely. Again, your DearLeaderTrump is a big fan of that tactic.

you hate that Americans have the right to bear arms

I'm sure you actually believe that's true, being it's what your masters keep telling it to you.

and if you don't get what you want you fall back on anarchy as a political strategy.

We're not the ones threatening revolution if we lose, or retribution if we win. That would be the Trump fans. A couple of them have implied to me how I was going to end up shot by conservative revolutionaries.

It's not the "dumbass college students" that quash free's the dumb ass college professors and administrators that won't allow conservative speakers on college campuses! Free speech doesn't exist on college campuses anymore because they have decided that political correctness trumps that Constitutional right!
that's what happens when RW haters/fools do nothing but parrot hate/BS/lies to the educated...As always the RW making molehills into mountains by cherry picking and endless divisive BS propaganda. There are plenty of straight talking conservatives speaking on campuses.

Name the liberals that have been banned from speaking on college campuses. Then I'll name the conservatives who have been banned. Who's list do you think is going to be much bigger? Hmmmmm?
The lying bought off tools deserve it, dupe. lol. Saves them a lot of grief from educated people. I'm betting Oral Roberts U. etc do a helluva lot of that. But we don't have a disgraceful propaganda service making a federal case out of very little, for dupes only.
The fact on the far left are closer to Stalin than anyone on the constantly attempt to ban free speech, you hate that Americans have the right to bear arms and if you don't get what you want you fall back on anarchy as a political strategy.
We hate that felons, terrorists and nutters can buy assault rifles. Duh. Ban free speech my butt.

None of your gun control laws are going to keep felons, terrorists or nutters from getting assault rifles, Franco. None of those types CARE about the law. Your gun control laws are designed to do one thing and one thing only...deprive law abiding Americans from being able to defend their loved ones and themselves.

Of course they will, dupe. And what a pile of crap.

Yet in Chicago...a city that has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation...gun murders are skyrocketing? Explain why that is, Franco!
Surrounded by red states with gun show loopholes, tons of suburbanites buying drugs in the inner city, white and manufacturing flight, 35 years of Reaganism wrecking the middle class and the country, racist GOP.

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