It was a beautiful thing seeing obama getting disrespected

And this is the biggest lie of all: That Obama wants the US to fail. Bush didn't care whether the US failed or not, as long and Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all made billions on the decline and fall.

Rove deleted more than 30,000 emails from the Bush administration's private server which resulted in ZERO investigations either by Congress or the FBI.

However, dear lady, you will NEVER see Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and a few others EVER travel to any foreign country where they could be extradited for war crimes......not in their life time.
not a good example. They all wanted to win.
obama wants the U.S to fail.

And this is the biggest lie of all: That Obama wants the US to fail. Bush didn't care whether the US failed or not, as long and Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all made billions on the decline and fall.

Rove deleted more than 30,000 emails from the Bush administration's private server which resulted in ZERO investigations either by Congress or the FBI.
were these classified emails or not.
please respond with references.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

You know, I'm no fan of the current administration. I didn't vote for the man, I don't agree with a lot of what he's done while in office. But what I think you fail to realize is this...

The disrespect shown towards our President isn't just aimed at him. It's as much a show of disrespect to this country as it is to our President. That's a problem.

Even more of a problem, neither of the two likely to take a seat in the Oval Office next are likely to do anything to rebuild the respect the office and this country used to have.

Two hundred and twenty-five years worth of building up this country, its influence and respect, trashed in sixteen years. Who'd have thought it was possible...
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Take your anti-American rhetoric and shove it up your fucking ass. You want to side with the corrupt Philippine president and China? Then I suggest you move to either one of those countries where you belong. You'll be much happier there, you fucking scumbag.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Take your anti-American rhetoric and shove it up your fucking ass. You want to side with the corrupt Philippine president and China? Then I suggest you move to either one of those countries where you belong. You'll be much happier there, you fucking scumbag.
the same could be said about all the liberals that point to all the other countries that have free this or free that and claim that we should have it too.
They should just pack their asses up and GTFO too.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Screw that, we should now dump on both of them. I am not for Obama but he represents us. F..k both Duterte and Putin.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Why don't you move there you piece of racist bastard.
Duterte also disrespect the pope, un General and also want to rape an Australian missionary that was killed in his town. Duterte is a scumbag like you. China and Russia don't like Obama because he is the only one standing against their aggressions. Asshole.

What a bunch of racist.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Take your anti-American rhetoric and shove it up your fucking ass. You want to side with the corrupt Philippine president and China? Then I suggest you move to either one of those countries where you belong. You'll be much happier there, you fucking scumbag.

Wow, you think someone threw a shoe at Obama
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Take your anti-American rhetoric and shove it up your fucking ass. You want to side with the corrupt Philippine president and China? Then I suggest you move to either one of those countries where you belong. You'll be much happier there, you fucking scumbag.

Wow, you think someone threw a shoe at Obama
couldn't have been a shoe, the liberals thought the shoe was funny.
If it was a shoe, they would be laughing now too.
What has he done? I means the first time he got it for being half black... but for what reason this time? His brilliant rendition of corpsemen?

Your mind is so fucked up with hate over Obama's TWO wins, that you wouldn't understand anyway...Stay just as dumb as you are now and nurse your ulcers.

Or, you could answer the question... what has he done? Has the Nobel been reduced to participation trophy status? Sure seems like it.. shit, dopey Al Gore got one... as did a fucking terrorist, Arafat. Who would want a trophy awarded to a fucking terrorist?

What a joke.
Obama's approval world wide is an all time high. Putin thug on the other hand is all time low.

Obama Administration Wins Approval Across the World

The Obama administration has the highest approval rating of any country in the world among foreign citizens, according to a new poll conducted by Gallup. Forty-five percent of those polled approved of U.S. leadership, down one percentage point from 2013.

Approval and disapproval of world leadership.

Russia had the lowest global approval rating, at just 22 percent. This is down two percentage points from 2013. Russian approval ratings have lagged behind those of the U.S., China, E.U., Germany and Russia since 2007, but in 2014 the gap grew wider; Russia was the only country with more disapprovals than approvals. The nine countries with the highest level of disapproval of Russia were in Europe, and five of those are NATO members.

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