It was a beautiful thing seeing obama getting disrespected

I'll take that bet, Nat...I think the Nobel Committee is still embarrassed for giving him the first one before he did anything! You think they're going to give him another? That's funny stuff.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, based in Oslo Norway, announced the name of their laureate for the 2015 Nobel Prize for Peace. President Barack Obama is their selection for this years prestigious award. With the Nobel Institutes selection, President Obama becomes the third man ever to win a Nobel Prize more than one time. He joins legendary physicist John Bardeen and brilliant chemist Fredrick Sanger, who were each awarded two Nobels in their respective fields.

Obama To Receive Second Nobel Peace Prize

Obama was nominated but did not win in 2015........This year's prizes will be announced next month.....and then there's 2017.
Just like
This is the first time I've heard American's cheer that their elected president got "disrespected" by a foreign leader. It's the first time I've heard a rude foreign leader applauded by American citizens.

Way to go rightwingers, you've brought hatred, partisanship, and unpatriotic disrespect to a new level.
No, way to go leftist assholes. You have elected someone that the world hates and has no respect for.
A sane person would take this as an indication that a terrible mistake was made, A sane person might not vote for Hillary knowing that the mistake would only be continued.
Can we count on your help in November to fix this error by casting your vote for the American? Donald Trump?
Gotta love it... Obama and his minions light the ME on fire and he gets nominated for a Nobel.
I'll take that bet, Nat...I think the Nobel Committee is still embarrassed for giving him the first one before he did anything! You think they're going to give him another? That's funny stuff.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, based in Oslo Norway, announced the name of their laureate for the 2015 Nobel Prize for Peace. President Barack Obama is their selection for this years prestigious award. With the Nobel Institutes selection, President Obama becomes the third man ever to win a Nobel Prize more than one time. He joins legendary physicist John Bardeen and brilliant chemist Fredrick Sanger, who were each awarded two Nobels in their respective fields.

Obama To Receive Second Nobel Peace Prize

Obama was nominated but did not win in 2015........This year's prizes will be announced next month.....and then there's 2017.

What has he done? I means the first time he got it for being half black... but for what reason this time? His brilliant rendition of corpsemen?
It will be for peace, no black has ever won the award for anything other than peace. THey have to do it to offset the awards given to the rest of the races for intellect.
They find a black man that has not jacked a 7-11 and is over the age of 40, he is considered for the prize. Those tough requirements are why there have only been 15.
I'll take that bet, Nat...I think the Nobel Committee is still embarrassed for giving him the first one before he did anything! You think they're going to give him another? That's funny stuff.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, based in Oslo Norway, announced the name of their laureate for the 2015 Nobel Prize for Peace. President Barack Obama is their selection for this years prestigious award. With the Nobel Institutes selection, President Obama becomes the third man ever to win a Nobel Prize more than one time. He joins legendary physicist John Bardeen and brilliant chemist Fredrick Sanger, who were each awarded two Nobels in their respective fields.

Obama To Receive Second Nobel Peace Prize

Obama was nominated but did not win in 2015........This year's prizes will be announced next month.....and then there's 2017.

You know what laughable about that article, of the reasons cited for his nomination were his brokering a deal with Syria to ban the use of chemical weapons in their civil war. Did you happen to notice that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on it's citizens yet again? The other reason the Nobel idiots used was Obama's "draw down" of US military in Iraq? Gee, wonder if the Nobel Prize buffoons noticed the millions of people that had to flee for their lives from Iraq and the rest of the Middle East because Barry's pull out let ISIS rape and pillage the region...or that Barry had to send US combat troops back into Iraq to help contain ISIS? Ooops...
When Americans celebrate seeing their President being attacked, it's a perfect example of how partisanship takes precedence over the country for many.

These people are a big part of our problems.
Those that actually do love the country would never side with someone like obama or Hillary that does not.
isn't he the first president to constantly apologize to the world for our exceptionalism?
Like I said much as they might WANT to nominate Barry...doing so would make them even more of a liberal laughingstock than they already are!
When Americans celebrate seeing their President being attacked, it's a perfect example of how partisanship takes precedence over the country for many. These people are a big part of our problems..
Those that actually do love the country would never side with someone like obama or Hillary that does not. isn't he the first president to constantly apologize to the world for our exceptionalism?
Another example of my point.

I was born and raised in the Bay Area, and a BIG fan of the Oakland A's World Championship teams in the early 70's.

These guys would fight with each other - literally, with fists - all the freaking time. Constantly. But when it was time to play and win, they were the tightest team in baseball. They just wanted to win, and didn't care who got the glory.

That was great fun to watch. This is childish bullshit.
I'll take that bet, Nat...I think the Nobel Committee is still embarrassed for giving him the first one before he did anything! You think they're going to give him another? That's funny stuff.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, based in Oslo Norway, announced the name of their laureate for the 2015 Nobel Prize for Peace. President Barack Obama is their selection for this years prestigious award. With the Nobel Institutes selection, President Obama becomes the third man ever to win a Nobel Prize more than one time. He joins legendary physicist John Bardeen and brilliant chemist Fredrick Sanger, who were each awarded two Nobels in their respective fields.

Obama To Receive Second Nobel Peace Prize

Obama was nominated but did not win in 2015........This year's prizes will be announced next month.....and then there's 2017.

What has he done? I means the first time he got it for being half black... but for what reason this time? His brilliant rendition of corpsemen?
It will be for peace, no black has ever won the award for anything other than peace. THey have to do it to offset the awards given to the rest of the races for intellect.
They find a black man that has not jacked a 7-11 and is over the age of 40, he is considered for the prize. Those tough requirements are why there have only been 15.

Don't believe you're right on that one, the top of my head I can think of several that got a Nobel for literature and I believe one got a Nobel for economics.
What has he done? I means the first time he got it for being half black... but for what reason this time? His brilliant rendition of corpsemen?

Your mind is so fucked up with hate over Obama's TWO wins, that you wouldn't understand anyway...Stay just as dumb as you are now and nurse your ulcers.
You have elected someone that the world hates

See, when you pull an opinion out of your fat ass, then you must pay the consequences for being full of shit....

Gosh, Dragonlady...if you liberals could just come up with some way to silence right wing talk radio, FOX News, all the right wing blogs and newspapers...then you'd probably be blissfully happy...wouldn't you? I'm pretty sure that's the setup when the Soviet Union had dissenting opinions allowed!!!

I have no problem with "dissenting opinions", what I have a problem with is outright lies:

Things like Obama has aided and abetted terrorists.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Obama is responsible for ISIS.

Obama had no authorization to go into Libya. Obama went into Libya at the request of the United Nations - and the Congress and Senate had previously issued an authorization for the President to comply with UN Resolutions.
I'll take that bet, Nat...I think the Nobel Committee is still embarrassed for giving him the first one before he did anything! You think they're going to give him another? That's funny stuff.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, based in Oslo Norway, announced the name of their laureate for the 2015 Nobel Prize for Peace. President Barack Obama is their selection for this years prestigious award. With the Nobel Institutes selection, President Obama becomes the third man ever to win a Nobel Prize more than one time. He joins legendary physicist John Bardeen and brilliant chemist Fredrick Sanger, who were each awarded two Nobels in their respective fields.

Obama To Receive Second Nobel Peace Prize

Obama was nominated but did not win in 2015........This year's prizes will be announced next month.....and then there's 2017.
Just like
This is the first time I've heard American's cheer that their elected president got "disrespected" by a foreign leader. It's the first time I've heard a rude foreign leader applauded by American citizens.

Way to go rightwingers, you've brought hatred, partisanship, and unpatriotic disrespect to a new level.
No, way to go leftist assholes. You have elected someone that the world hates and has no respect for.
A sane person would take this as an indication that a terrible mistake was made, A sane person might not vote for Hillary knowing that the mistake would only be continued.
Can we count on your help in November to fix this error by casting your vote for the American? Donald Trump?

First, "the world" doesn't "hate him".

Second, I hated Bush - but no matter what he was still MY PRESIDENT. Rightwinger assholes all the way dude.

OUR president should not be disrespected by some tinpot foreign leader and the fact that you, and those who are likeminded applaud this is utterly flabbergasting.
t will be for peace, no black has ever won the award for anything other than peace. THey have to do it to offset the awards given to the rest of the races for intellect.

You see, your fucked up RACISM makes you both ignorant and a joke......

THREE other blacks have won Nobels.......One for economics and 2 for literature................APOLOGIZE, moron !!!
When Americans celebrate seeing their President being attacked, it's a perfect example of how partisanship takes precedence over the country for many.

These people are a big part of our problems.

Indeed it is. And it's a first. I hope to god it's not a trend :(

I've always felt that - once the election was over - regardless of who won (and yes I'd gripe, bitch, complain and criticize) - but that person was still the President of the United States.
You know what laughable about that article, of the reasons cited for his nomination were his brokering a deal with Syria to ban the use of chemical weapons in their civil war. Did you happen to notice that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on it's citizens yet again? The other reason the Nobel idiots used was Obama's "draw down" of US military in Iraq? Gee, wonder if the Nobel Prize buffoons noticed the millions of people that had to flee for their lives from Iraq and the rest of the Middle East because Barry's pull out let ISIS rape and pillage the region...or that Barry had to send US combat troops back into Iraq to help contain ISIS? Ooops...

If you put aside your abject hatred for a minute or so, you'd know that the PRIZE is not always for achieving an objective but for ATTEMPTING to bring that objective into reality........
When Americans celebrate seeing their President being attacked, it's a perfect example of how partisanship takes precedence over the country for many. These people are a big part of our problems..
Those that actually do love the country would never side with someone like obama or Hillary that does not. isn't he the first president to constantly apologize to the world for our exceptionalism?
Another example of my point.

I was born and raised in the Bay Area, and a BIG fan of the Oakland A's World Championship teams in the early 70's.

These guys would fight with each other - literally, with fists - all the freaking time. Constantly. But when it was time to play and win, they were the tightest team in baseball. They just wanted to win, and didn't care who got the glory.

That was great fun to watch. This is childish bullshit.
not a good example. They all wanted to win.
obama wants the U.S to fail.
not a good example. They all wanted to win.
obama wants the U.S to fail.

And this is the biggest lie of all: That Obama wants the US to fail. Bush didn't care whether the US failed or not, as long and Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all made billions on the decline and fall.

Rove deleted more than 30,000 emails from the Bush administration's private server which resulted in ZERO investigations either by Congress or the FBI.
Don't believe you're right on that one, the top of my head I can think of several that got a Nobel for literature and I believe one got a Nobel for economics.

Besides, what's wrong with winning a Nobel for Peace? (about a dozen blacks have won for Peace.)

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