It was a beautiful thing seeing obama getting disrespected

This is the first time I've heard American's cheer that their elected president got "disrespected" by a foreign leader. It's the first time I've heard a rude foreign leader applauded by American citizens.

Way to go rightwingers, you've brought hatred, partisanship, and unpatriotic disrespect to a new level.
RIGHTWINGERS brought hatred, partisanship and disrespect to a new level??? OBAMA brought and ruled with hatred, partisanship and disrespect for the constitution!

The Whole World loves Our Kenyan President!

I know that because He told us that would be and He's always right.

In his own mind.

But, ya gotta remember, different cultures express their emotions in ways different from our own. Consider how ISIS, for example, shows Him its love.....or would if it got the chance. Diversity. Gotta celebrate diversity.
Eh, I hate Obama and don't trust him. But from a distance, the Phillipine president looks like the fascist just killing people for drug use?
These leftwits only believe in majority rules when it furthers their leftist agenda. When Blacks and Hispanics voted overwhelmingly to ban gay marriage in California the left sued to overrule the will of the people, a majority in a statewide election. You probably won't hear them talking about that because they are lying lowlife scum.

What a MORONIC example........The overturning of Prop. 8 in CA by their supreme court was based on CIVIL RIGHTS issues.

Hey don't get uppity with me, it was the blacks and Hispanics who voted overwhelmingly to ban gay marriage. You just don't like that I made you suck it.
Interesting, how the American right now usually aligns itself with the enemies of the USA.

I'm so old, I can remember when Republicans weren't proud of being treasonous.
The federal government and the country are not one in the same… Dip shit
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Written by either an UN-American scum bucket.....OR
by a tacitly RACIST and hate-filled scum bucket.......

The ONLY 2 choices for this idiot.

Or someone who thinks Barry Obama never had a clue and isn't respected around the world like you all said he was?

If you had an OUNCE of self-respect, you'd apologize................LOL

Barry only represents 50%(give or take a percentage or two) of THIS country... Dipshit
So, Obama-haters, what enemies of the USA has TheParty told you to kiss up to today?

You know you're going to do it. TheParty speaks, you have no choice but to obey. Obama-haters are all like the old Soviets, far more loyal to TheParty than to their own country.
The federal government and the country are not one in the same… Dip shit
This is the first time I've heard American's cheer that their elected president got "disrespected" by a foreign leader. It's the first time I've heard a rude foreign leader applauded by American citizens.

Way to go rightwingers, you've brought hatred, partisanship, and unpatriotic disrespect to a new level.
What has Barry ever done to reach out to the other side… Crickets
Gosh, Dragonlady...if you liberals could just come up with some way to silence right wing talk radio, FOX News, all the right wing blogs and newspapers...then you'd probably be blissfully happy...wouldn't you? I'm pretty sure that's the setup when the Soviet Union had dissenting opinions allowed!!!

I have no problem with "dissenting opinions", what I have a problem with is outright lies:

Things like Obama has aided and abetted terrorists.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Obama is responsible for ISIS.

Obama had no authorization to go into Libya. Obama went into Libya at the request of the United Nations - and the Congress and Senate had previously issued an authorization for the President to comply with UN Resolutions.
Face it Barry is a fuck up... Lol
When Americans celebrate seeing their President being attacked, it's a perfect example of how partisanship takes precedence over the country for many.

These people are a big part of our problems.

Indeed it is. And it's a first. I hope to god it's not a trend :(

I've always felt that - once the election was over - regardless of who won (and yes I'd gripe, bitch, complain and criticize) - but that person was still the President of the United States.
Yes, this really happened. This "joke" appeared on "The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn" on CBS, August 4, 2000 (election season).

Kilborn, CBS Target Bush

The FCC did nothing but send a sternly worded letter. CBS apologized but no action was taken against Kilborn whatsoever. He quit CBS four years later of his own accord. (The incident does not even appear on his Wiki page.)

And that wasn't the half of it. Jay Nordlinger summed up the depths to which liberals would wax violent about President Bush in The National Review in 2010:

Even before Bush was elected president, the kill-Bush talk and imagery started. When Governor Bush was delivering his 2000 convention speech, Craig Kilborn, a CBS talk-show host, showed him on the screen with the words “SNIPERS WANTED.” Six years later, Bill Maher, the comedian-pundit, was having a conversation with John Kerry. He asked the senator what he had gotten his wife for her birthday. Kerry answered that he had taken her to Vermont. Maher said, “You could have went to New Hampshire and killed two birds with one stone.” (New Hampshire is an early primary state, of course.) Kerry said, “Or I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.” (This is the same Kerry who joked in 1988, “Somebody told me the other day that the Secret Service has orders that if George Bush is shot, they’re to shoot Quayle.”) Also in 2006, the New York comptroller, Alan Hevesi, spoke to graduating students at Queens College. He said that his fellow Democrat, Sen. Charles Schumer, would “put a bullet between the president’s eyes if he could get away with it.”

A columnist in Britain’s Guardian, Charlie Brooker, wrote, “John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr. — where are you now that we need you?” Betty Williams, the Irishwoman who won the Nobel Peace Prize, said, “I have a very hard time with this word ‘non-violence,’ because I don’t believe that I am non-violent. . . . Right now, I would love to kill George Bush.” A novelist, Nicholson Baker, was so filled with rage at Bush, he wrote a novel mulling the question of assassinating him. In Britain, there was a TV movie — a “fictional documentary” — that was a kind of fantasy: on the assassination of Bush. (It was called Death of a President.) Etc., etc.
Just.... try ... to imagine ... how today's media would respond to ANYONE ANYWHERE making a "joke" like this about Obama.

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