It was a beautiful thing seeing obama getting disrespected

Carter sucked as a President...but he has been an outstanding 'ambassador' since he left office, aside from the occasional bashing of the US while being outside the country.
I know. Imagine, not a single war for 4 years and only 10 million in job growth. Horrible.
Are you seriously arguing that Jimmy Carter was a great President? :p

Well, I guess compared to Obama he might have been.

Carter sucked as a President...but he has been an outstanding 'ambassador' since he left office, aside from the occasional bashing of the US while being outside the country.
I know. Imagine, not a single war for 4 years and only 10 million in job growth. Horrible.
Are you seriously arguing that Jimmy Carter was a great President? :p

Well, I guess compared to Obama he might have been.


carter is grateful to obama

now he isnt at the bottom of the list

What's amusing about that poll, Nat is that every place Obama's been trying to improve relations Russia, Mexico, Venezuela, China and the Middle East...they're the places that have less "confidence" in his doing the right thing! What's also amusing is that the country that supposedly likes him the most the Philippines at 94 is the country where he JUST got called a "Son of a whore" by it's President! Oops!

I'm both sure that you.....actually cheer that OUR president was being called that assured that either that idiot Philippine low life will come groveling back or be ousted.

AND, if Obama were cheered by China, Russia and Venezuela, you ilk would INSIST that he was a communist...and if he were cheered by the Middle East countries, you morons would call him a you already have.
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Are you seriously arguing that Jimmy Carter was a great President? :p

Well, I guess compared to Obama he might have been.

If presidents were judged on MORALITY and ETHICS (which your ilk has none of)....YES, Carter would be judged very high on those attributes.
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Carter sucked as a President...but he has been an outstanding 'ambassador' since he left office, aside from the occasional bashing of the US while being outside the country.
I know. Imagine, not a single war for 4 years and only 10 million in job growth. Horrible.

Dude, we had to send troops back into Iraq because of Barry's premature pull out allowed ISIS to rape and pillage the country.
We've had eight YEARS of below 2% economic growth for the first time in our nation's history.

Carter sucked as a President...but he has been an outstanding 'ambassador' since he left office, aside from the occasional bashing of the US while being outside the country.
I know. Imagine, not a single war for 4 years and only 10 million in job growth. Horrible.

Dude, we had to send troops back into Iraq because of Barry's premature pull out allowed ISIS to rape and pillage the country.
We've had eight YEARS of below 2% economic growth for the first time in our nation's history.

For those that leech off of the system it has been a very good 8 years.
More people receive "entitlements" than ever before in our nations history, they receive more money and free stuff now that ever.
Those that don't work have seen an incredible improvement in their life, why, they can live just as well as someone that EARNS 70k a year when you consider housing, utilities, phones, cash etc...
For those that work? No so good.
Hell 150 million Americans don't like the clown either.

Even if your fucked up figure were true, we're a country of 320 guess majority wins unless you're also deficient in percentiles.
should a miracle happen and the Honorable Donald Trump beats the brain dead whore Clinton (no offense meant)
I hope you remember this post of yours and accept your new president with joy and content.
Hell 150 million Americans don't like the clown either.

Even if your fucked up figure were true, we're a country of 320 guess majority wins unless you're also deficient in percentiles.
should a miracle happen and the Honorable Donald Trump beats the brain dead whore Clinton (no offense meant)
I hope you remember this post of yours and accept your new president with joy and content.

These leftwits only believe in majority rules when it furthers their leftist agenda. When Blacks and Hispanics voted overwhelmingly to ban gay marriage in California the left sued to overrule the will of the people, a majority in a statewide election. You probably won't hear them talking about that because they are lying lowlife scum.
Dude, we had to send troops back into Iraq because of Barry's premature pull out allowed ISIS to rape and pillage the country.
We've had eight YEARS of below 2% economic growth for the first time in our nation's history.


Two issues......

First Obama honored the agreement made by GWB about pulling the troops out of Iraq on a specified date......To have NOT done so would make us an occupier contrary to the duly elected Iraqi government.....(and your ilk would have bitched about that)

Second, the economic growth is actually outstanding given the debt inherited (the war costs and Medicare part D were never calculated in the budget by the Bush administration)...and the recession that led to 750,000 NEW unemployed through the last months of Bush.......

Face it, for most conservatives, the idea of a half black guy in the oval office was repugnant.
Hell 150 million Americans don't like the clown either.

Even if your fucked up figure were true, we're a country of 320 guess majority wins unless you're also deficient in percentiles.
You're assuming that the rest of the 170 million people like Obama, which is certainly not the case.

According to Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll (despite my lack of faith in polls as 'fact') shows the latest figures include 30% of who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 38% who Strongly Disapprove. (This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8.)

That does not factor in the percentage of those who are 'indifferent', neither supporting or opposing.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Interesting, how the American right now usually aligns itself with the enemies of the USA

Yes, aligning with Castro, ISIS in Syria, al Qaeda in Libya and Egypt, Imanutjob in Iran, Hamas in Palestine, all enemies of America. No wait, Obama did that ...

Your indignation is feigned ...
Demonstrating again you flunked out of school before learning we are not a majority rules country fool.

Perhaps, moron.....According to YOUR fucked up conclusion, if a country of 320 million has 150 million clueless morons (as we probably do) then MINORITY rules, right???
Hell 150 million Americans don't like the clown either.

Even if your fucked up figure were true, we're a country of 320 guess majority wins unless you're also deficient in percentiles.
should a miracle happen and the Honorable Donald Trump beats the brain dead whore Clinton (no offense meant)
I hope you remember this post of yours and accept your new president with joy and content.

These leftwits only believe in majority rules when it furthers their leftist agenda. When Blacks and Hispanics voted overwhelmingly to ban gay marriage in California the left sued to overrule the will of the people, a majority in a statewide election. You probably won't hear them talking about that because they are lying lowlife scum.
They also seem to hang on the polls showing the MAJORITY will vote for the crap queen.
Nothing in our country was set up as the minority ruling, its all about majority rule. If it wasn't, then we would not vote for our representatives ( who are elected to do what the majority want) that then vote on bills in congress (to reflect the majority) and are then signed or vetoed by the president (who was elected by the majority)
We are a majority rules country.
Dude, we had to send troops back into Iraq because of Barry's premature pull out allowed ISIS to rape and pillage the country.
We've had eight YEARS of below 2% economic growth for the first time in our nation's history.


Two issues......

First Obama honored the agreement made by GWB about pulling the troops out of Iraq on a specified date......To have NOT done so would make us an occupier contrary to the duly elected Iraqi government.....(and your ilk would have bitched about that)

Second, the economic growth is actually outstanding given the debt inherited (the war costs and Medicare part D were never calculated in the budget by the Bush administration)...and the recession that led to 750,000 NEW unemployed through the last months of Bush.......

Face it, for most conservatives, the idea of a half black guy in the oval office was repugnant.
Face it, for most liberals the ideal of a negro in the oval office was just too much to pass up, regardless of how big an idiot he was.
a truly FUCKED UP conclusion
You're assuming that the rest of the 170 million people like Obama, which is certainly not the case.

According to Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll (despite my lack of faith in polls as 'fact') shows the latest figures include 30% of who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 38% who Strongly Disapprove. (This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8.)

That does not factor in the percentage of those who are 'indifferent', neither supporting or opposing.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

What a MORONIC "conclusion"......

First, that 150 million "don't like Obama" Blues pulled out of her ass.....

But what would you then say when I tell you that Obama's current approval

FOX 54%
Gallup 51%
ABC 55%
HuffPost 53%
CNN 52%
Quinnipc 54%
PoliticsUSa 55%

....while in 2007-2008 GWB's approval was at 28%????
should a miracle happen and the Honorable Donald Trump beats the brain dead whore Clinton (no offense meant)
I hope you remember this post of yours and accept your new president with joy and content.

Sure....IF Trump manages to bullshit a majority of voters AND win the 270 electoral votes.....then YES, he will be accepted as president......Now, stretch those remaining brain cells of yours and "imagine" THAT scenario.
should a miracle happen and the Honorable Donald Trump beats the brain dead whore Clinton (no offense meant)
I hope you remember this post of yours and accept your new president with joy and content.

Sure....IF Trump manages to bullshit a majority of voters AND win the 270 electoral votes.....then YES, he will be accepted as president......Now, stretch those remaining brain cells of yours and "imagine" THAT scenario.
So you will stand behind him.
Good to know. At least you wont be on here complaining about him.

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